/* ** $Id: lplcap.h $ */ #if !defined(lplcap_h) #define lplcap_h #include "lpltypes.h" /* kinds of captures */ typedef enum CapKind { Cclose, /* not used in trees */ Cposition, Cconst, /* ktable[key] is Lua constant */ Cbackref, /* ktable[key] is "name" of group to get capture */ Carg, /* 'key' is arg's number */ Csimple, /* next node is pattern */ Ctable, /* next node is pattern */ Cfunction, /* ktable[key] is function; next node is pattern */ Cquery, /* ktable[key] is table; next node is pattern */ Cstring, /* ktable[key] is string; next node is pattern */ Cnum, /* numbered capture; 'key' is number of value to return */ Csubst, /* substitution capture; next node is pattern */ Cfold, /* ktable[key] is function; next node is pattern */ Cruntime, /* not used in trees (is uses another type for tree) */ Cgroup /* ktable[key] is group's "name" */ } CapKind; typedef struct Capture { const char *s; /* subject position */ unsigned short idx; /* extra info (group name, arg index, etc.) */ byte kind; /* kind of capture */ byte siz; /* size of full capture + 1 (0 = not a full capture) */ } Capture; typedef struct CapState { Capture *cap; /* current capture */ Capture *ocap; /* (original) capture list */ lua_State *L; int ptop; /* index of last argument to 'match' */ const char *s; /* original string */ int valuecached; /* value stored in cache slot */ int reclevel; /* recursion level */ } CapState; LUAI_FUNC int runtimecap (CapState *cs, Capture *close, const char *s, int *rem); LUAI_FUNC int getcaptures (lua_State *L, const char *s, const char *r, int ptop); LUAI_FUNC int finddyncap (Capture *cap, Capture *last); #endif