Lua CJSON v1.0 ============== Lua CJSON is covered by the MIT license. See the file "LICENSE" for details. Lua CJSON provides fast JSON parsing and encoding support for Lua. Features: - 10x to 20x quicker (or more) than the fastest pure Lua JSON modules. - Full support for JSON with UTF-8, including decoding surrogate pairs. - Optionally supports common JSON extensions (NaN, Inf,..). Caveats: - UTF-16 and UTF-32 are not supported. - Multiple OS threads within a single Lua state are not currently supported. To obtain the latest version of Lua CJSON visit: Feel free to email me if you have any patches, suggestions, or comments. - Mark Pulford Installing ========== Build requirements: - Lua ( Or: - LuaJIT ( The included Makefile should be reviewed and updated based on the location of your Lua header and library directories. Then: # make # make install OR # cp [your_module_directory] Linux distributions using RPM should be able to build a package with the following command: # rpmbuild -tb lua-cjson-1.0.tar.gz Lua CJSON API ============= Synopsis -------- require "cjson" -- Or: local cjson = require "cjson" -- Translate Lua value to/from JSON text = cjson.encode(value) value = cjson.decode(text) -- Get and/or Set CJSON configuration setting = cjson.refuse_invalid_numbers([setting]) depth = cjson.encode_max_depth([depth]) convert, ratio, safe = cjson.encode_sparse_array([convert[, ratio[, safe]]]) Encoding -------- json_text = cjson.encode(value) cjson.encode() will serialise the following types: * number, string, table, boolean, lightuserdata (NULL) or nil The remaining Lua types cannot be serialised: * thread, userdata, lightuserdata (non-NULL), function Numbers are encoded using the standard Lua number format. ASCII 0 - 31, double-quote, forward-slash, black-slash and ASCII 127 are escaped when encoding strings. Other octets are passed transparently. It is expected the application will perform UTF-8 error checking if required. If a Lua table only contains positive integer keys (>0) it is encoded as an array, otherwise it will be encoded as an object. A Lua table will only recognised as an array if all keys are type "number", and are positive integers (>0). Otherwise CJSON will encode the table as a JSON object. CJSON will also recognise and handle sparse arrays. Missing entries will be encoded as "null". Eg: { [3] = "data" } becomes: [ null, null, "data" ] Note: standards compliant JSON must be encapsulated in either an object ({}) or an array ([]). Hence you must pass a table to cjson.encode() if you want to generate standards compliant JSON output. By default, errors will be raised for: - Excessively sparse arrays (see below) - More than 20 nested tables - Invalid numbers (NaN, Infinity) These defaults can be changed with: - cjson.encode_sparse_array() - cjson.encode_max_depth() - cjson.refuse_invalid_numbers() Example: data_obj = { true, { foo = "bar" } } data_json = cjson.encode(data_obj) Decoding -------- value = cjson.decode(json_text) cjson.decode() will deserialise any UTF-8 JSON string into a Lua data structure. It can return any of the types that cjson.encode() supports. UTF-16 and UTF-32 JSON strings are not supported. CJSON only requires that NULL (\0) and double quote (\") are escaped within strings. All other octets will be passed transparently. UTF-8 characters are not validated and should be checked elsewhere if desired. JSON "null" will be converted to a NULL lightuserdata value. This can be compared with cjson.null for convenience. By default, invalid numbers (NaN, Infinity, Hex) will be decoded correctly. Example: data_json = '[ true, { "foo": "bar" } ]' data_obj = cjson.decode(data_json) Invalid numbers --------------- setting = cjson.refuse_invalid_numbers([setting]) -- "setting" must be on of: -- false, "encode", "decode", "both", true CJSON considers numbers which are outside the JSON specification to be "invalid". Eg: - Infinity - NaN - Hexadecimal numbers This setting can be configured separately for encoding and/or decoding: - Enabled: an error will be generated if an invalid number is found. - Disabled (encoding): NaN and Infinity can be encoded. - Disabled (decoding): All numbers supported by strtod(3) will be parsed. Sparse arrays ------------- convert, ratio, safe = cjson.encode_sparse_array([convert[, ratio[, safe]]]) -- "convert" must be a boolean. Default: false. -- "ratio" must be a positive integer (>0). Default: 2 -- "safe" must be a positive integer (>0). Default: 10 CJSON detects excessively sparse arrays by comparing the number of items in an array with the maximum index. An excessively sparse array is defined as: max_index > safe AND max_index > items * ratio Eg: { [1000] = "excessively sparse array" } Setting "ratio" to 0 disables checking for excessively sparse arrays. When "convert" is enabled, CJSON will encode excessively sparse arrays as JSON objects. Nested tables ------------- depth = cjson.encode_max_depth([depth]) -- "depth" must be a positive integer (>0). By default, CJSON will reject data structure with more than 20 nested tables. This check is used to prevent a nested data structure from crashing the application. Eg: a = {}; b = { a }; a[1] = b References ========== - -