package = "lua-cjson"
version = "2.1devel-1"

source = {
    url = "",

description = {
    summary = "A fast JSON encoding/parsing module",
    detailed = [[
        The Lua CJSON module provides JSON support for Lua. It features:
        - Fast, standards compliant encoding/parsing routines
        - Full support for JSON with UTF-8, including decoding surrogate pairs
        - Optional run-time support for common exceptions to the JSON specification
          (infinity, NaN,..)
        - No dependencies on other libraries
    homepage = "",
    license = "MIT"

dependencies = {
    "lua >= 5.1"

build = {
    type = "builtin",
    modules = {
        cjson = {
            sources = { "lua_cjson.c", "strbuf.c", "fpconv.c" },
            defines = {
-- LuaRocks does not support platform specific configuration for Solaris.
-- Uncomment the line below on Solaris platforms if required.
--                "USE_INTERNAL_ISINF"
    install = {
        lua = {
            ["cjson.util"] = "lua/cjson/util.lua"
        bin = {
            json2lua = "lua/json2lua.lua",
            lua2json = "lua/lua2json.lua"
    -- Override default build options (per platform)
    platforms = {
        win32 = { modules = { cjson = { defines = {
        } } } }
    copy_directories = { "tests" }

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