require "cjson" require "posix" -- Misc routines to assist with CJSON testing -- -- Mark Pulford -- Determine with a Lua table can be treated as an array. -- Explicitly returns "not an array" for very sparse arrays. -- Returns: -- -1 Not an array -- 0 Empty table -- >0 Highest index in the array function is_array(table) local max = 0 local count = 0 for k, v in pairs(table) do if type(k) == "number" then if k > max then max = k end count = count + 1 else return -1 end end if max > count * 2 then return -1 end return max end function serialise_table(value, indent, depth) local spacing, spacing2, indent2 if indent then spacing = "\n" .. indent spacing2 = spacing .. " " indent2 = indent .. " " else spacing, spacing2, indent2 = " ", " ", false end depth = depth + 1 if depth > 50 then return "ERROR: Too many nested tables" end local max = is_array(value) local comma = false local fragment = { "{" .. spacing2 } if max > 0 then -- Serialise array for i = 1, max do if comma then table.insert(fragment, "," .. spacing2) end table.insert(fragment, serialise_value(value[i], indent2, depth)) comma = true end elseif max < 0 then -- Serialise table for k, v in pairs(value) do if comma then table.insert(fragment, "," .. spacing2) end table.insert(fragment, string.format( "[%s] = %s", serialise_value(k, indent2, depth), serialise_value(v, indent2, depth)) ) comma = true end end table.insert(fragment, spacing .. "}") return table.concat(fragment) end function serialise_value(value, indent, depth) if indent == nil then indent = "" end if depth == nil then depth = 0 end if value == cjson.null then return "cjson.null" elseif type(value) == "string" then return string.format("%q", value) elseif type(value) == "nil" or type(value) == "number" or type(value) == "boolean" then return tostring(value) elseif type(value) == "table" then return serialise_table(value, indent, depth) else return "\"<" .. type(value) .. ">\"" end end function dump_value(value) print(serialise_value(value)) end function file_load(filename) local file, err = if file == nil then error("Unable to read " .. filename) end local data = file:read("*a") file:close() if data == nil then error("Failed to read " .. filename) end return data end function file_save(filename, data) local file, err =, "w") if file == nil then error("Unable to write " .. filename) end file:write(data) file:close() end function gettimeofday() local tv_sec, tv_usec = posix.gettimeofday() return tv_sec + tv_usec / 1000000 end function benchmark(tests, iter, rep) local function bench(func, iter) collectgarbage("collect") local t = gettimeofday() for i = 1, iter do func(i) end t = gettimeofday() - t return (iter / t) end local test_results = {} for name, func in pairs(tests) do -- k(number), v(string) -- k(string), v(function) -- k(number), v(function) if type(func) == "string" then name = func func = _G[name] end local result = {} for i = 1, rep do result[i] = bench(func, iter) end table.sort(result) test_results[name] = result[rep] end return test_results end function compare_values(val1, val2) local type1 = type(val1) local type2 = type(val2) if type1 ~= type2 then return false end -- Check for NaN if type1 == "number" and val1 ~= val1 and val2 ~= val2 then return true end if type1 ~= "table" then return val1 == val2 end -- check_keys stores all the keys that must be checked in val2 local check_keys = {} for k, _ in pairs(val1) do check_keys[k] = true end for k, v in pairs(val2) do if not check_keys[k] then return false end if not compare_values(val1[k], val2[k]) then return false end check_keys[k] = nil end for k, _ in pairs(check_keys) do -- Not the same if any keys from val1 were not found in val2 return false end return true end function run_test(testname, func, input, should_work, output) local function status_line(name, status, value) local statusmap = { [true] = ":success", [false] = ":error" } if status ~= nil then name = name .. statusmap[status] end print(string.format("[%s] %s", name, serialise_value(value, false))) end local result = { pcall(func, unpack(input)) } local success = table.remove(result, 1) local correct = false if success == should_work and compare_values(result, output) then correct = true end local teststatus = { [true] = "PASS", [false] = "FAIL" } print("==> Test " .. testname .. ": " .. teststatus[correct]) status_line("Input", nil, input) if not correct then status_line("Expected", should_work, output) end status_line("Received", success, result) print() return correct, result end function run_test_group(testgroup, tests) for k, v in ipairs(tests) do if type(v) == "function" then -- Useful for changing configuration during a batch msg = v() print(string.format("==> Config %s [%d]: %s", testgroup, k, msg)) print() elseif type(v) == "table" then run_test(testgroup .. " [" .. k .. "]", unpack(v)) else error("Testgroup can only contain functions and tables") end end end -- vi:ai et sw=4 ts=4: