local lua_version = _VERSION:sub(-3) local M = {} local unpack = lua_version == "5.1" and unpack or table.unpack local function addasterisk(fmt) if type(fmt) == "string" and fmt:sub(1, 1) ~= "*" then return "*"..fmt else return fmt end end function M.update_file_meta(file_meta, is_luajit52) -- make '*' optional for file:read and file:lines local file_lines = file_meta.__index.lines file_meta.__index.lines = function(self, ...) local n = select('#', ...) for i = 1, n do local a = select(i, ...) local b = addasterisk(a) -- as an optimization we only allocate a table for the -- modified format arguments when we have a '*' somewhere if a ~= b then local args = { ... } args[i] = b for j = i+1, n do args[j] = addasterisk(args[j]) end return file_lines(self, unpack(args, 1, n)) end end return file_lines(self, ...) end local file_read = file_meta.__index.read file_meta.__index.read = function(self, ...) local n = select('#', ...) for i = 1, n do local a = select(i, ...) local b = addasterisk(a) -- as an optimization we only allocate a table for the -- modified format arguments when we have a '*' somewhere if a ~= b then local args = { ... } args[i] = b for j = i+1, n do args[j] = addasterisk(args[j]) end return file_read(self, unpack(args, 1, n)) end end return file_read(self, ...) end if not is_luajit52 then local file_write = file_meta.__index.write file_meta.__index.write = function(self, ...) local ret, err = file_write(self, ...) if ret then return self end return ret, err end end end return M