local _G, _VERSION = _G, _VERSION local lua_version = _VERSION:sub(-3) local M = _G if lua_version < "5.3" then -- cache globals in upvalues local error, ipairs, pairs, pcall, require, select, setmetatable, type = error, ipairs, pairs, pcall, require, select, setmetatable, type local debug, io, math, package, string, table = debug, io, math, package, string, table local io_lines = io.lines local io_read = io.read local io_open = io.open local io_popen = io.popen local io_tmpfile = io.tmpfile local unpack = lua_version == "5.1" and unpack or table.unpack local debug_setmetatable = type(debug) == "table" and debug.setmetatable -- create module table M = {} local M_meta = { __index = _G, -- __newindex is set at the end } setmetatable(M, M_meta) -- create subtables M.io = setmetatable({}, { __index = io }) M.math = setmetatable({}, { __index = math }) M.string = setmetatable({}, { __index = string }) M.table = setmetatable({}, { __index = table }) M.utf8 = {} -- select the most powerful getmetatable function available local gmt = type(debug) == "table" and debug.getmetatable or getmetatable or function() return false end -- type checking functions local checkinteger -- forward declararation local function argcheck(cond, i, f, extra) if not cond then error("bad argument #"..i.." to '"..f.."' ("..extra..")", 0) end end -- load utf8 library local utf8_ok, utf8lib = pcall(require, "compat53.utf8") if utf8_ok then if lua_version == "5.1" then utf8lib.charpattern = "[%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*" end for k,v in pairs(utf8lib) do M.utf8[k] = v end package.loaded["utf8"] = M.utf8 end -- load table library local table_ok, tablib = pcall(require, "compat53.table") if table_ok then for k,v in pairs(tablib) do M.table[k] = v end end -- load io functions local io_ok, iolib = pcall(require, "compat53.io") if io_ok then for k,v in pairs(iolib) do M.io[k] = v end end -- load string packing functions local str_ok, strlib = pcall(require, "compat53.string") if str_ok then for k,v in pairs(strlib) do M.string[k] = v end end -- try Roberto's struct module for string packing/unpacking if -- compat53.string is unavailable if not str_ok then local struct_ok, struct = pcall(require, "struct") if struct_ok then M.string.pack = struct.pack M.string.packsize = struct.size M.string.unpack = struct.unpack end end -- update math library do local maxint, minint = 1 while maxint+1 > maxint and 2*maxint > maxint do maxint = maxint * 2 end if 2*maxint <= maxint then maxint = 2*maxint-1 minint = -maxint-1 else maxint = maxint minint = -maxint end M.math.maxinteger = maxint M.math.mininteger = minint function M.math.tointeger(n) n = tonumber(n) if type(n) == "number" and n <= maxint and n >= minint and n % 1 == 0 then return n end return nil end function M.math.type(n) if type(n) == "number" then if n <= maxint and n >= minint and n % 1 == 0 then return "integer" else return "float" end else return nil end end function checkinteger(x, i, f) local t = type(x) if t ~= "number" then error("bad argument #"..i.." to '"..f.. "' (number expected, got "..t..")", 0) elseif x > maxint or x < minint or x % 1 ~= 0 then error("bad argument #"..i.." to '"..f.. "' (number has no integer representation)", 0) else return x end end function M.math.ult(m, n) m = checkinteger(m, "1", "math.ult") n = checkinteger(n, "2", "math.ult") if m >= 0 and n < 0 then return true elseif m < 0 and n >= 0 then return false else return m < n end end end -- assert should allow non-string error objects function M.assert(cond, ...) if cond then return cond, ... elseif select('#', ...) > 0 then error((...), 0) else error("assertion failed!", 0) end end -- ipairs should respect __index metamethod do local function ipairs_iterator(st, var) var = var + 1 local val = st[var] if val ~= nil then return var, st[var] end end function M.ipairs(t) if gmt(t) ~= nil then -- t has metatable return ipairs_iterator, t, 0 else return ipairs(t) end end end -- make '*' optional for io.read and io.lines do local function addasterisk(fmt) if type(fmt) == "string" and fmt:sub(1, 1) ~= "*" then return "*"..fmt else return fmt end end function M.io.read(...) local n = select('#', ...) for i = 1, n do local a = select(i, ...) local b = addasterisk(a) -- as an optimization we only allocate a table for the -- modified format arguments when we have a '*' somewhere. if a ~= b then local args = { ... } args[i] = b for j = i+1, n do args[j] = addasterisk(args[j]) end return io_read(unpack(args, 1, n)) end end return io_read(...) end -- PUC-Rio Lua 5.1 uses a different implementation for io.lines! function M.io.lines(...) local n = select('#', ...) for i = 2, n do local a = select(i, ...) local b = addasterisk(a) -- as an optimization we only allocate a table for the -- modified format arguments when we have a '*' somewhere. if a ~= b then local args = { ... } args[i] = b for j = i+1, n do args[j] = addasterisk(args[j]) end return io_lines(unpack(args, 1, n)) end end return io_lines(...) end end -- update table library (if C module not available) if not table_ok then local table_concat = table.concat local table_insert = table.insert local table_remove = table.remove local table_sort = table.sort function M.table.concat(list, sep, i, j) local mt = gmt(list) if type(mt) == "table" and type(mt.__len) == "function" then local src = list list, i, j = {}, i or 1, j or mt.__len(src) for k = i, j do list[k] = src[k] end end return table_concat(list, sep, i, j) end function M.table.insert(list, ...) local mt = gmt(list) local has_mt = type(mt) == "table" local has_len = has_mt and type(mt.__len) == "function" if has_mt and (has_len or mt.__index or mt.__newindex) then local e = (has_len and mt.__len(list) or #list)+1 local nargs, pos, value = select('#', ...), ... if nargs == 1 then pos, value = e, pos elseif nargs == 2 then pos = checkinteger(pos, "2", "table.insert") argcheck(1 <= pos and pos <= e, "2", "table.insert", "position out of bounds" ) else error("wrong number of arguments to 'insert'", 0) end for i = e-1, pos, -1 do list[i+1] = list[i] end list[pos] = value else return table_insert(list, ...) end end function M.table.move(a1, f, e, t, a2) a2 = a2 or a1 f = checkinteger(f, "2", "table.move") argcheck(f > 0, "2", "table.move", "initial position must be positive") e = checkinteger(e, "3", "table.move") t = checkinteger(t, "4", "table.move") if e >= f then local m, n, d = 0, e-f, 1 if t > f then m, n, d = n, m, -1 end for i = m, n, d do a2[t+i] = a1[f+i] end end return a2 end function M.table.remove(list, pos) local mt = gmt(list) local has_mt = type(mt) == "table" local has_len = has_mt and type(mt.__len) == "function" if has_mt and (has_len or mt.__index or mt.__newindex) then local e = (has_len and mt.__len(list) or #list) pos = pos ~= nil and checkinteger(pos, "2", "table.remove") or e if pos ~= e then argcheck(1 <= pos and pos <= e+1, "2", "table.remove", "position out of bounds" ) end local result = list[pos] while pos < e do list[pos] = list[pos+1] pos = pos + 1 end list[pos] = nil return result else return table_remove(list, pos) end end do local function pivot(list, cmp, a, b) local m = b - a if m > 2 then local c = a + (m-m%2)/2 local x, y, z = list[a], list[b], list[c] if not cmp(x, y) then x, y, a, b = y, x, b, a end if not cmp(y, z) then y, b = z, c end if not cmp(x, y) then y, b = x, a end return b, y else return b, list[b] end end local function lt_cmp(a, b) return a < b end local function qsort(list, cmp, b, e) if b < e then local i, j, k, val = b, e, pivot(list, cmp, b, e) while i < j do while i < j and cmp(list[i], val) do i = i + 1 end while i < j and not cmp(list[j], val) do j = j - 1 end if i < j then list[i], list[j] = list[j], list[i] if i == k then k = j end -- update pivot position i, j = i+1, j-1 end end if i ~= k and not cmp(list[i], val) then list[i], list[k] = val, list[i] k = i -- update pivot position end qsort(list, cmp, b, i == k and i-1 or i) return qsort(list, cmp, i+1, e) end end function M.table.sort(list, cmp) local mt = gmt(list) local has_mt = type(mt) == "table" local has_len = has_mt and type(mt.__len) == "function" if has_len then cmp = cmp or lt_cmp local len = mt.__len(list) return qsort(list, cmp, 1, len) else return table_sort(list, cmp) end end end local function unpack_helper(list, i, j, ...) if j < i then return ... else return unpack_helper(list, i, j-1, list[j], ...) end end function M.table.unpack(list, i, j) local mt = gmt(list) local has_mt = type(mt) == "table" local has_len = has_mt and type(mt.__len) == "function" if has_mt and (has_len or mt.__index) then i, j = i or 1, j or (has_len and mt.__len(list)) or #list return unpack_helper(list, i, j) else return unpack(list, i, j) end end end -- update table library -- bring Lua 5.1 (and LuaJIT) up to speed with Lua 5.2 if lua_version == "5.1" then -- detect LuaJIT (including LUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA52COMPAT compilation flag) local is_luajit = (string.dump(function() end) or ""):sub(1, 3) == "\027LJ" local is_luajit52 = is_luajit and #setmetatable({}, { __len = function() return 1 end }) == 1 -- cache globals in upvalues local load, loadfile, loadstring, setfenv, xpcall = load, loadfile, loadstring, setfenv, xpcall local coroutine, os = coroutine, os local coroutine_create = coroutine.create local coroutine_resume = coroutine.resume local coroutine_running = coroutine.running local coroutine_status = coroutine.status local coroutine_yield = coroutine.yield local io_input = io.input local io_open = io.open local io_output = io.output local io_write = io.write local math_log = math.log local os_execute = os.execute local string_find = string.find local string_format = string.format local string_gmatch = string.gmatch local string_gsub = string.gsub local string_match = string.match local string_rep = string.rep local table_concat = table.concat -- create subtables M.coroutine = setmetatable({}, { __index = coroutine }) M.os = setmetatable({}, { __index = os }) M.package = setmetatable({}, { __index = package }) -- handle debug functions if type(debug) == "table" then local debug_setfenv = debug.setfenv local debug_getfenv = debug.getfenv M.debug = setmetatable({}, { __index = debug }) if not is_luajit52 then function M.debug.setuservalue(obj, value) if type(obj) ~= "userdata" then error("bad argument #1 to 'setuservalue' (userdata expected, got ".. type(obj)..")", 2) end if value == nil then value = _G end if type(value) ~= "table" then error("bad argument #2 to 'setuservalue' (table expected, got ".. type(value)..")", 2) end return debug_setfenv(obj, value) end function M.debug.getuservalue(obj) if type(obj) ~= "userdata" then return nil else local v = debug_getfenv(obj) if v == _G or v == package then return nil end return v end end function M.debug.setmetatable(value, tab) debug_setmetatable(value, tab) return value end end -- not luajit with compat52 enabled end -- debug table available if not is_luajit52 then function M.pairs(t) local mt = gmt(t) if type(mt) == "table" and type(mt.__pairs) == "function" then return mt.__pairs(t) else return pairs(t) end end end if not is_luajit then local function check_mode(mode, prefix) local has = { text = false, binary = false } for i = 1,#mode do local c = mode:sub(i, i) if c == "t" then has.text = true end if c == "b" then has.binary = true end end local t = prefix:sub(1, 1) == "\27" and "binary" or "text" if not has[t] then return "attempt to load a "..t.." chunk (mode is '"..mode.."')" end end function M.load(ld, source, mode, env) mode = mode or "bt" local chunk, msg if type( ld ) == "string" then if mode ~= "bt" then local merr = check_mode(mode, ld) if merr then return nil, merr end end chunk, msg = loadstring(ld, source) else local ld_type = type(ld) if ld_type ~= "function" then error("bad argument #1 to 'load' (function expected, got ".. ld_type..")", 2) end if mode ~= "bt" then local checked, merr = false, nil local function checked_ld() if checked then return ld() else checked = true local v = ld() merr = check_mode(mode, v or "") if merr then return nil end return v end end chunk, msg = load(checked_ld, source) if merr then return nil, merr end else chunk, msg = load(ld, source) end end if not chunk then return chunk, msg end if env ~= nil then setfenv(chunk, env) end return chunk end M.loadstring = M.load function M.loadfile(file, mode, env) mode = mode or "bt" if mode ~= "bt" then local f = io_open(file, "rb") if f then local prefix = f:read(1) f:close() if prefix then local merr = check_mode(mode, prefix) if merr then return nil, merr end end end end local chunk, msg = loadfile(file) if not chunk then return chunk, msg end if env ~= nil then setfenv(chunk, env) end return chunk end end -- not luajit if not is_luajit52 then function M.rawlen(v) local t = type(v) if t ~= "string" and t ~= "table" then error("bad argument #1 to 'rawlen' (table or string expected)", 2) end return #v end end if not is_luajit then function M.xpcall(f, msgh, ...) local args, n = { ... }, select('#', ...) return xpcall(function() return f(unpack(args, 1, n)) end, msgh) end end if not is_luajit52 then function M.os.execute(cmd) local code = os_execute(cmd) -- Lua 5.1 does not report exit by signal. if code == 0 then return true, "exit", code else if package.config:sub(1, 1) == '/' then code = code/256 -- only correct on Linux! end return nil, "exit", code end end end if not table_ok and not is_luajit52 then M.table.pack = function(...) return { n = select('#', ...), ... } end end local main_coroutine = coroutine_create(function() end) function M.coroutine.create(func) local success, result = pcall(coroutine_create, func) if not success then if type(func) ~= "function" then error("bad argument #1 (function expected)", 0) end result = coroutine_create(function(...) return func(...) end) end return result end if not is_luajit52 then function M.coroutine.running() local co = coroutine_running() if co then return co, false else return main_coroutine, true end end end function M.coroutine.yield(...) local co, flag = coroutine_running() if co and not flag then return coroutine_yield(...) else error("attempt to yield from outside a coroutine", 0) end end if not is_luajit then function M.coroutine.resume(co, ...) if co == main_coroutine then return false, "cannot resume non-suspended coroutine" else return coroutine_resume(co, ...) end end function M.coroutine.status(co) local notmain = coroutine_running() if co == main_coroutine then return notmain and "normal" or "running" else return coroutine_status(co) end end end -- not luajit if not is_luajit then M.math.log = function(x, base) if base ~= nil then return math_log(x)/math_log(base) else return math_log(x) end end end if not is_luajit then function M.package.searchpath(name, path, sep, rep) sep = (sep or "."):gsub("(%p)", "%%%1") rep = (rep or package.config:sub(1, 1)):gsub("(%%)", "%%%1") local pname = name:gsub(sep, rep):gsub("(%%)", "%%%1") local msg = {} for subpath in path:gmatch("[^;]+") do local fpath = subpath:gsub("%?", pname) local f = io_open(fpath, "r") if f then f:close() return fpath end msg[#msg+1] = "\n\tno file '" .. fpath .. "'" end return nil, table_concat(msg) end end local function fix_pattern(pattern) return (string_gsub(pattern, "%z", "%%z")) end function M.string.find(s, pattern, ...) return string_find(s, fix_pattern(pattern), ...) end function M.string.gmatch(s, pattern) return string_gmatch(s, fix_pattern(pattern)) end function M.string.gsub(s, pattern, ...) return string_gsub(s, fix_pattern(pattern), ...) end function M.string.match(s, pattern, ...) return string_match(s, fix_pattern(pattern), ...) end if not is_luajit then function M.string.rep(s, n, sep) if sep ~= nil and sep ~= "" and n >= 2 then return s .. string_rep(sep..s, n-1) else return string_rep(s, n) end end end if not is_luajit then do local addqt = { ["\n"] = "\\\n", ["\\"] = "\\\\", ["\""] = "\\\"" } local function addquoted(c, d) return (addqt[c] or string_format(d~="" and "\\%03d" or "\\%d", c:byte()))..d end function M.string.format(fmt, ...) local args, n = { ... }, select('#', ...) local i = 0 local function adjust_fmt(lead, mods, kind) if #lead % 2 == 0 then i = i + 1 if kind == "s" then args[i] = _G.tostring(args[i]) elseif kind == "q" then args[i] = '"'..string_gsub(args[i], "([%z%c\\\"\n])(%d?)", addquoted)..'"' return lead.."%"..mods.."s" end end end fmt = string_gsub(fmt, "(%%*)%%([%d%.%-%+%# ]*)(%a)", adjust_fmt) return string_format(fmt, unpack(args, 1, n)) end end end function M.io.write(...) local res, msg, errno = io_write(...) if res then return io_output() else return nil, msg, errno end end if not is_luajit then local function helper(st, var_1, ...) if var_1 == nil then if st.doclose then st.f:close() end if (...) ~= nil then error((...), 2) end end return var_1, ... end local function lines_iterator(st) return helper(st, st.f:read(unpack(st, 1, st.n))) end function M.io.lines(fname, ...) local doclose, file, msg if fname ~= nil then doclose, file, msg = true, io_open(fname, "r") if not file then error(msg, 2) end else doclose, file = false, io_input() end local st = { f=file, doclose=doclose, n=select('#', ...), ... } for i = 1, st.n do local t = type(st[i]) if t == "string" then local fmt = st[i]:match("^%*?([aln])") if not fmt then error("bad argument #"..(i+1).." to 'for iterator' (invalid format)", 2) end st[i] = "*"..fmt elseif t ~= "number" then error("bad argument #"..(i+1).." to 'for iterator' (invalid format)", 2) end end return lines_iterator, st end end -- not luajit if is_luajit then local compat_file_meta = {} local compat_file_meta_loaded = false local function load_compat_file_meta(file_meta) -- fill compat_file_meta with original entries for k, v in pairs(file_meta) do compat_file_meta[k] = v end compat_file_meta.__index = {} for k, v in pairs(file_meta.__index) do compat_file_meta.__index[k] = v end -- update it with compatibility functions local file_mt = require("compat53.file_mt") file_mt.update_file_meta(compat_file_meta, is_luajit52) compat_file_meta_loaded = true end function M.io.open(...) local fd, err = io_open(...) if fd and debug_setmetatable then if not compat_file_meta_loaded then local file_meta = gmt(fd) load_compat_file_meta(file_meta) end debug_setmetatable(fd, compat_file_meta) end return fd, err end function M.io.popen(...) local fd, err = io_popen(...) if fd and debug_setmetatable then if not compat_file_meta_loaded then local file_meta = gmt(fd) load_compat_file_meta(file_meta) end debug_setmetatable(fd, compat_file_meta) end return fd, err end function M.io.tmpfile(...) local fd, err = io_tmpfile(...) if fd and debug_setmetatable then if not compat_file_meta_loaded then local file_meta = gmt(fd) load_compat_file_meta(file_meta) end debug_setmetatable(fd, compat_file_meta) end return fd, err end end end -- lua 5.1 -- further write should be forwarded to _G M_meta.__newindex = _G end -- lua < 5.3 -- return module table return M -- vi: set expandtab softtabstop=3 shiftwidth=3 :