/* ** $Id: lprefix.h,v 1.2 2014/12/29 16:54:13 roberto Exp $ ** Definitions for Lua code that must come before any other header file ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #ifndef lprefix_h #define lprefix_h /* ** Allows POSIX/XSI stuff */ #if !defined(LUA_USE_C89) /* { */ #if !defined(_XOPEN_SOURCE) #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 600 #elif _XOPEN_SOURCE == 0 #undef _XOPEN_SOURCE /* use -D_XOPEN_SOURCE=0 to undefine it */ #endif /* ** Allows manipulation of large files in gcc and some other compilers */ #if !defined(LUA_32BITS) && !defined(_FILE_OFFSET_BITS) #define _LARGEFILE_SOURCE 1 #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 #endif #endif /* } */ /* ** Windows stuff */ #if defined(_WIN32) /* { */ #if !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS) #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /* avoid warnings about ISO C functions */ #endif #endif /* } */ /* COMPAT53 adaptation */ #include "c-api/compat-5.3.h" #undef LUAMOD_API #define LUAMOD_API extern #ifdef lutf8lib_c # define luaopen_utf8 luaopen_compat53_utf8 # include /* we don't support the %U format string of lua_pushfstring! * code below adapted from the Lua 5.3 sources: */ static const char *compat53_utf8_escape (lua_State* L, ...) { long x = 0; va_list argp; va_start(argp, L); x = (long)va_arg(argp, long); va_end(argp); if (x < 0x80) { /* ASCII */ char c = (char)x; lua_pushlstring(L, &c, 1); } else { char buff[8] = { 0 }; unsigned int mfb = 0x3f; int n = 1; do { buff[8 - (n++)] = (char)(0x80|(x & 0x3f)); x >>= 6; mfb >>= 1; } while (x > mfb); buff[8-n] = (char)((~mfb << 1) | x); lua_pushlstring(L, buff+8-n, n); } return lua_tostring(L, -1); } # define lua_pushfstring(L, fmt, l) \ compat53_utf8_escape(L, l) #endif #ifdef ltablib_c # define luaopen_table luaopen_compat53_table /* lua_rawgeti in compat53.h is implemented as a macro, so the * function signature doesn't match when you use a function pointer */ static int compat53_rawgeti (lua_State *L, int i, lua_Integer n) { return lua_rawgeti(L, i, n); } # undef lua_rawgeti # define lua_rawgeti compat53_rawgeti static void compat53_rawseti (lua_State *L, int i, lua_Integer n) { lua_rawseti(L, i, (int)n); } # undef lua_rawseti # define lua_rawseti compat53_rawseti #endif /* ltablib_c */ #ifdef lstrlib_c #include /* move the string library open function out of the way (we only take * the string packing functions)! */ # define luaopen_string luaopen_string_XXX /* used in string.format implementation, which we don't use: */ # ifndef LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN # define LUA_INTEGER_FRMLEN "" # define LUA_NUMBER_FRMLEN "" # endif # if LUA_VERSION_NUM < 503 /* lstrlib assumes that lua_Integer and lua_Unsigned have the same * size, so we use the unsigned equivalent of ptrdiff_t! */ # define lua_Unsigned size_t # endif static int str_pack (lua_State *L); static int str_packsize (lua_State *L); static int str_unpack (lua_State *L); LUAMOD_API int luaopen_compat53_string (lua_State *L) { luaL_Reg const funcs[] = { { "pack", str_pack }, { "packsize", str_packsize }, { "unpack", str_unpack }, { NULL, NULL } }; luaL_newlib(L, funcs); return 1; } /* make luaopen_string(_XXX) static, so it (and all other referenced * string functions) won't be included in the resulting dll * (hopefully). */ # undef LUAMOD_API # define LUAMOD_API static #endif /* lstrlib.c */ #endif