This is full dropin replacement for llthreads library.
Incompatibility list with origin llthreads library
- does not support Lua 5.0
- does not support ffi interface (use Lua C API for LuaJIT)
- returns nil instead of false on error
- start method returns self instead of true on success
- thread:join() method support zero timeout to check if thread alive (does not work on Windows with pthreads)
- thread:join() method support arbitrary timeout on Windows threads
- thread:alive() method return whether the thread is alive (does not work on Windows with pthreads)
- set_logger function allow logging errors (crash Lua VM) in current llthread's threads
- thread:start() has additional parameter which control in which thread child Lua VM will be destroyed
- allow pass cfunctions to child thread (e.g. to initialize Lua state)
Thread start arguments
| detached
| joinable
| join returns | child state closes by | gc calls | detach on |
| false | false | true
| child | join | <NEVER>
| false(*)| true(*) | Lua values | parent | join * | <NEVER>
| true | false(*) | raise error | child | <NONE>
| start |
| true | true | true
| child | detach | gc |
Use custom logger
In this example I use lua-log library.
-- This is child thread.
local llthreads = require "llthreads2"
-- Send logs using ZMQ
local LOG = require"log".new(
require "".new("tcp://")
llthread.set_logger(function(msg) LOG.error(msg) end)
-- This error with traceback will be passed to logger
error("SOME ERROR")
Start attached thread collectd in child thread
-- This is main thread.
local thread = require "llthreads2".new[[
require "utils".sleep(5)
-- We tell that we start attached thread but child Lua State shuld be close in child thread.
-- If `thread` became garbage in main thread then finallizer calls thread:join()
-- and main thread may hungup. But because of child state closes in child thread all objects
-- in this state can be destroyed and we can prevent deadlock.
thread:start(false, false)
-- We can call join.
-- Because of Lua state destroys in child thread we can not get
-- returned Lua values so we just returns `true`.
Start detached joinable thread
-- This is main thread.
local thread = require "llthreads2".new[[
require "utils".sleep(5)
-- We tell that we start detached joinable thread. In fact we start attached
-- thread but if `thread` became garbage in main thread then finallizer just
-- detach child thread and main thread may not hungup.
thread:start(true, true)
-- We can call join.
-- Because of Lua state destroys in child thread we can not get
-- returned Lua values so we just returns `true`.
Pass to child thread host application`s library loader
If you close parent Lua state then some dynamic library may be unloaded and cfunction in child Lua state (thread) became invalid.
-- `myhost.XXX` modules is built-in modules in host application
-- host application registers cfunction as module loader
local preload = {}
preload[ 'myhost.logger' ] = package.preload[ 'myhost.logger' ]
preload[ 'myhost.config' ] = package.preload[ 'myhost.config' ][[
-- registers preload
local preload = ...
for name, fn in pairs(preload) do package.preload[name] = fn end
local log = require 'myhost.logger'
]], preload):start(true)
Wait while thread is alive
local thread = require "llthreads2".new[[
require "utils".sleep(5)
return 1
-- we can not use `thread:join(0)` because we can not call it twice
-- so all returned values will be lost
while thread:alive() do
-- do some work
local ok, ret = thread:join() -- true, 1
Use ex
local Threads = require "llthreads2.ex"
local ok, v =
return 1
assert(v == 1)
local thread ={
-- this thread code gets changed arguments
function(a, b)
assert(1 == a)
assert(2 == b)
-- prelude can change thread arguments
prelude = function(a, b)
assert("1" == a)
assert(nil == b)
return tonumber(a), 2
}, "1")