# LuaDist CMake utility library for Lua. # # Copyright (C) 2007-2012 LuaDist. # by David Manura, Peter Drahos # Redistribution and use of this file is allowed according to the terms of the MIT license. # For details see the COPYRIGHT file distributed with LuaDist. # Please note that the package source code is licensed under its own license. set ( INSTALL_LMOD ${INSTALL_LIB}/lua CACHE PATH "Directory to install Lua modules." ) set ( INSTALL_CMOD ${INSTALL_LIB}/lua CACHE PATH "Directory to install Lua binary modules." ) option ( LUA_SKIP_WRAPPER "Do not build and install Lua executable wrappers." OFF ) option ( LUA_STATIC_MODULE "Build modules for static linking" OFF ) # List of (Lua module name, file path) pairs. # Used internally by add_lua_test. Built by add_lua_module. set ( _lua_modules ) # utility function: appends path `path` to path `basepath`, properly # handling cases when `path` may be relative or absolute. macro ( _append_path basepath path result ) if ( IS_ABSOLUTE "${path}" ) set ( ${result} "${path}" ) else () set ( ${result} "${basepath}/${path}" ) endif () endmacro () # install_lua_executable ( target source ) # Automatically generate a binary if srlua package is available # The application or its source will be placed into /bin # If the application source did not have .lua suffix then it will be added # USE: lua_executable ( sputnik src/sputnik.lua ) macro ( install_lua_executable _name _source ) get_filename_component ( _source_name ${_source} NAME_WE ) # Find srlua and glue find_program( SRLUA_EXECUTABLE NAMES srlua ) find_program( GLUE_EXECUTABLE NAMES glue ) # Executable output set ( _exe ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${_name}${CMAKE_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX} ) if ( NOT SKIP_LUA_WRAPPER AND SRLUA_EXECUTABLE AND GLUE_EXECUTABLE ) # Generate binary gluing the lua code to srlua, this is a robuust approach for most systems add_custom_command( OUTPUT ${_exe} COMMAND ${GLUE_EXECUTABLE} ARGS ${SRLUA_EXECUTABLE} ${_source} ${_exe} DEPENDS ${_source} WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} VERBATIM ) # Make sure we have a target associated with the binary add_custom_target(${_name} ALL DEPENDS ${_exe} ) # Install with run permissions install ( PROGRAMS ${_exe} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_BIN} COMPONENT Runtime) # Also install source as optional resurce install ( FILES ${_source} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_FOO} COMPONENT Other ) else() # Install into bin as is but without the lua suffix, we assume the executable uses UNIX shebang/hash-bang magic install ( PROGRAMS ${_source} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_BIN} RENAME ${_source_name} COMPONENT Runtime ) endif() endmacro () macro ( _lua_module_helper is_install _name ) parse_arguments ( _MODULE "LINK;ALL_IN_ONE" "" ${ARGN} ) # _target is CMake-compatible target name for module (e.g. socket_core). # _module is relative path of target (e.g. socket/core), # without extension (e.g. .lua/.so/.dll). # _MODULE_SRC is list of module source files (e.g. .lua and .c files). # _MODULE_NAMES is list of module names (e.g. socket.core). if ( _MODULE_ALL_IN_ONE ) string ( REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" _target "${_name}" ) string ( REGEX REPLACE "\\..*" "" _module "${_name}" ) set ( _target "${_target}_all_in_one") set ( _MODULE_SRC ${_MODULE_ALL_IN_ONE} ) set ( _MODULE_NAMES ${_name} ${_MODULE_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) else () string ( REPLACE "." "_" _target "${_name}" ) string ( REPLACE "." "/" _module "${_name}" ) set ( _MODULE_SRC ${_MODULE_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) set ( _MODULE_NAMES ${_name} ) endif () if ( NOT _MODULE_SRC ) message ( FATAL_ERROR "no module sources specified" ) endif () list ( GET _MODULE_SRC 0 _first_source ) get_filename_component ( _ext ${_first_source} EXT ) if ( _ext STREQUAL ".lua" ) # Lua source module list ( LENGTH _MODULE_SRC _len ) if ( _len GREATER 1 ) message ( FATAL_ERROR "more than one source file specified" ) endif () set ( _module "${_module}.lua" ) get_filename_component ( _module_dir ${_module} PATH ) get_filename_component ( _module_filename ${_module} NAME ) _append_path ( "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}" "${_first_source}" _module_path ) list ( APPEND _lua_modules "${_name}" "${_module_path}" ) if ( ${is_install} ) install ( FILES ${_first_source} DESTINATION ${INSTALL_LMOD}/${_module_dir} RENAME ${_module_filename} COMPONENT Runtime ) endif () else () # Lua C binary module enable_language ( C ) find_package ( Lua REQUIRED ) include_directories ( ${LUA_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set ( _module "${_module}${CMAKE_SHARED_MODULE_SUFFIX}" ) get_filename_component ( _module_dir ${_module} PATH ) get_filename_component ( _module_filenamebase ${_module} NAME_WE ) foreach ( _thisname ${_MODULE_NAMES} ) list ( APPEND _lua_modules "${_thisname}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/\${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}/${_module}" ) endforeach () # Static module (not linking to lua) if ( LUA_STATIC_MODULE ) add_library( ${_target} STATIC ${_MODULE_SRC}) target_link_libraries ( ${_target} ${_MODULE_LINK} ) else () # Dynamic module add_library( ${_target} MODULE ${_MODULE_SRC}) target_link_libraries ( ${_target} ${LUA_LIBRARY} ${_MODULE_LINK} ) endif () set_target_properties ( ${_target} PROPERTIES ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${_module_dir}" LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY "${_module_dir}" PREFIX "" OUTPUT_NAME "${_module_filenamebase}" ) if ( ${is_install} ) install ( TARGETS ${_target} LIBRARY DESTINATION ${INSTALL_CMOD}/${_module_dir} COMPONENT Runtime ARCHIVE DESTINATION ${INSTALL_CMOD}/${_module_dir} COMPONENT Library ) endif () endif () endmacro () # add_lua_module # Builds a Lua source module into a destination locatable by Lua # require syntax. # Binary modules are also supported where this function takes sources and # libraries to compile separated by LINK keyword. # USE: add_lua_module ( socket.http src/http.lua ) # USE2: add_lua_module ( mime.core src/mime.c ) # USE3: add_lua_module ( socket.core ${SRC_SOCKET} LINK ${LIB_SOCKET} ) # USE4: add_lua_module ( ssl.context ssl.core ALL_IN_ONE src/context.c src/ssl.c ) # This form builds an "all-in-one" module (e.g. ssl.so or ssl.dll containing # both modules ssl.context and ssl.core). The CMake target name will be # ssl_all_in_one. # Also sets variable _module_path (relative path where module typically # would be installed). macro ( add_lua_module ) _lua_module_helper ( 0 ${ARGN} ) endmacro () # install_lua_module # This is the same as `add_lua_module` but also installs the module. # USE: install_lua_module ( socket.http src/http.lua ) # USE2: install_lua_module ( mime.core src/mime.c ) # USE3: install_lua_module ( socket.core ${SRC_SOCKET} LINK ${LIB_SOCKET} ) macro ( install_lua_module ) _lua_module_helper ( 1 ${ARGN} ) endmacro () # Builds string representing Lua table mapping Lua modules names to file # paths. Used internally. macro ( _make_module_table _outvar ) set ( ${_outvar} ) list ( LENGTH _lua_modules _n ) if ( ${_n} GREATER 0 ) # avoids cmake complaint foreach ( _i RANGE 1 ${_n} 2 ) list ( GET _lua_modules ${_i} _path ) math ( EXPR _ii ${_i}-1 ) list ( GET _lua_modules ${_ii} _name ) set ( ${_outvar} "${_table} ['${_name}'] = '${_path}'\;\n") endforeach () endif () set ( ${_outvar} "local modules = { ${_table}}" ) endmacro () # add_lua_test ( _testfile [ WORKING_DIRECTORY _working_dir ] ) # Runs Lua script `_testfile` under CTest tester. # Optional named argument `WORKING_DIRECTORY` is current working directory to # run test under (defaults to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}). # Both paths, if relative, are relative to ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}. # Any modules previously defined with install_lua_module are automatically # preloaded (via package.preload) prior to running the test script. # Under LuaDist, set test=true in config.lua to enable testing. # USE: add_lua_test ( test/test1.lua [args...] [WORKING_DIRECTORY dir]) macro ( add_lua_test _testfile ) if ( NOT SKIP_TESTING ) parse_arguments ( _ARG "WORKING_DIRECTORY" "" ${ARGN} ) include ( CTest ) find_program ( LUA NAMES lua lua.bat ) get_filename_component ( TESTFILEABS ${_testfile} ABSOLUTE ) get_filename_component ( TESTFILENAME ${_testfile} NAME ) get_filename_component ( TESTFILEBASE ${_testfile} NAME_WE ) # Write wrapper script. # Note: One simple way to allow the script to find modules is # to just put them in package.preload. set ( TESTWRAPPER ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${TESTFILENAME} ) _make_module_table ( _table ) set ( TESTWRAPPERSOURCE "local CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR = ... or '.' ${_table} local function preload_modules(modules) for name, path in pairs(modules) do if path:match'%.lua' then package.preload[name] = assert(loadfile(path)) else local name = name:gsub('.*%-', '') -- remove any hyphen prefix local symbol = 'luaopen_' .. name:gsub('%.', '_') --improve: generalize to support all-in-one loader? local path = path:gsub('%$%{CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR%}', CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR) package.preload[name] = assert(package.loadlib(path, symbol)) end end end preload_modules(modules) arg[0] = '${TESTFILEABS}' table.remove(arg, 1) return assert(loadfile '${TESTFILEABS}')(unpack(arg)) " ) if ( _ARG_WORKING_DIRECTORY ) get_filename_component ( TESTCURRENTDIRABS ${_ARG_WORKING_DIRECTORY} ABSOLUTE ) # note: CMake 2.6 (unlike 2.8) lacks WORKING_DIRECTORY parameter. set ( _pre ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E chdir "${TESTCURRENTDIRABS}" ) endif () file ( WRITE ${TESTWRAPPER} ${TESTWRAPPERSOURCE}) add_test ( NAME ${TESTFILEBASE} COMMAND ${_pre} ${LUA} ${TESTWRAPPER} "${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR}" ${_ARG_DEFAULT_ARGS} ) endif () # see also http://gdcm.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/gdcm/Sandbox/CMakeModules/UsePythonTest.cmake # Note: ${CMAKE_CFG_INTDIR} is a command-line argument to allow proper # expansion by the native build tool. endmacro () # Converts Lua source file `_source` to binary string embedded in C source # file `_target`. Optionally compiles Lua source to byte code (not available # under LuaJIT2, which doesn't have a bytecode loader). Additionally, Lua # versions of bin2c [1] and luac [2] may be passed respectively as additional # arguments. # # [1] http://lua-users.org/wiki/BinToCee # [2] http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaCompilerInLua function ( add_lua_bin2c _target _source ) find_program ( LUA NAMES lua lua.bat ) execute_process ( COMMAND ${LUA} -e "string.dump(function()end)" RESULT_VARIABLE _LUA_DUMP_RESULT ERROR_QUIET ) if ( NOT ${_LUA_DUMP_RESULT} ) SET ( HAVE_LUA_DUMP true ) endif () message ( "-- string.dump=${HAVE_LUA_DUMP}" ) if ( ARGV2 ) get_filename_component ( BIN2C ${ARGV2} ABSOLUTE ) set ( BIN2C ${LUA} ${BIN2C} ) else () find_program ( BIN2C NAMES bin2c bin2c.bat ) endif () if ( HAVE_LUA_DUMP ) if ( ARGV3 ) get_filename_component ( LUAC ${ARGV3} ABSOLUTE ) set ( LUAC ${LUA} ${LUAC} ) else () find_program ( LUAC NAMES luac luac.bat ) endif () endif ( HAVE_LUA_DUMP ) message ( "-- bin2c=${BIN2C}" ) message ( "-- luac=${LUAC}" ) get_filename_component ( SOURCEABS ${_source} ABSOLUTE ) if ( HAVE_LUA_DUMP ) get_filename_component ( SOURCEBASE ${_source} NAME_WE ) add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${_target} DEPENDS ${_source} COMMAND ${LUAC} -o ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SOURCEBASE}.lo ${SOURCEABS} COMMAND ${BIN2C} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/${SOURCEBASE}.lo ">${_target}" ) else () add_custom_command ( OUTPUT ${_target} DEPENDS ${SOURCEABS} COMMAND ${BIN2C} ${_source} ">${_target}" ) endif () endfunction()