From 07d64e78b69422ed165e2af796daae2b06cc8b83 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Roberto Ierusalimschy Date: Thu, 16 Nov 1995 18:46:02 -0200 Subject: reference manual --- manual.tex | 1741 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 1741 insertions(+) create mode 100644 manual.tex diff --git a/manual.tex b/manual.tex new file mode 100644 index 00000000..584808e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/manual.tex @@ -0,0 +1,1741 @@ +\documentstyle[A4,11pt,bnf]{article} + +\newcommand{\rw}[1]{{\bf #1}} +\newcommand{\see}[1]{see Section~\ref{#1}} +\newcommand{\nil}{{\bf nil}} +\newcommand{\Line}{\rule{\linewidth}{.5mm}} +\def\tecgraf{{\sf TeC\kern-.21em\lower.7ex\hbox{Graf}}} + +\newcommand{\Index}[1]{#1\index{#1}} +\newcommand{\IndexVerb}[1]{{\tt #1}\index{#1}} +\newcommand{\Def}[1]{{\em #1}\index{#1}} +\newcommand{\Deffunc}[1]{\index{{\tt #1}}} + + + +\begin{document} + +\title{Reference Manual of the Programming Language Lua 2.2} + +\author{% +Roberto Ierusalimschy\quad +Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo\quad +Waldemar Celes Filho +\vspace{1.0ex}\\ +%\small \tecgraf \ --- PUC-Rio\\ +\smallskip +\small\tt roberto,lhf, +\vspace{2.0ex}\\ +%MCC 08/95 --- +Departamento de Inform\'atica --- PUC-Rio +} + +\date{November, 1995} + +\maketitle + + +\begin{abstract} +\noindent +Lua is an extension programming language designed to be used +as a configuration language for any program that needs one. +This document describes version 2.2 of the Lua programming language and the +API that allows interaction between Lua programs and its host C program. +It also presents some examples of using the main features of the system. +\end{abstract} + +\vspace{4ex} +\begin{quotation} +\small +\begin{center}{\bf Sum\'ario}\end{center} +\vspace{1ex} +\noindent +Lua \'e uma linguagem de extens\~ao projetada para ser usada como +linguagem de configura\c{c}\~ao em qualquer programa que precise de +uma. +Este documento descreve a vers\~ao 2.2 da linguagem de programa\c{c}\~ao Lua e a +Interface de Programa\c{c}\~ao que permite a intera\c{c}\~ao entre programas Lua +e o programa C hospedeiro. +O documento tamb\'em apresenta alguns exemplos de uso das principais +ca\-racte\-r\'{\i}sticas do sistema. +\end{quotation} + + +\section{Introduction} + +Lua is an extension programming language designed to support +general procedural programming features with data description +facilities. +It is supposed to be used as a configuration language for any +program that needs one. +Its main extensions are related to object-oriented facilities, +and fallbacks, +but it has some other minor contributions. +Lua has been designed and implemented by +W.~Celes~F., L.~H.~de Figueiredo and R.~Ierusalimschy. + +Lua is implemented as a library, written in C. +Being an extension language, Lua has no notion of a ``main'' program: +it only works {\em embedded} in a host client, +called the {\em embedding} program. +This host program can invoke functions to execute a piece of +code in Lua, can write and read Lua variables, +and can register C functions to be called by Lua code. +Through the use of C functions, Lua can be augmented to cope with +rather different domains, +thus creating customized programming languages sharing a syntactical framework. + +Lua is free distribution software, +and provided as usual with no guarantees. +The implementation described in this manual is available +by anonymous ftp from +\begin{verbatim} + +\end{verbatim} +or by WWW (World Wide Web) from +\begin{verbatim} + +\end{verbatim} + + +\section{Environment and Modules} + +All statements in Lua are executed in a \Def{global environment}. +This environment, which keeps all global variables and functions, +is initialized at the beginning of the embedding program and +persists until its end. + +The global environment can be manipulated by Lua code or +by the embedding program, +which can read and write global variables +using functions in the library that implements Lua. + +\Index{Global variables} do not need declaration. +Any variable is assumed to be global unless explicitly declared local +(see local declarations, Section~\ref{localvar}). +Before the first assignment, the value of a global variable is \nil. + +The unit of execution of Lua is called a \Def{chunk}. +The syntax for chunks is:% +\footnote{As usual, \rep{{\em a}} means 0 or more {\em a\/}'s, +\opt{{\em a}} means an optional {\em a} and \oneormore{{\em a}} means +one or more {\em a\/}'s.} +\begin{Produc} +\produc{chunk}{\rep{statement \Or function}} +\end{Produc}% +A chunk may contain statements and function definitions, +and may be in a file or in a string inside the host program. +When a chunk is executed, first all its functions and statements are compiled, +then the statements are executed in sequential order. +All modifications a chunk effects on the global environment persist +after its end. +Those include modifications to global variables and definitions +of new functions% +\footnote{Actually, a function definition is an +assignment to a global variable; \see{TypesSec}.}. + + + +\section{\Index{Types}} \label{TypesSec} + +Lua is a dynamically typed language. +Variables do not have types; only values do. +All values carry their own type. +Therefore, there are no type definitions in the language. + +There are seven \Index{basic types} in Lua: \Def{nil}, \Def{number}, +\Def{string}, \Def{function}, \Def{CFunction}, \Def{userdata}, +and \Def{table}. +{\em Nil} is the type of the value \nil, +whose main property is to be different from any other value. +{\em Number} represents real (floating point) numbers, +while {\em string} has the usual meaning. + +Functions are considered first-class values in Lua. +This means that functions can be stored in variables, +passed as arguments to other functions and returned as results. +When a function is defined in Lua, its body is compiled and stored +in a given variable. +Lua can call (and manipulate) functions written in Lua and +functions written in C; the latter have type {\em CFunction\/}. + +The type {\em userdata} is provided to allow +arbitrary \Index{C pointers} to be stored in Lua variables. +It corresponds to \verb'void*' and has no pre-defined operations in Lua, +besides assignment and equality test. +However, by using fallbacks, the programmer may define operations +for {\em userdata} values; \see{fallback}. + +The type {\em table} implements \Index{associative arrays}, +that is, \Index{arrays} which can be indexed not only with numbers, +but with any value (except \nil). +Therefore, this type may be used not only to represent ordinary arrays, +but also symbol tables, sets, records, etc. +To represent \Index{records}, Lua uses the field name as an index. +The language supports this representation by +providing \verb'' as syntactic sugar for \verb'a["name"]'. +Tables may also carry methods. +Because functions are first class values, +table fields may contain functions. +The form \verb't:f(x)' is syntactic sugar for \verb't.f(t,x)', +which calls the method \verb'f' from the table \verb't' passing +itself as the first parameter. + +It is important to notice that tables are objects, and not values. +Variables cannot contain tables, only references to them. +Assignment, parameter passing and returns always manipulate references +to tables, and do not imply any kind of copy. +Moreover, tables must be explicitly created before used; +\see{tableconstructor}. + + + +\section{The Language} + +This section describes the lexis, syntax and semantics of Lua. + + +\subsection{Lexical Conventions} \label{lexical} + +Lua is a case sensitive language. +\Index{Identifiers} can be any string of letters, digits, and underscores, +not beginning with a digit. +The following words are reserved, and cannot be used as identifiers: +\index{reserved words} +\begin{verbatim} + and do else elseif end + function if local nil not + or repeat return until then while +\end{verbatim} + +The following strings denote other \Index{tokens}: +\begin{verbatim} + ~= <= >= < > == = .. + - * / + % ( ) { } [ ] ; , . +\end{verbatim} + +\Index{Literal strings} can be delimited by matching single or double quotes, +and can contain the C-like escape sequences +\verb-'\n'-, \verb-'\t'- and \verb-'\r'-. +Literal strings can also be delimited by matching \verb'[[ ... ]]'. +Literals in this last form may run for several lines, +may contain nested \verb'[[ ... ]]', +and do not interpret escape sequences. + +\Index{Comments} start anywhere outside a string with a +double hyphen (\verb'--') and run until the end of the line. + +\Index{Numerical constants} may be written with an optional decimal part, +and an optional decimal exponent. +Examples of valid numerical constants are: +\begin{verbatim} + 4 4. .4 4.57e-3 .3e12 +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsection{\Index{Coercion}} \label{coercion} + +Lua provides some automatic conversions. +Any arithmetic operation applied to a string tries to convert +that string to a number, following the usual rules. +Conversely, whenever a number is used when a string is expected, +that number is converted to a string, according to the following rule: +if the number is an integer, it is written without exponent or decimal point; +otherwise, it is formatted following the ``\verb'%g''' +conversion specification of the standard \verb'printf' C function. + + + +\subsection{\Index{Adjustment}} \label{adjust} + +Functions in Lua can return many values. +Because there are no type declarations, +the system does not know how many values a function will return, +or how many parameters it needs. +Therefore, sometimes, a list of values must be {\em adjusted\/}, at run time, +to a given length. +If there are more values than are needed, the last values are thrown away. +If there are more needs than values, the list is extended with as +many \nil's as needed. +Adjustment occurs in multiple assignment and function calls. + + +\subsection{Statements} + +Lua supports an almost conventional set of \Index{statements}. +The conventional commands include +assignment, control structures and procedure calls. +Non-conventional commands include table constructors, +explained in Section \ref{tableconstructor}, +and local variable declarations. + +\subsubsection{Blocks} +A \Index{block} is a list of statements, executed sequentially. +Any statement can be optionally followed by a semicolon. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{block}{\rep{stat sc} \opt{ret sc}} +\produc{sc}{\opt{\ter{;}}} +\end{Produc}% +For syntactic reasons, a \Index{return statement} can only be written +as the last statement of a block. +This restriction also avoids some ``statement not reached'' errors. + +\subsubsection{\Index{Assignment}} \label{assignment} +The language allows \Index{multiple assignment}. +Therefore, the syntax defines a list of variables on the left side, +and a list of expressions on the right side. +Both lists have their elements separated by commas. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{stat}{varlist1 \ter{=} explist1} +\produc{varlist1}{var \rep{\ter{,} var}} +\end{Produc}% +This statement first evaluates all values on the right side +and eventual indices on the left side, +and then makes the assignments. +Therefore, it can be used to exchange two values, as in +\begin{verbatim} + x, y = y, x +\end{verbatim} +Before the assignment, the list of values is {\em adjusted} to +the length of the list of variables; \see{adjust}. + +\begin{Produc} +\produc{var}{name} +\end{Produc}% +A single name can denote a global or a local variable, +or a formal parameter. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{var}{var \ter{[} exp1 \ter{]}} +\end{Produc}% +Square brackets are used to index a table. +If \verb'var' results in a table value, +the field indexed by the expression value gets the assigned value. +Otherwise, the fallback {\em settable} is called, +with three parameters: the value of \verb'var', +the value of expression, and the value being assigned to it; +\see{fallback}. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{var}{var \ter{.} name} +\end{Produc}% +The syntax \verb'var.NAME' is just syntactic sugar for +\verb'var["NAME"]'. + +\subsubsection{Control Structures} +The \Index{condition expression} of a control structure can return any value. +All values different from \nil\ are considered true, +while \nil\ is considered false. +{\tt if}'s, {\tt while}'s and {\tt repeat}'s have the usual meaning. + +\index{while-do}\index{repeat-until}\index{if-then-else} +\begin{Produc} +\produc{stat}{\rwd{while} exp1 \rwd{do} block \rwd{end} \OrNL +\rwd{repeat} block \rwd{until} exp1 \OrNL +\rwd{if} exp1 \rwd{then} block \rep{elseif} + \opt{\rwd{else} block} \rwd{end}} +\produc{elseif}{\rwd{elseif} exp1 \rwd{then} block} +\end{Produc} + +A {\tt return} is used to return values from a function. \label{return} +Because a function may return more than one value, +the syntax for a \Index{return statement} is: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{ret}{\rwd{return} explist} +\end{Produc} + +\subsubsection{Expressions as Statements} \label{statexp} +All expressions with possible side-effects can be +executed as statements. +These include function calls and table constructors: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{stat}{functioncall} +\produc{stat}{tableconstructor} +\end{Produc}% +Eventual returned values are thrown away. +Function calls are explained in Section \ref{functioncall}; +constructors are the subject of Section \ref{tableconstructor}. + +\subsubsection{Local Declarations} \label{localvar} +\Index{Local variables} can be declared anywhere inside a block. +Their scope begins after the declaration and lasts until the +end of the block. +The declaration may include an initial assignment: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{stat}{\rwd{local} declist \opt{init}} +\produc{declist}{name \rep{\ter{,} name}} +\produc{init}{\ter{=} explist1} +\end{Produc}% +If there is an initial assignment, it has the same semantics +of a multiple assignment. +Otherwise, all variables are initialized with \nil. + + +\subsection{\Index{Expressions}} + +\subsubsection{\Index{Simple Expressions}} +Simple expressions are: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{exp}{\ter{(} exp \ter{)}} +\produc{exp}{\rwd{nil}} +\produc{exp}{\ter{number}} +\produc{exp}{\ter{literal}} +\produc{exp}{var} +\end{Produc}% +Numbers (numerical constants) and +string literals are explained in Section~\ref{lexical}. +Variables are explained in Section~\ref{assignment}. + +\subsubsection{Arithmetic Operators} +Lua supports the usual \Index{arithmetic operators}. +These operators are the binary +\verb'+', \verb'-', \verb'*', \verb'/' and \verb'^' (exponentiation), +and the unary \verb'-'. +If the operands are numbers, or strings that can be converted to +numbers, according to the rules given in Section \ref{coercion}, +all operations but exponentiation have the usual meaning. +Otherwise, the fallback ``arith'' is called; \see{fallback}. +An exponentiation always calls this fallback. +The standard mathematical library redefines this fallback, +giving the expected meaning to \Index{exponentiation}; +\see{mathlib}. + +\subsubsection{Relational Operators} +Lua offers the following \Index{relational operators}: +\begin{verbatim} + < > <= >= ~= == +\end{verbatim} +All return \nil\ as false and 1 as true. + +Equality first compares the types of its operands. +If they are different, the result is \nil. +Otherwise, their values are compared. +Numbers and strings are compared in the usual way. +Tables, CFunctions, and functions are compared by reference, +that is, two tables are considered equal only if they are the same table. +The operator \verb'~=' is exactly the negation of equality (\verb'='). + +The other operators work as follows. +If both arguments are numbers, they are compared as such. +Otherwise, if both arguments can be converted to strings, +their values are compared using lexicographical order. +Otherwise, the fallback ``order'' is called; \see{fallback}. + +\subsubsection{Logical Operators} +All logical operators, like control structures, +consider \nil\ as false and anything else as true. +The \Index{logical operators} are: +\index{and}\index{or}\index{not} +\begin{verbatim} + and or not +\end{verbatim} +The operators \verb'and' and \verb'or' use \Index{short-cut evaluation}, +that is, +the second operand is evaluated only if necessary. + +\subsubsection{Concatenation} +Lua offers a string \Index{concatenation} operator, +denoted by ``\IndexVerb{..}''. +If operands are strings or numbers, they are converted to +strings according to the rules in Section \ref{coercion}. +Otherwise, the fallback ``concat'' is called; \see{fallback}. + +\subsubsection{Precedence} +\Index{Operator precedence} follows the table below, +from the lower to the higher priority: +\begin{verbatim} + and or + < > <= >= ~= = + .. + + - + * / + not - (unary) + ^ +\end{verbatim} +All binary operators are left associative, except for \verb'^', +which is right associative. + +\subsubsection{Table Constructors} \label{tableconstructor} +Table \Index{constructors} are expressions that create tables; +every time a constructor is evaluated, a new table is created. +Constructors can be used to create empty tables, +or to create a table and initialize some fields. + +The general syntax for constructors is: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{tableconstructor}{\ter{\{} fieldlist \ter{\}}} +\produc{fieldlist}{lfieldlist \Or ffieldlist \Or lfieldlist \ter{;} ffieldlist} +\produc{lfieldlist}{\opt{lfieldlist1}} +\produc{ffieldlist}{\opt{ffieldlist1}} +\end{Produc} + +The form {\em lfieldlist1} is used to initialize lists. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{lfieldlist1}{exp \rep{\ter{,} exp} \opt{\ter{,}}} +\end{Produc}% +The expressions in the list are assigned to consecutive numerical indexes, +starting with 1. +As an example: +\begin{verbatim} + a = {"v1", "v2", 34} +\end{verbatim} +is equivalent to: +\begin{verbatim} + temp = {} + temp[1] = "v1" + temp[2] = "v2" + temp[3] = 34 + a = temp +\end{verbatim} + +The next form initializes named fields in a table. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{ffieldlist1}{ffield \rep{\ter{,} ffield} \opt{\ter{,}}} +\produc{ffield}{name \ter{=} exp} +\end{Produc}% +As an example: +\begin{verbatim} + a = {x = 1, y = 3} +\end{verbatim} +is equivalent to: +\begin{verbatim} + temp = {} + temp.x = 1 + temp.y = 3 + a = temp +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsubsection{Function Calls} \label{functioncall} +A \Index{function call} has the following syntax: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{functioncall}{var realParams} +\end{Produc}% +Here, \verb'var' can be any variable (global, local, indexed, etc). +If its type is {\em function\/} or {\em CFunction\/}, +this function is called. +Otherwise, the fallback ``function'' is called, +having as first parameter the value of \verb'var', +and then the original call parameters. + +The form: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{functioncall}{var \ter{:} name realParams} +\end{Produc}% +can be used to call ``methods''. +A call \verb'var:name(...)' +is syntactic sugar for +\begin{verbatim} +, ...) +\end{verbatim} +except that \verb'var' is evaluated only once. + +\begin{Produc} +\produc{realParams}{\ter{(} \opt{explist1} \ter{)}} +\produc{realParams}{tableconstructor} +\produc{explist1}{exp1 \rep{\ter{,} exp1}} +\end{Produc}% +All argument expressions are evaluated before the call; +then the list of \Index{arguments} is adjusted to +the length of the list of parameters (\see{adjust}); +finally, this list is assigned to the formal parameters. +A call of the form \verb'f{...}' is syntactic sugar for +\verb'f({...})', that is, +the parameter list is a single new table. + +Because a function can return any number of results +(\see{return}), +the number of results must be adjusted before used. +If the function is called as an statement (\see{statexp}), +its return list is adjusted to 0. +If the function is called in a place that needs a single value +(syntactically denoted by the non-terminal \verb'exp1'), +its return list is adjusted to 1. +If the function is called in a place that can hold many values +(syntactically denoted by the non-terminal \verb'exp'), +no adjustment is done. + + +\subsection{\Index{Function Definitions}} + +Functions in Lua can be defined anywhere in the global level of a module. +The syntax for function definition is: +\begin{Produc} +\produc{function}{\rwd{function} var \ter{(} \opt{parlist1} \ter{)} + block \rwd{end}} +\end{Produc} + +When Lua pre-compiles a chunk, +all its function bodies are pre-compiled, too. +Then, when Lua ``executes'' the function definition, +its body is stored, with type {\em function}, +into the variable \verb'var'. + +Parameters act as local variables, +initialized with the argument values. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{parlist1}{'name' \rep{\ter{,} name}} +\end{Produc} + +Results are returned using the \verb'return' statement (\see{return}). +If control reaches the end of a function without a return instruction, +the function returns with no results. + +There is a special syntax for definition of \Index{methods}, +that is, functions which have an extra parameter \Def{self}. +\begin{Produc} +\produc{function}{\rwd{function} var \ter{:} name \ter{(} \opt{parlist1} + \ter{)} block \rwd{end}} +\end{Produc}% +A declaration like +\begin{verbatim} +function v:f (...) + ... +end +\end{verbatim} +is equivalent to +\begin{verbatim} +function v.f (self, ...) + ... +end +\end{verbatim} +that is, the function gets an extra formal parameter called \verb'self'. +Notice that +the variable \verb'v' must be previously initialized with a table value. + + +\subsection{Fallbacks} \label{fallback} + +Lua provides a powerful mechanism to extend its semantics, +called \Def{fallbacks}. +Basically, a fallback is a programmer defined function +which is called whenever Lua does not know how to proceed. + +Lua supports the following fallbacks, +identified by the given strings: +\begin{description} +\item[``arith'']\index{arithmetic fallback} +called when an arithmetic operation is applied to non numerical operands, +or when the binary \verb'^' operation is called. +It receives three arguments: +the two operands (the second one is nil when the operation is unary minus) +and one of the following strings describing the offended operator: +\begin{verbatim} + add sub mul div pow unm +\end{verbatim} +Its return value is the final result of the arithmetic operation. +The default function issues an error. +\item[``order'']\index{order fallback} +called when an order comparison is applied to non numerical or +non string operands. +It receives three arguments: +the two operands and +one of the following strings describing the offended operator: +\begin{verbatim} + lt gt le ge +\end{verbatim} +Its return value is the final result of the comparison operation. +The default function issues an error. +\item[``concat'']\index{concatenation fallback} +called when a concatenation is applied to non string operands. +It receives the two operands as arguments. +Its return value is the final result of the concatenation operation. +The default function issues an error. +\item[``index'']\index{index fallback} +called when Lua tries to retrieve the value of an index +not present in a table. +It receives as arguments the table and the index. +Its return value is the final result of the indexing operation. +The default function returns nil. +\item[``gettable'']\index{gettable fallback} +called when Lua tries to index a non table value. +It receives as arguments the non table value and the index. +Its return value is the final result of the indexing operation. +The default function issues an error. +\item[``settable'']\index{settable fallback} +called when Lua tries to assign indexed a non table value. +It receives as arguments the non table value, +the index, and the assigned value. +The default function issues an error. +\item[``function'']\index{function falback} +called when Lua tries to call a non function value. +It receives as arguments the non function value and the +arguments given in the original call. +Its return values are the final results of the call operation. +The default function issues an error. +\item[``gc''] +called during garbage collection. +It receives as argument the table being collected. +After each run of the collector this function is called with argument nil. +Because this function operates during garbage collection, +it must be used with great care, +and programmers should avoid the creation of new objects +(tables or strings) in this function. +The default function does nothing. +\item[``error'']\index{error fallback} +called when an error occurs. +It receives as argument a string describing the error. +The default function prints the message on the standard error output. +\end{description} + +The function \IndexVerb{setfallback} is used to change a fallback action. +Its first argument is a string describing the fallback, +and the second the new function to be called. +It returns the old function for the given fallback. + +Section \ref{exfallback} shows an example of the use of fallbacks. + + +\subsection{Error Handling} \label{error} + +Because Lua is an extension language, +all Lua actions start from C code calling a function from the Lua library. +Whenever an error occurs during Lua compilation or execution, +an error fallback function is called, +and then the corresponding function from the library +(\verb'lua_dofile', \verb'lua_dostring', +\verb'lua_call', and \verb'lua_callfunction') +is terminated returning an error condition. + +The only argument to the error fallback function is a string describing +the error and some extra informations, +like current line (when the error is at compilation) +or current function (when the error is at execution). +For more information about an error, +the Lua program can include the compilation pragma \verb'$debug'. +\index{debug pragma} +This pragma must be written in a line by itself. +When an error occurs in a program compiled with this option, +the error message includes extra information showing the stack of calls. + +The standard error routine only prints the error message +to \verb'stderr'. +If needed, it is possible to change the error fallback routine; +\see{fallback}. + +Lua code can generate an error by calling the function \verb'error'. +Its optional parameter is a string, +which is used as the error message. + + +\section{The Application Program Interface} + +This section describes the API for Lua, that is, +the set of C functions available to the host program to communicate +with the library. +The API functions can be classified in the following categories: +\begin{enumerate} +\item executing Lua code; +\item converting values between C and Lua; +\item manipulating (reading and writing) Lua objects; +\item calling Lua functions; +\item C functions to be called by Lua; +\item locking Lua Objects. +\end{enumerate} +All API functions are declared in the file \verb'lua.h'. + +\subsection{Executing Lua Code} +A host program can execute Lua programs written in a file or in a string, +using the following functions: +\Deffunc{lua_dofile}\Deffunc{lua_dostring} +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_dofile (char *filename); +int lua_dostring (char *string); +\end{verbatim} +Both functions return an error code: +0, in case of success; non zero, in case of errors. +The function \verb'lua_dofile', if called with argument NULL (0), +executes the ``file'' {\tt stdin}. + +\subsection{Converting Values between C and Lua} \label{valuesCLua} +Because Lua has no static type system, +all values passed between Lua and C have type \IndexVerb{lua\_Object}, +which works like an abstract type in C that can hold any Lua value. + +Lua has automatic memory management, and garbage collection. +Because of that, a \verb'lua_Object' has a limited scope, +and is only valid inside the {\em block\/} where it was created. +A C function called from Lua is a block, +and its parameters are valid only until its end. +A good programming practice is to convert Lua objects to C values +as soon as they are available, +and never to store \verb'lua_Object's in C global variables. + +When C code calls Lua repeatedly, as in a loop, +objects returned by these calls accumulate, +and may create a memory problem. +To avoid this, +nested blocks can be defined with the functions: +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_beginblock (void); +void lua_endblock (void); +\end{verbatim} +After the end of the block, +all \verb'lua_Object''s created inside it are released. + +To check the type of a \verb'lua_Object', +the following function is available: +\Deffunc{lua_type} +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_type (lua_Object object); +\end{verbatim} +plus the following macros: +\Deffunc{lua_isnil}\Deffunc{lua_isnumber}\Deffunc{lua_isstring} +\Deffunc{lua_istable}\Deffunc{lua_iscfunction}\Deffunc{lua_isuserdata} +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_isnil (lua_Object object); +int lua_isnumber (lua_Object object); +int lua_isstring (lua_Object object); +int lua_istable (lua_Object object); +int lua_iscfunction (lua_Object object); +int lua_isuserdata (lua_Object object); +\end{verbatim} +All macros return 1 if the object has the given type, +and 0 otherwise. + +The function \verb'lua_type' can be used to distinguish between +different kinds of user data; see below. + +To translate a value from type \verb'lua_Object' to a specific C type, +the programmer can use: +\Deffunc{lua_getnumber}\Deffunc{lua_getstring} +\Deffunc{lua_getcfunction}\Deffunc{lua_getuserdata} +\begin{verbatim} +double lua_getnumber (lua_Object object); +char *lua_getstring (lua_Object object); +lua_CFunction lua_getcfunction (lua_Object object); +void *lua_getuserdata (lua_Object object); +\end{verbatim} +\verb'lua_getnumber' converts a \verb'lua_Object' to a float. +This \verb'lua_Object' must be a number or a string convertible to number +(\see{coercion}); otherwise, the function returns 0. + +\verb'lua_getstring' converts a \verb'lua_Object' to a string (\verb'char *'). +This \verb'lua_Object' must be a string or a number; +otherwise, the function returns 0 (the null pointer). +This function does not create a new string, but returns a pointer to +a string inside the Lua environment. +Because Lua has garbage collection, there is no guarantee that such +pointer will be valid after the block ends. + +\verb'lua_getcfunction' converts a \verb'lua_Object' to a C function. +This \verb'lua_Object' must have type {\em CFunction\/}; +otherwise, the function returns 0 (the null pointer). +The type \verb'lua_CFunction' is explained in Section~\ref{LuacallC}. + +\verb'lua_getuserdata' converts a \verb'lua_Object' to \verb'void*'. +This \verb'lua_Object' must have type {\em userdata\/}; +otherwise, the function returns 0 (the null pointer). + +The reverse process, that is, passing a specific C value to Lua, +is done by using the following functions: +\Deffunc{lua_pushnumber}\Deffunc{lua_pushstring}\Deffunc{lua_pushliteral} +\Deffunc{lua_pushcfunction}\Deffunc{lua_pushusertag}\Deffunc{lua_pushuserdata} +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_pushnumber (double n); +void lua_pushstring (char *s); +void lua_pushliteral (char *s); +void lua_pushcfunction (lua_CFunction f); +void lua_pushusertag (void *u, int tag); +\end{verbatim} +plus the macro: +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_pushuserdata (void *u); +\end{verbatim} +All of them receive a C value, +convert it to a correspondent \verb'lua_Object', +and leave the result on the top of the Lua stack, +where it can be assigned to a Lua variable, +passed as paramenter to a Lua function, etc (see below). \label{pushing} +\verb'lua_pushliteral' is like \verb'lua_pushstring', +but also puts the string in the Lua literal table. +This avoids the string to be garbage collected, +and therefore has a better overall performance. +As a rule, when the string to be pushed is a literal, +\verb'lua_pushliteral' should be used. + +User data can have different tags, +whose semantics are defined by the host program. +Any positive integer can be used to tag a user data. +When a user data is retrieved, +the function \verb'lua_type' can be used to get its tag. + +To complete the set, +the value \nil\ or a \verb'lua_Object' can also be pushed onto the stack, +with: +\Deffunc{lua_pushnil}\Deffunc{lua_pushobject} +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_pushnil (void); +void lua_pushobject (lua_Object object); +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsection{Manipulating Lua Objects} +To read the value of any global Lua variable, +one can use the function: +\Deffunc{lua_getglobal} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_getglobal (char *varname); +\end{verbatim} +To store a value previously pushed onto the stack in a global variable, +there is the function: +\Deffunc{lua_storeglobal} +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_storeglobal (char *varname); +\end{verbatim} + +Tables can also be manipulated via the API. +The function +\Deffunc{lua_getsubscript} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_getsubscript (void); +\end{verbatim} +expects on the stack a table and an index, +and returns the contents of the table at that index. +As in Lua, if the first object is not a table, +or the index is not present in the table, +the correspondent fallback is called. + +For compatibility with previous versions of the API, +the following macros are supported: +\Deffunc{lua_getindexed}\Deffunc{lua_getfield} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_getindexed (lua_Object table, float index); +lua_Object lua_getfield (lua_Object table, char *field); +\end{verbatim} +The first one is used for numeric indices, +while the second can be used for any string index. + +To store a value in an index, +the program must push onto the stack the table, the index, +and the value, +and then call the function: +\Deffunc{lua_storesubscript} +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_storesubscript (void); +\end{verbatim} +Again, the correspondent fallback is called if needed. + +Finally, the function +\Deffunc{lua_createtable} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_createtable (void); +\end{verbatim} +creates a new table. + +{\em Please Notice:\/} +Most functions from the Lua library receive parameters through the stack. +Because other functions also use the stack, +it is important that these +parameters be pushed just before the correspondent call, +without intermediate calls to the Lua library. +For instance, suppose the user wants the value of \verb'a[i]'. +A simplistic solution would be: +\begin{verbatim} + /* Warning: WRONG CODE */ + lua_Object result; + lua_pushobject(lua_getglobal("a")); /* push table */ + lua_pushobject(lua_getglobal("i")); /* push index */ + result = lua_getsubscript(); +\end{verbatim} +However, the call \verb'lua_getglobal("i")' modifies the stack, +and invalidates the previous pushed value. +A correct solution could be: +\begin{verbatim} + lua_Object result; + lua_Object index = lua_getglobal("i"); + lua_pushobject(lua_getglobal("a")); /* push table */ + lua_pushobject(index); /* push index */ + result = lua_getsubscript(); +\end{verbatim} + +\subsection{Calling Lua Functions} +Functions defined in Lua by a chunk executed with +\verb'dofile' or \verb'dostring' can be called from the host program. +This is done using the following protocol: +first, the arguments to the function are pushed onto the Lua stack +(\see{pushing}), in direct order, i.e., the first argument is pushed first. +Again, it is important to emphasize that, during this phase, +no other Lua function can be called. + +Then, the function is called using +\Deffunc{lua_call}\Deffunc{lua_callfunction} +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_call (char *functionname); +\end{verbatim} +or +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_callfunction (lua_Object function); +\end{verbatim} +Both functions return an error code: +0, in case of success; non zero, in case of errors. +Finally, the returned values (a Lua function may return many values) +can be retrieved with the macro +\Deffunc{lua_getresult} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_getresult (int number); +\end{verbatim} +where \verb'number' is the order of the result, starting with 1. +When called with a number larger than the actual number of results, +this function returns \verb'LUA_NOOBJECT'. + +Two special Lua functions have exclusive interfaces: +\verb'error' and \verb'setfallback'. +A C function can generate a Lua error calling the function +\Deffunc{lua_error} +\begin{verbatim} +void lua_error (char *message); +\end{verbatim} +This function never returns. +If the C function has been called from Lua, +the corresponding Lua execution terminates, +as if an error had occurred inside Lua code. +Otherwise, the whole program terminates. + +Fallbacks can be changed with: +\Deffunc{lua_setfallback} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_setfallback (char *name, lua_CFunction fallback); +\end{verbatim} +The first parameter is the fallback name, +and the second a CFunction to be used as the new fallback. +This function returns a \verb'lua_Object', +which is the old fallback value, +or nil on fail (invalid fallback name). +This old value can be used for chaining fallbacks. + +An example of C code calling a Lua function is shown in +Section~\ref{exLuacall}. + + +\subsection{C Functions} \label{LuacallC} +To register a C function to Lua, +there is the following macro: +\Deffunc{lua_register} +\begin{verbatim} +#define lua_register(n,f) (lua_pushcfunction(f), lua_storeglobal(n)) +/* char *n; */ +/* lua_CFunction f; */ +\end{verbatim} +which receives the name the function will have in Lua, +and a pointer to the function. +This pointer must have type \verb'lua_CFunction', +which is defined as +\Deffunc{lua_CFunction} +\begin{verbatim} +typedef void (*lua_CFunction) (void); +\end{verbatim} +that is, a pointer to a function with no parameters and no results. + +In order to communicate properly with Lua, +a C function must follow a protocol, +which defines the way parameters and results are passed. + +To access its arguments, a C function calls: +\Deffunc{lua_getparam} +\begin{verbatim} +lua_Object lua_getparam (int number); +\end{verbatim} +where \verb'number' starts with 1 to get the first argument. +When called with a number larger than the actual number of arguments, +this function returns \IndexVerb{LUA\_NOOBJECT}. +In this way, it is possible to write functions that work with +a variable number of parameters. + +To return values, a C function just pushes them onto the stack, +in direct order; \see{valuesCLua}. +Like a Lua function, a C function called by Lua can also return +many results. + +Section~\ref{exCFunction} presents an example of a CFunction. + + +\subsection{Locking Lua Objects} + +As already noted, \verb'lua_Object's are volatile. +If the C code needs to keep a \verb'lua_Object' +outside block boundaries, +it has to {\em lock} the object. +The routines to manipulate locking are the following: +\Deffunc{lua_lock}\Deffunc{lua_getlocked} +\Deffunc{lua_pushlocked}\Deffunc{lua_unlock} +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_lock (void); +lua_Object lua_getlocked (int ref); +void lua_pushlocked (int ref); +void lua_unlock (int ref); +\end{verbatim} +The function \verb'lua_lock' locks the object +which is on the top of the stack, +and returns a reference to it. +Whenever the locked object is needed, +a call to \verb'lua_getlocked' +returns a handle to it, +while \verb'lua_pushlocked' pushes the handle on the stack. +When a locked object is no longer needed, +it can be unlocked with a call to \verb'lua_unlock'. + + + +\section{Predefined Functions and Libraries} + +The set of \Index{predefined functions} in Lua is small but powerful. +Most of them provide features that allows some degree of +\Index{reflexivity} in the language. +Many of these features cannot be simulated with the rest of the +Language nor with the standard API. + +The libraries, on the other hand, provide useful routines +that are implemented directly through the standard API. +Therefore, they are not necessary to the language, +and are provided as separated C modules. +Currently there are three standard libraries: +\begin{itemize} +\item string manipulation; +\item mathematical functions (sin, cos, etc); +\item input and output. +\end{itemize} +In order to have access to these libraries, +the host program must call the functions +\verb-strlib_open-, \verb-mathlib_open-, and \verb-iolib_open-, +declared in \verb-lualib.h-. + + +\subsection{Predefined Functions} + +\subsubsection*{{\tt dofile (filename)}}\Deffunc{dofile} +This function receives a file name, +opens it and executes its contents as a Lua chunk. +It returns 1 if there are no errors, \nil\ otherwise. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt dostring (string)}}\Deffunc{dostring} +This function executes a given string as a Lua chunk. +It returns 1 if there are no errors, \nil\ otherwise. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt next (table, index)}}\Deffunc{next} +This function allows a program to traverse all fields of a table. +Its first argument is a table and its second argument +is an index in this table. +It returns the next index of the table and the +value associated with the index. +When called with \nil\ as its second argument, +the function returns the first index +of the table (and its associated value). +When called with the last index, or with \nil\ in an empty table, +it returns \nil. + +In Lua there is no declaration of fields; +semantically, there is no difference between a +field not present in a table or a field with value \nil. +Therefore, the function only considers fields with non nil values. +The order the indices are enumerated is not specified, +{\em even for numeric indices}. + +See Section \ref{exnext} for an example of the use of this function. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt nextvar (name)}}\Deffunc{nextvar} +This function is similar to the function \verb'next', +but it iterates over the global variables. +Its single argument is the name of a global variable, +or \nil\ to get a first name. +Similarly to \verb'next', it returns the name of another variable +and its value, +or \nil\ if there are no more variables. +See Section \ref{exnext} for an example of the use of this function. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt print (e1, e2, ...)}}\Deffunc{print} +This function receives any number of arguments, +and prints their values in a reasonable format. +Each value is printed in a new line. +This function is not intended for formatted output, +but as a quick way to show a value, +for instance for error messages or debugging. +See Section~\ref{libio} for functions for formatted output. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt tonumber (e)}}\Deffunc{tonumber} +This function receives one argument, +and tries to convert it to a number. +If the argument is already a number or a string convertible +to a number (\see{coercion}), it returns that number; +otherwise, it returns \nil. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt type (v)}}\Deffunc{type} +This function allows Lua to test the type of a value. +It receives one argument, and returns its type, coded as a string. +The possible results of this function are +\verb'"nil"' (a string, not the value \nil), +\verb'"number"', +\verb'"string"', +\verb'"table"', +\verb'"function"' (returned both for C functions and Lua functions), +and \verb'"userdata"'. + +Besides this string, the function returns a second result, +which is the \Def{tag} of the value. +This tag can be used to distinguish between user +data with different tags, +and between C functions and Lua functions. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt error (message)}}\Deffunc{error} +This function issues an error message and terminates +the last called function from the library +(\verb'lua_dofile', \verb'lua_dostring', \ldots). +It never returns. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt setglobal (name, value)}}\Deffunc{setglobal} +This function assigns the given value to a global variable. +The string \verb'name' does not need to be a syntactically valid variable name. +Therefore, this function can set global variables with strange names like +\verb'm v 1' or \verb'34'. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt getglobal (name)}}\Deffunc{getglobal} +This function retrieves the value of a global variable. +The string \verb'name' does not need to be a syntactically valid variable name. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt setfallback (fallbackname, newfallback)}} +\Deffunc{setfallback} +This function sets a new fallback function to the given fallback. +It returns the old fallback function. + +\subsection{String Manipulation} +This library provides generic functions for string manipulation, +such as finding and extracting substrings. +When indexing a string, the first character has position 1. +See Section \ref{exstring} for some examples on string manipulation +in Lua. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt strfind (str, substr, [init, [end]])}} +\Deffunc{strfind} +Receives two string arguments, +and returns a number. +This number indicates the first position where the second argument appears +in the first argument. +If the second argument is not a substring of the first one, +then \verb'strfind' returns \nil. +A third optional numerical argument specifies where to start the search. +Another optional numerical argument specifies where to stop it. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt strlen (s)}}\Deffunc{strlen} +Receives a string and returns its length. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt strsub (s, i, [j])}}\Deffunc{strsub} +Returns another string, which is a substring of \verb's', +starting at \verb'i' and runing until \verb'j'. +If \verb'j' is absent, +it is assumed to be equal to the length of \verb's'. +Particularly, the call \verb'strsub(s,1,j)' returns a prefix of \verb's' +with length \verb'j', +while the call \verb'strsub(s,i)' returns a suffix of \verb's', +starting at \verb'i'. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt strlower (s)}}\Deffunc{strlower} +Receives a string and returns a copy of that string with all +upper case letters changed to lower case. +All other characters are left unchanged. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt strupper (s)}}\Deffunc{strupper} +Receives a string and returns a copy of that string with all +lower case letters changed to upper case. +All other characters are left unchanged. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt ascii (s, [i])}}\Deffunc{ascii} +Returns the ascii code of the character \verb's[i]'. +If \verb'i' is absent, it is assumed to be 1. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt int2str (\{i\})}}\Deffunc{int2str} +Receives 0 or more numbers. +Returns a string with length equal to the number of arguments, +wherein each character has ascii value equal +to its correspondent argument. + +\subsection{Mathematical Functions} \label{mathlib} + +This library is an interface to some functions of the standard C math library. +Moreover, it registers a fallback for the binary operator \verb'^' which, +when applied to numbers \verb'x^y', returns $x^y$. + +The library provides the following functions: +\Deffunc{abs}\Deffunc{acos}\Deffunc{asin}\Deffunc{atan} +\Deffunc{atan2}\Deffunc{ceil}\Deffunc{cos}\Deffunc{floor} +\Deffunc{log}\Deffunc{log10}\Deffunc{max}\Deffunc{min} +\Deffunc{mod}\Deffunc{sin}\Deffunc{sqrt}\Deffunc{tan} +\begin{verbatim} +abs acos asin atan atan2 ceil cos floor +log log10 max min mod sin sqrt tan +\end{verbatim} +Most of them +are only interfaces to the homonymous functions in the C library, +except that, for the trigonometric functions, +all angles are expressed in degrees. + +The function \verb'max' returns the maximum +value of its numeric arguments. +Similarly, \verb'min' computes the minimum. +Both can be used with an unlimited number of arguments. + +The function \verb'mod' is equivalent to the \verb'%' operator in C. + + +\subsection{I/O Facilities} \label{libio} + +All I/O operations in Lua are done over two {\em current} files, +one for reading and one for writing. +Initially, the current input file is \verb'stdin', +and the current output file is \verb'stdout'. + +Unless otherwise stated, +all I/O functions return 1 on success and \nil\ on failure. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt readfrom (filename)}}\Deffunc{readfrom} + +This function opens a file named \verb'filename' and sets it as the +{\em current} input file. +When called without parameters, +this function closes the current input file, +and restores \verb'stdin' as the current input file. + +{\em System dependent:} if \verb'filename' starts with a \verb'|', +then a \Index{piped input} is open, via function \IndexVerb{popen}. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt writeto (filename)}}\Deffunc{writeto} + +This function opens a file named \verb'filename' and sets it as the +{\em current} output file. +Notice that, if the file already exists, it is completely erased with this +operation. +When called without parameters, +this function closes the current output file, +and restores \verb'stdout' as the current output file. +\index{closing a file} + +{\em System dependent:} if \verb'filename' starts with a \verb'|', +then a \Index{piped output} is open, via function \IndexVerb{popen}. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt appendto (filename)}}\Deffunc{appendto} + +This function opens a file named \verb'filename' and sets it as the +{\em current} output file. +Unlike the \verb'writeto' operation, +this function does not erase any previous content of the file. +This function returns 2 if the file already exists, +1 if it creates a new file, and \nil\ on failure. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt remove (filename)}}\Deffunc{remove} + +This function deletes the file with the given name. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt read ([format])}}\Deffunc{read} + +This function returns a value read from the current input. +An optional string argument specifies the way the input is interpreted. + +Without a format argument, {\tt read} first skips blanks, tabs and newlines. +Then it checks whether the current character is \verb'"' or \verb-'-. +If so, it reads a string up to the ending quotation mark, +and returns this string, without the quotation marks. +Otherwise it reads up to a blank, tab or newline. + +The format string can have the following format: +\begin{verbatim} + ?[n] +\end{verbatim} +where \verb'?' can be: +\begin{description} +\item['s' or 'S'] to read a string; +\item['f' or 'F'] to read a real number; +\item['i' or 'I'] to read an integer. +\end{description} +The optional \verb'n' is a number which specifies how many characters +must be read to compose the input value. +Particularly, the format \verb'"s1"' reads a single character. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt readuntil (char)}}\Deffunc{readuntil} + +Reads the current input until the first ocurrence of the given character. +Returns the string read. +The character itself is not read. + +\subsubsection*{{\tt write (value, [format])}}\Deffunc{write} + +This function writes the value of its first argument to the current output. +An optional second argument specifies the format to be used. +This format is given as a string, composed of four parts. +The first part is the only one not optional, and must be one of the +following characters: +\begin{description} +\item['s' or 'S'] to write strings; +\item['f' or 'F'] to write floats; +\item['i' or 'I'] to write integers. +\end{description} +These characters can be followed by +\begin{verbatim} + [?][m][.n] +\end{verbatim} +where: +\begin{description} +\item[\verb'?'] indicates justification inside the field. +\begin{itemize} +\item['\verb'<''] right justification (default); +\item['\verb'>''] left justification; +\item['\verb'|''] center justification. +\end{itemize} +\item[\verb'm'] Indicates the field size in characters. +\item[\verb'.n'] For reals, indicates the number of digital places. +For integers, it is the minimum number of digits. +This option has no meaning for strings. +\end{description} + +When called without a format string, +this function writes numbers using the \verb'%g' format +and strings with \verb'%s'. + +% \subsubsection*{{\tt debug ()}} +% This function, when called, repeatedly presents a prompt \verb'lua_debug> ' +% in the error output stream (\verb'stderr'), +% reads a line from the standard input, +% and executes (``dostring'') the line. +% The loop ends when the user types \verb'cont' to the prompt. +% This function then returns and the execution of the program continues. + + +\section{Some Examples} + +This section gives examples showing some features of Lua. +It does not intend to cover the whole language, +but only to illustrate some interesting uses of the system. + + +\subsection{The Functions {\tt next} and {\tt nextvar}} \label{exnext} +\Deffunc{next}\Deffunc{nextvar} +This example shows how to use the function \verb'next' to iterate +over the fields of a table. +Function \Def{clone} receives any table and returns a clone of it. +\begin{verbatim} +function clone (t) -- t is a table + local new_t = {} -- creates a new table + local i, v = next(t, nil) -- i is an index of t, v = t[i] + while i do + new_t[i] = v + i, v = next(t, i) -- get next index + end + return new_t +end +\end{verbatim} + +The next example prints the names of all global variables +in the system with non nil values: +\begin{verbatim} +function printGlobalVariables () + local i, v = nextvar(nil) + while i do + print(i) + i, v = nextvar(i) + end +end +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsection{String Manipulation} \label{exstring} + +The first example is a function to trim extra blanks at the beginning +and end of a string. +\begin{verbatim} +function trim(s) + local l = 1 + while strsub(s,l,l) == ' ' do + l = l+1 + end + local r = strlen(s) + while strsub(s,r,r) == ' ' do + r = r-1 + end + return strsub(s,l,r) +end +\end{verbatim} + +The second example shows a function that eliminates all blanks +of a string. +\begin{verbatim} +function remove_blanks (s) + local b = strfind(s, ' ') + while b do + s = strsub(s, 1, b-1) .. strsub(s, b+1) + b = strfind(s, ' ') + end + return s +end +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsection{\Index{Persistence}} +Because of its reflexive facilities, +persistence in Lua can be achieved within the language. +This section shows some ways to store and retrieve values in Lua, +using a text file written in the language itself as the storage media. + +To store a single value with a name, +the following code is enough: +\begin{verbatim} +function store (name, value) + write('\n' .. name .. '=') + write_value(value) +end +\end{verbatim} +\begin{verbatim} +function write_value (value) + local t = type(value) + if t == 'nil' then write('nil') + elseif t == 'number' then write(value) + elseif t == 'string' then write('[[' .. value .. ']]') + end +end +\end{verbatim} +In order to restore this value, a \verb'lua_dofile' suffices. + +Storing tables is a little more complex. +Assuming that the table is a tree, +and all indices are identifiers +(that is, the tables are being used as records), +its value can be written directly with table constructors. +First, the function \verb'write_value' is changed to +\begin{verbatim} +function write_value (value) + local t = type(value) + if t == 'nil' then write('nil') + elseif t == 'number' then write(value) + elseif t == 'string' then write('"' .. value .. '"') + elseif t == 'table' then write_record(value) + end +end +\end{verbatim} +The function \verb'write_record' is: +\begin{verbatim} +function write_record(t) + local i, v = next(t, nil) + write('{') -- starts constructor + while i do + store(i, v) + write(', ') + i, v = next(t, i) + end + write('}') -- closes constructor +end +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsection{Inheritance} \label{exfallback} +The fallback for absent indices can be used to implement many +kinds of \Index{inheritance} in Lua. +As an example, +the following code implements single inheritance: +\begin{verbatim} +function Index (t,f) + if f == 'parent' then -- to avoid loop + return OldIndex(t,f) + end + local p = t.parent + if type(p) == 'table' then + return p[f] + else + return OldIndex(t,f) + end +end + +OldIndex = setfallback("index", Index) +\end{verbatim} +Whenever Lua attempts to access an absent field in a table, +it calls the fallback function \verb'Index'. +If the table has a field \verb'parent' with a table value, +then Lua attempts to access the desired field in this parent object. +This process is repeated ``upwards'' until a value +for the field is found or the object has no parent. +In the latter case, the previous fallback is called to supply a value +for the field. + +When better performance is needed, +the same fallback may be implemented in C, +as illustrated in Figure~\ref{Cinher}. +\begin{figure} +\Line +\begin{verbatim} +int lockedParentName; /* stores the lock index for the string "parent" */ +int lockedOldIndex; /* previous fallback function */ + +void callOldFallback (lua_Object table, lua_Object index) +{ + lua_Object oldIndex = lua_getlocked(lockedOldIndex); + lua_pushobject(table); + lua_pushobject(index); + lua_callfunction(oldIndex); +} + +void Index (void) +{ + lua_Object table = lua_getparam(1); + lua_Object index = lua_getparam(2); + lua_Object parent; + if (lua_isstring(index) && strcmp(lua_getstring(index), "parent") == 0) + { + callOldFallback(table, index); + return; + } + lua_pushobject(table); + lua_pushlocked(lockedParentName); + parent = lua_getsubscript(); + if (lua_istable(parent)) + { + lua_pushobject(parent); + lua_pushobject(index); + /* return result from getsubscript */ + lua_pushobject(lua_getsubscript()); + } + else + callOldFallback(table, index); +} +\end{verbatim} +\caption{Inheritance in C.\label{Cinher}} +\Line +\end{figure} +This code must be registered with: +\begin{verbatim} + lua_pushliteral("parent"); + lockedParentName = lua_lock(); + lua_pushobject(lua_setfallback("index", Index)); + lockedOldIndex = lua_lock(); +\end{verbatim} +Notice how the string \verb'"parent"' is kept +locked in Lua for optimal performance. + +\subsection{A CFunction} \label{exCFunction}\index{functions in C} +A CFunction to compute the maximum of a variable number of arguments +is shown in Figure~\ref{Cmax}. +\begin{figure} +\Line +\begin{verbatim} +void math_max (void) +{ + int i=1; /* number of arguments */ + double d, dmax; + lua_Object o; + /* the function must get at least one argument */ + if ((o = lua_getparam(i++)) == LUA_NOOBJECT) + lua_error ("too few arguments to function `max'"); + /* and this argument must be a number */ + if (!lua_isnumber(o)) + lua_error ("incorrect argument to function `max'"); + dmax = lua_getnumber (o); + /* loops until there is no more arguments */ + while ((o = lua_getparam(i++)) != LUA_NOOBJECT) + { + if (!lua_isnumber(o)) + lua_error ("incorrect argument to function `max'"); + d = lua_getnumber (o); + if (d > dmax) dmax = d; + } + /* push the result to be returned */ + lua_pushnumber (dmax); +} +\end{verbatim} +\caption{C function {\tt math\_max}.\label{Cmax}} +\Line +\end{figure} +After registered with +\begin{verbatim} +lua_register ("max", math_max); +\end{verbatim} +this function is available in Lua, as follows: +\begin{verbatim} +i = max(4, 5, 10, -34) -- i receives 10 +\end{verbatim} + + +\subsection{Calling Lua Functions} \label{exLuacall} + +This example illustrates how a C function can call the Lua function +\verb'remove_blanks' presented in Section~\ref{exstring}. +\begin{verbatim} +void remove_blanks (char *s) +{ + lua_pushstring(s); /* prepare parameter */ + lua_call("remove_blanks"); /* call Lua function */ + strcpy(s, lua_getstring(lua_getresult(1))); /* copy result back to 's' */ +} +\end{verbatim} + + +\section*{Acknowledgments} + +The authors would like to thank CENPES/PETROBR\'AS which, +jointly with TeCGraf, used extensively early versions of +this system and gave valuable comments. +The authors would also like to thank Carlos Henrique Levy, +who found the name of the game% +\footnote{BTW, Lua means {\em moon} in Portuguese.}. + + + +\appendix + +\section{Incompatibilities with Previous Versions} + +Although great care has been taken to avoid incompatibilities with +the previous public versions of Lua, +some differences had to be introduced. +Here is a list of all these differences. + +\subsection*{Incompatibilities with \Index{version 2.1}} +\begin{itemize} +\item +The function {\tt type} now returns the string {\tt function} +both for C and Lua functions. +Because Lua functions and C functions are compatible, +this behavior is usually more useful. +When needed, the second result of function {\tt type} may be used +to distinguish between Lua and C functions. +\item +A function definition only assigns the function value to the +given variable at execution time. +\end{itemize} + +\subsection*{Incompatibilities with \Index{version 1.1}} +\begin{itemize} +\item +The equality test operator now is denoted by \verb'==', +instead of \verb'='. +\item +The syntax for table construction has been greatly simplified. +The old \verb'@(size)' has been substituted by \verb'{}'. +The list constructor (formerly \verb'@[...]') and the record +constructor (formerly \verb'@{...}') now are both coded like +\verb'{...}'. +When the construction involves a function call, +like in \verb'@func{...}', +the new syntax does not use the \verb'@'. +More important, {\em a construction function must now +explicitly return the constructed table}. +\item +The function \verb'lua_call' no longer has the parameter \verb'nparam'. +\item +The function \verb'lua_pop' is no longer available, +since it could lead to strange behavior. +In particular, +to access results returned from a Lua function, +the new macro \verb'lua_getresult' should be used. +\item +The old functions \verb'lua_storefield' and \verb'lua_storeindexed' +have been replaced by +\begin{verbatim} +int lua_storesubscript (void); +\end{verbatim} +with the parameters explicitly pushed on the stack. +\item +The functionality of the function \verb'lua_errorfunction' has been +replaced by the {\em fallback} mechanism; \see{error}. +\item +When calling a function from the Lua library, +parameters passed through the stack +must be pushed just before the correspondent call, +with no intermediate calls to Lua. +Special care should be taken with macros like +\verb'lua_getindexed' and \verb'lua_getfield'. +\end{itemize} + +\end{document} -- cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb