/* ** fallback.c ** TecCGraf - PUC-Rio */ char *rcs_fallback="$Id: fallback.c,v 1.17 1995/10/17 14:30:05 roberto Exp roberto $"; #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "mem.h" #include "fallback.h" #include "opcode.h" #include "lua.h" static void errorFB (void); static void indexFB (void); static void gettableFB (void); static void arithFB (void); static void concatFB (void); static void orderFB (void); static void GDFB (void); static void funcFB (void); /* ** Warning: This list must be in the same order as the #define's */ struct FB luaI_fallBacks[] = { {"error", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {errorFB}}, 1, 0}, {"index", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {indexFB}}, 2, 1}, {"gettable", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {gettableFB}}, 2, 1}, {"arith", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {arithFB}}, 3, 1}, {"order", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {orderFB}}, 3, 1}, {"concat", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {concatFB}}, 2, 1}, {"settable", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {gettableFB}}, 3, 0}, {"gc", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {GDFB}}, 1, 0}, {"function", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {funcFB}}, -1, -1}, /* no fixed number of params or results */ {"getglobal", {LUA_T_CFUNCTION, {indexFB}}, 1, 1} /* same default behavior of index FB */ }; #define N_FB (sizeof(luaI_fallBacks)/sizeof(struct FB)) void luaI_setfallback (void) { int i; char *name = lua_getstring(lua_getparam(1)); lua_Object func = lua_getparam(2); if (name == NULL || !(lua_isfunction(func) || lua_iscfunction(func))) lua_error("incorrect argument to function `setfallback'"); for (i=0; i<N_FB; i++) { if (strcmp(luaI_fallBacks[i].kind, name) == 0) { luaI_pushobject(&luaI_fallBacks[i].function); luaI_fallBacks[i].function = *luaI_Address(func); return; } } /* name not found */ lua_error("incorrect argument to function `setfallback'"); } static void errorFB (void) { lua_Object o = lua_getparam(1); if (lua_isstring(o)) fprintf (stderr, "lua: %s\n", lua_getstring(o)); else fprintf(stderr, "lua: unknown error\n"); } static void indexFB (void) { lua_pushnil(); } static void gettableFB (void) { lua_error("indexed expression not a table"); } static void arithFB (void) { lua_error("unexpected type at conversion to number"); } static void concatFB (void) { lua_error("unexpected type at conversion to string"); } static void orderFB (void) { lua_error("unexpected type at comparison"); } static void GDFB (void) { } static void funcFB (void) { lua_error("call expression not a function"); } /* ** Lock routines */ static Object *lockArray = NULL; static Word lockSize = 0; int luaI_lock (Object *object) { Word i; Word oldSize; if (tag(object) == LUA_T_NIL) return -1; for (i=0; i<lockSize; i++) if (tag(&lockArray[i]) == LUA_T_NIL) { lockArray[i] = *object; return i; } /* no more empty spaces */ oldSize = lockSize; if (lockArray == NULL) { lockSize = 10; lockArray = newvector(lockSize, Object); } else { lockSize = 3*oldSize/2 + 5; lockArray = growvector(lockArray, lockSize, Object); } for (i=oldSize; i<lockSize; i++) tag(&lockArray[i]) = LUA_T_NIL; lockArray[oldSize] = *object; return oldSize; } void lua_unlock (int ref) { tag(&lockArray[ref]) = LUA_T_NIL; } Object *luaI_getlocked (int ref) { return &lockArray[ref]; } void luaI_travlock (int (*fn)(Object *)) { Word i; for (i=0; i<lockSize; i++) fn(&lockArray[i]); } char *luaI_travfallbacks (int (*fn)(Object *)) { Word i; for (i=0; i<N_FB; i++) if (fn(&luaI_fallBacks[i].function)) return luaI_fallBacks[i].kind; return NULL; }