#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include "lua.h" #include "luadebug.h" #include "lualib.h" FILE *lua_infile, *lua_outfile; #ifdef POPEN FILE *popen(); int pclose(); #else #define popen(x,y) NULL /* that is, popen always fails */ #define pclose(x) (-1) #endif static void pushresult (int i) { if (i) lua_pushuserdata(NULL); else { lua_pushnil(); #ifndef NOSTRERROR lua_pushstring(strerror(errno)); #else lua_pushstring("system unable to define the error"); #endif } } static void closefile (FILE *f) { if (f == stdin || f == stdout) return; if (f == lua_infile) lua_infile = stdin; if (f == lua_outfile) lua_outfile = stdout; if (pclose(f) == -1) fclose(f); } static void io_readfrom (void) { lua_Object f = lua_getparam(1); if (f == LUA_NOOBJECT) closefile(lua_infile); /* restore standart input */ else if (lua_isuserdata(f)) lua_infile = lua_getuserdata(f); else { char *s = lua_check_string(1, "readfrom"); FILE *fp = (*s == '|') ? popen(s+1, "r") : fopen(s, "r"); if (fp) lua_infile = fp; else { pushresult(0); return; } } lua_pushuserdata(lua_infile); } static void io_writeto (void) { lua_Object f = lua_getparam(1); if (f == LUA_NOOBJECT) closefile(lua_outfile); /* restore standart output */ else if (lua_isuserdata(f)) lua_outfile = lua_getuserdata(f); else { char *s = lua_check_string(1, "writeto"); FILE *fp = (*s == '|') ? popen(s+1,"w") : fopen(s,"w"); if (fp) lua_outfile = fp; else { pushresult(0); return; } } lua_pushuserdata(lua_outfile); } static void io_appendto (void) { char *s = lua_check_string(1, "appendto"); FILE *fp = fopen (s, "a"); if (fp != NULL) { lua_outfile = fp; lua_pushuserdata(lua_outfile); } else pushresult(0); } #define NEED_OTHER (EOF-1) /* just some flag different from EOF */ static void io_read (void) { char *buff; char *p = lua_opt_string(1, "[^\n]*{\n}", "read"); int inskip = 0; /* to control {skips} */ int c = NEED_OTHER; luaI_addchar(0); while (*p) { if (*p == '{') { inskip++; p++; } else if (*p == '}') { if (inskip == 0) lua_error("unbalanced `{...}' in read pattern"); inskip--; p++; } else { char *ep = item_end(p); /* get what is next */ int m; /* match result */ if (c == NEED_OTHER) c = getc(lua_infile); m = (c == EOF) ? 0 : singlematch((char)c, p); if (m) { if (inskip == 0) luaI_addchar(c); c = NEED_OTHER; } switch (*ep) { case '*': /* repetition */ if (!m) p = ep+1; /* else stay in (repeat) the same item */ break; case '?': /* optional */ p = ep+1; /* continues reading the pattern */ break; default: if (m) p = ep; /* continues reading the pattern */ else goto break_while; /* pattern fails */ } } } break_while: if (c >= 0) /* not EOF nor NEED_OTHER? */ ungetc(c, lua_infile); buff = luaI_addchar(0); if (*buff != 0 || *p == 0) /* read something or did not fail? */ lua_pushstring(buff); } static void io_write (void) { int arg = 1; int status = 1; char *s; while ((s = lua_opt_string(arg++, NULL, "write")) != NULL) status = status && (fputs(s, lua_outfile) != EOF); pushresult(status); } static void io_execute (void) { lua_pushnumber(system(lua_check_string(1, "execute"))); } static void io_remove (void) { pushresult(remove(lua_check_string(1, "remove")) == 0); } static void io_rename (void) { pushresult(rename(lua_check_string(1, "rename"), lua_check_string(2, "rename")) == 0); } static void io_tmpname (void) { lua_pushstring(tmpnam(NULL)); } static void io_getenv (void) { lua_pushstring(getenv(lua_check_string(1, "getenv"))); /* if NULL push nil */ } static void io_date (void) { time_t t; struct tm *tm; char *s = lua_opt_string(1, "%c", "date"); char b[BUFSIZ]; time(&t); tm = localtime(&t); if (strftime(b,sizeof(b),s,tm)) lua_pushstring(b); else lua_error("invalid `date' format"); } static void io_exit (void) { lua_Object o = lua_getparam(1); exit(lua_isnumber(o) ? (int)lua_getnumber(o) : 1); } static void io_debug (void) { while (1) { char buffer[250]; fprintf(stderr, "lua_debug> "); if (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), stdin) == 0) return; if (strcmp(buffer, "cont\n") == 0) return; lua_dostring(buffer); } } static void lua_printstack (FILE *f) { int level = 0; lua_Object func; fprintf(f, "Active Stack:\n"); while ((func = lua_stackedfunction(level++)) != LUA_NOOBJECT) { char *name; int currentline; fprintf(f, "\t"); switch (*lua_getobjname(func, &name)) { case 'g': fprintf(f, "function %s", name); break; case 'f': fprintf(f, "`%s' fallback", name); break; default: { char *filename; int linedefined; lua_funcinfo(func, &filename, &linedefined); if (linedefined == 0) fprintf(f, "main of %s", filename); else if (linedefined < 0) fprintf(f, "%s", filename); else fprintf(f, "function (%s:%d)", filename, linedefined); } } if ((currentline = lua_currentline(func)) > 0) fprintf(f, " at line %d", currentline); fprintf(f, "\n"); } } static void errorfb (void) { char *s = lua_opt_string(1, "(no messsage)", NULL); fprintf(stderr, "lua: %s\n", s); lua_printstack(stderr); } static struct lua_reg iolib[] = { {"readfrom", io_readfrom}, {"writeto", io_writeto}, {"appendto", io_appendto}, {"read", io_read}, {"write", io_write}, {"execute", io_execute}, {"remove", io_remove}, {"rename", io_rename}, {"tmpname", io_tmpname}, {"getenv", io_getenv}, {"date", io_date}, {"exit", io_exit}, {"debug", io_debug}, {"print_stack", errorfb} }; void iolib_open (void) { lua_infile=stdin; lua_outfile=stdout; luaI_openlib(iolib, (sizeof(iolib)/sizeof(iolib[0]))); lua_setfallback("error", errorfb); }