/* ** $Id: lcode.c,v 1.13 2000/03/16 18:03:09 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Code generator for Lua ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #define LUA_REENTRANT #include "lcode.h" #include "ldo.h" #include "llex.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lopcodes.h" #include "lparser.h" #include "lstring.h" void luaK_error (LexState *ls, const char *msg) { luaX_error(ls, msg, ls->token); } int luaK_code (FuncState *fs, Instruction i, int delta) { luaK_deltastack(fs, delta); luaM_growvector(fs->L, fs->f->code, fs->pc, 1, Instruction, codeEM, MAX_INT); fs->f->code[fs->pc] = i; return fs->pc++; } int luaK_0(FuncState *fs, OpCode o, int d) { return luaK_code(fs, CREATE_0(o), d); } int luaK_U(FuncState *fs, OpCode o, int u, int d) { return luaK_code(fs, CREATE_U(o,u), d); } int luaK_S(FuncState *fs, OpCode o, int s, int d) { return luaK_code(fs, CREATE_S(o,s), d); } int luaK_AB(FuncState *fs, OpCode o, int a, int b, int d) { return luaK_code(fs, CREATE_AB(o,a,b), d); } /* ** Returns the the previous instruction, for optimizations. ** If there is a jump target between this and the current instruction, ** returns a dummy instruction to avoid wrong optimizations. */ static Instruction previous_instruction (FuncState *fs) { if (fs->pc > fs->lasttarget) /* no jumps to current position? */ return fs->f->code[fs->pc-1]; /* returns previous instruction */ else return CREATE_0(OP_END); /* no optimizations after an `END' */ } static Instruction prepare (FuncState *fs, Instruction i, int delta) { Instruction previous = previous_instruction(fs); luaK_code(fs, i, delta); return previous; } static void setprevious (FuncState *fs, Instruction i) { fs->pc--; /* remove last instruction */ fs->f->code[fs->pc-1] = i; /* change previous instruction */ } static void luaK_minus (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_0(OP_MINUS), 0); switch(GET_OPCODE(previous)) { case OP_PUSHINT: SETARG_S(previous, -GETARG_S(previous)); break; case OP_PUSHNUM: SET_OPCODE(previous, OP_PUSHNEGNUM); break; case OP_PUSHNEGNUM: SET_OPCODE(previous, OP_PUSHNUM); break; default: return; } setprevious(fs, previous); } static void luaK_gettable (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_0(OP_GETTABLE), -1); switch(GET_OPCODE(previous)) { case OP_PUSHSTRING: SET_OPCODE(previous, OP_GETDOTTED); break; default: return; } setprevious(fs, previous); } static void luaK_add (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_0(OP_ADD), -1); switch(GET_OPCODE(previous)) { case OP_PUSHINT: SET_OPCODE(previous, OP_ADDI); break; default: return; } setprevious(fs, previous); } static void luaK_sub (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_0(OP_SUB), -1); switch(GET_OPCODE(previous)) { case OP_PUSHINT: SET_OPCODE(previous, OP_ADDI); SETARG_S(previous, -GETARG_S(previous)); break; default: return; } setprevious(fs, previous); } static void luaK_conc (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_U(OP_CONC, 2), -1); switch(GET_OPCODE(previous)) { case OP_CONC: SETARG_U(previous, GETARG_U(previous)+1); break; default: return; } setprevious(fs, previous); } static void luaK_eq (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_S(OP_IFEQJMP, 0), -2); if (previous == CREATE_U(OP_PUSHNIL, 1)) { setprevious(fs, CREATE_0(OP_NOT)); luaK_deltastack(fs, 1); /* undo delta from `prepare' */ } } static void luaK_neq (FuncState *fs) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_S(OP_IFNEQJMP, 0), -2); if (previous == CREATE_U(OP_PUSHNIL, 1)) { fs->pc -= 2; /* remove PUSHNIL and IFNEQJMP */ luaK_deltastack(fs, 1); /* undo delta from `prepare' */ } } void luaK_retcode (FuncState *fs, int nlocals, int nexps) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_U(OP_RETURN, nlocals), 0); if (nexps > 0 && GET_OPCODE(previous) == OP_CALL) { LUA_ASSERT(fs->L, GETARG_B(previous) == MULT_RET, "call should be open"); SET_OPCODE(previous, OP_TAILCALL); SETARG_B(previous, nlocals); setprevious(fs, previous); } } static void luaK_pushnil (FuncState *fs, int n) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_U(OP_PUSHNIL, n), n); switch(GET_OPCODE(previous)) { case OP_PUSHNIL: SETARG_U(previous, GETARG_U(previous)+n); break; default: return; } setprevious(fs, previous); } void luaK_fixjump (FuncState *fs, int pc, int dest) { Instruction *jmp = &fs->f->code[pc]; if (dest == NO_JUMP) SETARG_S(*jmp, 0); /* absolute value to represent end of list */ else { /* jump is relative to position following jump instruction */ int offset = dest-(pc+1); if (offset < -MAXARG_S || offset > MAXARG_S) luaK_error(fs->ls, "control structure too long"); SETARG_S(*jmp, offset); } } static int luaK_getjump (FuncState *fs, int pc) { int offset = GETARG_S(fs->f->code[pc]); if (offset == 0) return NO_JUMP; /* end of list */ else return (pc+1)+offset; /* turn offset into absolute position */ } /* ** returns current `pc' and marks it as a jump target (to avoid wrong ** optimizations with consecutive instructions not in the same basic block). */ int luaK_getlabel (FuncState *fs) { fs->lasttarget = fs->pc; return fs->pc; } void luaK_deltastack (FuncState *fs, int delta) { fs->stacksize += delta; if (delta > 0 && fs->stacksize > fs->f->maxstacksize) { if (fs->stacksize > MAXSTACK) luaK_error(fs->ls, "function or expression too complex"); fs->f->maxstacksize = fs->stacksize; } } void luaK_kstr (LexState *ls, int c) { luaK_U(ls->fs, OP_PUSHSTRING, c, 1); } #ifndef LOOKBACKNUMS #define LOOKBACKNUMS 20 /* arbitrary limit */ #endif static int real_constant (FuncState *fs, Number r) { /* check whether `r' has appeared within the last LOOKBACKNUMS entries */ Proto *f = fs->f; int c = f->nknum; int lim = c < LOOKBACKNUMS ? 0 : c-LOOKBACKNUMS; while (--c >= lim) if (f->knum[c] == r) return c; /* not found; create a new entry */ luaM_growvector(fs->L, f->knum, f->nknum, 1, Number, constantEM, MAXARG_U); c = f->nknum++; f->knum[c] = r; return c; } void luaK_number (FuncState *fs, Number f) { if (f <= (Number)MAXARG_S && (int)f == f) luaK_S(fs, OP_PUSHINT, (int)f, 1); /* f has a short integer value */ else luaK_U(fs, OP_PUSHNUM, real_constant(fs, f), 1); } void luaK_adjuststack (FuncState *fs, int n) { if (n > 0) luaK_U(fs, OP_POP, n, -n); else if (n < 0) luaK_pushnil(fs, -n); } int luaK_lastisopen (FuncState *fs) { /* check whether last instruction is an open function call */ Instruction i = previous_instruction(fs); if (GET_OPCODE(i) == OP_CALL && GETARG_B(i) == MULT_RET) return 1; else return 0; } void luaK_setcallreturns (FuncState *fs, int nresults) { if (luaK_lastisopen(fs)) { /* expression is an open function call? */ SETARG_B(fs->f->code[fs->pc-1], nresults); /* set number of results */ luaK_deltastack(fs, nresults); /* push results */ } } static void assertglobal (FuncState *fs, int index) { luaS_assertglobal(fs->L, fs->f->kstr[index]); } static int discharge (FuncState *fs, expdesc *var) { switch (var->k) { case VLOCAL: luaK_U(fs, OP_PUSHLOCAL, var->u.index, 1); break; case VGLOBAL: luaK_U(fs, OP_GETGLOBAL, var->u.index, 1); assertglobal(fs, var->u.index); /* make sure that there is a global */ break; case VINDEXED: luaK_gettable(fs); break; case VEXP: return 0; /* nothing to do */ } var->k = VEXP; var->u.l.t = var->u.l.f = NO_JUMP; return 1; } static void discharge1 (FuncState *fs, expdesc *var) { discharge(fs, var); /* if it has jumps it is already discharged */ if (var->u.l.t == NO_JUMP && var->u.l.f == NO_JUMP) luaK_setcallreturns(fs, 1); /* call must return 1 value */ } void luaK_storevar (LexState *ls, const expdesc *var) { FuncState *fs = ls->fs; switch (var->k) { case VLOCAL: luaK_U(fs, OP_SETLOCAL, var->u.index, -1); break; case VGLOBAL: luaK_U(fs, OP_SETGLOBAL, var->u.index, -1); assertglobal(fs, var->u.index); /* make sure that there is a global */ break; case VINDEXED: luaK_0(fs, OP_SETTABLEPOP, -3); break; default: LUA_INTERNALERROR(ls->L, "invalid var kind to store"); } } static OpCode invertjump (OpCode op) { switch (op) { case OP_IFNEQJMP: return OP_IFEQJMP; case OP_IFEQJMP: return OP_IFNEQJMP; case OP_IFLTJMP: return OP_IFGEJMP; case OP_IFLEJMP: return OP_IFGTJMP; case OP_IFGTJMP: return OP_IFLEJMP; case OP_IFGEJMP: return OP_IFLTJMP; case OP_IFTJMP: case OP_ONTJMP: return OP_IFFJMP; case OP_IFFJMP: case OP_ONFJMP: return OP_IFTJMP; default: LUA_INTERNALERROR(NULL, "invalid jump instruction"); return OP_END; /* to avoid warnings */ } } static void luaK_jump (FuncState *fs, OpCode jump) { Instruction previous = prepare(fs, CREATE_S(jump, 0), -1); if (previous == CREATE_0(OP_NOT)) setprevious(fs, CREATE_S(invertjump(jump), 0)); } static void insert_last (FuncState *fs, int *list) { int first = *list; *list = fs->pc-1; /* insert last instruction in the list */ luaK_fixjump(fs, *list, first); } static void luaK_patchlistaux (FuncState *fs, int list, int target, OpCode special, int special_target) { Instruction *code = fs->f->code; while (list != NO_JUMP) { int next = luaK_getjump(fs, list); Instruction *i = &code[list]; OpCode op = GET_OPCODE(*i); if (op == special) /* this `op' already has a value */ luaK_fixjump(fs, list, special_target); else { luaK_fixjump(fs, list, target); /* do the patch */ if (op == OP_ONTJMP) /* remove eventual values */ SET_OPCODE(*i, OP_IFTJMP); else if (op == OP_ONFJMP) SET_OPCODE(*i, OP_IFFJMP); } list = next; } } void luaK_patchlist (FuncState *fs, int list, int target) { luaK_patchlistaux(fs, list, target, OP_END, 0); } static int need_value (FuncState *fs, int list, OpCode hasvalue) { /* check whether list has a jump without a value */ for (; list != NO_JUMP; list = luaK_getjump(fs, list)) if (GET_OPCODE(fs->f->code[list]) != hasvalue) return 1; return 0; /* not found */ } static void concatlists (FuncState *fs, int *l1, int l2) { if (*l1 == NO_JUMP) *l1 = l2; else { int list = *l1; for (;;) { /* traverse `l1' */ int next = luaK_getjump(fs, list); if (next == NO_JUMP) { /* end of list? */ luaK_fixjump(fs, list, l2); return; } list = next; } } } void luaK_goiftrue (FuncState *fs, expdesc *v, int keepvalue) { Instruction *previous; discharge1(fs, v); previous = &fs->f->code[fs->pc-1]; if (ISJUMP(GET_OPCODE(*previous))) SET_OPCODE(*previous, invertjump(GET_OPCODE(*previous))); else { OpCode jump = keepvalue ? OP_ONFJMP : OP_IFFJMP; luaK_jump(fs, jump); } insert_last(fs, &v->u.l.f); luaK_patchlist(fs, v->u.l.t, luaK_getlabel(fs)); v->u.l.t = NO_JUMP; } void luaK_goiffalse (FuncState *fs, expdesc *v, int keepvalue) { Instruction previous; discharge1(fs, v); previous = fs->f->code[fs->pc-1]; if (!ISJUMP(GET_OPCODE(previous))) { OpCode jump = keepvalue ? OP_ONTJMP : OP_IFTJMP; luaK_jump(fs, jump); } insert_last(fs, &v->u.l.t); luaK_patchlist(fs, v->u.l.f, luaK_getlabel(fs)); v->u.l.f = NO_JUMP; } void luaK_tostack (LexState *ls, expdesc *v, int onlyone) { FuncState *fs = ls->fs; if (discharge(fs, v)) return; else { /* is an expression */ OpCode previous = GET_OPCODE(fs->f->code[fs->pc-1]); if (!ISJUMP(previous) && v->u.l.f == NO_JUMP && v->u.l.t == NO_JUMP) { /* it is an expression without jumps */ if (onlyone && v->k == VEXP) luaK_setcallreturns(fs, 1); /* call must return 1 value */ return; } else { /* expression has jumps... */ int p_nil = 0; /* position of an eventual PUSHNIL */ int p_1 = 0; /* position of an eventual PUSHINT */ int final; /* position after whole expression */ if (ISJUMP(previous)) { insert_last(fs, &v->u.l.t); /* put `previous' in true list */ p_nil = luaK_0(fs, OP_PUSHNILJMP, 0); p_1 = luaK_S(fs, OP_PUSHINT, 1, 1); } else { /* still may need a PUSHNIL or a PUSHINT */ int need_nil = need_value(fs, v->u.l.f, OP_ONFJMP); int need_1 = need_value(fs, v->u.l.t, OP_ONTJMP); if (need_nil && need_1) { luaK_S(fs, OP_JMP, 2, 0); /* skip both pushes */ p_nil = luaK_0(fs, OP_PUSHNILJMP, 0); p_1 = luaK_S(fs, OP_PUSHINT, 1, 0); } else if (need_nil || need_1) { luaK_S(fs, OP_JMP, 1, 0); /* skip one push */ if (need_nil) p_nil = luaK_U(fs, OP_PUSHNIL, 1, 0); else /* need_1 */ p_1 = luaK_S(fs, OP_PUSHINT, 1, 0); } } final = luaK_getlabel(fs); luaK_patchlistaux(fs, v->u.l.f, p_nil, OP_ONFJMP, final); luaK_patchlistaux(fs, v->u.l.t, p_1, OP_ONTJMP, final); v->u.l.f = v->u.l.t = NO_JUMP; } } } void luaK_prefix (LexState *ls, int op, expdesc *v) { FuncState *fs = ls->fs; if (op == '-') { luaK_tostack(ls, v, 1); luaK_minus(fs); } else { /* op == NOT */ Instruction *previous; discharge1(fs, v); previous = &fs->f->code[fs->pc-1]; if (ISJUMP(GET_OPCODE(*previous))) SET_OPCODE(*previous, invertjump(GET_OPCODE(*previous))); else luaK_0(fs, OP_NOT, 0); /* interchange true and false lists */ { int temp = v->u.l.f; v->u.l.f = v->u.l.t; v->u.l.t = temp; } } } void luaK_infix (LexState *ls, int op, expdesc *v) { FuncState *fs = ls->fs; if (op == TK_AND) luaK_goiftrue(fs, v, 1); else if (op == TK_OR) luaK_goiffalse(fs, v, 1); else luaK_tostack(ls, v, 1); /* all other binary operators need a value */ } void luaK_posfix (LexState *ls, int op, expdesc *v1, expdesc *v2) { FuncState *fs = ls->fs; if (op == TK_AND) { LUA_ASSERT(ls->L, v1->u.l.t == NO_JUMP, "list must be closed"); discharge1(fs, v2); v1->u.l.t = v2->u.l.t; concatlists(fs, &v1->u.l.f, v2->u.l.f); } else if (op == TK_OR) { LUA_ASSERT(ls->L, v1->u.l.f == NO_JUMP, "list must be closed"); discharge1(fs, v2); v1->u.l.f = v2->u.l.f; concatlists(fs, &v1->u.l.t, v2->u.l.t); } else { luaK_tostack(ls, v2, 1); /* `v2' must be a value */ switch (op) { case '+': luaK_add(fs); break; case '-': luaK_sub(fs); break; case '*': luaK_0(fs, OP_MULT, -1); break; case '/': luaK_0(fs, OP_DIV, -1); break; case '^': luaK_0(fs, OP_POW, -1); break; case TK_CONC: luaK_conc(fs); break; case TK_EQ: luaK_eq(fs); break; case TK_NE: luaK_neq(fs); break; case '>': luaK_S(fs, OP_IFGTJMP, 0, -2); break; case '<': luaK_S(fs, OP_IFLTJMP, 0, -2); break; case TK_GE: luaK_S(fs, OP_IFGEJMP, 0, -2); break; case TK_LE: luaK_S(fs, OP_IFLEJMP, 0, -2); break; } } }