/* ** $Id: ldebug.c,v 1.97 2002/01/09 22:02:47 roberto Exp $ ** Debug Interface ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "lua.h" #include "lapi.h" #include "lcode.h" #include "ldebug.h" #include "ldo.h" #include "lfunc.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lopcodes.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "ltm.h" #include "luadebug.h" #include "lvm.h" static const char *getfuncname (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, const char **name); static int isLmark (CallInfo *ci) { return (ttype(ci->base - 1) == LUA_TFUNCTION && !ci_func(ci)->c.isC); } LUA_API lua_Hook lua_setcallhook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func) { lua_Hook oldhook; lua_lock(L); oldhook = L->callhook; L->callhook = func; lua_unlock(L); return oldhook; } LUA_API lua_Hook lua_setlinehook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook func) { lua_Hook oldhook; lua_lock(L); oldhook = L->linehook; L->linehook = func; lua_unlock(L); return oldhook; } LUA_API int lua_getstack (lua_State *L, int level, lua_Debug *ar) { int status; lua_lock(L); if (L->ci - L->base_ci <= level) status = 0; /* there is no such level */ else { ar->_ci = (L->ci - L->base_ci) - level; status = 1; } lua_unlock(L); return status; } int luaG_getline (int *lineinfo, int pc, int refline, int *prefi) { int refi; if (lineinfo == NULL) return -1; /* no line info */ refi = prefi ? *prefi : 0; if (lineinfo[refi] < 0) refline += -lineinfo[refi++]; lua_assert(lineinfo[refi] >= 0); while (lineinfo[refi] > pc) { refline--; refi--; if (lineinfo[refi] < 0) refline -= -lineinfo[refi--]; lua_assert(lineinfo[refi] >= 0); } for (;;) { int nextline = refline + 1; int nextref = refi + 1; if (lineinfo[nextref] < 0) nextline += -lineinfo[nextref++]; lua_assert(lineinfo[nextref] >= 0); if (lineinfo[nextref] > pc) break; refline = nextline; refi = nextref; } if (prefi) *prefi = refi; return refline; } static int currentpc (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci) { lua_assert(isLmark(ci)); if (ci->pc == NULL) return 0; /* function is not active */ if (ci == L->ci || ci->pc != (ci+1)->pc) /* no other function using `pc'? */ return (*ci->pc - ci_func(ci)->l.p->code) - 1; else /* function's pc is saved */ return (ci->savedpc - ci_func(ci)->l.p->code) - 1; } static int currentline (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci) { if (!isLmark(ci)) return -1; /* only active lua functions have current-line information */ else { int *lineinfo = ci_func(ci)->l.p->lineinfo; return luaG_getline(lineinfo, currentpc(L, ci), 1, NULL); } } static Proto *getluaproto (CallInfo *ci) { return (isLmark(ci) ? ci_func(ci)->l.p : NULL); } LUA_API const char *lua_getlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { const char *name; CallInfo *ci; Proto *fp; lua_lock(L); name = NULL; ci = L->base_ci + ar->_ci; fp = getluaproto(ci); if (fp) { /* is a Lua function? */ name = luaF_getlocalname(fp, n, currentpc(L, ci)); if (name) luaA_pushobject(L, ci->base+(n-1)); /* push value */ } lua_unlock(L); return name; } LUA_API const char *lua_setlocal (lua_State *L, const lua_Debug *ar, int n) { const char *name; CallInfo *ci; Proto *fp; lua_lock(L); name = NULL; ci = L->base_ci + ar->_ci; fp = getluaproto(ci); L->top--; /* pop new value */ if (fp) { /* is a Lua function? */ name = luaF_getlocalname(fp, n, currentpc(L, ci)); if (!name || name[0] == '(') /* `(' starts private locals */ name = NULL; else setobj(ci->base+(n-1), L->top); } lua_unlock(L); return name; } static void infoLproto (lua_Debug *ar, Proto *f) { ar->source = getstr(f->source); ar->linedefined = f->lineDefined; ar->what = "Lua"; } static void funcinfo (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar, StkId func) { Closure *cl; if (ttype(func) == LUA_TFUNCTION) cl = clvalue(func); else { luaD_error(L, "value for `lua_getinfo' is not a function"); cl = NULL; /* to avoid warnings */ } if (cl->c.isC) { ar->source = "=C"; ar->linedefined = -1; ar->what = "C"; } else infoLproto(ar, cl->l.p); luaO_chunkid(ar->short_src, ar->source, LUA_IDSIZE); if (ar->linedefined == 0) ar->what = "main"; } static const char *travglobals (lua_State *L, const TObject *o) { Table *g = hvalue(gt(L)); int i = sizenode(g); while (i--) { Node *n = node(g, i); if (luaO_equalObj(o, val(n)) && ttype(key(n)) == LUA_TSTRING) return getstr(tsvalue(key(n))); } return NULL; } static void getname (lua_State *L, const TObject *f, lua_Debug *ar) { /* try to find a name for given function */ if ((ar->name = travglobals(L, f)) != NULL) ar->namewhat = "global"; else ar->namewhat = ""; /* not found */ } LUA_API int lua_getinfo (lua_State *L, const char *what, lua_Debug *ar) { StkId f; CallInfo *ci; int status = 1; lua_lock(L); if (*what != '>') { /* function is active? */ ci = L->base_ci + ar->_ci; f = ci->base - 1; } else { what++; /* skip the `>' */ ci = NULL; f = L->top - 1; } for (; *what; what++) { switch (*what) { case 'S': { funcinfo(L, ar, f); break; } case 'l': { ar->currentline = (ci) ? currentline(L, ci) : -1; break; } case 'u': { ar->nups = (ttype(f) == LUA_TFUNCTION) ? clvalue(f)->c.nupvalues : 0; break; } case 'n': { ar->namewhat = (ci) ? getfuncname(L, ci, &ar->name) : NULL; if (ar->namewhat == NULL) getname(L, f, ar); break; } case 'f': { setobj(L->top, f); status = 2; break; } default: status = 0; /* invalid option */ } } if (!ci) L->top--; /* pop function */ if (status == 2) incr_top(L); lua_unlock(L); return status; } /* ** {====================================================== ** Symbolic Execution and code checker ** ======================================================= */ #define check(x) if (!(x)) return 0; #define checkjump(pt,pc) check(0 <= pc && pc < pt->sizecode) #define checkreg(pt,reg) check((reg) < (pt)->maxstacksize) static int checklineinfo (const Proto *pt) { int *lineinfo = pt->lineinfo; if (lineinfo == NULL) return 1; check(pt->sizelineinfo >= 2 && lineinfo[pt->sizelineinfo-1] == MAX_INT); lua_assert(luaG_getline(lineinfo, pt->sizecode-1, 1, NULL) < MAX_INT); if (*lineinfo < 0) lineinfo++; check(*lineinfo == 0); return 1; } static int precheck (const Proto *pt) { check(checklineinfo(pt)); check(pt->maxstacksize <= MAXSTACK); lua_assert(pt->numparams+pt->is_vararg <= pt->maxstacksize); check(GET_OPCODE(pt->code[pt->sizecode-1]) == OP_RETURN); return 1; } static int checkopenop (const Proto *pt, int pc) { Instruction i = pt->code[pc+1]; switch (GET_OPCODE(i)) { case OP_CALL: case OP_RETURN: { check(GETARG_B(i) == 0); return 1; } case OP_SETLISTO: return 1; default: return 0; /* invalid instruction after an open call */ } } static Instruction luaG_symbexec (const Proto *pt, int lastpc, int reg) { int pc; int last; /* stores position of last instruction that changed `reg' */ last = pt->sizecode-1; /* points to final return (a `neutral' instruction) */ if (reg == NO_REG) /* full check? */ check(precheck(pt)); for (pc = 0; pc < lastpc; pc++) { const Instruction i = pt->code[pc]; OpCode op = GET_OPCODE(i); int a = GETARG_A(i); int b = 0; int c = 0; checkreg(pt, a); switch (getOpMode(op)) { case iABC: { b = GETARG_B(i); c = GETARG_C(i); if (testOpMode(op, OpModeBreg)) checkreg(pt, b); if (testOpMode(op, OpModeCreg)) check(c < pt->maxstacksize || (c >= MAXSTACK && c-MAXSTACK < pt->sizek)); break; } case iABc: { b = GETARG_Bc(i); if (testOpMode(op, OpModeK)) check(b < pt->sizek); break; } case iAsBc: { b = GETARG_sBc(i); break; } } if (testOpMode(op, OpModesetA)) { if (a == reg) last = pc; /* change register `a' */ } if (testOpMode(op, OpModeT)) check(pc+2 < pt->sizecode); /* check skip */ switch (op) { case OP_LOADBOOL: { check(c == 0 || pc+2 < pt->sizecode); /* check its jump */ break; } case OP_LOADNIL: { if (a <= reg && reg <= b) last = pc; /* set registers from `a' to `b' */ break; } case OP_GETUPVAL: case OP_SETUPVAL: { check(b < pt->nupvalues); break; } case OP_GETGLOBAL: case OP_SETGLOBAL: { check(ttype(&pt->k[b]) == LUA_TSTRING); break; } case OP_SELF: { checkreg(pt, a+1); if (reg == a+1) last = pc; break; } case OP_CONCAT: { /* `c' is a register, and at least two operands */ check(c < MAXSTACK && b < c); break; } case OP_JMP: case OP_FORLOOP: case OP_TFORLOOP: { int dest = pc+1+b; check(0 <= dest && dest < pt->sizecode); /* not full check and jump is forward and do not skip `lastpc'? */ if (reg != NO_REG && pc < dest && dest <= lastpc) pc += b; /* do the jump */ break; } case OP_CALL: { if (b != 0) { checkreg(pt, a+b-1); } c--; /* c = num. returns */ if (c == LUA_MULTRET) { check(checkopenop(pt, pc)); } else if (c != 0) checkreg(pt, a+c-1); if (reg >= a) last = pc; /* affect all registers above base */ break; } case OP_RETURN: { b--; /* b = num. returns */ if (b > 0) checkreg(pt, a+b-1); break; } case OP_SETLIST: { checkreg(pt, a + (b&(LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH-1)) + 1); break; } case OP_CLOSURE: { check(b < pt->sizep); check(pc + pt->p[b]->nupvalues < pt->sizecode); break; } default: break; } } return pt->code[last]; } /* }====================================================== */ int luaG_checkcode (const Proto *pt) { return luaG_symbexec(pt, pt->sizecode, NO_REG); } static const char *getobjname (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, int stackpos, const char **name) { if (isLmark(ci)) { /* an active Lua function? */ Proto *p = ci_func(ci)->l.p; int pc = currentpc(L, ci); Instruction i; *name = luaF_getlocalname(p, stackpos+1, pc); if (*name) /* is a local? */ return "local"; i = luaG_symbexec(p, pc, stackpos); /* try symbolic execution */ lua_assert(pc != -1); switch (GET_OPCODE(i)) { case OP_GETGLOBAL: { lua_assert(ttype(&p->k[GETARG_Bc(i)]) == LUA_TSTRING); *name = svalue(&p->k[GETARG_Bc(i)]); return "global"; } case OP_MOVE: { int a = GETARG_A(i); int b = GETARG_B(i); /* move from `b' to `a' */ if (b < a) return getobjname(L, ci, b, name); /* get name for `b' */ break; } case OP_GETTABLE: case OP_SELF: { int c = GETARG_C(i) - MAXSTACK; if (c >= 0 && ttype(&p->k[c]) == LUA_TSTRING) { *name = svalue(&p->k[c]); return "field"; } break; } default: break; } } return NULL; /* no useful name found */ } static const char *getfuncname (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci, const char **name) { ci--; /* calling function */ if (ci == L->base_ci || !isLmark(ci)) return NULL; /* not an active Lua function */ else { Proto *p = ci_func(ci)->l.p; int pc = currentpc(L, ci); Instruction i; i = p->code[pc]; return (GET_OPCODE(i) == OP_CALL ? getobjname(L, ci, GETARG_A(i), name) : NULL); /* no useful name found */ } } void luaG_typeerror (lua_State *L, StkId o, const char *op) { const char *name; const char *kind = getobjname(L, L->ci, o - L->ci->base, &name); /* ?? */ const char *t = luaT_typenames[ttype(o)]; if (kind) luaO_verror(L, "attempt to %.30s %.20s `%.40s' (a %.10s value)", op, kind, name, t); else luaO_verror(L, "attempt to %.30s a %.10s value", op, t); } void luaG_concaterror (lua_State *L, StkId p1, StkId p2) { if (ttype(p1) == LUA_TSTRING) p1 = p2; lua_assert(ttype(p1) != LUA_TSTRING); luaG_typeerror(L, p1, "concat"); } void luaG_aritherror (lua_State *L, StkId p1, TObject *p2) { TObject temp; if (luaV_tonumber(p1, &temp) != NULL) p1 = p2; /* first operand is OK; error is in the second */ luaG_typeerror(L, p1, "perform arithmetic on"); } void luaG_ordererror (lua_State *L, const TObject *p1, const TObject *p2) { const char *t1 = luaT_typenames[ttype(p1)]; const char *t2 = luaT_typenames[ttype(p2)]; if (t1[2] == t2[2]) luaO_verror(L, "attempt to compare two %.10s values", t1); else luaO_verror(L, "attempt to compare %.10s with %.10s", t1, t2); }