/* ** $Id: ldo.c,v 1.179 2002/06/03 20:12:50 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Stack and Call structure of Lua ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "ldebug.h" #include "ldo.h" #include "lfunc.h" #include "lgc.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lopcodes.h" #include "lparser.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "ltm.h" #include "lundump.h" #include "lvm.h" #include "lzio.h" /* chain list of long jump buffers */ struct lua_longjmp { struct lua_longjmp *previous; CallInfo *ci; /* index of call info of active function that set protection */ StkId top; /* top stack when protection was set */ jmp_buf b; int allowhooks; /* `allowhook' state when protection was set */ volatile int status; /* error code */ TObject *err; /* error messages (start of `ud') */ }; static void pusherrormsg (lua_State *L, int status, TObject *err) { setobj(L->top++, &err[0]); if (status == LUA_ERRRUN) setobj(L->top++, &err[1]); } static void correctstack (lua_State *L, TObject *oldstack) { struct lua_longjmp *lj; CallInfo *ci; UpVal *up; L->top = (L->top - oldstack) + L->stack; for (lj = L->errorJmp; lj != NULL; lj = lj->previous) lj->top = (lj->top - oldstack) + L->stack; for (up = L->openupval; up != NULL; up = up->next) up->v = (up->v - oldstack) + L->stack; for (ci = L->base_ci; ci <= L->ci; ci++) { ci->base = (ci->base - oldstack) + L->stack; ci->top = (ci->top - oldstack) + L->stack; if (ci->pc) { /* entry is of an active Lua function? */ if (ci->pc != (ci-1)->pc) *ci->pb = (*ci->pb - oldstack) + L->stack; } } } void luaD_reallocstack (lua_State *L, int newsize) { TObject *oldstack = L->stack; luaM_reallocvector(L, L->stack, L->stacksize, newsize, TObject); L->stacksize = newsize; L->stack_last = L->stack+(newsize-EXTRA_STACK)-1; correctstack(L, oldstack); } static void correctCI (lua_State *L, CallInfo *oldci) { struct lua_longjmp *lj; for (lj = L->errorJmp; lj != NULL; lj = lj->previous) { lj->ci = (lj->ci - oldci) + L->base_ci; } } void luaD_reallocCI (lua_State *L, int newsize) { CallInfo *oldci = L->base_ci; luaM_reallocvector(L, L->base_ci, L->size_ci, newsize, CallInfo); L->size_ci = newsize; L->ci = (L->ci - oldci) + L->base_ci; L->end_ci = L->base_ci + L->size_ci; correctCI(L, oldci); } static void restore_stack_limit (lua_State *L) { if (L->size_ci > LUA_MAXCALLS) { /* there was an overflow? */ int inuse = (L->ci - L->base_ci); if (inuse + 1 < LUA_MAXCALLS) /* can `undo' overflow? */ luaD_reallocCI(L, LUA_MAXCALLS); } } void luaD_growstack (lua_State *L, int n) { if (n <= L->stacksize) /* double size is enough? */ luaD_reallocstack(L, 2*L->stacksize); else luaD_reallocstack(L, L->stacksize + n + EXTRA_STACK); } static void luaD_growCI (lua_State *L) { L->ci--; if (L->size_ci > LUA_MAXCALLS) /* overflow while handling overflow? */ luaD_throw(L, LUA_ERRERR); else { luaD_reallocCI(L, 2*L->size_ci); if (L->size_ci > LUA_MAXCALLS) luaG_runerror(L, "stack overflow"); } L->ci++; } /* ** Open a hole inside the stack at `pos' */ static void luaD_openstack (lua_State *L, StkId pos) { StkId p; for (p = L->top; p > pos; p--) setobj(p, p-1); incr_top(L); } static void dohook (lua_State *L, lua_Debug *ar, lua_Hook hook) { ptrdiff_t top = savestack(L, L->top); ptrdiff_t ci_top = savestack(L, L->ci->top); luaD_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK); /* ensure minimum stack size */ L->ci->top = L->top + LUA_MINSTACK; L->allowhooks = 0; /* cannot call hooks inside a hook */ lua_unlock(L); (*hook)(L, ar); lua_lock(L); lua_assert(L->allowhooks == 0); L->allowhooks = 1; L->ci->top = restorestack(L, ci_top); L->top = restorestack(L, top); } void luaD_lineHook (lua_State *L, int line) { if (L->allowhooks) { lua_Debug ar; ar.event = "line"; ar.i_ci = L->ci - L->base_ci; ar.currentline = line; dohook(L, &ar, L->linehook); } } static void luaD_callHook (lua_State *L, lua_Hook callhook, const char *event) { if (L->allowhooks) { lua_Debug ar; ar.event = event; ar.i_ci = L->ci - L->base_ci; L->ci->pc = NULL; /* function is not active */ L->ci->top = L->ci->base; /* `top' may not have a valid value yet */ dohook(L, &ar, callhook); } } static void adjust_varargs (lua_State *L, int nfixargs) { int i; Table *htab; TObject nname; int actual = L->top - L->ci->base; /* actual number of arguments */ if (actual < nfixargs) { luaD_checkstack(L, nfixargs - actual); for (; actual < nfixargs; ++actual) setnilvalue(L->top++); } actual -= nfixargs; /* number of extra arguments */ htab = luaH_new(L, 0, 0); /* create `arg' table */ for (i=0; itop - actual + i); /* store counter in field `n' */ setsvalue(&nname, luaS_newliteral(L, "n")); setnvalue(luaH_set(L, htab, &nname), actual); L->top -= actual; /* remove extra elements from the stack */ sethvalue(L->top, htab); incr_top(L); } static StkId tryfuncTM (lua_State *L, StkId func) { const TObject *tm = luaT_gettmbyobj(L, func, TM_CALL); if (ttype(tm) != LUA_TFUNCTION) { L->ci--; /* undo increment (no function here) */ luaG_typeerror(L, func, "call"); } luaD_openstack(L, func); func = L->ci->base - 1; /* previous call may change stack */ setobj(func, tm); /* tag method is the new function to be called */ return func; } StkId luaD_precall (lua_State *L, StkId func) { CallInfo *ci; LClosure *cl; if (++L->ci == L->end_ci) luaD_growCI(L); ci = L->ci; ci->base = func+1; ci->pc = NULL; if (ttype(func) != LUA_TFUNCTION) /* `func' is not a function? */ func = tryfuncTM(L, func); /* check the `function' tag method */ cl = &clvalue(func)->l; if (L->callhook) { luaD_callHook(L, L->callhook, "call"); ci = L->ci; /* previous call may realocate `ci' */ } if (!cl->isC) { /* Lua function? prepare its call */ Proto *p = cl->p; ci->savedpc = p->code; /* starting point */ if (p->is_vararg) /* varargs? */ adjust_varargs(L, p->numparams); luaD_checkstack(L, p->maxstacksize); ci->top = ci->base + p->maxstacksize; while (L->top < ci->top) setnilvalue(L->top++); L->top = ci->top; return NULL; } else { /* if is a C function, call it */ int n; luaD_checkstack(L, LUA_MINSTACK); /* ensure minimum stack size */ ci->top = L->top + LUA_MINSTACK; lua_unlock(L); #if LUA_COMPATUPVALUES lua_pushupvalues(L); #endif n = (*clvalue(ci->base-1)->c.f)(L); /* do the actual call */ lua_lock(L); return L->top - n; } } void luaD_poscall (lua_State *L, int wanted, StkId firstResult) { StkId res; if (L->callhook) { ptrdiff_t fr = savestack(L, firstResult); /* next call may change stack */ luaD_callHook(L, L->callhook, "return"); firstResult = restorestack(L, fr); } res = L->ci->base - 1; /* res == final position of 1st result */ L->ci--; /* move results to correct place */ while (wanted != 0 && firstResult < L->top) { setobj(res++, firstResult++); wanted--; } while (wanted-- > 0) setnilvalue(res++); L->top = res; luaC_checkGC(L); } /* ** Call a function (C or Lua). The function to be called is at *func. ** The arguments are on the stack, right after the function. ** When returns, all the results are on the stack, starting at the original ** function position. */ void luaD_call (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nResults) { StkId firstResult = luaD_precall(L, func); if (firstResult == NULL) { /* is a Lua function? */ firstResult = luaV_execute(L); /* call it */ if (firstResult == NULL) { luaD_poscall(L, 0, L->top); luaG_runerror(L, "attempt to `yield' across tag-method/C-call boundary"); } } luaD_poscall(L, nResults, firstResult); } LUA_API void lua_cobegin (lua_State *L, int nargs) { lua_lock(L); luaD_precall(L, L->top - (nargs+1)); lua_unlock(L); } static void move_results (lua_State *L, TObject *from, TObject *to) { while (from < to) { setobj(L->top, from); from++; incr_top(L); } } struct ResS { TObject err[2]; int numres; }; static void resume (lua_State *L, void *ud) { StkId firstResult; CallInfo *ci = L->ci; if (ci->savedpc != ci_func(ci)->l.p->code) { /* not first time? */ /* finish interupted execution of `OP_CALL' */ int nresults; lua_assert(GET_OPCODE(*((ci-1)->savedpc - 1)) == OP_CALL); nresults = GETARG_C(*((ci-1)->savedpc - 1)) - 1; luaD_poscall(L, nresults, L->top); /* complete it */ if (nresults >= 0) L->top = L->ci->top; } firstResult = luaV_execute(L); if (firstResult == NULL) /* yield? */ cast(struct ResS *, ud)->numres = L->ci->yield_results; else { /* return */ cast(struct ResS *, ud)->numres = L->top - firstResult; luaD_poscall(L, LUA_MULTRET, firstResult); /* finalize this coroutine */ } } LUA_API int lua_resume (lua_State *L, lua_State *co) { CallInfo *ci; struct ResS ud; int status; lua_lock(L); ci = co->ci; if (ci == co->base_ci) /* no activation record? ?? */ luaG_runerror(L, "thread is dead - cannot be resumed"); if (co->errorJmp != NULL) /* ?? */ luaG_runerror(L, "thread is active - cannot be resumed"); status = luaD_runprotected(co, resume, ud.err); if (status == 0) move_results(L, co->top - ud.numres, co->top); else pusherrormsg(L, status, ud.err); lua_unlock(L); return status; } LUA_API int lua_yield (lua_State *L, int nresults) { CallInfo *ci; lua_lock(L); ci = L->ci; if (ci_func(ci-1)->c.isC) luaG_runerror(L, "cannot `yield' a C function"); ci->yield_results = nresults; lua_unlock(L); return -1; } /* ** Execute a protected call. */ struct CallS { /* data to `f_call' */ TObject err[2]; StkId func; int nresults; }; static void f_call (lua_State *L, void *ud) { struct CallS *c = cast(struct CallS *, ud); luaD_call(L, c->func, c->nresults); } int luaD_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults) { struct CallS c; int status; c.func = L->top - (nargs+1); /* function to be called */ c.nresults = nresults; status = luaD_runprotected(L, &f_call, c.err); if (status != 0) { /* an error occurred? */ L->top -= nargs+1; /* remove parameters and func from the stack */ luaF_close(L, L->top); /* close eventual pending closures */ pusherrormsg(L, status, c.err); } return status; } /* ** Execute a protected parser. */ struct SParser { /* data to `f_parser' */ TObject err[2]; ZIO *z; int bin; }; static void f_parser (lua_State *L, void *ud) { struct SParser *p = cast(struct SParser *, ud); Proto *tf = p->bin ? luaU_undump(L, p->z) : luaY_parser(L, p->z); Closure *cl = luaF_newLclosure(L, 0); cl->l.p = tf; setclvalue(L->top, cl); incr_top(L); } int luaD_protectedparser (lua_State *L, ZIO *z, int bin) { struct SParser p; lu_mem old_blocks; int status; p.z = z; p.bin = bin; /* before parsing, give a (good) chance to GC */ if (G(L)->nblocks + G(L)->nblocks/4 >= G(L)->GCthreshold) luaC_collectgarbage(L); old_blocks = G(L)->nblocks; status = luaD_runprotected(L, f_parser, p.err); if (status == 0) { /* add new memory to threshold (as it probably will stay) */ lua_assert(G(L)->nblocks >= old_blocks); G(L)->GCthreshold += (G(L)->nblocks - old_blocks); } else pusherrormsg(L, status, p.err); return status; } /* ** {====================================================== ** Error-recovery functions (based on long jumps) ** ======================================================= */ static void seterrorobj (lua_State *L, int errcode, TObject *m) { switch (errcode) { case LUA_ERRMEM: { if (G(L) != NULL && G(L)->GCthreshold > 0) /* state is OK? */ setsvalue(&m[0], luaS_new(L, MEMERRMSG)); break; } case LUA_ERRERR: { setsvalue(&m[0], luaS_new(L, "error in error handling")); break; } case LUA_ERRSYNTAX: { /* message is on stack top */ setobj(&m[0], L->top - 1); break; } case LUA_ERRRUN: { /* traceback is on stack top */ setobj(&m[0], L->top - 2); setobj(&m[1], L->top - 1); break; } } } void luaD_throw (lua_State *L, int errcode) { seterrorobj(L, errcode, L->errorJmp->err); if (L->errorJmp) { L->errorJmp->status = errcode; longjmp(L->errorJmp->b, 1); } else { G(L)->panic(L); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int luaD_runprotected (lua_State *L, Pfunc f, TObject *ud) { struct lua_longjmp lj; lj.ci = L->ci; lj.top = L->top; lj.allowhooks = L->allowhooks; lj.status = 0; lj.err = ud; lj.previous = L->errorJmp; /* chain new error handler */ L->errorJmp = &lj; if (setjmp(lj.b) == 0) (*f)(L, ud); else { /* an error occurred */ L->ci = lj.ci; /* restore the state */ L->top = lj.top; L->allowhooks = lj.allowhooks; restore_stack_limit(L); } L->errorJmp = lj.previous; /* restore old error handler */ return lj.status; } /* }====================================================== */