/* ** $Id: ldo.c,v 1.30 1999/01/15 11:38:33 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Stack and Call structure of Lua ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include <setjmp.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "ldo.h" #include "lfunc.h" #include "lgc.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lparser.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "ltm.h" #include "lua.h" #include "luadebug.h" #include "lundump.h" #include "lvm.h" #include "lzio.h" #ifndef STACK_LIMIT #define STACK_LIMIT 6000 #endif #define STACK_UNIT 128 void luaD_init (void) { L->stack.stack = luaM_newvector(STACK_UNIT, TObject); L->stack.top = L->stack.stack; L->stack.last = L->stack.stack+(STACK_UNIT-1); } void luaD_checkstack (int n) { struct Stack *S = &L->stack; if (S->last-S->top <= n) { StkId top = S->top-S->stack; int stacksize = (S->last-S->stack)+1+STACK_UNIT+n; S->stack = luaM_reallocvector(S->stack, stacksize, TObject); S->last = S->stack+(stacksize-1); S->top = S->stack + top; if (stacksize >= STACK_LIMIT) { /* stack overflow? */ if (lua_stackedfunction(100) == LUA_NOOBJECT) /* 100 funcs on stack? */ lua_error("Lua2C - C2Lua overflow"); /* doesn't look like a rec. loop */ else lua_error("stack size overflow"); } } } /* ** Adjust stack. Set top to the given value, pushing NILs if needed. */ void luaD_adjusttop (StkId newtop) { int diff = newtop-(L->stack.top-L->stack.stack); if (diff <= 0) L->stack.top += diff; else { luaD_checkstack(diff); while (diff--) ttype(L->stack.top++) = LUA_T_NIL; } } /* ** Open a hole below "nelems" from the L->stack.top. */ void luaD_openstack (int nelems) { luaO_memup(L->stack.top-nelems+1, L->stack.top-nelems, nelems*sizeof(TObject)); incr_top; } void luaD_lineHook (int line) { struct C_Lua_Stack oldCLS = L->Cstack; StkId old_top = L->Cstack.lua2C = L->Cstack.base = L->stack.top-L->stack.stack; L->Cstack.num = 0; (*L->linehook)(line); L->stack.top = L->stack.stack+old_top; L->Cstack = oldCLS; } void luaD_callHook (StkId base, TProtoFunc *tf, int isreturn) { struct C_Lua_Stack oldCLS = L->Cstack; StkId old_top = L->Cstack.lua2C = L->Cstack.base = L->stack.top-L->stack.stack; L->Cstack.num = 0; if (isreturn) (*L->callhook)(LUA_NOOBJECT, "(return)", 0); else { TObject *f = L->stack.stack+base-1; if (tf) (*L->callhook)(Ref(f), tf->fileName->str, tf->lineDefined); else (*L->callhook)(Ref(f), "(C)", -1); } L->stack.top = L->stack.stack+old_top; L->Cstack = oldCLS; } /* ** Call a C function. ** Cstack.num is the number of arguments; Cstack.lua2C points to the ** first argument. Returns an index to the first result from C. */ static StkId callC (lua_CFunction f, StkId base) { struct C_Lua_Stack *CS = &L->Cstack; struct C_Lua_Stack oldCLS = *CS; StkId firstResult; int numarg = (L->stack.top-L->stack.stack) - base; CS->num = numarg; CS->lua2C = base; CS->base = base+numarg; /* == top-stack */ if (L->callhook) luaD_callHook(base, NULL, 0); (*f)(); /* do the actual call */ if (L->callhook) /* func may have changed lua_callhook */ luaD_callHook(base, NULL, 1); firstResult = CS->base; *CS = oldCLS; return firstResult; } static StkId callCclosure (struct Closure *cl, lua_CFunction f, StkId base) { TObject *pbase; int nup = cl->nelems; /* number of upvalues */ luaD_checkstack(nup); pbase = L->stack.stack+base; /* care: previous call may change this */ /* open space for upvalues as extra arguments */ luaO_memup(pbase+nup, pbase, (L->stack.top-pbase)*sizeof(TObject)); /* copy upvalues into stack */ memcpy(pbase, cl->consts+1, nup*sizeof(TObject)); L->stack.top += nup; return callC(f, base); } void luaD_callTM (TObject *f, int nParams, int nResults) { luaD_openstack(nParams); *(L->stack.top-nParams-1) = *f; luaD_calln(nParams, nResults); } /* ** Call a function (C or Lua). The parameters must be on the L->stack.stack, ** between [L->stack.stack+base,L->stack.top). The function to be called is at L->stack.stack+base-1. ** When returns, the results are on the L->stack.stack, between [L->stack.stack+base-1,L->stack.top). ** The number of results is nResults, unless nResults=MULT_RET. */ void luaD_call (StkId base, int nResults) { StkId firstResult; TObject *func = L->stack.stack+base-1; int i; switch (ttype(func)) { case LUA_T_CPROTO: ttype(func) = LUA_T_CMARK; firstResult = callC(fvalue(func), base); break; case LUA_T_PROTO: ttype(func) = LUA_T_PMARK; firstResult = luaV_execute(NULL, tfvalue(func), base); break; case LUA_T_CLOSURE: { Closure *c = clvalue(func); TObject *proto = &(c->consts[0]); ttype(func) = LUA_T_CLMARK; firstResult = (ttype(proto) == LUA_T_CPROTO) ? callCclosure(c, fvalue(proto), base) : luaV_execute(c, tfvalue(proto), base); break; } default: { /* func is not a function */ /* Check the tag method for invalid functions */ TObject *im = luaT_getimbyObj(func, IM_FUNCTION); if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) lua_error("call expression not a function"); luaD_callTM(im, (L->stack.top-L->stack.stack)-(base-1), nResults); return; } } /* adjust the number of results */ if (nResults != MULT_RET) luaD_adjusttop(firstResult+nResults); /* move results to base-1 (to erase parameters and function) */ base--; nResults = L->stack.top - (L->stack.stack+firstResult); /* actual number of results */ for (i=0; i<nResults; i++) *(L->stack.stack+base+i) = *(L->stack.stack+firstResult+i); L->stack.top -= firstResult-base; } void luaD_calln (int nArgs, int nResults) { luaD_call((L->stack.top-L->stack.stack)-nArgs, nResults); } /* ** Traverse all objects on L->stack.stack */ void luaD_travstack (int (*fn)(TObject *)) { StkId i; for (i = (L->stack.top-1)-L->stack.stack; i>=0; i--) fn(L->stack.stack+i); } static void message (char *s) { TObject *em = &(luaS_new("_ERRORMESSAGE")->u.s.globalval); if (ttype(em) != LUA_T_NIL) { *L->stack.top = *em; incr_top; lua_pushstring(s); luaD_calln(1, 0); } } /* ** Reports an error, and jumps up to the available recover label */ void lua_error (char *s) { if (s) message(s); if (L->errorJmp) longjmp(*((jmp_buf *)L->errorJmp), 1); else { lua_pushstring("lua: exit(1). Unable to recover.\n"); lua_call("_ALERT"); exit(1); } } /* ** Call the function at L->Cstack.base, and incorporate results on ** the Lua2C structure. */ static void do_callinc (int nResults) { StkId base = L->Cstack.base; luaD_call(base+1, nResults); L->Cstack.lua2C = base; /* position of the luaM_new results */ L->Cstack.num = (L->stack.top-L->stack.stack) - base; /* number of results */ L->Cstack.base = base + L->Cstack.num; /* incorporate results on L->stack.stack */ } /* ** Execute a protected call. Assumes that function is at L->Cstack.base and ** parameters are on top of it. Leave nResults on the stack. */ int luaD_protectedrun (int nResults) { volatile struct C_Lua_Stack oldCLS = L->Cstack; jmp_buf myErrorJmp; volatile int status; jmp_buf *volatile oldErr = L->errorJmp; L->errorJmp = &myErrorJmp; if (setjmp(myErrorJmp) == 0) { do_callinc(nResults); status = 0; } else { /* an error occurred: restore L->Cstack and L->stack.top */ L->Cstack = oldCLS; L->stack.top = L->stack.stack+L->Cstack.base; status = 1; } L->errorJmp = oldErr; return status; } /* ** returns 0 = chunk loaded; 1 = error; 2 = no more chunks to load */ static int protectedparser (ZIO *z, int bin) { volatile struct C_Lua_Stack oldCLS = L->Cstack; jmp_buf myErrorJmp; volatile int status; TProtoFunc *volatile tf; jmp_buf *volatile oldErr = L->errorJmp; L->errorJmp = &myErrorJmp; if (setjmp(myErrorJmp) == 0) { tf = bin ? luaU_undump1(z) : luaY_parser(z); status = 0; } else { /* an error occurred: restore L->Cstack and L->stack.top */ L->Cstack = oldCLS; L->stack.top = L->stack.stack+L->Cstack.base; tf = NULL; status = 1; } L->errorJmp = oldErr; if (status) return 1; /* error code */ if (tf == NULL) return 2; /* 'natural' end */ luaD_adjusttop(L->Cstack.base+1); /* one slot for the pseudo-function */ L->stack.stack[L->Cstack.base].ttype = LUA_T_PROTO; L->stack.stack[L->Cstack.base].value.tf = tf; luaV_closure(0); return 0; } static int do_main (ZIO *z, int bin) { int status; do { long old_blocks = (luaC_checkGC(), L->nblocks); status = protectedparser(z, bin); if (status == 1) return 1; /* error */ else if (status == 2) return 0; /* 'natural' end */ else { unsigned long newelems2 = 2*(L->nblocks-old_blocks); L->GCthreshold += newelems2; status = luaD_protectedrun(MULT_RET); L->GCthreshold -= newelems2; } } while (bin && status == 0); return status; } void luaD_gcIM (TObject *o) { TObject *im = luaT_getimbyObj(o, IM_GC); if (ttype(im) != LUA_T_NIL) { *L->stack.top = *o; incr_top; luaD_callTM(im, 1, 0); } } int lua_dofile (char *filename) { ZIO z; int status; int c; int bin; FILE *f = (filename == NULL) ? stdin : fopen(filename, "r"); if (f == NULL) return 2; if (filename == NULL) filename = "(stdin)"; c = fgetc(f); ungetc(c, f); bin = (c == ID_CHUNK); if (bin) f = freopen(filename, "rb", f); /* set binary mode */ luaZ_Fopen(&z, f, filename); status = do_main(&z, bin); if (f != stdin) fclose(f); return status; } #define SIZE_PREF 20 /* size of string prefix to appear in error messages */ #define SSIZE_PREF "20" static void build_name (char *str, char *name) { if (str == NULL || *str == ID_CHUNK) strcpy(name, "(buffer)"); else { char *temp; sprintf(name, "(dostring) >> \"%." SSIZE_PREF "s\"", str); temp = strchr(name, '\n'); if (temp) { /* end string after first line */ *temp = '"'; *(temp+1) = 0; } } } int lua_dostring (char *str) { return lua_dobuffer(str, strlen(str), NULL); } int lua_dobuffer (char *buff, int size, char *name) { char newname[SIZE_PREF+25]; ZIO z; int status; if (name==NULL) { build_name(buff, newname); name = newname; } luaZ_mopen(&z, buff, size, name); status = do_main(&z, buff[0]==ID_CHUNK); return status; }