/* ** $Id: ldump.c $ ** save precompiled Lua chunks ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #define ldump_c #define LUA_CORE #include "lprefix.h" #include #include #include "lua.h" #include "lgc.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "lundump.h" typedef struct { lua_State *L; lua_Writer writer; void *data; lu_mem offset; /* current position relative to beginning of dump */ int strip; int status; Table *h; /* table to track saved strings */ lua_Integer nstr; /* counter to number saved strings */ } DumpState; /* ** All high-level dumps go through dumpVector; you can change it to ** change the endianness of the result */ #define dumpVector(D,v,n) dumpBlock(D,v,(n)*sizeof((v)[0])) #define dumpLiteral(D, s) dumpBlock(D,s,sizeof(s) - sizeof(char)) static void dumpBlock (DumpState *D, const void *b, size_t size) { if (D->status == 0 && size > 0) { lua_unlock(D->L); D->status = (*D->writer)(D->L, b, size, D->data); lua_lock(D->L); D->offset += size; } } static void dumpAlign (DumpState *D, int align) { int padding = align - (D->offset % align); if (padding < align) { /* apd == align means no padding */ static lua_Integer paddingContent = 0; dumpBlock(D, &paddingContent, padding); lua_assert(D->offset % align == 0); } } #define dumpVar(D,x) dumpVector(D,&x,1) static void dumpByte (DumpState *D, int y) { lu_byte x = (lu_byte)y; dumpVar(D, x); } /* ** 'dumpSize' buffer size: each byte can store up to 7 bits. (The "+6" ** rounds up the division.) */ #define DIBS ((sizeof(size_t) * CHAR_BIT + 6) / 7) static void dumpSize (DumpState *D, size_t x) { lu_byte buff[DIBS]; int n = 0; do { buff[DIBS - (++n)] = x & 0x7f; /* fill buffer in reverse order */ x >>= 7; } while (x != 0); buff[DIBS - 1] |= 0x80; /* mark last byte */ dumpVector(D, buff + DIBS - n, n); } static void dumpInt (DumpState *D, int x) { dumpSize(D, x); } static void dumpNumber (DumpState *D, lua_Number x) { dumpVar(D, x); } static void dumpInteger (DumpState *D, lua_Integer x) { dumpVar(D, x); } /* ** Dump a String. First dump its "size": size==0 means NULL; ** size==1 is followed by an index and means "reuse saved string with ** that index"; size>=2 is followed by the string contents with real ** size==size-2 and means that string, which will be saved with ** the next available index. */ static void dumpString (DumpState *D, TString *ts) { if (ts == NULL) dumpSize(D, 0); else { TValue idx; if (luaH_getstr(D->h, ts, &idx) == HOK) { /* string already saved? */ dumpSize(D, 1); /* reuse a saved string */ dumpInt(D, ivalue(&idx)); /* index of saved string */ } else { /* must write and save the string */ TValue key, value; /* to save the string in the hash */ size_t size; const char *s = getlstr(ts, size); dumpSize(D, size + 2); dumpVector(D, s, size + 1); /* include ending '\0' */ D->nstr++; /* one more saved string */ setsvalue(D->L, &key, ts); /* the string is the key */ setivalue(&value, D->nstr); /* its index is the value */ luaH_set(D->L, D->h, &key, &value); /* h[ts] = nstr */ /* integer value does not need barrier */ } } } static void dumpCode (DumpState *D, const Proto *f) { dumpInt(D, f->sizecode); dumpAlign(D, sizeof(f->code[0])); dumpVector(D, f->code, f->sizecode); } static void dumpFunction (DumpState *D, const Proto *f); static void dumpConstants (DumpState *D, const Proto *f) { int i; int n = f->sizek; dumpInt(D, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { const TValue *o = &f->k[i]; int tt = ttypetag(o); dumpByte(D, tt); switch (tt) { case LUA_VNUMFLT: dumpNumber(D, fltvalue(o)); break; case LUA_VNUMINT: dumpInteger(D, ivalue(o)); break; case LUA_VSHRSTR: case LUA_VLNGSTR: dumpString(D, tsvalue(o)); break; default: lua_assert(tt == LUA_VNIL || tt == LUA_VFALSE || tt == LUA_VTRUE); } } } static void dumpProtos (DumpState *D, const Proto *f) { int i; int n = f->sizep; dumpInt(D, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dumpFunction(D, f->p[i]); } static void dumpUpvalues (DumpState *D, const Proto *f) { int i, n = f->sizeupvalues; dumpInt(D, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { dumpByte(D, f->upvalues[i].instack); dumpByte(D, f->upvalues[i].idx); dumpByte(D, f->upvalues[i].kind); } } static void dumpDebug (DumpState *D, const Proto *f) { int i, n; n = (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizelineinfo; dumpInt(D, n); dumpVector(D, f->lineinfo, n); n = (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizeabslineinfo; dumpInt(D, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { dumpInt(D, f->abslineinfo[i].pc); dumpInt(D, f->abslineinfo[i].line); } n = (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizelocvars; dumpInt(D, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { dumpString(D, f->locvars[i].varname); dumpInt(D, f->locvars[i].startpc); dumpInt(D, f->locvars[i].endpc); } n = (D->strip) ? 0 : f->sizeupvalues; dumpInt(D, n); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) dumpString(D, f->upvalues[i].name); } static void dumpFunction (DumpState *D, const Proto *f) { dumpInt(D, f->linedefined); dumpInt(D, f->lastlinedefined); dumpByte(D, f->numparams); dumpByte(D, f->flag); dumpByte(D, f->maxstacksize); dumpCode(D, f); dumpConstants(D, f); dumpUpvalues(D, f); dumpProtos(D, f); dumpString(D, D->strip ? NULL : f->source); dumpDebug(D, f); } static void dumpHeader (DumpState *D) { dumpLiteral(D, LUA_SIGNATURE); dumpByte(D, LUAC_VERSION); dumpByte(D, LUAC_FORMAT); dumpLiteral(D, LUAC_DATA); dumpByte(D, sizeof(Instruction)); dumpByte(D, sizeof(lua_Integer)); dumpByte(D, sizeof(lua_Number)); dumpInteger(D, LUAC_INT); dumpNumber(D, LUAC_NUM); } /* ** dump Lua function as precompiled chunk */ int luaU_dump(lua_State *L, const Proto *f, lua_Writer w, void *data, int strip, Table *h) { DumpState D; D.L = L; D.writer = w; D.offset = 0; D.data = data; D.strip = strip; D.status = 0; D.h = h; D.nstr = 0; dumpHeader(&D); dumpByte(&D, f->sizeupvalues); dumpFunction(&D, f); return D.status; }