char *rcs_lex = "$Id: lex.c,v 2.39 1996/11/08 19:08:30 roberto Exp roberto $"; #include #include #include "mem.h" #include "tree.h" #include "table.h" #include "lex.h" #include "inout.h" #include "luadebug.h" #include "parser.h" #define MINBUFF 260 #define next() (current = input()) #define save(x) (yytext[tokensize++] = (x)) #define save_and_next() (save(current), next()) static int current; /* look ahead character */ static Input input; /* input function */ void lua_setinput (Input fn) { current = '\n'; lua_linenumber = 0; input = fn; } void luaI_syntaxerror (char *s) { char msg[256]; char *token = luaI_buffer(1); if (token[0] == 0) token = ""; sprintf (msg,"%s;\n> last token read: \"%s\" at line %d in file %s", s, token, lua_linenumber, lua_parsedfile); lua_error (msg); } static struct { char *name; int token; } reserved [] = { {"and", AND}, {"do", DO}, {"else", ELSE}, {"elseif", ELSEIF}, {"end", END}, {"function", FUNCTION}, {"if", IF}, {"local", LOCAL}, {"nil", NIL}, {"not", NOT}, {"or", OR}, {"repeat", REPEAT}, {"return", RETURN}, {"then", THEN}, {"until", UNTIL}, {"while", WHILE} }; #define RESERVEDSIZE (sizeof(reserved)/sizeof(reserved[0])) void luaI_addReserved (void) { int i; for (i=0; imarked = reserved[i].token; /* reserved word (always > 255) */ } } static int inclinenumber (int pragma_allowed) { ++lua_linenumber; if (pragma_allowed && current == '$') { /* is a pragma? */ char *buff = luaI_buffer(MINBUFF+1); int i = 0; next(); /* skip $ */ while (isalnum(current)) { if (i >= MINBUFF) luaI_syntaxerror("pragma too long"); buff[i++] = current; next(); } buff[i] = 0; if (strcmp(buff, "debug") == 0) lua_debug = 1; else if (strcmp(buff, "nodebug") == 0) lua_debug = 0; else luaI_syntaxerror("invalid pragma"); buff[1] = buff[2] = buff[3] = 0; /* (re)set for next token */ } return lua_linenumber; } static int read_long_string (char *yytext, int buffsize) { int cont = 0; int tokensize = 2; /* '[[' already stored */ while (1) { if (buffsize-tokensize <= 2) /* may read more than 1 char in one cicle */ yytext = luaI_buffer(buffsize *= 2); switch (current) { case 0: save(0); return WRONGTOKEN; case '[': save_and_next(); if (current == '[') { cont++; save_and_next(); } continue; case ']': save_and_next(); if (current == ']') { if (cont == 0) goto endloop; cont--; save_and_next(); } continue; case '\n': save_and_next(); inclinenumber(0); continue; default: save_and_next(); } } endloop: save_and_next(); /* pass the second ']' */ yytext[tokensize-2] = 0; /* erases ']]' */ luaY_lval.vWord = luaI_findconstantbyname(yytext+2); yytext[tokensize-2] = ']'; /* restores ']]' */ save(0); return STRING; } int luaY_lex (void) { static int linelasttoken = 0; double a; int buffsize = MINBUFF; char *yytext = luaI_buffer(buffsize); yytext[1] = yytext[2] = yytext[3] = 0; if (lua_debug) luaI_codedebugline(linelasttoken); linelasttoken = lua_linenumber; while (1) { int tokensize = 0; switch (current) { case '\n': next(); linelasttoken = inclinenumber(1); continue; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': /* CR: to avoid problems with DOS */ next(); continue; case '-': save_and_next(); if (current != '-') return '-'; do { next(); } while (current != '\n' && current != 0); continue; case '[': save_and_next(); if (current != '[') return '['; else { save_and_next(); /* pass the second '[' */ return read_long_string(yytext, buffsize); } case '=': save_and_next(); if (current != '=') return '='; else { save_and_next(); return EQ; } case '<': save_and_next(); if (current != '=') return '<'; else { save_and_next(); return LE; } case '>': save_and_next(); if (current != '=') return '>'; else { save_and_next(); return GE; } case '~': save_and_next(); if (current != '=') return '~'; else { save_and_next(); return NE; } case '"': case '\'': { int del = current; save_and_next(); while (current != del) { if (buffsize-tokensize <= 2) /* may read more than 1 char in one cicle */ yytext = luaI_buffer(buffsize *= 2); switch (current) { case 0: case '\n': save(0); return WRONGTOKEN; case '\\': next(); /* do not save the '\' */ switch (current) { case 'n': save('\n'); next(); break; case 't': save('\t'); next(); break; case 'r': save('\r'); next(); break; case '\n': save_and_next(); inclinenumber(0); break; default : save_and_next(); break; } break; default: save_and_next(); } } next(); /* skip delimiter */ save(0); luaY_lval.vWord = luaI_findconstantbyname(yytext+1); tokensize--; save(del); save(0); /* restore delimiter */ return STRING; } case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j': case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o': case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't': case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y': case 'z': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J': case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O': case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T': case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y': case 'Z': case '_': { TaggedString *ts; do { save_and_next(); } while (isalnum(current) || current == '_'); save(0); ts = lua_createstring(yytext); if (ts->marked > 2) return ts->marked; /* reserved word */ luaY_lval.pTStr = ts; ts->marked = 2; /* avoid GC */ return NAME; } case '.': save_and_next(); if (current == '.') { save_and_next(); if (current == '.') { save_and_next(); return DOTS; /* ... */ } else return CONC; /* .. */ } else if (!isdigit(current)) return '.'; /* current is a digit: goes through to number */ a=0.0; goto fraction; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': a=0.0; do { a=10.0*a+(current-'0'); save_and_next(); } while (isdigit(current)); if (current == '.') { save_and_next(); if (current == '.') luaI_syntaxerror( "ambiguous syntax (decimal point x string concatenation)"); } fraction: { double da=0.1; while (isdigit(current)) { a+=(current-'0')*da; da/=10.0; save_and_next(); } if (current == 'e' || current == 'E') { int e=0; int neg; double ea; save_and_next(); neg=(current=='-'); if (current == '+' || current == '-') save_and_next(); if (!isdigit(current)) { save(0); return WRONGTOKEN; } do { e=10.0*e+(current-'0'); save_and_next(); } while (isdigit(current)); for (ea=neg?0.1:10.0; e>0; e>>=1) { if (e & 1) a*=ea; ea*=ea; } } luaY_lval.vFloat = a; save(0); return NUMBER; } default: /* also end of program (0) */ { save_and_next(); return yytext[0]; } } } }