char *rcs_lex = "$Id: lex.c,v 2.8 1994/10/18 17:34:34 celes Exp roberto $";

#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "opcode.h"
#include "inout.h"
#include ""
#include "ugly.h"

#define lua_strcmp(a,b)	(a[0]<b[0]?(-1):(a[0]>b[0]?(1):strcmp(a,b)))

#define next() { current = input(); }
#define save(x) { *yytextLast++ = (x); }
#define save_and_next()  { save(current); next(); }

static int current;
static char yytext[2][256];
static char *yytextLast;
static int currentText = 0;

static Input input;

void lua_setinput (Input fn)
  current = ' ';
  input = fn;

char *lua_lasttext (void)
  *yytextLast = 0;
  return yytext[currentText];

/* The reserved words must be listed in lexicographic order */
static struct
    char *name;
    int token;
  } reserved [] = {
      {"and", AND},
      {"do", DO},
      {"else", ELSE},
      {"elseif", ELSEIF},
      {"end", END},
      {"function", FUNCTION},
      {"if", IF},
      {"local", LOCAL},
      {"nil", NIL},
      {"not", NOT},
      {"or", OR},
      {"repeat", REPEAT},
      {"return", RETURN},
      {"then", THEN},
      {"until", UNTIL},
      {"while", WHILE} };

#define RESERVEDSIZE (sizeof(reserved)/sizeof(reserved[0]))

static int findReserved (char *name)
  int l = 0;
  int h = RESERVEDSIZE - 1;
  while (l <= h)
    int m = (l+h)/2;
    int comp = lua_strcmp(name, reserved[m].name);
    if (comp < 0)
      h = m-1;
    else if (comp == 0)
      return reserved[m].token;
      l = m+1;
  return 0;

int yylex (void)
  float a;
  currentText = !currentText;
  while (1)
    yytextLast = yytext[currentText];
#if 0
    fprintf(stderr,"'%c' %d\n",current,current);
    switch (current)
      case EOF:
      case 0:
       return 0;
      case '\n': lua_linenumber++;
      case ' ':
      case '\t':

      case '$':
	while (isalnum(current) || current == '_')
        *yytextLast = 0;
	if (lua_strcmp(yytext[currentText], "debug") == 0)
	  yylval.vInt = 1;
	  return DEBUG;
	else if (lua_strcmp(yytext[currentText], "nodebug") == 0)
	  yylval.vInt = 0;
	  return DEBUG;

      case '-':
        if (current != '-') return '-';
        do { next(); } while (current != '\n' && current != 0);

      case '=':
        if (current != '=') return '=';
        else { save_and_next(); return EQ; }

      case '<':
        if (current != '=') return '<';
        else { save_and_next(); return LE; }

      case '>':
        if (current != '=') return '>';
        else { save_and_next(); return GE; }

      case '~':
        if (current != '=') return '~';
        else { save_and_next(); return NE; }

      case '"':
      case '\'':
        int del = current;
        next();  /* skip the delimiter */
        while (current != del)
          switch (current)
            case EOF:
            case 0:
            case '\n':
              return WRONGTOKEN;
            case '\\':
              next();  /* do not save the '\' */
              switch (current)
                case 'n': save('\n'); next(); break;
                case 't': save('\t'); next(); break;
                case 'r': save('\r'); next(); break;
                case '\'': save('\''); next(); break;
                case '"': save('"'); next(); break;
                default : save(current); next(); break;
        next();  /* skip the delimiter */
        *yytextLast = 0;
        yylval.pChar = yytext[currentText];
        return STRING;

      case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e':
      case 'f': case 'g': case 'h': case 'i': case 'j':
      case 'k': case 'l': case 'm': case 'n': case 'o':
      case 'p': case 'q': case 'r': case 's': case 't':
      case 'u': case 'v': case 'w': case 'x': case 'y':
      case 'z':
      case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E':
      case 'F': case 'G': case 'H': case 'I': case 'J':
      case 'K': case 'L': case 'M': case 'N': case 'O':
      case 'P': case 'Q': case 'R': case 'S': case 'T':
      case 'U': case 'V': case 'W': case 'X': case 'Y':
      case 'Z':
      case '_':
        int res;
        do { save_and_next(); } while (isalnum(current) || current == '_');
        *yytextLast = 0;
        res = findReserved(yytext[currentText]);
        if (res) return res;
        yylval.pChar = yytext[currentText];
        return NAME;

      case '.':
        if (current == '.')
          return CONC;
        else if (!isdigit(current)) return '.';
        /* current is a digit: goes through to number */
        goto fraction;

      case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
      case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
        do { a=10*a+current-'0'; save_and_next(); } while (isdigit(current));
        if (current == '.') save_and_next();
	{ float da=0.1;
	  while (isdigit(current))
	  {a+=(current-'0')*da; da/=10.0; save_and_next()};
          if (current == 'e' || current == 'E')
	    int e=0;
	    int neg;
	    float ea;
            if (current == '+' || current == '-') save_and_next();
            if (!isdigit(current)) return WRONGTOKEN;
            do { e=10*e+current-'0'; save_and_next(); } while (isdigit(current));
	    for (ea=neg?0.1:10.0; e>0; e>>=1) 
	      if (e & 1) a*=ea;
          yylval.vFloat = a;
          return NUMBER;
      case U_and:	next(); return AND;
      case U_do:	next(); return DO;
      case U_else:	next(); return ELSE;
      case U_elseif:	next(); return ELSEIF;
      case U_end:	next(); return END;
      case U_function:	next(); return FUNCTION;
      case U_if:	next(); return IF;
      case U_local:	next(); return LOCAL;
      case U_nil:	next(); return NIL;
      case U_not:	next(); return NOT;
      case U_or:	next(); return OR;
      case U_repeat:	next(); return REPEAT;
      case U_return:	next(); return RETURN;
      case U_then:	next(); return THEN;
      case U_until:	next(); return UNTIL;
      case U_while:	next(); return WHILE;
      case U_eq:	next(); return EQ;
      case U_le:	next(); return LE;
      case U_ge:	next(); return GE;
      case U_ne:	next(); return NE;
      case U_sc:	next(); return CONC;

      default: 		/* also end of file */
        return yytext[currentText][0];