/* ** $Id: llex.c,v 1.28 1999/02/04 17:47:59 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Lexical Analizer ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include #include #include "lauxlib.h" #include "llex.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lparser.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "luadebug.h" #include "lzio.h" #define next(LS) (LS->current = zgetc(LS->lex_z)) #define save(c) luaL_addchar(c) #define save_and_next(LS) (save(LS->current), next(LS)) char *reserved [] = {"and", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "function", "if", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then", "until", "while"}; void luaX_init (void) { int i; for (i=0; i<(sizeof(reserved)/sizeof(reserved[0])); i++) { TaggedString *ts = luaS_new(reserved[i]); ts->head.marked = FIRST_RESERVED+i; /* reserved word (always > 255) */ } } void luaX_syntaxerror (LexState *ls, char *s, char *token) { if (token[0] == '\0') token = ""; luaL_verror("%.100s;\n last token read: `%.50s' at line %d in chunk `%.50s'", s, token, ls->linenumber, zname(ls->lex_z)); } void luaX_error (LexState *ls, char *s) { save('\0'); luaX_syntaxerror(ls, s, luaL_buffer()); } void luaX_token2str (int token, char *s) { if (token < 255) { s[0] = (char)token; s[1] = '\0'; } else strcpy(s, reserved[token-FIRST_RESERVED]); } static void luaX_invalidchar (LexState *ls, int c) { char buff[10]; sprintf(buff, "0x%X", c); luaX_syntaxerror(ls, "invalid control char", buff); } static void firstline (LexState *LS) { int c = zgetc(LS->lex_z); if (c == '#') while ((c=zgetc(LS->lex_z)) != '\n' && c != EOZ) /* skip first line */; zungetc(LS->lex_z); } void luaX_setinput (LexState *LS, ZIO *z) { LS->current = '\n'; LS->linenumber = 0; LS->iflevel = 0; LS->ifstate[0].skip = 0; LS->ifstate[0].elsepart = 1; /* to avoid a free $else */ LS->lex_z = z; LS->fs = NULL; firstline(LS); luaL_resetbuffer(); } /* ** ======================================================= ** PRAGMAS ** ======================================================= */ #define PRAGMASIZE 20 static void skipspace (LexState *LS) { while (LS->current == ' ' || LS->current == '\t' || LS->current == '\r') next(LS); } static int checkcond (LexState *LS, char *buff) { static char *opts[] = {"nil", "1", NULL}; int i = luaL_findstring(buff, opts); if (i >= 0) return i; else if (isalpha((unsigned char)buff[0]) || buff[0] == '_') return luaS_globaldefined(buff); else { luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "invalid $if condition", buff); return 0; /* to avoid warnings */ } } static void readname (LexState *LS, char *buff) { int i = 0; skipspace(LS); while (isalnum(LS->current) || LS->current == '_') { if (i >= PRAGMASIZE) { buff[PRAGMASIZE] = 0; luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "pragma too long", buff); } buff[i++] = (char)LS->current; next(LS); } buff[i] = 0; } static void inclinenumber (LexState *LS); static void ifskip (LexState *LS) { while (LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].skip) { if (LS->current == '\n') inclinenumber(LS); else if (LS->current == EOZ) luaX_error(LS, "input ends inside a $if"); else next(LS); } } static void inclinenumber (LexState *LS) { static char *pragmas [] = {"debug", "nodebug", "endinput", "end", "ifnot", "if", "else", NULL}; next(LS); /* skip '\n' */ ++LS->linenumber; if (LS->current == '$') { /* is a pragma? */ char buff[PRAGMASIZE+1]; int ifnot = 0; int skip = LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].skip; next(LS); /* skip $ */ readname(LS, buff); switch (luaL_findstring(buff, pragmas)) { case 0: /* debug */ if (!skip) L->debug = 1; break; case 1: /* nodebug */ if (!skip) L->debug = 0; break; case 2: /* endinput */ if (!skip) { LS->current = EOZ; LS->iflevel = 0; /* to allow $endinput inside a $if */ } break; case 3: /* end */ if (LS->iflevel-- == 0) luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "unmatched $end", "$end"); break; case 4: /* ifnot */ ifnot = 1; /* go through */ case 5: /* if */ if (LS->iflevel == MAX_IFS-1) luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "too many nested $ifs", "$if"); readname(LS, buff); LS->iflevel++; LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].elsepart = 0; LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].condition = checkcond(LS, buff) ? !ifnot : ifnot; LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].skip = skip || !LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].condition; break; case 6: /* else */ if (LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].elsepart) luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "unmatched $else", "$else"); LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].elsepart = 1; LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].skip = LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel-1].skip || LS->ifstate[LS->iflevel].condition; break; default: luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "unknown pragma", buff); } skipspace(LS); if (LS->current == '\n') /* pragma must end with a '\n' ... */ inclinenumber(LS); else if (LS->current != EOZ) /* or eof */ luaX_syntaxerror(LS, "invalid pragma format", buff); ifskip(LS); } } /* ** ======================================================= ** LEXICAL ANALIZER ** ======================================================= */ static int read_long_string (LexState *LS) { int cont = 0; for (;;) { switch (LS->current) { case EOZ: luaX_error(LS, "unfinished long string"); return EOS; /* to avoid warnings */ case '[': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current == '[') { cont++; save_and_next(LS); } continue; case ']': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current == ']') { if (cont == 0) goto endloop; cont--; save_and_next(LS); } continue; case '\n': save('\n'); inclinenumber(LS); continue; default: save_and_next(LS); } } endloop: save_and_next(LS); /* skip the second ']' */ LS->seminfo.ts = luaS_newlstr(L->Mbuffer+(L->Mbuffbase+2), L->Mbuffnext-L->Mbuffbase-4); return STRING; } int luaX_lex (LexState *LS) { luaL_resetbuffer(); for (;;) { switch (LS->current) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': /* CR: to avoid problems with DOS */ next(LS); continue; case '\n': inclinenumber(LS); continue; case '-': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current != '-') return '-'; do { next(LS); } while (LS->current != '\n' && LS->current != EOZ); luaL_resetbuffer(); continue; case '[': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current != '[') return '['; else { save_and_next(LS); /* pass the second '[' */ return read_long_string(LS); } case '=': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current != '=') return '='; else { save_and_next(LS); return EQ; } case '<': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current != '=') return '<'; else { save_and_next(LS); return LE; } case '>': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current != '=') return '>'; else { save_and_next(LS); return GE; } case '~': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current != '=') return '~'; else { save_and_next(LS); return NE; } case '"': case '\'': { int del = LS->current; save_and_next(LS); while (LS->current != del) { switch (LS->current) { case EOZ: case '\n': luaX_error(LS, "unfinished string"); return EOS; /* to avoid warnings */ case '\\': next(LS); /* do not save the '\' */ switch (LS->current) { case 'a': save('\a'); next(LS); break; case 'b': save('\b'); next(LS); break; case 'f': save('\f'); next(LS); break; case 'n': save('\n'); next(LS); break; case 'r': save('\r'); next(LS); break; case 't': save('\t'); next(LS); break; case 'v': save('\v'); next(LS); break; case '\n': save('\n'); inclinenumber(LS); break; default : { if (isdigit(LS->current)) { int c = 0; int i = 0; do { c = 10*c + (LS->current-'0'); next(LS); } while (++i<3 && isdigit(LS->current)); if (c != (unsigned char)c) luaX_error(LS, "escape sequence too large"); save(c); } else { /* handles \, ", ', and ? */ save(LS->current); next(LS); } break; } } break; default: save_and_next(LS); } } save_and_next(LS); /* skip delimiter */ LS->seminfo.ts = luaS_newlstr(L->Mbuffer+(L->Mbuffbase+1), L->Mbuffnext-L->Mbuffbase-2); return STRING; } case '.': save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current == '.') { save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current == '.') { save_and_next(LS); return DOTS; /* ... */ } else return CONC; /* .. */ } else if (!isdigit(LS->current)) return '.'; goto fraction; /* LS->current is a digit: goes through to number */ case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': do { save_and_next(LS); } while (isdigit(LS->current)); if (LS->current == '.') { save_and_next(LS); if (LS->current == '.') { save('.'); luaX_error(LS, "ambiguous syntax (decimal point x string concatenation)"); } } fraction: while (isdigit(LS->current)) save_and_next(LS); if (toupper(LS->current) == 'E') { save_and_next(LS); /* read 'E' */ save_and_next(LS); /* read '+', '-' or first digit */ while (isdigit(LS->current)) save_and_next(LS); } save('\0'); LS->seminfo.r = luaO_str2d(L->Mbuffer+L->Mbuffbase); if (LS->seminfo.r < 0) luaX_error(LS, "invalid numeric format"); return NUMBER; case EOZ: if (LS->iflevel > 0) luaX_error(LS, "input ends inside a $if"); return EOS; default: if (LS->current != '_' && !isalpha(LS->current)) { int c = LS->current; if (iscntrl(c)) luaX_invalidchar(LS, c); save_and_next(LS); return c; } else { /* identifier or reserved word */ TaggedString *ts; do { save_and_next(LS); } while (isalnum(LS->current) || LS->current == '_'); save('\0'); ts = luaS_new(L->Mbuffer+L->Mbuffbase); if (ts->head.marked >= FIRST_RESERVED) return ts->head.marked; /* reserved word */ LS->seminfo.ts = ts; return NAME; } } } }