/* ** $Id: lobject.c,v 1.17 1999/02/12 19:23:02 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Some generic functions over Lua objects ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include <ctype.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "lobject.h" #include "lua.h" char *luaO_typenames[] = { /* ORDER LUA_T */ "userdata", "number", "string", "table", "function", "function", "nil", "function", "mark", "mark", "mark", "line", NULL }; TObject luaO_nilobject = {LUA_T_NIL, {NULL}}; /* hash dimensions values */ static long dimensions[] = {5L, 11L, 23L, 47L, 97L, 197L, 397L, 797L, 1597L, 3203L, 6421L, 12853L, 25717L, 51437L, 102811L, 205619L, 411233L, 822433L, 1644817L, 3289613L, 6579211L, 13158023L, MAX_INT}; int luaO_redimension (int oldsize) { int i; for (i=0; dimensions[i]<MAX_INT; i++) { if (dimensions[i] > oldsize) return dimensions[i]; } lua_error("tableEM"); return 0; /* to avoid warnings */ } int luaO_equalval (TObject *t1, TObject *t2) { switch (ttype(t1)) { case LUA_T_NIL: return 1; case LUA_T_NUMBER: return nvalue(t1) == nvalue(t2); case LUA_T_STRING: case LUA_T_USERDATA: return svalue(t1) == svalue(t2); case LUA_T_ARRAY: return avalue(t1) == avalue(t2); case LUA_T_PROTO: return tfvalue(t1) == tfvalue(t2); case LUA_T_CPROTO: return fvalue(t1) == fvalue(t2); case LUA_T_CLOSURE: return t1->value.cl == t2->value.cl; default: LUA_INTERNALERROR("invalid type"); return 0; /* UNREACHABLE */ } } void luaO_insertlist (GCnode *root, GCnode *node) { node->next = root->next; root->next = node; node->marked = 0; } #ifdef OLD_ANSI void luaO_memup (void *dest, void *src, int size) { while (size--) ((char *)dest)[size]=((char *)src)[size]; } void luaO_memdown (void *dest, void *src, int size) { int i; for (i=0; i<size; i++) ((char *)dest)[i]=((char *)src)[i]; } #endif static double expten (unsigned int e) { double exp = 10.0; double res = 1.0; for (; e; e>>=1) { if (e & 1) res *= exp; exp *= exp; } return res; } double luaO_str2d (char *s) { /* LUA_NUMBER */ double a = 0.0; int point = 0; if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*s) && !isdigit((unsigned char)*(s+1))) return -1; /* no digit before or after decimal point */ while (isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) { a = 10.0*a + (*(s++)-'0'); } if (*s == '.') s++; while (isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) { a = 10.0*a + (*(s++)-'0'); point++; } if (toupper((unsigned char)*s) == 'E') { int e = 0; int sig = 1; s++; if (*s == '+') s++; else if (*s == '-') { s++; sig = -1; } if (!isdigit((unsigned char)*s)) return -1; /* no digit in the exponent? */ do { e = 10*e + (*(s++)-'0'); } while (isdigit((unsigned char)*s)); point -= sig*e; } while (isspace((unsigned char)*s)) s++; if (*s != '\0') return -1; /* invalid trailing characters? */ if (point > 0) a /= expten(point); else if (point < 0) a *= expten(-point); return a; }