/* ** $Id: lopcodes.h,v 1.39 2000/02/11 16:52:54 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Opcodes for Lua virtual machine ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #ifndef lopcodes_h #define lopcodes_h /*=========================================================================== We assume that instructions are unsigned numbers with 4 bytes. All instructions have an opcode in the lower byte. Moreover, an instruction can have 0, 1, or 2 arguments. There are 4 types of Instructions: type 0: no arguments type 1: 1 unsigned argument in the higher 24 bits (called `U') type 2: 1 signed argument in the higher 24 bits (`S') type 3: 1st unsigned argument in the higher 16 bits (`A') 2nd unsigned argument in the middle 8 bits (`B') The signed argument is represented in excess 2^23; that is, the real value is 2^23 minus the usigned value. ===========================================================================*/ /* ** the following macros help to manipulate instructions */ #define MAXARG_U ((1<<24)-1) #define MAXARG_S ((1<<23)-1) #define MAXARG_A ((1<<16)-1) #define MAXARG_B ((1<<8)-1) #define GET_OPCODE(i) ((OpCode)((i)&0xFF)) #define GETARG_U(i) ((int)((i)>>8)) #define GETARG_S(i) ((int)((i)>>8)-(1<<23)) #define GETARG_A(i) ((int)((i)>>16)) #define GETARG_B(i) ((int)(((i)>>8) & 0xFF)) #define SET_OPCODE(i,o) (((i)&0xFFFFFF00u) | (Instruction)(o)) #define SETARG_U(i,u) (((i)&0x000000FFu) | ((Instruction)(u)<<8)) #define SETARG_S(i,s) (((i)&0x000000FFu) | ((Instruction)((s)+(1<<23))<<8)) #define SETARG_A(i,a) (((i)&0x0000FFFFu) | ((Instruction)(a)<<16)) #define SETARG_B(i,b) (((i)&0xFFFF00FFu) | ((Instruction)(b)<<8)) typedef enum { /* name parm before after side effect -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ ENDCODE,/* - - (return) */ RETCODE,/* U - (return) */ CALL,/* A B v_n-v_1 f(at a) r_b-r_1 f(v1,...,v_n) */ TAILCALL,/* A B v_a-v_1 f (return) f(v1,...,v_a) */ PUSHNIL,/* U - nil_0-nil_u */ POP,/* U a_u-a_1 - */ PUSHINT,/* S - (real)s */ PUSHSTRING,/* U - KSTR[u] */ PUSHNUMBER,/* U - KNUM[u] */ PUSHUPVALUE,/* U - Closure[u] */ PUSHLOCAL,/* U - LOC[u] */ GETGLOBAL,/* U - VAR[CNST[u]] */ GETTABLE,/* - i t t[i] */ GETDOTTED,/* U t t[CNST[u]] */ PUSHSELF,/* U t t t[CNST[u]] */ CREATETABLE,/* U - newarray(size = u) */ SETLOCAL,/* U x - LOC[u]=x */ SETGLOBAL,/* U x - VAR[CNST[u]]=x */ SETTABLEPOP,/* - v i t - t[i]=v */ SETTABLE,/* U v a_u-a_1 i t a_u-a_1 i t t[i]=v */ SETLIST,/* A B v_b-v_0 t t t[i+a*FPF]=v_i */ SETMAP,/* U v_u k_u - v_0 k_0 t t t[k_i]=v_i */ NEQOP,/* - y x (x~=y)? 1 : nil */ EQOP,/* - y x (x==y)? 1 : nil */ LTOP,/* - y x (x<y)? 1 : nil */ LEOP,/* - y x (x<y)? 1 : nil */ GTOP,/* - y x (x>y)? 1 : nil */ GEOP,/* - y x (x>=y)? 1 : nil */ ADDOP,/* - y x x+y */ SUBOP,/* - y x x-y */ MULTOP,/* - y x x*y */ DIVOP,/* - y x x/y */ POWOP,/* - y x x^y */ CONCOP,/* - y x x..y */ MINUSOP,/* - x -x */ NOTOP,/* - x (x==nil)? 1 : nil */ ONTJMP,/* S x (x!=nil)? x : - (x!=nil)? PC+=s */ ONFJMP,/* S x (x==nil)? x : - (x==nil)? PC+=s */ JMP,/* S - - PC+=s */ IFTJMP,/* S x - (x!=nil)? PC+=s */ IFFJMP,/* S x - (x==nil)? PC+=s */ CLOSURE,/* A B v_b-v_1 closure(CNST[a], v_b-v_1) */ SETLINE/* U - - LINE=u */ } OpCode; #define RFIELDS_PER_FLUSH 32 /* records (SETMAP) */ #define LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH 64 /* FPF - lists (SETLIST) (<MAXARG_B) */ #endif