/* ** $Id: lparser.h,v 1.41 2002/03/25 17:47:14 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Lua Parser ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #ifndef lparser_h #define lparser_h #include "llimits.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "lzio.h" /* ** Expression descriptor */ typedef enum { VVOID, /* no value */ VNIL, VTRUE, VFALSE, VK, /* info = index of constant in `k' */ VLOCAL, /* info = local register */ VUPVAL, /* info = index of upvalue in `upvalues' */ VGLOBAL, /* info = index of table; aux = index of global name in `k' */ VINDEXED, /* info = table register; aux = index register (or `k') */ VJMP, /* info = instruction pc */ VRELOCABLE, /* info = instruction pc */ VNONRELOC, /* info = result register */ VCALL /* info = result register */ } expkind; typedef struct expdesc { expkind k; int info, aux; int t; /* patch list of `exit when true' */ int f; /* patch list of `exit when false' */ } expdesc; /* describe declared variables */ typedef struct vardesc { int i; /* if local, its index in `locvars'; if global, its name index in `k' */ lu_byte k; lu_byte level; /* if local, stack level; if global, corresponding local (NO_REG for free globals) */ } vardesc; struct BlockCnt; /* defined in lparser.c */ /* state needed to generate code for a given function */ typedef struct FuncState { Proto *f; /* current function header */ Table *h; /* table to find (and reuse) elements in `k' */ struct FuncState *prev; /* enclosing function */ struct LexState *ls; /* lexical state */ struct lua_State *L; /* copy of the Lua state */ struct BlockCnt *bl; /* chain of current blocks */ int pc; /* next position to code (equivalent to `ncode') */ int lasttarget; /* `pc' of last `jump target' */ int jlt; /* list of jumps to `lasttarget' */ int freereg; /* first free register */ int defaultglob; /* where to look for non-declared globals */ int nk; /* number of elements in `k' */ int np; /* number of elements in `p' */ int nlocvars; /* number of elements in `locvars' */ int nactloc; /* number of active local variables */ int nactvar; /* number of elements in array `actvar' */ expdesc upvalues[MAXUPVALUES]; /* upvalues */ vardesc actvar[MAXVARS]; /* declared-variable stack */ } FuncState; Proto *luaY_parser (lua_State *L, ZIO *z); #endif