/* ** $Id: lstring.c,v 1.25 1999/10/19 13:33:22 roberto Exp roberto $ ** String table (keeps all strings handled by Lua) ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include <string.h> #include "lmem.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "lua.h" #define gcsizestring(l) (1+(l/64)) /* "weight" for a string with length 'l' */ /* ** to avoid hash tables with size = 0 (cannot hash with size=0), all ** hash tables are initialized with this `array'. Elements are never ** written here, because this table (with size=1) must grow to get an ** element, and before it grows we replace it for a `real' table. ** */ static TaggedString *init_hash[1] = {NULL}; void luaS_init (void) { int i; L->string_root = luaM_newvector(NUM_HASHS, stringtable); for (i=0; i<NUM_HASHS; i++) { L->string_root[i].size = 1; L->string_root[i].nuse = 0; L->string_root[i].hash = init_hash; } } void luaS_freeall (void) { int i; for (i=0; i<NUM_HASHS; i++) { LUA_ASSERT(L->string_root[i].nuse==0, "non-empty string table"); if (L->string_root[i].hash != init_hash) luaM_free(L->string_root[i].hash); } luaM_free(L->string_root); LUA_ASSERT(init_hash[0] == NULL, "init_hash corrupted"); } static unsigned long hash_s (const char *s, long l) { unsigned long h = l; /* seed */ while (l--) h = h ^ ((h<<5)+(h>>2)+(unsigned char)*(s++)); return h; } void luaS_grow (stringtable *tb) { int ns = luaO_redimension(tb->nuse*2); /* new size */ TaggedString **newhash = luaM_newvector(ns, TaggedString *); int i; for (i=0; i<ns; i++) newhash[i] = NULL; /* rehash */ for (i=0; i<tb->size; i++) { TaggedString *p = tb->hash[i]; while (p) { /* for each node in the list */ TaggedString *next = p->nexthash; /* save next */ int h = p->hash%ns; /* new position */ p->nexthash = newhash[h]; /* chain it in new position */ newhash[h] = p; p = next; } } luaM_free(tb->hash); tb->size = ns; tb->hash = newhash; } static TaggedString *newone (long l, unsigned long h) { TaggedString *ts = (TaggedString *)luaM_malloc( sizeof(TaggedString)+l*sizeof(char)); ts->marked = 0; ts->nexthash = NULL; ts->hash = h; return ts; } static TaggedString *newone_s (const char *str, long l, unsigned long h) { TaggedString *ts = newone(l, h); memcpy(ts->str, str, l); ts->str[l] = 0; /* ending 0 */ ts->u.s.gv = NULL; /* no global value */ ts->u.s.len = l; ts->constindex = 0; L->nblocks += gcsizestring(l); return ts; } static TaggedString *newone_u (void *buff, int tag, unsigned long h) { TaggedString *ts = newone(0, h); ts->u.d.value = buff; ts->u.d.tag = (tag == LUA_ANYTAG) ? 0 : tag; ts->constindex = -1; /* tag -> this is a userdata */ L->nblocks++; return ts; } static void newentry (stringtable *tb, TaggedString *ts, int h) { tb->nuse++; if (tb->nuse >= tb->size) { /* no more room? */ if (tb->hash == init_hash) { /* cannot change init_hash */ LUA_ASSERT(h==0, "`init_hash' has size 1"); tb->hash = luaM_newvector(1, TaggedString *); /* so, `clone' it */ tb->hash[0] = NULL; } luaS_grow(tb); h = ts->hash%tb->size; /* new hash position */ } ts->nexthash = tb->hash[h]; /* chain new entry */ tb->hash[h] = ts; } TaggedString *luaS_newlstr (const char *str, long l) { unsigned long h = hash_s(str, l); stringtable *tb = &L->string_root[h%NUM_HASHSTR]; int h1 = h%tb->size; TaggedString *ts; for (ts = tb->hash[h1]; ts; ts = ts->nexthash) { if (ts->u.s.len == l && (memcmp(str, ts->str, l) == 0)) return ts; } /* not found */ ts = newone_s(str, l, h); /* create new entry */ newentry(tb, ts, h1); /* insert it on table */ return ts; } TaggedString *luaS_createudata (void *udata, int tag) { unsigned long h = (IntPoint)udata; stringtable *tb = &L->string_root[(h%NUM_HASHUDATA)+NUM_HASHSTR]; int h1 = h%tb->size; TaggedString *ts; for (ts = tb->hash[h1]; ts; ts = ts->nexthash) { if (udata == ts->u.d.value && (tag == ts->u.d.tag || tag == LUA_ANYTAG)) return ts; } /* not found */ ts = newone_u(udata, tag, h); newentry(tb, ts, h1); return ts; } TaggedString *luaS_new (const char *str) { return luaS_newlstr(str, strlen(str)); } TaggedString *luaS_newfixedstring (const char *str) { TaggedString *ts = luaS_new(str); if (ts->marked == 0) ts->marked = FIXMARK; /* avoid GC */ return ts; } void luaS_free (TaggedString *t) { if (t->constindex == -1) /* is userdata? */ L->nblocks--; else { /* is string */ L->nblocks -= gcsizestring(t->u.s.len); luaM_free(t->u.s.gv); } luaM_free(t); } GlobalVar *luaS_assertglobal (TaggedString *ts) { GlobalVar *gv = ts->u.s.gv; if (!gv) { /* no global value yet? */ gv = luaM_new(GlobalVar); gv->value.ttype = LUA_T_NIL; /* initial value */ gv->name = ts; gv->next = L->rootglobal; /* chain in global list */ L->rootglobal = gv; ts->u.s.gv = gv; } return gv; } GlobalVar *luaS_assertglobalbyname (const char *name) { return luaS_assertglobal(luaS_new(name)); } int luaS_globaldefined (const char *name) { TaggedString *ts = luaS_new(name); return ts->u.s.gv && ts->u.s.gv->value.ttype != LUA_T_NIL; }