/* ** $Id: ltable.c,v 1.1 1997/08/14 20:19:10 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Lua tables (hash) ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lmem.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "lua.h" #define nuse(t) ((t)->nuse) #define nodevector(t) ((t)->node) #define val(n) (&(n)->val) #define REHASH_LIMIT 0.70 /* avoid more than this % full */ #define TagDefault LUA_T_ARRAY; Hash *luaH_root = NULL; static long int hashindex (TObject *ref) { long int h; switch (ttype(ref)) { case LUA_T_NUMBER: h = (long int)nvalue(ref); break; case LUA_T_STRING: case LUA_T_USERDATA: h = (IntPoint)tsvalue(ref); break; case LUA_T_FUNCTION: h = (IntPoint)clvalue(ref); break; case LUA_T_CFUNCTION: h = (IntPoint)fvalue(ref); break; case LUA_T_ARRAY: h = (IntPoint)avalue(ref); break; default: lua_error("unexpected type to index table"); h = 0; /* UNREACHEABLE */ } return (h >= 0 ? h : -(h+1)); } static int present (Hash *t, TObject *key) { int tsize = nhash(t); long int h = hashindex(key); int h1 = h%tsize; TObject *rf = ref(node(t, h1)); if (ttype(rf) != LUA_T_NIL && !luaO_equalObj(key, rf)) { int h2 = h%(tsize-2) + 1; do { h1 = (h1+h2)%tsize; rf = ref(node(t, h1)); } while (ttype(rf) != LUA_T_NIL && !luaO_equalObj(key, rf)); } return h1; } /* ** Alloc a vector node */ static Node *hashnodecreate (int nhash) { int i; Node *v = luaM_newvector (nhash, Node); for (i=0; i<nhash; i++) ttype(ref(&v[i])) = LUA_T_NIL; return v; } /* ** Delete a hash */ static void hashdelete (Hash *t) { luaM_free (nodevector(t)); luaM_free(t); } void luaH_free (Hash *frees) { while (frees) { Hash *next = (Hash *)frees->head.next; hashdelete(frees); frees = next; } } static void inserttable (Hash *table) { ++luaO_nentities; table->head.next = (GCnode *)luaH_root; luaH_root = table; table->head.marked = 0; } Hash *luaH_new (int nhash) { Hash *t = luaM_new(Hash); nhash = luaO_redimension((int)((float)nhash/REHASH_LIMIT)); nodevector(t) = hashnodecreate(nhash); nhash(t) = nhash; nuse(t) = 0; t->htag = TagDefault; inserttable(t); return t; } /* ** Rehash: ** Check if table has deleted slots. It it has, it does not need to ** grow, since rehash will reuse them. */ static int emptyslots (Hash *t) { int i; for (i=nhash(t)-1; i>=0; i--) { Node *n = node(t, i); if (ttype(ref(n)) != LUA_T_NIL && ttype(val(n)) == LUA_T_NIL) return 1; } return 0; } static void rehash (Hash *t) { int nold = nhash(t); Node *vold = nodevector(t); int i; if (!emptyslots(t)) nhash(t) = luaO_redimension(nhash(t)); nodevector(t) = hashnodecreate(nhash(t)); for (i=0; i<nold; i++) { Node *n = vold+i; if (ttype(ref(n)) != LUA_T_NIL && ttype(val(n)) != LUA_T_NIL) *node(t, present(t, ref(n))) = *n; /* copy old node to luaM_new hash */ } luaM_free(vold); } /* ** If the hash node is present, return its pointer, otherwise return ** null. */ TObject *luaH_get (Hash *t, TObject *ref) { int h = present(t, ref); if (ttype(ref(node(t, h))) != LUA_T_NIL) return val(node(t, h)); else return NULL; } /* ** If the hash node is present, return its pointer, otherwise create a luaM_new ** node for the given reference and also return its pointer. */ TObject *luaH_set (Hash *t, TObject *ref) { Node *n = node(t, present(t, ref)); if (ttype(ref(n)) == LUA_T_NIL) { nuse(t)++; if ((float)nuse(t) > (float)nhash(t)*REHASH_LIMIT) { rehash(t); n = node(t, present(t, ref)); } *ref(n) = *ref; ttype(val(n)) = LUA_T_NIL; } return (val(n)); } static Node *hashnext (Hash *t, int i) { Node *n; int tsize = nhash(t); if (i >= tsize) return NULL; n = node(t, i); while (ttype(ref(n)) == LUA_T_NIL || ttype(val(n)) == LUA_T_NIL) { if (++i >= tsize) return NULL; n = node(t, i); } return node(t, i); } Node *luaH_next (TObject *o, TObject *r) { Hash *t = avalue(o); if (ttype(r) == LUA_T_NIL) return hashnext(t, 0); else { int i = present(t, r); Node *n = node(t, i); luaL_arg_check(ttype(ref(n))!=LUA_T_NIL && ttype(val(n))!=LUA_T_NIL, 2, "key not found"); return hashnext(t, i+1); } }