/* ** $Id: lvm.c,v 1.71 1999/12/06 19:30:53 roberto Exp roberto $ ** Lua virtual machine ** See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #include #include #include #define LUA_REENTRANT #include "lauxlib.h" #include "ldo.h" #include "lfunc.h" #include "lgc.h" #include "lobject.h" #include "lopcodes.h" #include "lstate.h" #include "lstring.h" #include "ltable.h" #include "ltm.h" #include "lvm.h" #ifdef OLD_ANSI #define strcoll(a,b) strcmp(a,b) #endif #define highbyte(L, x) ((x)<<8) /* Extra stack size to run a function: LUA_T_LINE(1), TM calls(2), ... */ #define EXTRA_STACK 5 static TaggedString *strconc (lua_State *L, const TaggedString *l, const TaggedString *r) { long nl = l->u.s.len; long nr = r->u.s.len; char *buffer = luaL_openspace(L, nl+nr); memcpy(buffer, l->str, nl); memcpy(buffer+nl, r->str, nr); return luaS_newlstr(L, buffer, nl+nr); } int luaV_tonumber (TObject *obj) { /* LUA_NUMBER */ if (ttype(obj) != LUA_T_STRING) return 1; else { if (!luaO_str2d(svalue(obj), &nvalue(obj))) return 2; ttype(obj) = LUA_T_NUMBER; return 0; } } int luaV_tostring (lua_State *L, TObject *obj) { /* LUA_NUMBER */ if (ttype(obj) != LUA_T_NUMBER) return 1; else { char s[32]; /* 16 digits, signal, point and \0 (+ some extra...) */ sprintf(s, "%.16g", (double)nvalue(obj)); tsvalue(obj) = luaS_new(L, s); ttype(obj) = LUA_T_STRING; return 0; } } void luaV_setn (lua_State *L, Hash *t, int val) { TObject index, value; ttype(&index) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(&index) = luaS_new(L, "n"); ttype(&value) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(&value) = val; luaH_set(L, t, &index, &value); } void luaV_closure (lua_State *L, int nelems) { if (nelems > 0) { Closure *c = luaF_newclosure(L, nelems); c->consts[0] = *(L->top-1); L->top -= nelems; memcpy(&c->consts[1], L->top-1, nelems*sizeof(TObject)); ttype(L->top-1) = LUA_T_CLOSURE; (L->top-1)->value.cl = c; } } /* ** Function to index a table. ** Receives the table at top-2 and the index at top-1. */ void luaV_gettable (lua_State *L) { TObject *table = L->top-2; const TObject *im; if (ttype(table) != LUA_T_ARRAY) { /* not a table, get gettable method */ im = luaT_getimbyObj(L, table, IM_GETTABLE); if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) lua_error(L, "indexed expression not a table"); } else { /* object is a table... */ int tg = table->value.a->htag; im = luaT_getim(L, tg, IM_GETTABLE); if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) { /* and does not have a `gettable' method */ const TObject *h = luaH_get(L, avalue(table), table+1); if (ttype(h) == LUA_T_NIL && (ttype(im=luaT_getim(L, tg, IM_INDEX)) != LUA_T_NIL)) { /* result is nil and there is an `index' tag method */ luaD_callTM(L, im, 2, 1); /* calls it */ } else { L->top--; *table = *h; /* `push' result into table position */ } return; } /* else it has a `gettable' method, go through to next command */ } /* object is not a table, or it has a `gettable' method */ luaD_callTM(L, im, 2, 1); } /* ** Receives table at *t, index at *(t+1) and value at top. */ void luaV_settable (lua_State *L, StkId t) { const TObject *im; if (ttype(t) != LUA_T_ARRAY) { /* not a table, get "settable" method */ im = luaT_getimbyObj(L, t, IM_SETTABLE); if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) lua_error(L, "indexed expression not a table"); } else { /* object is a table... */ im = luaT_getim(L, avalue(t)->htag, IM_SETTABLE); if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) { /* and does not have a "settable" method */ luaH_set(L, avalue(t), t+1, L->top-1); L->top--; /* pop value */ return; } /* else it has a "settable" method, go through to next command */ } /* object is not a table, or it has a "settable" method */ /* prepare arguments and call the tag method */ *(L->top+1) = *(L->top-1); *(L->top) = *(t+1); *(L->top-1) = *t; L->top += 2; /* WARNING: caller must assure stack space */ luaD_callTM(L, im, 3, 0); } void luaV_rawsettable (lua_State *L, StkId t) { if (ttype(t) != LUA_T_ARRAY) lua_error(L, "indexed expression not a table"); else { luaH_set(L, avalue(t), t+1, L->top-1); L->top -= 3; } } void luaV_getglobal (lua_State *L, GlobalVar *gv) { /* WARNING: caller must assure stack space */ const TObject *value = &gv->value; TObject *im = luaT_getimbyObj(L, value, IM_GETGLOBAL); if (ttype(im) != LUA_T_NIL) { /* is there a tag method? */ ttype(L->top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(L->top) = gv->name; /* global name */ L->top++; *L->top++ = *value; luaD_callTM(L, im, 2, 1); } else { /* no tag method */ *L->top++ = *value; /* default behavior */ } } void luaV_setglobal (lua_State *L, GlobalVar *gv) { const TObject *oldvalue = &gv->value; const TObject *im = luaT_getimbyObj(L, oldvalue, IM_SETGLOBAL); if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) /* is there a tag method? */ gv->value = *(--L->top); else { /* WARNING: caller must assure stack space */ TObject newvalue; newvalue = *(L->top-1); ttype(L->top-1) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(L->top-1) = gv->name; *L->top++ = *oldvalue; *L->top++ = newvalue; luaD_callTM(L, im, 3, 0); } } static void call_binTM (lua_State *L, StkId top, IMS event, const char *msg) { /* try first operand */ const TObject *im = luaT_getimbyObj(L, top-2, event); L->top = top; if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) { im = luaT_getimbyObj(L, top-1, event); /* try second operand */ if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) { im = luaT_getim(L, 0, event); /* try a 'global' i.m. */ if (ttype(im) == LUA_T_NIL) lua_error(L, msg); } } lua_pushstring(L, luaT_eventname[event]); luaD_callTM(L, im, 3, 1); } static void call_arith (lua_State *L, StkId top, IMS event) { call_binTM(L, top, event, "unexpected type in arithmetic operation"); } static int luaV_strcomp (const char *l, long ll, const char *r, long lr) { for (;;) { long temp = strcoll(l, r); if (temp != 0) return temp; /* strings are equal up to a '\0' */ temp = strlen(l); /* index of first '\0' in both strings */ if (temp == ll) /* l is finished? */ return (temp == lr) ? 0 : -1; /* l is equal or smaller than r */ else if (temp == lr) /* r is finished? */ return 1; /* l is greater than r (because l is not finished) */ /* both strings longer than temp; go on comparing (after the '\0') */ temp++; l += temp; ll -= temp; r += temp; lr -= temp; } } void luaV_comparison (lua_State *L, StkId top, lua_Type ttype_less, lua_Type ttype_equal, lua_Type ttype_great, IMS op) { const TObject *l = top-2; const TObject *r = top-1; real result; if (ttype(l) == LUA_T_NUMBER && ttype(r) == LUA_T_NUMBER) result = nvalue(l)-nvalue(r); else if (ttype(l) == LUA_T_STRING && ttype(r) == LUA_T_STRING) result = luaV_strcomp(svalue(l), tsvalue(l)->u.s.len, svalue(r), tsvalue(r)->u.s.len); else { call_binTM(L, top, op, "unexpected type in comparison"); return; } nvalue(top-2) = 1; ttype(top-2) = (result < 0) ? ttype_less : (result == 0) ? ttype_equal : ttype_great; } void luaV_pack (lua_State *L, StkId firstelem, int nvararg, TObject *tab) { int i; Hash *htab; htab = avalue(tab) = luaH_new(L, nvararg+1); /* +1 for field `n' */ ttype(tab) = LUA_T_ARRAY; for (i=0; itop-base) - nfixargs; if (nvararg < 0) { luaV_pack(L, base, 0, &arg); luaD_adjusttop(L, base, nfixargs); } else { luaV_pack(L, base+nfixargs, nvararg, &arg); L->top = base+nfixargs; } *L->top++ = arg; } /* ** Executes the given Lua function. Parameters are between [base,top). ** Returns n such that the the results are between [n,top). */ StkId luaV_execute (lua_State *L, const Closure *cl, const TProtoFunc *tf, StkId base) { register StkId top; /* keep top local, for performance */ register const Byte *pc = tf->code; const TObject *consts = tf->consts; if (L->callhook) luaD_callHook(L, base, tf, 0); luaD_checkstack(L, (*pc++)+EXTRA_STACK); if (*pc < ZEROVARARG) luaD_adjusttop(L, base, *(pc++)); else { /* varargs */ adjust_varargs(L, base, (*pc++)-ZEROVARARG); luaC_checkGC(L); } top = L->top; for (;;) { register int aux = 0; switchentry: switch ((OpCode)*pc++) { case ENDCODE: top = base; goto ret; case RETCODE: base += *pc++; goto ret; case CALL: aux = *pc++; L->top = top; luaD_call(L, base+(*pc++), aux); top = L->top; break; case TAILCALL: aux = *pc++; L->top = top; luaD_call(L, base+(*pc++), MULT_RET); top = L->top; base += aux; goto ret; case PUSHNIL: aux = *pc++; do { ttype(top++) = LUA_T_NIL; } while (aux--); break; case POP: aux = *pc++; top -= aux; break; case PUSHNUMBERW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case PUSHNUMBER: aux += *pc++; ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = aux; top++; break; case PUSHNUMBERNEGW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case PUSHNUMBERNEG: aux += *pc++; ttype(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = -aux; top++; break; case PUSHCONSTANTW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case PUSHCONSTANT: aux += *pc++; *top++ = consts[aux]; break; case PUSHUPVALUE: aux = *pc++; *top++ = cl->consts[aux+1]; break; case PUSHLOCAL: aux = *pc++; *top++ = *(base+aux); break; case GETGLOBALW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case GETGLOBAL: aux += *pc++; L->top = top; luaV_getglobal(L, tsvalue(&consts[aux])->u.s.gv); top++; break; case GETTABLE: L->top = top; luaV_gettable(L); top--; break; case GETDOTTEDW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case GETDOTTED: aux += *pc++; *top++ = consts[aux]; L->top = top; luaV_gettable(L); top--; break; case PUSHSELFW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case PUSHSELF: aux += *pc++; { TObject receiver; receiver = *(top-1); *top++ = consts[aux]; L->top = top; luaV_gettable(L); *(top-1) = receiver; break; } case CREATEARRAYW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case CREATEARRAY: aux += *pc++; L->top = top; luaC_checkGC(L); avalue(top) = luaH_new(L, aux); ttype(top) = LUA_T_ARRAY; top++; break; case SETLOCAL: aux = *pc++; *(base+aux) = *(--top); break; case SETGLOBALW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case SETGLOBAL: aux += *pc++; L->top = top; luaV_setglobal(L, tsvalue(&consts[aux])->u.s.gv); top--; break; case SETTABLEPOP: L->top = top; luaV_settable(L, top-3); top -= 3; /* pop table, index, and value */ break; case SETTABLE: L->top = top; luaV_settable(L, top-3-(*pc++)); top--; /* pop value */ break; case SETLISTW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case SETLIST: aux += *pc++; { int n = *(pc++); Hash *arr = avalue(top-n-1); L->top = top-n; /* final value of `top' (in case of errors) */ aux *= LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH; for (; n; n--) luaH_setint(L, arr, n+aux, --top); break; } case SETMAP: aux = *pc++; { StkId finaltop = top-2*(aux+1); Hash *arr = avalue(finaltop-1); L->top = finaltop; /* final value of `top' (in case of errors) */ do { luaH_set(L, arr, top-2, top-1); top-=2; } while (aux--); break; } case NEQOP: aux = 1; case EQOP: { int res = luaO_equalObj(top-2, top-1); if (aux) res = !res; top--; ttype(top-1) = res ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; break; } case LTOP: luaV_comparison(L, top, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, IM_LT); top--; break; case LEOP: luaV_comparison(L, top, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, IM_LE); top--; break; case GTOP: luaV_comparison(L, top, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_GT); top--; break; case GEOP: luaV_comparison(L, top, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, IM_GE); top--; break; case ADDOP: if (tonumber(top-1) || tonumber(top-2)) call_arith(L, top, IM_ADD); else nvalue(top-2) += nvalue(top-1); top--; break; case SUBOP: if (tonumber(top-1) || tonumber(top-2)) call_arith(L, top, IM_SUB); else nvalue(top-2) -= nvalue(top-1); top--; break; case MULTOP: if (tonumber(top-1) || tonumber(top-2)) call_arith(L, top, IM_MUL); else nvalue(top-2) *= nvalue(top-1); top--; break; case DIVOP: if (tonumber(top-1) || tonumber(top-2)) call_arith(L, top, IM_DIV); else nvalue(top-2) /= nvalue(top-1); top--; break; case POWOP: call_binTM(L, top, IM_POW, "undefined operation"); top--; break; case CONCOP: if (tostring(L, top-2) || tostring(L, top-1)) call_binTM(L, top, IM_CONCAT, "unexpected type for concatenation"); else tsvalue(top-2) = strconc(L, tsvalue(top-2), tsvalue(top-1)); top--; L->top = top; luaC_checkGC(L); break; case MINUSOP: if (tonumber(top-1)) { ttype(top) = LUA_T_NIL; call_arith(L, top+1, IM_UNM); } else nvalue(top-1) = - nvalue(top-1); break; case NOTOP: ttype(top-1) = (ttype(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; break; case ONTJMPW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case ONTJMP: aux += *pc++; if (ttype(top-1) != LUA_T_NIL) pc += aux; else top--; break; case ONFJMPW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case ONFJMP: aux += *pc++; if (ttype(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += aux; else top--; break; case JMPW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case JMP: aux += *pc++; pc += aux; break; case IFFJMPW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case IFFJMP: aux += *pc++; if (ttype(--top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += aux; break; case IFTUPJMPW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case IFTUPJMP: aux += *pc++; if (ttype(--top) != LUA_T_NIL) pc -= aux; break; case IFFUPJMPW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case IFFUPJMP: aux += *pc++; if (ttype(--top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc -= aux; break; case CLOSUREW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case CLOSURE: aux += *pc++; *top++ = consts[aux]; L->top = top; aux = *pc++; /* number of upvalues */ luaV_closure(L, aux); luaC_checkGC(L); top -= aux; break; case SETLINEW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case SETLINE: aux += *pc++; L->top = top; if ((base-1)->ttype != LUA_T_LINE) { /* open space for LINE value */ luaD_openstack(L, base); base->ttype = LUA_T_LINE; base++; top++; } (base-1)->value.i = aux; if (L->linehook) luaD_lineHook(L, aux); break; case LONGARGW: aux += highbyte(L, *pc++); case LONGARG: aux += *pc++; aux = highbyte(L, highbyte(L, aux)); goto switchentry; /* do not reset "aux" */ } } ret: L->top = top; if (L->callhook) luaD_callHook(L, 0, NULL, 1); return base; }