/* ** opcode.c ** TecCGraf - PUC-Rio */ char *rcs_opcode="$Id: opcode.c,v 3.56 1996/02/08 17:03:20 roberto Exp roberto $"; #include #include #include #include #include "luadebug.h" #include "mem.h" #include "opcode.h" #include "hash.h" #include "inout.h" #include "table.h" #include "lua.h" #include "fallback.h" #define tonumber(o) ((tag(o) != LUA_T_NUMBER) && (lua_tonumber(o) != 0)) #define tostring(o) ((tag(o) != LUA_T_STRING) && (lua_tostring(o) != 0)) #define STACK_SIZE 128 typedef int StkId; /* index to stack elements */ static Object initial_stack; static Object *stackLimit = &initial_stack+1; static Object *stack = &initial_stack; static Object *top = &initial_stack; /* macros to convert from lua_Object to (Object *) and back */ #define Address(lo) ((lo)+stack-1) #define Ref(st) ((st)-stack+1) /* macro to increment stack top. There must be always an empty slot in * the stack */ #define incr_top if (++top >= stackLimit) growstack() static StkId CBase = 0; /* when Lua calls C or C calls Lua, points to */ /* the first slot after the last parameter. */ static int CnResults = 0; /* when Lua calls C, has the number of parameters; */ /* when C calls Lua, has the number of results. */ static jmp_buf *errorJmp = NULL; /* current error recover point */ /* Hooks */ static lua_LHFunction line_hook = NULL; static lua_CHFunction call_hook = NULL; static StkId lua_execute (Byte *pc, StkId base); static void do_call (StkId base, int nResults); Object *luaI_Address (lua_Object o) { return Address(o); } /* ** Functions to change hook functions. */ lua_LHFunction lua_setlinehook (lua_LHFunction hook) { lua_LHFunction temp = line_hook; line_hook = hook; return temp; } lua_CHFunction lua_setcallhook (lua_CHFunction hook) { lua_CHFunction temp = call_hook; call_hook = hook; return temp; } /* ** Init stack */ static void lua_initstack (void) { Long maxstack = STACK_SIZE; stack = newvector(maxstack, Object); stackLimit = stack+maxstack; top = stack; *(top++) = initial_stack; } /* ** Check stack overflow and, if necessary, realloc vector */ #define lua_checkstack(nt) if ((nt) >= stackLimit) growstack() static void growstack (void) { if (stack == &initial_stack) lua_initstack(); else { StkId t = top-stack; Long maxstack = stackLimit - stack; maxstack *= 2; stack = growvector(stack, maxstack, Object); stackLimit = stack+maxstack; top = stack + t; if (maxstack >= MAX_WORD/2) lua_error("stack size overflow"); } } /* ** Concatenate two given strings. Return the new string pointer. */ static char *lua_strconc (char *l, char *r) { static char *buffer = NULL; static int buffer_size = 0; int nl = strlen(l); int n = nl+strlen(r)+1; if (n > buffer_size) { buffer_size = n; if (buffer != NULL) luaI_free(buffer); buffer = newvector(buffer_size, char); } strcpy(buffer,l); strcpy(buffer+nl, r); return buffer; } /* ** Convert, if possible, to a number object. ** Return 0 if success, not 0 if error. */ static int lua_tonumber (Object *obj) { float t; char c; if (tag(obj) != LUA_T_STRING) return 1; else if (sscanf(svalue(obj), "%f %c",&t, &c) == 1) { nvalue(obj) = t; tag(obj) = LUA_T_NUMBER; return 0; } else return 2; } /* ** Convert, if possible, to a string tag ** Return 0 in success or not 0 on error. */ static int lua_tostring (Object *obj) { static char s[256]; if (tag(obj) != LUA_T_NUMBER) return 1; if ((int) nvalue(obj) == nvalue(obj)) sprintf (s, "%d", (int) nvalue(obj)); else sprintf (s, "%g", nvalue(obj)); tsvalue(obj) = lua_createstring(s); if (tsvalue(obj) == NULL) return 1; tag(obj) = LUA_T_STRING; return 0; } /* ** Adjust stack. Set top to the given value, pushing NILs if needed. */ static void adjust_top (StkId newtop) { Object *nt; lua_checkstack(stack+newtop); nt = stack+newtop; /* warning: previous call may change stack */ while (top < nt) tag(top++) = LUA_T_NIL; top = nt; /* top could be bigger than newtop */ } #define adjustC(nParams) adjust_top(CBase+nParams) /* ** Open a hole below "nelems" from the top. */ static void open_stack (int nelems) { int i; for (i=0; ivalue.tf->fileName, f->value.tf->lineDefined); else (*call_hook)(Ref(f), "(C)", -1); } top = stack+old_top; CnResults = oldCnResults; CBase = oldBase; } /* ** Call a C function. CBase will point to the top of the stack, ** and CnResults is the number of parameters. Returns an index ** to the first result from C. */ static StkId callC (lua_CFunction func, StkId base) { StkId oldBase = CBase; int oldCnResults = CnResults; StkId firstResult; CnResults = (top-stack) - base; /* incorporate parameters on the stack */ CBase = base+CnResults; /* == top-stack */ if (call_hook) { callHook (base, LUA_T_CMARK, 0); (*func)(); callHook (base, LUA_T_CMARK, 1); } else (*func)(); firstResult = CBase; CBase = oldBase; CnResults = oldCnResults; return firstResult; } /* ** Call the specified fallback, putting it on the stack below its arguments */ static void callFB (int fb) { int nParams = luaI_fallBacks[fb].nParams; open_stack(nParams); *(top-nParams-1) = luaI_fallBacks[fb].function; do_call((top-stack)-nParams, luaI_fallBacks[fb].nResults); } /* ** Call a function (C or Lua). The parameters must be on the stack, ** between [stack+base,top). The function to be called is at stack+base-1. ** When returns, the results are on the stack, between [stack+base-1,top). ** The number of results is nResults, unless nResults=MULT_RET. */ static void do_call (StkId base, int nResults) { StkId firstResult; Object *func = stack+base-1; int i; if (tag(func) == LUA_T_CFUNCTION) { tag(func) = LUA_T_CMARK; firstResult = callC(fvalue(func), base); } else if (tag(func) == LUA_T_FUNCTION) { tag(func) = LUA_T_MARK; firstResult = lua_execute(func->value.tf->code, base); } else { /* func is not a function */ /* Call the fallback for invalid functions */ open_stack((top-stack)-(base-1)); stack[base-1] = luaI_fallBacks[FB_FUNCTION].function; do_call(base, nResults); return; } /* adjust the number of results */ if (nResults != MULT_RET && top - (stack+firstResult) != nResults) adjust_top(firstResult+nResults); /* move results to base-1 (to erase parameters and function) */ base--; nResults = top - (stack+firstResult); /* actual number of results */ for (i=0; i= stack; o--) fn (o); } /* ** Error messages and debug functions */ static void lua_message (char *s) { lua_pushstring(s); callFB(FB_ERROR); } /* ** Reports an error, and jumps up to the available recover label */ void lua_error (char *s) { if (s) lua_message(s); if (errorJmp) longjmp(*errorJmp, 1); else { fprintf (stderr, "lua: exit(1). Unable to recover\n"); exit(1); } } lua_Function lua_stackedfunction (int level) { Object *p = top; while (--p >= stack) if (p->tag == LUA_T_MARK || p->tag == LUA_T_CMARK) if (level-- == 0) return Ref(p); return LUA_NOOBJECT; } int lua_currentline (lua_Function func) { Object *f = Address(func); return (f+1 < top && (f+1)->tag == LUA_T_LINE) ? (f+1)->value.i : -1; } lua_Object lua_getlocal (lua_Function func, int local_number, char **name) { Object *f = luaI_Address(func); *name = luaI_getlocalname(f->value.tf, local_number, lua_currentline(func)); if (*name) { /* if "*name", there must be a LUA_T_LINE */ /* therefore, f+2 points to function base */ return Ref((f+2)+(local_number-1)); } else return LUA_NOOBJECT; } int lua_setlocal (lua_Function func, int local_number) { Object *f = Address(func); char *name = luaI_getlocalname(f->value.tf, local_number, lua_currentline(func)); adjustC(1); --top; if (name) { /* if "name", there must be a LUA_T_LINE */ /* therefore, f+2 points to function base */ *((f+2)+(local_number-1)) = *top; return 1; } else return 0; } /* ** Execute a protected call. Assumes that function is at CBase and ** parameters are on top of it. Leave nResults on the stack. */ static int do_protectedrun (int nResults) { jmp_buf myErrorJmp; int status; StkId oldCBase = CBase; jmp_buf *oldErr = errorJmp; errorJmp = &myErrorJmp; if (setjmp(myErrorJmp) == 0) { do_call(CBase+1, nResults); CnResults = (top-stack) - CBase; /* number of results */ CBase += CnResults; /* incorporate results on the stack */ status = 0; } else { /* an error occurred: restore CBase and top */ CBase = oldCBase; top = stack+CBase; status = 1; } errorJmp = oldErr; return status; } static int do_protectedmain (void) { TFunc tf; int status; jmp_buf myErrorJmp; jmp_buf *oldErr = errorJmp; errorJmp = &myErrorJmp; adjustC(1); /* one slot for the pseudo-function */ stack[CBase].tag = LUA_T_FUNCTION; stack[CBase].value.tf = &tf; luaI_initTFunc(&tf); tf.fileName = lua_parsedfile; if (setjmp(myErrorJmp) == 0) { lua_parse(&tf); status = do_protectedrun(0); } else { status = 1; adjustC(0); /* erase extra slot */ } errorJmp = oldErr; if (tf.code) luaI_free(tf.code); return status; } /* ** Execute the given lua function. Return 0 on success or 1 on error. */ int lua_callfunction (lua_Object function) { if (function == LUA_NOOBJECT) return 1; else { open_stack((top-stack)-CBase); stack[CBase] = *Address(function); return do_protectedrun (MULT_RET); } } int lua_call (char *funcname) { Word n = luaI_findsymbolbyname(funcname); open_stack((top-stack)-CBase); stack[CBase] = s_object(n); return do_protectedrun(MULT_RET); } /* ** Open file, generate opcode and execute global statement. Return 0 on ** success or 1 on error. */ int lua_dofile (char *filename) { int status; if (lua_openfile(filename)) return 1; status = do_protectedmain(); lua_closefile(); return status; } /* ** Generate opcode stored on string and execute global statement. Return 0 on ** success or 1 on error. */ int lua_dostring (char *string) { int status; lua_openstring(string); status = do_protectedmain(); lua_closestring(); return status; } /* ** API: set a function as a fallback */ lua_Object lua_setfallback (char *name, lua_CFunction fallback) { adjustC(1); /* one slot for the pseudo-function */ stack[CBase].tag = LUA_T_CFUNCTION; stack[CBase].value.f = luaI_setfallback; lua_pushstring(name); lua_pushcfunction(fallback); if (do_protectedrun(1) == 0) return (Ref(top-1)); else return LUA_NOOBJECT; } /* ** API: receives on the stack the table and the index. ** returns the value. */ lua_Object lua_getsubscript (void) { adjustC(2); pushsubscript(); CBase++; /* incorporate object in the stack */ return (Ref(top-1)); } #define MAX_C_BLOCKS 10 static int numCblocks = 0; static StkId Cblocks[MAX_C_BLOCKS]; /* ** API: starts a new block */ void lua_beginblock (void) { if (numCblocks < MAX_C_BLOCKS) Cblocks[numCblocks] = CBase; numCblocks++; } /* ** API: ends a block */ void lua_endblock (void) { --numCblocks; if (numCblocks < MAX_C_BLOCKS) { CBase = Cblocks[numCblocks]; adjustC(0); } } /* ** API: receives on the stack the table, the index, and the new value. */ void lua_storesubscript (void) { adjustC(3); storesubscript(); } /* ** API: creates a new table */ lua_Object lua_createtable (void) { adjustC(0); avalue(top) = lua_createarray(0); tag(top) = LUA_T_ARRAY; incr_top; CBase++; /* incorporate object in the stack */ return Ref(top-1); } /* ** Get a parameter, returning the object handle or LUA_NOOBJECT on error. ** 'number' must be 1 to get the first parameter. */ lua_Object lua_getparam (int number) { if (number <= 0 || number > CnResults) return LUA_NOOBJECT; /* Ref(stack+(CBase-CnResults+number-1)) == stack+(CBase-CnResults+number-1)-stack+1 == */ return CBase-CnResults+number; } /* ** Given an object handle, return its number value. On error, return 0.0. */ real lua_getnumber (lua_Object object) { if (object == LUA_NOOBJECT) return 0.0; if (tonumber (Address(object))) return 0.0; else return (nvalue(Address(object))); } /* ** Given an object handle, return its string pointer. On error, return NULL. */ char *lua_getstring (lua_Object object) { if (object == LUA_NOOBJECT) return NULL; if (tostring (Address(object))) return NULL; else return (svalue(Address(object))); } /* ** Given an object handle, return its cfuntion pointer. On error, return NULL. */ lua_CFunction lua_getcfunction (lua_Object object) { if (object == LUA_NOOBJECT || tag(Address(object)) != LUA_T_CFUNCTION) return NULL; else return (fvalue(Address(object))); } /* ** Given an object handle, return its user data. On error, return NULL. */ void *lua_getuserdata (lua_Object object) { if (object == LUA_NOOBJECT || tag(Address(object)) < LUA_T_USERDATA) return NULL; else return (uvalue(Address(object))); } lua_Object lua_getlocked (int ref) { adjustC(0); *top = *luaI_getlocked(ref); incr_top; CBase++; /* incorporate object in the stack */ return Ref(top-1); } void lua_pushlocked (int ref) { *top = *luaI_getlocked(ref); incr_top; } int lua_lock (void) { adjustC(1); return luaI_lock(--top); } /* ** Get a global object. */ lua_Object lua_getglobal (char *name) { adjustC(0); getglobal(luaI_findsymbolbyname(name)); CBase++; /* incorporate object in the stack */ return Ref(top-1); } /* ** Store top of the stack at a global variable array field. */ void lua_storeglobal (char *name) { Word n = luaI_findsymbolbyname(name); adjustC(1); s_object(n) = *(--top); } /* ** Push a nil object */ void lua_pushnil (void) { tag(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; } /* ** Push an object (tag=number) to stack. */ void lua_pushnumber (real n) { tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = n; incr_top; } /* ** Push an object (tag=string) to stack. */ void lua_pushstring (char *s) { tsvalue(top) = lua_createstring(s); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; incr_top; } /* ** Push an object (tag=cfunction) to stack. */ void lua_pushcfunction (lua_CFunction fn) { tag(top) = LUA_T_CFUNCTION; fvalue(top) = fn; incr_top; } /* ** Push an object (tag=userdata) to stack. */ void lua_pushusertag (void *u, int tag) { if (tag < LUA_T_USERDATA) return; tag(top) = tag; uvalue(top) = u; incr_top; } /* ** Push a lua_Object to stack. */ void lua_pushobject (lua_Object o) { *top = *Address(o); incr_top; } /* ** Push an object on the stack. */ void luaI_pushobject (Object *o) { *top = *o; incr_top; } int lua_type (lua_Object o) { if (o == LUA_NOOBJECT) return LUA_T_NIL; else return tag(Address(o)); } void luaI_gcFB (Object *o) { *top = *o; incr_top; callFB(FB_GC); } static void call_arith (char *op) { lua_pushstring(op); callFB(FB_ARITH); } static void comparison (lua_Type tag_less, lua_Type tag_equal, lua_Type tag_great, char *op) { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; int result; if (tag(l) == LUA_T_NUMBER && tag(r) == LUA_T_NUMBER) result = (nvalue(l) < nvalue(r)) ? -1 : (nvalue(l) == nvalue(r)) ? 0 : 1; else if (tostring(l) || tostring(r)) { lua_pushstring(op); callFB(FB_ORDER); return; } else result = strcmp(svalue(l), svalue(r)); top--; nvalue(top-1) = 1; tag(top-1) = (result < 0) ? tag_less : (result == 0) ? tag_equal : tag_great; } /* ** Execute the given opcode, until a RET. Parameters are between ** [stack+base,top). Returns n such that the the results are between ** [stack+n,top). */ static StkId lua_execute (Byte *pc, StkId base) { if (call_hook) callHook (base, LUA_T_MARK, 0); while (1) { OpCode opcode; switch (opcode = (OpCode)*pc++) { case PUSHNIL: tag(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; break; case PUSH0: case PUSH1: case PUSH2: tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = opcode-PUSH0; incr_top; break; case PUSHBYTE: tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = *pc++; incr_top; break; case PUSHWORD: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = code.w; incr_top; } break; case PUSHFLOAT: { CodeFloat code; get_float(code,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = code.f; incr_top; } break; case PUSHSTRING: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[code.w]; incr_top; } break; case PUSHFUNCTION: { CodeCode code; get_code(code,pc); luaI_insertfunction(code.tf); /* may take part in GC */ top->tag = LUA_T_FUNCTION; top->value.tf = code.tf; incr_top; } break; case PUSHLOCAL0: case PUSHLOCAL1: case PUSHLOCAL2: case PUSHLOCAL3: case PUSHLOCAL4: case PUSHLOCAL5: case PUSHLOCAL6: case PUSHLOCAL7: case PUSHLOCAL8: case PUSHLOCAL9: *top = *((stack+base) + (int)(opcode-PUSHLOCAL0)); incr_top; break; case PUSHLOCAL: *top = *((stack+base) + (*pc++)); incr_top; break; case PUSHGLOBAL: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); getglobal(code.w); } break; case PUSHINDEXED: pushsubscript(); break; case PUSHSELF: { Object receiver = *(top-1); CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[code.w]; incr_top; pushsubscript(); *top = receiver; incr_top; break; } case STORELOCAL0: case STORELOCAL1: case STORELOCAL2: case STORELOCAL3: case STORELOCAL4: case STORELOCAL5: case STORELOCAL6: case STORELOCAL7: case STORELOCAL8: case STORELOCAL9: *((stack+base) + (int)(opcode-STORELOCAL0)) = *(--top); break; case STORELOCAL: *((stack+base) + (*pc++)) = *(--top); break; case STOREGLOBAL: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); s_object(code.w) = *(--top); } break; case STOREINDEXED0: storesubscript(); break; case STOREINDEXED: { int n = *pc++; if (tag(top-3-n) != LUA_T_ARRAY) { lua_checkstack(top+2); *(top+1) = *(top-1); *(top) = *(top-2-n); *(top-1) = *(top-3-n); top += 2; callFB(FB_SETTABLE); } else { Object *h = lua_hashdefine (avalue(top-3-n), top-2-n); *h = *(top-1); top--; } } break; case STORELIST0: case STORELIST: { int m, n; Object *arr; if (opcode == STORELIST0) m = 0; else m = *(pc++) * FIELDS_PER_FLUSH; n = *(pc++); arr = top-n-1; while (n) { tag(top) = LUA_T_NUMBER; nvalue(top) = n+m; *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top)) = *(top-1); top--; n--; } } break; case STORERECORD: { int n = *(pc++); Object *arr = top-n-1; while (n) { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); tag(top) = LUA_T_STRING; tsvalue(top) = lua_constant[code.w]; *(lua_hashdefine (avalue(arr), top)) = *(top-1); top--; n--; } } break; case ADJUST0: adjust_top(base); break; case ADJUST: adjust_top(base + *(pc++)); break; case CREATEARRAY: { CodeWord size; get_word(size,pc); avalue(top) = lua_createarray(size.w); tag(top) = LUA_T_ARRAY; incr_top; } break; case EQOP: { int res = lua_equalObj(top-2, top-1); --top; tag(top-1) = res ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; } break; case LTOP: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, "lt"); break; case LEOP: comparison(LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NIL, "le"); break; case GTOP: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, "gt"); break; case GEOP: comparison(LUA_T_NIL, LUA_T_NUMBER, LUA_T_NUMBER, "ge"); break; case ADDOP: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("add"); else { nvalue(l) += nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case SUBOP: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("sub"); else { nvalue(l) -= nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case MULTOP: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("mul"); else { nvalue(l) *= nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case DIVOP: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tonumber(r) || tonumber(l)) call_arith("div"); else { nvalue(l) /= nvalue(r); --top; } } break; case POWOP: call_arith("pow"); break; case CONCOP: { Object *l = top-2; Object *r = top-1; if (tostring(r) || tostring(l)) callFB(FB_CONCAT); else { tsvalue(l) = lua_createstring (lua_strconc(svalue(l),svalue(r))); --top; } } break; case MINUSOP: if (tonumber(top-1)) { tag(top) = LUA_T_NIL; incr_top; call_arith("unm"); } else nvalue(top-1) = - nvalue(top-1); break; case NOTOP: tag(top-1) = (tag(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) ? LUA_T_NUMBER : LUA_T_NIL; nvalue(top-1) = 1; break; case ONTJMP: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); if (tag(top-1) != LUA_T_NIL) pc += code.w; } break; case ONFJMP: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); if (tag(top-1) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += code.w; } break; case JMP: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); pc += code.w; } break; case UPJMP: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); pc -= code.w; } break; case IFFJMP: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); top--; if (tag(top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc += code.w; } break; case IFFUPJMP: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); top--; if (tag(top) == LUA_T_NIL) pc -= code.w; } break; case POP: --top; break; case CALLFUNC: { int nParams = *(pc++); int nResults = *(pc++); StkId newBase = (top-stack)-nParams; do_call(newBase, nResults); } break; case RETCODE0: case RETCODE: if (call_hook) callHook (base, LUA_T_MARK, 1); return (base + ((opcode==RETCODE0) ? 0 : *pc)); case SETLINE: { CodeWord code; get_word(code,pc); if ((stack+base-1)->tag != LUA_T_LINE) { /* open space for LINE value */ open_stack((top-stack)-base); base++; (stack+base-1)->tag = LUA_T_LINE; } (stack+base-1)->value.i = code.w; if (line_hook) lineHook (code.w); break; } default: lua_error ("internal error - opcode doesn't match"); } } }