/* ** strlib.c ** String library to LUA */ char *rcs_strlib="$Id: strlib.c,v 1.13 1995/10/09 12:49:21 roberto Exp roberto $"; #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "lua.h" #include "lualib.h" void lua_arg_error(char *funcname) { char buff[100]; sprintf(buff, "incorrect arguments to function `%s'", funcname); lua_error(buff); } char *lua_check_string (int numArg, char *funcname) { lua_Object o = lua_getparam(numArg); if (!(lua_isstring(o) || lua_isnumber(o))) lua_arg_error(funcname); return lua_getstring(o); } float lua_check_number (int numArg, char *funcname) { lua_Object o = lua_getparam(numArg); if (!lua_isnumber(o)) lua_arg_error(funcname); return lua_getnumber(o); } static char *newstring (char *s) { char *ns = (char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1); if (ns == 0) lua_error("not enough memory for new string"); strcpy(ns, s); return ns; } /* ** Return the position of the first caracter of a substring into a string ** LUA interface: ** n = strfind (string, substring, init, end) */ static void str_find (void) { char *s1 = lua_check_string(1, "strfind"); char *s2 = lua_check_string(2, "strfind"); int init = (lua_getparam(3) == LUA_NOOBJECT) ? 0 : (int)lua_check_number(3, "strfind")-1; char *f = strstr(s1+init,s2); if (f != NULL) { int pos = f-s1+1; if (lua_getparam (4) == LUA_NOOBJECT) lua_pushnumber (pos); else if ((int)lua_check_number(4, "strfind") >= pos+strlen(s2)-1) lua_pushnumber (pos); else lua_pushnil(); } else lua_pushnil(); } /* ** Return the string length ** LUA interface: ** n = strlen (string) */ static void str_len (void) { char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strlen"); lua_pushnumber(strlen(s)); } /* ** Return the substring of a string, from start to end ** LUA interface: ** substring = strsub (string, start, end) */ static void str_sub (void) { char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strsub"); int start = (int)lua_check_number(2, "strsub"); int end = (lua_getparam(3) == LUA_NOOBJECT) ? strlen(s) : (int)lua_check_number(3, "strsub"); if (end < start || start < 1 || end > strlen(s)) lua_pushliteral(""); else { char temp = s[end]; s[end] = 0; lua_pushstring (&s[start-1]); s[end] = temp; } } /* ** Convert a string according to given function. */ typedef int (*strfunc)(int s); static void str_apply (strfunc f, char *funcname) { char *s, *c; c = s = newstring(lua_check_string(1, funcname)); while (*c != 0) { *c = f(*c); c++; } lua_pushstring(s); free(s); } /* ** Convert a string to lower case. ** LUA interface: ** lowercase = strlower (string) */ static void str_lower (void) { str_apply(tolower, "strlower"); } /* ** Convert a string to upper case. ** LUA interface: ** uppercase = strupper (string) */ static void str_upper (void) { str_apply(toupper, "strupper"); } /* ** get ascii value of a character in a string */ static void str_ascii (void) { char *s = lua_check_string(1, "ascii"); lua_Object o2 = lua_getparam(2); int pos; pos = (o2 == LUA_NOOBJECT) ? 0 : (int)lua_check_number(2, "ascii")-1; if (pos<0 || pos>=strlen(s)) lua_arg_error("ascii"); lua_pushnumber(s[pos]); } /* ** converts one or more integers to chars in a string */ #define maxparams 50 static void str_int2str (void) { char s[maxparams+1]; int i = 0; while (lua_getparam(++i) != LUA_NOOBJECT) { if (i > maxparams) lua_error("too many parameters to function `int2str'"); s[i-1] = (int)lua_check_number(i, "int2str"); } s[i-1] = 0; lua_pushstring(s); } /* ** Open string library */ void strlib_open (void) { lua_register ("strfind", str_find); lua_register ("strlen", str_len); lua_register ("strsub", str_sub); lua_register ("strlower", str_lower); lua_register ("strupper", str_upper); lua_register ("ascii", str_ascii); lua_register ("int2str", str_int2str); }