** strlib.c
** String library to LUA

char *rcs_strlib="$Id: strlib.c,v 1.31 1996/10/31 20:18:05 roberto Exp roberto $";

#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "lua.h"
#include "lualib.h"

struct lbuff {
  char *b;
  size_t max;
  size_t size;

static struct lbuff lbuffer = {NULL, 0, 0};

static char *lua_strbuffer (unsigned long size)
  if (size > lbuffer.max) {
    /* ANSI "realloc" doesn't need this test, but some machines (Sun!)
       don't follow ANSI */
    lbuffer.b = (lbuffer.b) ? realloc(lbuffer.b, lbuffer.max=size) :
    if (lbuffer.b == NULL)
      lua_error("memory overflow");
  return lbuffer.b;

static char *openspace (unsigned long size)
  char *buff = lua_strbuffer(lbuffer.size+size);
  return buff+lbuffer.size;

void lua_arg_check(int cond, char *funcname)
  if (!cond) {
    char buff[100];
    sprintf(buff, "incorrect argument to function `%s'", funcname);

char *lua_check_string (int numArg, char *funcname)
  lua_Object o = lua_getparam(numArg);
  lua_arg_check(lua_isstring(o), funcname);
  return lua_getstring(o);

char *lua_opt_string (int numArg, char *def, char *funcname)
  return (lua_getparam(numArg) == LUA_NOOBJECT) ? def :
                              lua_check_string(numArg, funcname);

double lua_check_number (int numArg, char *funcname)
  lua_Object o = lua_getparam(numArg);
  lua_arg_check(lua_isnumber(o), funcname);
  return lua_getnumber(o);

long lua_opt_number (int numArg, long def, char *funcname)
  return (lua_getparam(numArg) == LUA_NOOBJECT) ? def :
                              (long)lua_check_number(numArg, funcname);

char *luaI_addchar (int c)
  if (lbuffer.size >= lbuffer.max)
    lua_strbuffer(lbuffer.max == 0 ? 100 : lbuffer.max*2);
  lbuffer.b[lbuffer.size++] = c;
  if (c == 0)
    lbuffer.size = 0;  /* prepare for next string */
  return lbuffer.b;

static void addnchar (char *s, int n)
  char *b = openspace(n);
  strncpy(b, s, n);
  lbuffer.size += n;

static void addstr (char *s)
  addnchar(s, strlen(s));

** Interface to strtok
static void str_tok (void)
  char *s1 = lua_check_string(1, "strtok");
  char *del = lua_check_string(2, "strtok");
  lua_Object t = lua_createtable();
  int i = 1;
  /* As strtok changes s1, and s1 is "constant",  make a copy of it */
  s1 = strcpy(lua_strbuffer(strlen(s1+1)), s1);
  while ((s1 = strtok(s1, del)) != NULL) {
    s1 = NULL;  /* prepare for next strtok */
  lua_pushnumber(i-1);  /* total number of tokens */

** Return the string length
static void str_len (void)
 lua_pushnumber(strlen(lua_check_string(1, "strlen")));

** Return the substring of a string
static void str_sub (void)
  char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strsub");
  long start = (long)lua_check_number(2, "strsub");
  long end = lua_opt_number(3, strlen(s), "strsub");
  if (1 <= start && start <= end && end <= strlen(s)) {
    addnchar(s+start-1, end-start+1);
  else lua_pushliteral("");

** Convert a string to lower case.
static void str_lower (void)
  char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strlower");
  while (*s)

** Convert a string to upper case.
static void str_upper (void)
  char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strupper");
  while (*s)

static void str_rep (void)
  char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strrep");
  int n = (int)lua_check_number(2, "strrep");
  while (n-- > 0)

** get ascii value of a character in a string
static void str_ascii (void)
  char *s = lua_check_string(1, "ascii");
  long pos = lua_opt_number(2, 1, "ascii") - 1;
  lua_arg_check(0<=pos && pos<strlen(s), "ascii");
  lua_pushnumber((unsigned char)s[pos]);

/* pattern matching */

#define ESC	'%'
#define SPECIALS  "^$*?.([%"

static char *bracket_end (char *p)
  return (*p == 0) ? NULL : strchr((*p=='^') ? p+2 : p+1, ']');

char *item_end (char *p)
  switch (*p++) {
    case '\0': return p-1;
    case ESC:
      if (*p == 0) lua_error("incorrect pattern");
      return p+1;
    case '[': {
      char *end = bracket_end(p);
      if (end == NULL) lua_error("incorrect pattern");
      return end+1;
      return p;

static int matchclass (int c, int cl)
  int res;
  switch (tolower(cl)) {
    case 'a' : res = isalpha(c); break;
    case 'c' : res = iscntrl(c); break;
    case 'd' : res = isdigit(c); break;
    case 'l' : res = islower(c); break;
    case 'p' : res = ispunct(c); break;
    case 's' : res = isspace(c); break;
    case 'u' : res = isupper(c); break;
    case 'w' : res = isalnum(c); break;
    default: return (cl == c);
  return (islower(cl) ? res : !res);

int singlematch (int c, char *p)
  if (c <= 0) return 0;  /* \0, EOF or other strange flags */
  switch (*p) {
    case '.': return 1;
    case ESC: return matchclass(c, *(p+1));
    case '[': {
      char *end = bracket_end(p+1);
      int sig = *(p+1) == '^' ? (p++, 0) : 1;
      while (++p < end) {
        if (*p == ESC) {
          if (((p+1) < end) && matchclass(c, *++p)) return sig;
        else if ((*(p+1) == '-') && (p+2 < end)) {
          if (*(p-2) <= c && c <= *p) return sig;
        else if (*p == c) return sig;
      return !sig;
    default: return (*p == c);

#define MAX_CAPT 9

static struct {
  char *init;
  int len;  /* -1 signals unfinished capture */
} capture[MAX_CAPT];

static int num_captures;  /* only valid after a sucessful call to match */

static void push_captures (void)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<num_captures; i++) {
    int l = capture[i].len;
    char *buff = openspace(l+1);
    if (l == -1) lua_error("unfinished capture");
    strncpy(buff, capture[i].init, l);
    buff[l] = 0;

static int check_cap (int l, int level)
  l -= '1';
  if (!(0 <= l && l < level && capture[l].len != -1))
    lua_error("invalid capture index");
  return l;

static int capture_to_close (int level)
  for (level--; level>=0; level--)
    if (capture[level].len == -1) return level;
  lua_error("invalid pattern capture");
  return 0;  /* to avoid warnings */

static char *match (char *s, char *p, int level)
  init: /* using goto's to optimize tail recursion */
  switch (*p) {
    case '(':  /* start capture */
      if (level >= MAX_CAPT) lua_error("too many captures");
      capture[level].init = s;
      capture[level].len = -1;
      level++; p++; goto init;  /* return match(s, p+1, level); */
    case ')': {  /* end capture */
      int l = capture_to_close(level);
      char *res;
      capture[l].len = s - capture[l].init;  /* close capture */
      if ((res = match(s, p+1, level)) == NULL) /* match failed? */
        capture[l].len = -1;  /* undo capture */
      return res;
    case ESC:  /* possibly a capture (if followed by a digit) */
      if (!isdigit(*(p+1))) goto dflt;
      else {
        int l = check_cap(*(p+1), level);
        if (strncmp(capture[l].init, s, capture[l].len) == 0) {
          /* return match(p+2, s+capture[l].len, level); */
          p+=2; s+=capture[l].len; goto init;
        else return NULL;
    case '\0': case '$':  /* (possibly) end of pattern */
      if (*p == 0 || (*(p+1) == 0 && *s == 0)) {
        num_captures = level;
        return s;
      else goto dflt;
    default: dflt: {  /* it is a pattern item */
      int m = singlematch(*s, p);
      char *ep = item_end(p);  /* get what is next */
      switch (*ep) {
        case '*': {  /* repetition */
          char *res;
          if (m && (res = match(s+1, p, level)))
            return res;
          p=ep+1; goto init;  /* else return match(s, ep+1, level); */
        case '?': {  /* optional */
          char *res;
          if (m && (res = match(s+1, ep+1, level)))
            return res;
          p=ep+1; goto init;  /* else return match(s, ep+1, level); */
          if (m) { s++; p=ep; goto init; }  /* return match(s+1, ep, level); */
          else return NULL;

static void str_find (void)
  char *s = lua_check_string(1, "strfind");
  char *p = lua_check_string(2, "strfind");
  long init = lua_opt_number(3, 1, "strfind") - 1;
  lua_arg_check(0 <= init && init <= strlen(s), "strfind");
  if (lua_getparam(4) != LUA_NOOBJECT || 
      strpbrk(p, SPECIALS) == NULL) {  /* no special caracters? */
    char *s2 = strstr(s+init, p);
    if (s2) {
  else {
    int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0;
    char *s1=s+init;
    do {
      char *res;
      if ((res=match(s1, p, 0)) != NULL) {
        lua_pushnumber(s1-s+1);  /* start */
        lua_pushnumber(res-s);   /* end */
    } while (*s1++ && !anchor);

static void add_s (lua_Object newp)
  if (lua_isstring(newp)) {
    char *news = lua_getstring(newp);
    while (*news) {
      if (*news != ESC || !isdigit(*++news))
      else {
        int l = check_cap(*news++, num_captures);
        addnchar(capture[l].init, capture[l].len);
  else if (lua_isfunction(newp)) {
    lua_Object res;
    struct lbuff oldbuff;
    /* function may use lbuffer, so save it and create a new one */
    oldbuff = lbuffer;
    lbuffer.b = NULL; lbuffer.max = lbuffer.size = 0;
    /* restore old buffer */
    lbuffer = oldbuff;
    res = lua_getresult(1);
    addstr(lua_isstring(res) ? lua_getstring(res) : "");
  else lua_arg_check(0, "gsub");

static void str_gsub (void)
  char *src = lua_check_string(1, "gsub");
  char *p = lua_check_string(2, "gsub");
  lua_Object newp = lua_getparam(3);
  int max_s = lua_opt_number(4, strlen(src), "gsub");
  int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0;
  int n = 0;
  while (*src && n < max_s) {
    char *e;
    if ((e=match(src, p, 0)) == NULL)
    else {
      if (e == src) lua_error("empty pattern in substitution");
      src = e;
    if (anchor) break;
  lua_pushnumber(n);  /* number of substitutions */

static void str_set (void)
  char *item = lua_check_string(1, "strset");
  int i;
  lua_arg_check(*item_end(item) == 0, "strset");
  for (i=1; i<256; i++)  /* 0 cannot be part of a set */
    if (singlematch(i, item))

void luaI_addquoted (char *s)
  for (; *s; s++) {
    if (strchr("\"\\\n", *s))

#define MAX_FORMAT 200

static void str_format (void)
  int arg = 1;
  char *strfrmt = lua_check_string(arg++, "format");
  luaI_addchar(0);  /* initialize */
  while (*strfrmt) {
    if (*strfrmt != '%')
    else if (*++strfrmt == '%')
      luaI_addchar(*strfrmt++);  /* %% */
    else { /* format item */
      char form[MAX_FORMAT];      /* store the format ('%...') */
      char *buff;
      char *initf = strfrmt-1;  /* -1 to include % */
      strfrmt = match(strfrmt, "[-+ #]*(%d*)%.?(%d*)", 0);
      if (capture[0].len > 3 || capture[1].len > 3)  /* < 1000? */
        lua_error("invalid format (width/precision too long)");
      strncpy(form, initf, strfrmt-initf+1); /* +1 to include convertion */
      form[strfrmt-initf+1] = 0;
      buff = openspace(1000);  /* to store the formated value */
      switch (*strfrmt++) {
        case 'q':
          luaI_addquoted(lua_check_string(arg++, "format"));
        case 's': {
          char *s = lua_check_string(arg++, "format");
          buff = openspace(strlen(s));
          sprintf(buff, form, s);
        case 'c':  case 'd':  case 'i': case 'o':
        case 'u':  case 'x':  case 'X':
          sprintf(buff, form, (int)lua_check_number(arg++, "format"));
        case 'e':  case 'E': case 'f': case 'g':
          sprintf(buff, form, lua_check_number(arg++, "format"));
        default:  /* also treat cases 'pnLlh' */
          lua_error("invalid format option in function `format'");
      lbuffer.size += strlen(buff);
  lua_pushstring(luaI_addchar(0));  /* push the result */

void luaI_openlib (struct lua_reg *l, int n)
  int i;
  for (i=0; i<n; i++)
    lua_register(l[i].name, l[i].func);

static struct lua_reg strlib[] = {
{"strtok", str_tok},
{"strlen", str_len},
{"strsub", str_sub},
{"strset", str_set},
{"strlower", str_lower},
{"strupper", str_upper},
{"strrep", str_rep},
{"ascii", str_ascii},
{"format", str_format},
{"strfind", str_find},
{"gsub", str_gsub}

** Open string library
void strlib_open (void)
  luaI_openlib(strlib, (sizeof(strlib)/sizeof(strlib[0])));