-- $Id: testes/errors.lua $ -- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua print("testing errors") local debug = require"debug" -- avoid problems with 'strict' module (which may generate other error messages) local mt = getmetatable(_G) or {} local oldmm = mt.__index mt.__index = nil local function checkerr (msg, f, ...) local st, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(not st and string.find(err, msg)) end local function doit (s) local f, msg = load(s) if not f then return msg end local cond, msg = pcall(f) return (not cond) and msg end local function checkmessage (prog, msg, debug) local m = doit(prog) if debug then print(m, msg) end assert(string.find(m, msg, 1, true)) end local function checksyntax (prog, extra, token, line) local msg = doit(prog) if not string.find(token, "^<%a") and not string.find(token, "^char%(") then token = "'"..token.."'" end token = string.gsub(token, "(%p)", "%%%1") local pt = string.format([[^%%[string ".*"%%]:%d: .- near %s$]], line, token) assert(string.find(msg, pt)) assert(string.find(msg, msg, 1, true)) end -- test error message with no extra info assert(doit("error('hi', 0)") == 'hi') -- test nil error message assert(doit("error()") == "") -- test common errors/errors that crashed in the past assert(doit("table.unpack({}, 1, n=2^30)")) assert(doit("a=math.sin()")) assert(not doit("tostring(1)") and doit("tostring()")) assert(doit"tonumber()") assert(doit"repeat until 1; a") assert(doit"return;;") assert(doit"assert(false)") assert(doit"assert(nil)") assert(doit("function a (... , ...) end")) assert(doit("function a (, ...) end")) assert(doit("local t={}; t = t[#t] + 1")) checksyntax([[ local a = {4 ]], "'}' expected (to close '{' at line 1)", "", 3) do -- testing errors in goto/break local function checksyntax (prog, msg, line) local st, err = load(prog) assert(string.find(err, "line " .. line)) assert(string.find(err, msg, 1, true)) end checksyntax([[ ::A:: a = 1 ::A:: ]], "label 'A' already defined", 1) checksyntax([[ a = 1 goto A do ::A:: end ]], "no visible label 'A'", 2) end if not T then (Message or print) ('\n >>> testC not active: skipping tests for messages in C <<<\n') else print "testing memory error message" local a = {} for i = 1, 10000 do a[i] = true end -- preallocate array collectgarbage() T.totalmem(T.totalmem() + 10000) -- force a memory error (by a small margin) local st, msg = pcall(function() for i = 1, 100000 do a[i] = tostring(i) end end) T.totalmem(0) assert(not st and msg == "not enough" .. " memory") -- stack space for luaL_traceback (bug in 5.4.6) local res = T.testC[[ # push 16 elements on the stack pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; pushnum 1; # traceback should work with 4 remaining slots traceback xuxu 1; return 1 ]] assert(string.find(res, "xuxu.-main chunk")) do -- tests for error messages about extra arguments from __call local function createobj (n) -- function that raises an error on its n-th argument local code = string.format("argerror %d 'msg'", n) local func = T.makeCfunc(code) -- create a chain of 2 __call objects local M = setmetatable({}, {__call = func}) M = setmetatable({}, {__call = M}) -- put it as a method for a new object return {foo = M} end _G.a = createobj(1) -- error in first (extra) argument checkmessage("a:foo()", "bad extra argument #1") _G.a = createobj(2) -- error in second (extra) argument checkmessage("a:foo()", "bad extra argument #2") _G.a = createobj(3) -- error in self (after two extra arguments) checkmessage("a:foo()", "bad self") _G.a = createobj(4) -- error in first regular argument (after self) checkmessage("a:foo()", "bad argument #1") end end -- tests for better error messages checkmessage("a = {} + 1", "arithmetic") checkmessage("a = {} | 1", "bitwise operation") checkmessage("a = {} < 1", "attempt to compare") checkmessage("a = {} <= 1", "attempt to compare") checkmessage("aaa=1; bbbb=2; aaa=math.sin(3)+bbbb(3)", "global 'bbbb'") checkmessage("aaa={}; do local aaa=1 end aaa:bbbb(3)", "method 'bbbb'") checkmessage("local a={}; a.bbbb(3)", "field 'bbbb'") assert(not string.find(doit"aaa={13}; local bbbb=1; aaa[bbbb](3)", "'bbbb'")) checkmessage("aaa={13}; local bbbb=1; aaa[bbbb](3)", "number") checkmessage("aaa=(1)..{}", "a table value") -- bug in 5.4.6 checkmessage("a = {_ENV = {}}; print(a._ENV.x + 1)", "field 'x'") _G.aaa, _G.bbbb = nil -- calls checkmessage("local a; a(13)", "local 'a'") checkmessage([[ local a = setmetatable({}, {__add = 34}) a = a + 1 ]], "metamethod 'add'") checkmessage([[ local a = setmetatable({}, {__lt = {}}) a = a > a ]], "metamethod 'lt'") -- tail calls checkmessage("local a={}; return a.bbbb(3)", "field 'bbbb'") checkmessage("aaa={}; do local aaa=1 end; return aaa:bbbb(3)", "method 'bbbb'") checkmessage("aaa = #print", "length of a function value") checkmessage("aaa = #3", "length of a number value") _G.aaa = nil checkmessage("aaa.bbb:ddd(9)", "global 'aaa'") checkmessage("local aaa={bbb=1}; aaa.bbb:ddd(9)", "field 'bbb'") checkmessage("local aaa={bbb={}}; aaa.bbb:ddd(9)", "method 'ddd'") checkmessage("local a,b,c; (function () a = b+1.1 end)()", "upvalue 'b'") assert(not doit"local aaa={bbb={ddd=next}}; aaa.bbb:ddd(nil)") -- upvalues being indexed do not go to the stack checkmessage("local a,b,cc; (function () a = cc[1] end)()", "upvalue 'cc'") checkmessage("local a,b,cc; (function () a.x = 1 end)()", "upvalue 'a'") checkmessage("local _ENV = {x={}}; a = a + 1", "global 'a'") checkmessage("BB=1; local aaa={}; x=aaa+BB", "local 'aaa'") checkmessage("aaa={}; x=3.3/aaa", "global 'aaa'") checkmessage("aaa=2; BB=nil;x=aaa*BB", "global 'BB'") checkmessage("aaa={}; x=-aaa", "global 'aaa'") -- short circuit checkmessage("aaa=1; local aaa,bbbb=2,3; aaa = math.sin(1) and bbbb(3)", "local 'bbbb'") checkmessage("aaa=1; local aaa,bbbb=2,3; aaa = bbbb(1) or aaa(3)", "local 'bbbb'") checkmessage("local a,b,c,f = 1,1,1; f((a and b) or c)", "local 'f'") checkmessage("local a,b,c = 1,1,1; ((a and b) or c)()", "call a number value") assert(not string.find(doit"aaa={}; x=(aaa or aaa)+(aaa and aaa)", "'aaa'")) assert(not string.find(doit"aaa={}; (aaa or aaa)()", "'aaa'")) checkmessage("print(print < 10)", "function with number") checkmessage("print(print < print)", "two function values") checkmessage("print('10' < 10)", "string with number") checkmessage("print(10 < '23')", "number with string") -- float->integer conversions checkmessage("local a = 2.0^100; x = a << 2", "local a") checkmessage("local a = 1 >> 2.0^100", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("local a = 10.1 << 2.0^100", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("local a = 2.0^100 & 1", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("local a = 2.0^100 & 1e100", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("local a = 2.0 | 1e40", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("local a = 2e100 ~ 1", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("string.sub('a', 2.0^100)", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("string.rep('a', 3.3)", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("return 6e40 & 7", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("return 34 << 7e30", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("return ~-3e40", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("return ~-3.009", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("return 3.009 & 1", "has no integer representation") checkmessage("return 34 >> {}", "table value") checkmessage("aaa = 24 // 0", "divide by zero") checkmessage("aaa = 1 % 0", "'n%0'") -- type error for an object which is neither in an upvalue nor a register. -- The following code will try to index the value 10 that is stored in -- the metatable, without moving it to a register. checkmessage("local a = setmetatable({}, {__index = 10}).x", "attempt to index a number value") -- numeric for loops checkmessage("for i = {}, 10 do end", "table") checkmessage("for i = io.stdin, 10 do end", "FILE") checkmessage("for i = {}, 10 do end", "initial value") checkmessage("for i = 1, 'x', 10 do end", "string") checkmessage("for i = 1, {}, 10 do end", "limit") checkmessage("for i = 1, {} do end", "limit") checkmessage("for i = 1, 10, print do end", "step") checkmessage("for i = 1, 10, print do end", "function") -- passing light userdata instead of full userdata _G.D = debug checkmessage([[ -- create light udata local x = D.upvalueid(function () return debug end, 1) D.setuservalue(x, {}) ]], "light userdata") _G.D = nil do -- named objects (field '__name') checkmessage("math.sin(io.input())", "(number expected, got FILE*)") _G.XX = setmetatable({}, {__name = "My Type"}) assert(string.find(tostring(XX), "^My Type")) checkmessage("io.input(XX)", "(FILE* expected, got My Type)") checkmessage("return XX + 1", "on a My Type value") checkmessage("return ~io.stdin", "on a FILE* value") checkmessage("return XX < XX", "two My Type values") checkmessage("return {} < XX", "table with My Type") checkmessage("return XX < io.stdin", "My Type with FILE*") _G.XX = nil if T then -- extra tests for 'luaL_tolstring' -- bug in 5.4.3; 'luaL_tolstring' with negative indices local x = setmetatable({}, {__name="TABLE"}) assert(T.testC("Ltolstring -1; return 1", x) == tostring(x)) local a, b = T.testC("pushint 10; Ltolstring -2; return 2", x) assert(a == 10 and b == tostring(x)) setmetatable(x, {__tostring=function (o) assert(o == x) return "ABC" end}) local a, b, c = T.testC("pushint 10; Ltolstring -2; return 3", x) assert(a == x and b == 10 and c == "ABC") end end -- global functions checkmessage("(io.write or print){}", "io.write") checkmessage("(collectgarbage or print){}", "collectgarbage") -- errors in functions without debug info do local f = function (a) return a + 1 end f = assert(load(string.dump(f, true))) assert(f(3) == 4) checkerr("^%?:%-1:", f, {}) -- code with a move to a local var ('OP_MOV A B' with A3+1, {d = x and aaa[x or y]}} ]], "global 'aaa'") checkmessage([[ local x,y = {},1 if math.sin(1) == 0 then return 3 end -- return x.a()]], "field 'a'") checkmessage([[ prefix = nil insert = nil while 1 do local a if nil then break end insert(prefix, a) end]], "global 'insert'") checkmessage([[ -- tail call return math.sin("a") ]], "sin") checkmessage([[collectgarbage("nooption")]], "invalid option") checkmessage([[x = print .. "a"]], "concatenate") checkmessage([[x = "a" .. false]], "concatenate") checkmessage([[x = {} .. 2]], "concatenate") checkmessage("getmetatable(io.stdin).__gc()", "no value") checkmessage([[ local Var local function main() NoSuchName (function() Var=0 end) end main() ]], "global 'NoSuchName'") print'+' aaa = {}; setmetatable(aaa, {__index = string}) checkmessage("aaa:sub()", "bad self") checkmessage("string.sub('a', {})", "#2") checkmessage("('a'):sub{}", "#1") checkmessage("table.sort({1,2,3}, table.sort)", "'table.sort'") checkmessage("string.gsub('s', 's', setmetatable)", "'setmetatable'") _G.aaa = nil -- tests for errors in coroutines local function f (n) local c = coroutine.create(f) local a,b = coroutine.resume(c) return b end assert(string.find(f(), "C stack overflow")) checkmessage("coroutine.yield()", "outside a coroutine") f = coroutine.wrap(function () table.sort({1,2,3}, coroutine.yield) end) checkerr("yield across", f) -- testing size of 'source' info; size of buffer for that info is -- LUA_IDSIZE, declared as 60 in luaconf. Get one position for '\0'. local idsize = 60 - 1 local function checksize (source) -- syntax error local _, msg = load("x", source) msg = string.match(msg, "^([^:]*):") -- get source (1st part before ':') assert(msg:len() <= idsize) end for i = 60 - 10, 60 + 10 do -- check border cases around 60 checksize("@" .. string.rep("x", i)) -- file names checksize(string.rep("x", i - 10)) -- string sources checksize("=" .. string.rep("x", i)) -- exact sources end -- testing line error local function lineerror (s, l) local err,msg = pcall(load(s)) local line = tonumber(string.match(msg, ":(%d+):")) assert(line == l or (not line and not l)) end lineerror("local a\n for i=1,'a' do \n print(i) \n end", 2) lineerror("\n local a \n for k,v in 3 \n do \n print(k) \n end", 3) lineerror("\n\n for k,v in \n 3 \n do \n print(k) \n end", 4) lineerror("function a.x.y ()\na=a+1\nend", 1) lineerror("a = \na\n+\n{}", 3) lineerror("a = \n3\n+\n(\n4\n/\nprint)", 6) lineerror("a = \nprint\n+\n(\n4\n/\n7)", 3) lineerror("a\n=\n-\n\nprint\n;", 3) lineerror([[ a ( -- << 23) ]], 2) lineerror([[ local a = {x = 13} a . x ( -- << 23 ) ]], 5) lineerror([[ local a = {x = 13} a . x ( 23 + a ) ]], 6) local p = [[ function g() f() end function f(x) error('a', XX) end g() ]] XX=3;lineerror((p), 3) XX=0;lineerror((p), false) XX=1;lineerror((p), 2) XX=2;lineerror((p), 1) _G.XX, _G.g, _G.f = nil lineerror([[ local b = false if not b then error 'test' end]], 3) lineerror([[ local b = false if not b then if not b then if not b then error 'test' end end end]], 5) -- bug in 5.4.0 lineerror([[ local a = 0 local b = 1 local c = b % a ]], 3) do -- Force a negative estimate for base line. Error in instruction 2 -- (after VARARGPREP, GETGLOBAL), with first absolute line information -- (forced by too many lines) in instruction 0. local s = string.format("%s return __A.x", string.rep("\n", 300)) lineerror(s, 301) end if not _soft then -- several tests that exaust the Lua stack collectgarbage() print"testing stack overflow" local C = 0 -- get line where stack overflow will happen local l = debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline + 1 local function auxy () C=C+1; auxy() end -- produce a stack overflow function YY () collectgarbage("stop") -- avoid running finalizers without stack space auxy() collectgarbage("restart") end local function checkstackmessage (m) print("(expected stack overflow after " .. C .. " calls)") C = 0 -- prepare next count return (string.find(m, "stack overflow")) end -- repeated stack overflows (to check stack recovery) assert(checkstackmessage(doit('YY()'))) assert(checkstackmessage(doit('YY()'))) assert(checkstackmessage(doit('YY()'))) _G.YY = nil -- error lines in stack overflow local l1 local function g(x) l1 = debug.getinfo(x, "l").currentline + 2 collectgarbage("stop") -- avoid running finalizers without stack space auxy() collectgarbage("restart") end local _, stackmsg = xpcall(g, debug.traceback, 1) print('+') local stack = {} for line in string.gmatch(stackmsg, "[^\n]*") do local curr = string.match(line, ":(%d+):") if curr then table.insert(stack, tonumber(curr)) end end local i=1 while stack[i] ~= l1 do assert(stack[i] == l) i = i+1 end assert(i > 15) -- error in error handling local res, msg = xpcall(error, error) assert(not res and msg == 'error in error handling') print('+') local function f (x) if x==0 then error('a\n') else local aux = function () return f(x-1) end local a,b = xpcall(aux, aux) return a,b end end f(3) local function loop (x,y,z) return 1 + loop(x, y, z) end local res, msg = xpcall(loop, function (m) assert(string.find(m, "stack overflow")) checkerr("error handling", loop) assert(math.sin(0) == 0) return 15 end) assert(msg == 15) local f = function () for i = 999900, 1000000, 1 do table.unpack({}, 1, i) end end checkerr("too many results", f) end do -- errors in error handle that not necessarily go forever local function err (n) -- function to be used as message handler -- generate an error unless n is zero, so that there is a limited -- loop of errors if type(n) ~= "number" then -- some other error? return n -- report it elseif n == 0 then return "END" -- that will be the final message else error(n - 1) -- does the loop end end local res, msg = xpcall(error, err, 170) assert(not res and msg == "END") -- too many levels local res, msg = xpcall(error, err, 300) assert(not res and msg == "C stack overflow") end do -- non string messages local t = {} local res, msg = pcall(function () error(t) end) assert(not res and msg == t) res, msg = pcall(function () error(nil) end) assert(not res and msg == "") local function f() error{msg='x'} end res, msg = xpcall(f, function (r) return {msg=r.msg..'y'} end) assert(msg.msg == 'xy') -- 'assert' with extra arguments res, msg = pcall(assert, false, "X", t) assert(not res and msg == "X") -- 'assert' with no message res, msg = pcall(function () assert(false) end) local line = string.match(msg, "%w+%.lua:(%d+): assertion failed!$") assert(tonumber(line) == debug.getinfo(1, "l").currentline - 2) -- 'assert' with non-string messages res, msg = pcall(assert, false, t) assert(not res and msg == t) res, msg = pcall(assert, nil, nil) assert(not res and type(msg) == "string") -- 'assert' without arguments res, msg = pcall(assert) assert(not res and string.find(msg, "value expected")) end -- xpcall with arguments local a, b, c = xpcall(string.find, error, "alo", "al") assert(a and b == 1 and c == 2) a, b, c = xpcall(string.find, function (x) return {} end, true, "al") assert(not a and type(b) == "table" and c == nil) print("testing tokens in error messages") checksyntax("syntax error", "", "error", 1) checksyntax("1.000", "", "1.000", 1) checksyntax("[[a]]", "", "[[a]]", 1) checksyntax("'aa'", "", "'aa'", 1) checksyntax("while << do end", "", "<<", 1) checksyntax("for >> do end", "", ">>", 1) -- test invalid non-printable char in a chunk checksyntax("a\1a = 1", "", "<\\1>", 1) -- test 255 as first char in a chunk checksyntax("\255a = 1", "", "<\\255>", 1) doit('I = load("a=9+"); aaa=3') assert(_G.aaa==3 and not _G.I) _G.I,_G.aaa = nil print('+') local lim = 1000 if _soft then lim = 100 end for i=1,lim do doit('a = ') doit('a = 4+nil') end -- testing syntax limits local function testrep (init, rep, close, repc, finalresult) local s = init .. string.rep(rep, 100) .. close .. string.rep(repc, 100) local res, msg = load(s) assert(res) -- 100 levels is OK if (finalresult) then assert(res() == finalresult) end s = init .. string.rep(rep, 500) local res, msg = load(s) -- 500 levels not ok assert(not res and (string.find(msg, "too many") or string.find(msg, "overflow"))) end testrep("local a; a", ",a", "= 1", ",1") -- multiple assignment testrep("local a; a=", "{", "0", "}") testrep("return ", "(", "2", ")", 2) testrep("local function a (x) return x end; return ", "a(", "2.2", ")", 2.2) testrep("", "do ", "", " end") testrep("", "while a do ", "", " end") testrep("local a; ", "if a then else ", "", " end") testrep("", "function foo () ", "", " end") testrep("local a = ''; return ", "a..", "'a'", "", "a") testrep("local a = 1; return ", "a^", "a", "", 1) checkmessage("a = f(x" .. string.rep(",x", 260) .. ")", "too many registers") -- testing other limits -- upvalues local lim = 127 local s = "local function fooA ()\n local " for j = 1,lim do s = s.."a"..j..", " end s = s.."b,c\n" s = s.."local function fooB ()\n local " for j = 1,lim do s = s.."b"..j..", " end s = s.."b\n" s = s.."function fooC () return b+c" local c = 1+2 for j = 1,lim do s = s.."+a"..j.."+b"..j c = c + 2 end s = s.."\nend end end" local a,b = load(s) assert(c > 255 and string.find(b, "too many upvalues") and string.find(b, "line 5")) -- local variables s = "\nfunction foo ()\n local " for j = 1,300 do s = s.."a"..j..", " end s = s.."b\n" local a,b = load(s) assert(string.find(b, "line 2") and string.find(b, "too many local variables")) mt.__index = oldmm print('OK')