-- $Id: testes/locals.lua $ -- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua print('testing local variables and environments') local debug = require"debug" -- bug in 5.1: local function f(x) x = nil; return x end assert(f(10) == nil) local function f() local x; return x end assert(f(10) == nil) local function f(x) x = nil; local y; return x, y end assert(f(10) == nil and select(2, f(20)) == nil) do local i = 10 do local i = 100; assert(i==100) end do local i = 1000; assert(i==1000) end assert(i == 10) if i ~= 10 then local i = 20 else local i = 30 assert(i == 30) end end f = nil local f x = 1 a = nil load('local a = {}')() assert(a == nil) function f (a) local _1, _2, _3, _4, _5 local _6, _7, _8, _9, _10 local x = 3 local b = a local c,d = a,b if (d == b) then local x = 'q' x = b assert(x == 2) else assert(nil) end assert(x == 3) local f = 10 end local b=10 local a; repeat local b; a,b=1,2; assert(a+1==b); until a+b==3 assert(x == 1) f(2) assert(type(f) == 'function') local function getenv (f) local a,b = debug.getupvalue(f, 1) assert(a == '_ENV') return b end -- test for global table of loaded chunks assert(getenv(load"a=3") == _G) local c = {}; local f = load("a = 3", nil, nil, c) assert(getenv(f) == c) assert(c.a == nil) f() assert(c.a == 3) -- old test for limits for special instructions (now just a generic test) do local i = 2 local p = 4 -- p == 2^i repeat for j=-3,3 do assert(load(string.format([[local a=%s; a=a+%s; assert(a ==2^%s)]], j, p-j, i), '')) () assert(load(string.format([[local a=%s; a=a-%s; assert(a==-2^%s)]], -j, p-j, i), '')) () assert(load(string.format([[local a,b=0,%s; a=b-%s; assert(a==-2^%s)]], -j, p-j, i), '')) () end p = 2 * p; i = i + 1 until p <= 0 end print'+' if rawget(_G, "T") then -- testing clearing of dead elements from tables collectgarbage("stop") -- stop GC local a = {[{}] = 4, [3] = 0, alo = 1, a1234567890123456789012345678901234567890 = 10} local t = T.querytab(a) for k,_ in pairs(a) do a[k] = undef end collectgarbage() -- restore GC and collect dead fiels in `a' for i=0,t-1 do local k = querytab(a, i) assert(k == nil or type(k) == 'number' or k == 'alo') end -- testing allocation errors during table insertions local a = {} local function additems () a.x = true; a.y = true; a.z = true a[1] = true a[2] = true end for i = 1, math.huge do T.alloccount(i) local st, msg = pcall(additems) T.alloccount() local count = 0 for k, v in pairs(a) do assert(a[k] == v) count = count + 1 end if st then assert(count == 5); break end end end -- testing lexical environments assert(_ENV == _G) do local dummy local _ENV = (function (...) return ... end)(_G, dummy) -- { do local _ENV = {assert=assert}; assert(true) end mt = {_G = _G} local foo,x A = false -- "declare" A do local _ENV = mt function foo (x) A = x do local _ENV = _G; A = 1000 end return function (x) return A .. x end end end assert(getenv(foo) == mt) x = foo('hi'); assert(mt.A == 'hi' and A == 1000) assert(x('*') == mt.A .. '*') do local _ENV = {assert=assert, A=10}; do local _ENV = {assert=assert, A=20}; assert(A==20);x=A end assert(A==10 and x==20) end assert(x==20) print"testing to-be-closed variables" local function stack(n) n = ((n == 0) or stack(n - 1)) end local function func2close (f) return setmetatable({}, {__close = f}) end do local a = {} do local *toclose x = setmetatable({"x"}, {__close = function (self) a[#a + 1] = self[1] end}) local *toclose y = func2close(function (self, err) assert(err == nil); a[#a + 1] = "y" end) a[#a + 1] = "in" end a[#a + 1] = "out" assert(a[1] == "in" and a[2] == "y" and a[3] == "x" and a[4] == "out") end do local X = false local closescope = func2close(function () stack(10); X = true end) -- closing functions do not corrupt returning values local function foo (x) local *toclose _ = closescope return x, X, 23 end local a, b, c = foo(1.5) assert(a == 1.5 and b == false and c == 23 and X == true) X = false foo = function (x) local *toclose _ = closescope local y = 15 return y end assert(foo() == 15 and X == true) X = false foo = function () local *toclose x = closescope return x end assert(foo() == closescope and X == true) end do -- calls cannot be tail in the scope of to-be-closed variables local X, Y local function foo () local *toclose _ = func2close(function () Y = 10 end) assert(X == true and Y == nil) -- 'X' not closed yet return 1,2,3 end local function bar () local *toclose _ = func2close(function () X = false end) X = true do return foo() -- not a tail call! end end local a, b, c, d = bar() assert(a == 1 and b == 2 and c == 3 and X == false and Y == 10 and d == nil) end do -- errors in __close local log = {} local function foo (err) local *toclose x = func2close(function (self, msg) log[#log + 1] = msg; error(1) end) local *toclose x1 = func2close(function (self, msg) log[#log + 1] = msg; end) local *toclose gc = func2close(function () collectgarbage() end) local *toclose y = func2close(function (self, msg) log[#log + 1] = msg; error(2) end) local *toclose z = func2close(function (self, msg) log[#log + 1] = msg or 10; error(3) end) if err then error(4) end end local stat, msg = pcall(foo, false) assert(msg == 1) assert(log[1] == 10 and log[2] == 3 and log[3] == 2 and log[4] == 2 and #log == 4) log = {} local stat, msg = pcall(foo, true) assert(msg == 1) assert(log[1] == 4 and log[2] == 3 and log[3] == 2 and log[4] == 2 and #log == 4) end do -- errors due to non-closable values local function foo () local *toclose x = 34 end local stat, msg = pcall(foo) assert(not stat and string.find(msg, "variable 'x'")) -- with other errors, non-closable values are ignored local function foo () local *toclose x = 34 local *toclose y = func2close(function () error(32) end) end local stat, msg = pcall(foo) assert(not stat and msg == 32) end if rawget(_G, "T") then -- memory error inside closing function local function foo () local *toclose y = func2close(function () T.alloccount() end) local *toclose x = setmetatable({}, {__close = function () T.alloccount(0); local x = {} -- force a memory error end}) error("a") -- common error inside the function's body end stack(5) -- ensure a minimal number of CI structures -- despite memory error, 'y' will be executed and -- memory limit will be lifted local _, msg = pcall(foo) assert(msg == "not enough memory") local close = func2close(function (self, msg) T.alloccount() assert(msg == "not enough memory") end) -- set a memory limit and return a closing object to remove the limit local function enter (count) stack(10) -- reserve some stack space T.alloccount(count) return close end local function test () local *toclose x = enter(0) -- set a memory limit -- creation of previous upvalue will raise a memory error assert(false) -- should not run end local _, msg = pcall(test) assert(msg == "not enough memory") -- now use metamethod for closing close = setmetatable({}, {__close = function () T.alloccount() end}) -- repeat test with extra closing upvalues local function test () local *toclose xxx = func2close(function (self, msg) assert(msg == "not enough memory"); error(1000) -- raise another error end) local *toclose xx = func2close(function (self, msg) assert(msg == "not enough memory"); end) local *toclose x = enter(0) -- set a memory limit -- creation of previous upvalue will raise a memory error os.exit(false) -- should not run end local _, msg = pcall(test) assert(msg == 1000) do -- testing 'toclose' in C string buffer collectgarbage() local s = string.rep('a', 10000) -- large string local m = T.totalmem() collectgarbage("stop") s = string.upper(s) -- allocate buffer + new string (10K each) -- ensure buffer was deallocated assert(T.totalmem() - m <= 11000) collectgarbage("restart") end do -- now some tests for freeing buffer in case of errors local lim = 10000 -- some size larger than the static buffer local extra = 2000 -- some extra memory (for callinfo, etc.) local s = string.rep("a", lim) -- concat this table needs two buffer resizes (one for each 's') local a = {s, s} collectgarbage() m = T.totalmem() collectgarbage("stop") -- error in the first buffer allocation T. totalmem(m + extra) assert(not pcall(table.concat, a)) -- first buffer was not even allocated assert(T.totalmem() - m <= extra) -- error in the second buffer allocation T. totalmem(m + lim + extra) assert(not pcall(table.concat, a)) -- first buffer was released by 'toclose' assert(T.totalmem() - m <= extra) -- error in creation of final string T.totalmem(m + 2 * lim + extra) assert(not pcall(table.concat, a)) -- second buffer was released by 'toclose' assert(T.totalmem() - m <= extra) -- userdata, upvalue, buffer, buffer, final string T.totalmem(m + 4*lim + extra) assert(#table.concat(a) == 2*lim) T.totalmem(0) -- remove memory limit collectgarbage("restart") print'+' end end print "to-be-closed variables in coroutines" do -- an error in a wrapped coroutine closes variables local x = false local y = false local co = coroutine.wrap(function () local *toclose xv = func2close(function () x = true end) do local *toclose yv = func2close(function () y = true end) coroutine.yield(100) -- yield doesn't close variable end coroutine.yield(200) -- yield doesn't close variable error(23) -- error does end) local b = co() assert(b == 100 and not x and not y) b = co() assert(b == 200 and not x and y) local a, b = pcall(co) assert(not a and b == 23 and x and y) end do -- error in a wrapped coroutine raising errors when closing a variable local x = false local co = coroutine.wrap(function () local *toclose xv = func2close(function () error("XXX") end) coroutine.yield(100) error(200) end) assert(co() == 100) local st, msg = pcall(co) print(msg) -- should get last error raised assert(not st and string.find(msg, "%w+%.%w+:%d+: XXX")) end -- a suspended coroutine should not close its variables when collected local co co = coroutine.wrap(function() local *toclose x = function () os.exit(false) end -- should not run co = nil coroutine.yield() end) co() -- start coroutine assert(co == nil) -- eventually it will be collected collectgarbage() -- to-be-closed variables in generic for loops do local numopen = 0 local function open (x) numopen = numopen + 1 return function () -- iteraction function x = x - 1 if x > 0 then return x end end, nil, -- state nil, -- control variable func2close(function () numopen = numopen - 1 end) -- closing function end local s = 0 for i in open(10) do s = s + i end assert(s == 45 and numopen == 0) local s = 0 for i in open(10) do if i < 5 then break end s = s + i end assert(s == 35 and numopen == 0) -- repeat test with '__open' metamethod instead of a function local function open (x) numopen = numopen + 1 local state = setmetatable({x}, {__close = function () numopen = numopen - 1 end}) return function (t) -- iteraction function t[1] = t[1] - 1 if t[1] > 0 then return t[1] end end, state, nil, state -- to-be-closed end local s = 0 for i in open(10) do if (i < 5) then break end s = s + i end assert(s == 35 and numopen == 0) end print('OK') return 5,f end -- }