/* ** tree.c ** TecCGraf - PUC-Rio */ char *rcs_tree="$Id: tree.c,v 1.24 1997/03/31 14:17:09 roberto Exp roberto $"; #include #include "luamem.h" #include "lua.h" #include "tree.h" #include "lex.h" #include "hash.h" #include "table.h" #include "fallback.h" #define NUM_HASHS 64 typedef struct { int size; int nuse; /* number of elements (including EMPTYs) */ TaggedString **hash; } stringtable; static int initialized = 0; static stringtable string_root[NUM_HASHS]; static TaggedString EMPTY = {LUA_T_STRING, 0, NOT_USED, NOT_USED, 0, 2, {0}}; static unsigned long hash (char *buff, long size) { unsigned long h = 0; while (size--) h = ((h<<5)-h)^(unsigned char)*(buff++); return h; } static void luaI_inittree (void) { int i; for (i=0; isize); TaggedString **newhash = newvector(newsize, TaggedString *); int i; for (i=0; inuse = 0; for (i=0; isize; i++) if (tb->hash[i] != NULL && tb->hash[i] != &EMPTY) { int h = tb->hash[i]->hash%newsize; while (newhash[h]) h = (h+1)%newsize; newhash[h] = tb->hash[i]; tb->nuse++; } luaI_free(tb->hash); tb->size = newsize; tb->hash = newhash; } static TaggedString *insert (char *buff, long size, int tag, stringtable *tb) { TaggedString *ts; unsigned long h = hash(buff, size); int i; int j = -1; if ((Long)tb->nuse*3 >= (Long)tb->size*2) { if (!initialized) initialize(); grow(tb); } i = h%tb->size; while ((ts = tb->hash[i]) != NULL) { if (ts == &EMPTY) j = i; else if (ts->size == size && ts->tag == tag && memcmp(buff, ts->str, size) == 0) return ts; i = (i+1)%tb->size; } /* not found */ lua_pack(); if (j != -1) /* is there an EMPTY space? */ i = j; else tb->nuse++; ts = tb->hash[i] = (TaggedString *)luaI_malloc(sizeof(TaggedString)+size-1); memcpy(ts->str, buff, size); ts->tag = tag; ts->size = size; ts->marked = 0; ts->hash = h; ts->varindex = ts->constindex = NOT_USED; return ts; } TaggedString *luaI_createuserdata (char *buff, long size, int tag) { return insert(buff, size, tag, &string_root[(unsigned)buff[0]%NUM_HASHS]); } TaggedString *lua_createstring (char *str) { return luaI_createuserdata(str, strlen(str)+1, LUA_T_STRING); } void luaI_strcallIM (void) { int i; TObject o; ttype(&o) = LUA_T_USERDATA; for (i=0; isize; j++) { TaggedString *t = tb->hash[j]; if (t != NULL && t->tag != LUA_T_STRING && t->marked == 0) { tsvalue(&o) = t; luaI_gcIM(&o); } } } } /* ** Garbage collection function. ** This function traverse the string list freeing unindexed strings */ Long lua_strcollector (void) { Long counter = 0; int i; for (i=0; isize; j++) { TaggedString *t = tb->hash[j]; if (t != NULL && t->marked <= 1) { if (t->marked) t->marked = 0; else { luaI_free(t); tb->hash[j] = &EMPTY; counter++; } } } } return counter; }