---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Lua script to dump the bytecode of the library functions written in Lua. -- The resulting 'buildvm_libbc.h' is used for the build process of LuaJIT. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Copyright (C) 2005-2025 Mike Pall. All rights reserved. -- Released under the MIT license. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- local ffi = require("ffi") local bit = require("bit") local vmdef = require("jit.vmdef") local bcnames = vmdef.bcnames local format = string.format local isbe = (string.byte(string.dump(function() end), 5) % 2 == 1) local function usage(arg) io.stderr:write("Usage: ", arg and arg[0] or "genlibbc", " [-o buildvm_libbc.h] lib_*.c\n") os.exit(1) end local function parse_arg(arg) local outfile = "-" if not (arg and arg[1]) then usage(arg) end if arg[1] == "-o" then outfile = arg[2] if not outfile then usage(arg) end table.remove(arg, 1) table.remove(arg, 1) end return outfile end local function read_files(names) local src = "" for _,name in ipairs(names) do local fp = assert(io.open(name)) src = src .. fp:read("*a") fp:close() end return src end local function transform_lua(code) local fixup = {} local n = -30000 code = string.gsub(code, "CHECK_(%w*)%((.-)%)", function(tp, var) n = n + 1 fixup[n] = { "CHECK", tp } return format("%s=%d", var, n) end) code = string.gsub(code, "PAIRS%((.-)%)", function(var) fixup.PAIRS = true return format("nil, %s, 0x4dp80", var) end) return "return "..code, fixup end local function read_uleb128(p) local v = p[0]; p = p + 1 if v >= 128 then local sh = 7; v = v - 128 repeat local r = p[0] v = v + bit.lshift(bit.band(r, 127), sh) sh = sh + 7 p = p + 1 until r < 128 end return p, v end -- ORDER LJ_T local name2itype = { str = 5, func = 9, tab = 12, int = 14, num = 15 } local BC, BCN = {}, {} for i=0,#bcnames/6-1 do local name = bcnames:sub(i*6+1, i*6+6):gsub(" ", "") BC[name] = i BCN[i] = name end local xop, xra = isbe and 3 or 0, isbe and 2 or 1 local xrc, xrb = isbe and 1 or 2, isbe and 0 or 3 local function fixup_dump(dump, fixup) local buf = ffi.new("uint8_t[?]", #dump+1, dump) local p = buf+5 local n, sizebc p, n = read_uleb128(p) local start = p p = p + 4 p = read_uleb128(p) p = read_uleb128(p) p, sizebc = read_uleb128(p) local startbc = tonumber(p - start) local rawtab = {} for i=0,sizebc-1 do local op = p[xop] if op == BC.KSHORT then local rd = p[xrc] + 256*p[xrb] rd = bit.arshift(bit.lshift(rd, 16), 16) local f = fixup[rd] if f then if f[1] == "CHECK" then local tp = f[2] if tp == "tab" then rawtab[p[xra]] = true end p[xop] = tp == "num" and BC.ISNUM or BC.ISTYPE p[xrb] = 0 p[xrc] = name2itype[tp] else error("unhandled fixup type: "..f[1]) end end elseif op == BC.TGETV then if rawtab[p[xrb]] then p[xop] = BC.TGETR end elseif op == BC.TSETV then if rawtab[p[xrb]] then p[xop] = BC.TSETR end elseif op == BC.ITERC then if fixup.PAIRS then p[xop] = BC.ITERN end end p = p + 4 end local ndump = ffi.string(start, n) -- Fixup hi-part of 0x4dp80 to LJ_KEYINDEX. ndump = ndump:gsub("\x80\x80\xcd\xaa\x04", "\xff\xff\xf9\xff\x0f") return { dump = ndump, startbc = startbc, sizebc = sizebc } end local function find_defs(src, mode) local defs = {} for name, code in string.gmatch(src, "LJLIB_LUA%(([^)]*)%)%s*/%*(.-)%*/") do local tcode, fixup = transform_lua(code) local func = assert(load(tcode, "", mode)) defs[name] = fixup_dump(string.dump(func, mode), fixup) defs[#defs+1] = name end return defs end local function gen_header(defs32, defs64) local t = {} local function w(x) t[#t+1] = x end w("/* This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT! */\n\n") w("static const int libbc_endian = ") w(isbe and 1 or 0) w(";\n\n") for j,defs in ipairs{defs64, defs32} do local s, sb = "", "" for i,name in ipairs(defs) do local d = defs[name] s = s .. d.dump sb = sb .. string.char(i) .. ("\0"):rep(d.startbc - 1) .. (isbe and "\0\0\0\255" or "\255\0\0\0"):rep(d.sizebc) .. ("\0"):rep(#d.dump - d.startbc - d.sizebc*4) end if j == 1 then w("static const uint8_t libbc_code[] = {\n#if LJ_FR2\n") else w("\n#else\n") end local n = 0 for i=1,#s do local x = string.byte(s, i) local xb = string.byte(sb, i) if xb == 255 then local name = BCN[x] local m = #name + 4 if n + m > 78 then n = 0; w("\n") end n = n + m w("BC_"); w(name) else local m = x < 10 and 2 or (x < 100 and 3 or 4) if xb == 0 then if n + m > 78 then n = 0; w("\n") end else local name = defs[xb]:gsub("_", ".") if n ~= 0 then w("\n") end w("/* "); w(name); w(" */ ") n = #name + 7 end n = n + m w(x) end w(",") end end w("\n#endif\n0\n};\n\n") w("static const struct { const char *name; int ofs; } libbc_map[] = {\n") local m32, m64 = 0, 0 for i,name in ipairs(defs32) do assert(name == defs64[i]) w('{"'); w(name); w('",'); w(m32) w('},\n') m32 = m32 + #defs32[name].dump m64 = m64 + #defs64[name].dump assert(m32 == m64) end w("{NULL,"); w(m32); w("}\n};\n\n") return table.concat(t) end local function write_file(name, data) if name == "-" then assert(io.write(data)) assert(io.flush()) else local fp = io.open(name) if fp then local old = fp:read("*a") fp:close() if data == old then return end end fp = assert(io.open(name, "w")) assert(fp:write(data)) assert(fp:close()) end end local outfile = parse_arg(arg) local src = read_files(arg) local defs32 = find_defs(src, "Wdts") local defs64 = find_defs(src, "Xdts") local hdr = gen_header(defs32, defs64) write_file(outfile, hdr)