/* ** String library. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2025 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h ** ** Major portions taken verbatim or adapted from the Lua interpreter. ** Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #define lib_string_c #define LUA_LIB #include "lua.h" #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lualib.h" #include "lj_obj.h" #include "lj_gc.h" #include "lj_err.h" #include "lj_buf.h" #include "lj_str.h" #include "lj_tab.h" #include "lj_meta.h" #include "lj_state.h" #include "lj_ff.h" #include "lj_bcdump.h" #include "lj_char.h" #include "lj_strfmt.h" #include "lj_lib.h" /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #define LJLIB_MODULE_string LJLIB_LUA(string_len) /* function(s) CHECK_str(s) return #s end */ LJLIB_ASM(string_byte) LJLIB_REC(string_range 0) { GCstr *s = lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1); int32_t len = (int32_t)s->len; int32_t start = lj_lib_optint(L, 2, 1); int32_t stop = lj_lib_optint(L, 3, start); int32_t n, i; const unsigned char *p; if (stop < 0) stop += len+1; if (start < 0) start += len+1; if (start <= 0) start = 1; if (stop > len) stop = len; if (start > stop) return FFH_RES(0); /* Empty interval: return no results. */ start--; n = stop - start; if ((uint32_t)n > LUAI_MAXCSTACK) lj_err_caller(L, LJ_ERR_STRSLC); lj_state_checkstack(L, (MSize)n); p = (const unsigned char *)strdata(s) + start; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) setintV(L->base + i-1-LJ_FR2, p[i]); return FFH_RES(n); } LJLIB_ASM(string_char) LJLIB_REC(.) { int i, nargs = (int)(L->top - L->base); char *buf = lj_buf_tmp(L, (MSize)nargs); for (i = 1; i <= nargs; i++) { int32_t k = lj_lib_checkint(L, i); if (!checku8(k)) lj_err_arg(L, i, LJ_ERR_BADVAL); buf[i-1] = (char)k; } setstrV(L, L->base-1-LJ_FR2, lj_str_new(L, buf, (size_t)nargs)); return FFH_RES(1); } LJLIB_ASM(string_sub) LJLIB_REC(string_range 1) { lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1); lj_lib_checkint(L, 2); setintV(L->base+2, lj_lib_optint(L, 3, -1)); return FFH_RETRY; } LJLIB_CF(string_rep) LJLIB_REC(.) { GCstr *s = lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1); int32_t rep = lj_lib_checkint(L, 2); GCstr *sep = lj_lib_optstr(L, 3); SBuf *sb = lj_buf_tmp_(L); if (sep && rep > 1) { GCstr *s2 = lj_buf_cat2str(L, sep, s); lj_buf_reset(sb); lj_buf_putstr(sb, s); s = s2; rep--; } sb = lj_buf_putstr_rep(sb, s, rep); setstrV(L, L->top-1, lj_buf_str(L, sb)); lj_gc_check(L); return 1; } LJLIB_ASM(string_reverse) LJLIB_REC(string_op IRCALL_lj_buf_putstr_reverse) { lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1); return FFH_RETRY; } LJLIB_ASM_(string_lower) LJLIB_REC(string_op IRCALL_lj_buf_putstr_lower) LJLIB_ASM_(string_upper) LJLIB_REC(string_op IRCALL_lj_buf_putstr_upper) /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ static int writer_buf(lua_State *L, const void *p, size_t size, void *sb) { lj_buf_putmem((SBuf *)sb, p, (MSize)size); UNUSED(L); return 0; } LJLIB_CF(string_dump) { GCproto *pt = lj_lib_checkLproto(L, 1, 1); uint32_t flags = 0; SBuf *sb; TValue *o = L->base+1; if (o < L->top) { if (tvisstr(o)) { const char *mode = strVdata(o); char c; while ((c = *mode++)) { if (c == 's') flags |= BCDUMP_F_STRIP; if (c == 'd') flags |= BCDUMP_F_DETERMINISTIC; } } else if (tvistruecond(o)) { flags |= BCDUMP_F_STRIP; } } sb = lj_buf_tmp_(L); /* Assumes lj_bcwrite() doesn't use tmpbuf. */ L->top = L->base+1; if (!pt || lj_bcwrite(L, pt, writer_buf, sb, flags)) lj_err_caller(L, LJ_ERR_STRDUMP); setstrV(L, L->top-1, lj_buf_str(L, sb)); lj_gc_check(L); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ /* macro to `unsign' a character */ #define uchar(c) ((unsigned char)(c)) #define CAP_UNFINISHED (-1) #define CAP_POSITION (-2) typedef struct MatchState { const char *src_init; /* init of source string */ const char *src_end; /* end (`\0') of source string */ lua_State *L; int level; /* total number of captures (finished or unfinished) */ int depth; struct { const char *init; ptrdiff_t len; } capture[LUA_MAXCAPTURES]; } MatchState; #define L_ESC '%' static int check_capture(MatchState *ms, int l) { l -= '1'; if (l < 0 || l >= ms->level || ms->capture[l].len == CAP_UNFINISHED) lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRCAPI); return l; } static int capture_to_close(MatchState *ms) { int level = ms->level; for (level--; level>=0; level--) if (ms->capture[level].len == CAP_UNFINISHED) return level; lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRPATC); return 0; /* unreachable */ } static const char *classend(MatchState *ms, const char *p) { switch (*p++) { case L_ESC: if (*p == '\0') lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRPATE); return p+1; case '[': if (*p == '^') p++; do { /* look for a `]' */ if (*p == '\0') lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRPATM); if (*(p++) == L_ESC && *p != '\0') p++; /* skip escapes (e.g. `%]') */ } while (*p != ']'); return p+1; default: return p; } } static const unsigned char match_class_map[32] = { 0,LJ_CHAR_ALPHA,0,LJ_CHAR_CNTRL,LJ_CHAR_DIGIT,0,0,LJ_CHAR_GRAPH,0,0,0,0, LJ_CHAR_LOWER,0,0,0,LJ_CHAR_PUNCT,0,0,LJ_CHAR_SPACE,0, LJ_CHAR_UPPER,0,LJ_CHAR_ALNUM,LJ_CHAR_XDIGIT,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 }; static int match_class(int c, int cl) { if ((cl & 0xc0) == 0x40) { int t = match_class_map[(cl&0x1f)]; if (t) { t = lj_char_isa(c, t); return (cl & 0x20) ? t : !t; } if (cl == 'z') return c == 0; if (cl == 'Z') return c != 0; } return (cl == c); } static int matchbracketclass(int c, const char *p, const char *ec) { int sig = 1; if (*(p+1) == '^') { sig = 0; p++; /* skip the `^' */ } while (++p < ec) { if (*p == L_ESC) { p++; if (match_class(c, uchar(*p))) return sig; } else if ((*(p+1) == '-') && (p+2 < ec)) { p+=2; if (uchar(*(p-2)) <= c && c <= uchar(*p)) return sig; } else if (uchar(*p) == c) return sig; } return !sig; } static int singlematch(int c, const char *p, const char *ep) { switch (*p) { case '.': return 1; /* matches any char */ case L_ESC: return match_class(c, uchar(*(p+1))); case '[': return matchbracketclass(c, p, ep-1); default: return (uchar(*p) == c); } } static const char *match(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p); static const char *matchbalance(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p) { if (*p == 0 || *(p+1) == 0) lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRPATU); if (*s != *p) { return NULL; } else { int b = *p; int e = *(p+1); int cont = 1; while (++s < ms->src_end) { if (*s == e) { if (--cont == 0) return s+1; } else if (*s == b) { cont++; } } } return NULL; /* string ends out of balance */ } static const char *max_expand(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p, const char *ep) { ptrdiff_t i = 0; /* counts maximum expand for item */ while ((s+i)src_end && singlematch(uchar(*(s+i)), p, ep)) i++; /* keeps trying to match with the maximum repetitions */ while (i>=0) { const char *res = match(ms, (s+i), ep+1); if (res) return res; i--; /* else didn't match; reduce 1 repetition to try again */ } return NULL; } static const char *min_expand(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p, const char *ep) { for (;;) { const char *res = match(ms, s, ep+1); if (res != NULL) return res; else if (ssrc_end && singlematch(uchar(*s), p, ep)) s++; /* try with one more repetition */ else return NULL; } } static const char *start_capture(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p, int what) { const char *res; int level = ms->level; if (level >= LUA_MAXCAPTURES) lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRCAPN); ms->capture[level].init = s; ms->capture[level].len = what; ms->level = level+1; if ((res=match(ms, s, p)) == NULL) /* match failed? */ ms->level--; /* undo capture */ return res; } static const char *end_capture(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p) { int l = capture_to_close(ms); const char *res; ms->capture[l].len = s - ms->capture[l].init; /* close capture */ if ((res = match(ms, s, p)) == NULL) /* match failed? */ ms->capture[l].len = CAP_UNFINISHED; /* undo capture */ return res; } static const char *match_capture(MatchState *ms, const char *s, int l) { size_t len; l = check_capture(ms, l); len = (size_t)ms->capture[l].len; if ((size_t)(ms->src_end-s) >= len && memcmp(ms->capture[l].init, s, len) == 0) return s+len; else return NULL; } static const char *match(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *p) { if (++ms->depth > LJ_MAX_XLEVEL) lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRPATX); init: /* using goto's to optimize tail recursion */ switch (*p) { case '(': /* start capture */ if (*(p+1) == ')') /* position capture? */ s = start_capture(ms, s, p+2, CAP_POSITION); else s = start_capture(ms, s, p+1, CAP_UNFINISHED); break; case ')': /* end capture */ s = end_capture(ms, s, p+1); break; case L_ESC: switch (*(p+1)) { case 'b': /* balanced string? */ s = matchbalance(ms, s, p+2); if (s == NULL) break; p+=4; goto init; /* else s = match(ms, s, p+4); */ case 'f': { /* frontier? */ const char *ep; char previous; p += 2; if (*p != '[') lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRPATB); ep = classend(ms, p); /* points to what is next */ previous = (s == ms->src_init) ? '\0' : *(s-1); if (matchbracketclass(uchar(previous), p, ep-1) || !matchbracketclass(uchar(*s), p, ep-1)) { s = NULL; break; } p=ep; goto init; /* else s = match(ms, s, ep); */ } default: if (lj_char_isdigit(uchar(*(p+1)))) { /* capture results (%0-%9)? */ s = match_capture(ms, s, uchar(*(p+1))); if (s == NULL) break; p+=2; goto init; /* else s = match(ms, s, p+2) */ } goto dflt; /* case default */ } break; case '\0': /* end of pattern */ break; /* match succeeded */ case '$': /* is the `$' the last char in pattern? */ if (*(p+1) != '\0') goto dflt; if (s != ms->src_end) s = NULL; /* check end of string */ break; default: dflt: { /* it is a pattern item */ const char *ep = classend(ms, p); /* points to what is next */ int m = ssrc_end && singlematch(uchar(*s), p, ep); switch (*ep) { case '?': { /* optional */ const char *res; if (m && ((res=match(ms, s+1, ep+1)) != NULL)) { s = res; break; } p=ep+1; goto init; /* else s = match(ms, s, ep+1); */ } case '*': /* 0 or more repetitions */ s = max_expand(ms, s, p, ep); break; case '+': /* 1 or more repetitions */ s = (m ? max_expand(ms, s+1, p, ep) : NULL); break; case '-': /* 0 or more repetitions (minimum) */ s = min_expand(ms, s, p, ep); break; default: if (m) { s++; p=ep; goto init; } /* else s = match(ms, s+1, ep); */ s = NULL; break; } break; } } ms->depth--; return s; } static void push_onecapture(MatchState *ms, int i, const char *s, const char *e) { if (i >= ms->level) { if (i == 0) /* ms->level == 0, too */ lua_pushlstring(ms->L, s, (size_t)(e - s)); /* add whole match */ else lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRCAPI); } else { ptrdiff_t l = ms->capture[i].len; if (l == CAP_UNFINISHED) lj_err_caller(ms->L, LJ_ERR_STRCAPU); if (l == CAP_POSITION) lua_pushinteger(ms->L, ms->capture[i].init - ms->src_init + 1); else lua_pushlstring(ms->L, ms->capture[i].init, (size_t)l); } } static int push_captures(MatchState *ms, const char *s, const char *e) { int i; int nlevels = (ms->level == 0 && s) ? 1 : ms->level; luaL_checkstack(ms->L, nlevels, "too many captures"); for (i = 0; i < nlevels; i++) push_onecapture(ms, i, s, e); return nlevels; /* number of strings pushed */ } static int str_find_aux(lua_State *L, int find) { GCstr *s = lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1); GCstr *p = lj_lib_checkstr(L, 2); int32_t start = lj_lib_optint(L, 3, 1); MSize st; if (start < 0) start += (int32_t)s->len; else start--; if (start < 0) start = 0; st = (MSize)start; if (st > s->len) { #if LJ_52 setnilV(L->top-1); return 1; #else st = s->len; #endif } if (find && ((L->base+3 < L->top && tvistruecond(L->base+3)) || !lj_str_haspattern(p))) { /* Search for fixed string. */ const char *q = lj_str_find(strdata(s)+st, strdata(p), s->len-st, p->len); if (q) { setintV(L->top-2, (int32_t)(q-strdata(s)) + 1); setintV(L->top-1, (int32_t)(q-strdata(s)) + (int32_t)p->len); return 2; } } else { /* Search for pattern. */ MatchState ms; const char *pstr = strdata(p); const char *sstr = strdata(s) + st; int anchor = 0; if (*pstr == '^') { pstr++; anchor = 1; } ms.L = L; ms.src_init = strdata(s); ms.src_end = strdata(s) + s->len; do { /* Loop through string and try to match the pattern. */ const char *q; ms.level = ms.depth = 0; q = match(&ms, sstr, pstr); if (q) { if (find) { setintV(L->top++, (int32_t)(sstr-(strdata(s)-1))); setintV(L->top++, (int32_t)(q-strdata(s))); return push_captures(&ms, NULL, NULL) + 2; } else { return push_captures(&ms, sstr, q); } } } while (sstr++ < ms.src_end && !anchor); } setnilV(L->top-1); /* Not found. */ return 1; } LJLIB_CF(string_find) LJLIB_REC(.) { return str_find_aux(L, 1); } LJLIB_CF(string_match) { return str_find_aux(L, 0); } LJLIB_NOREG LJLIB_CF(string_gmatch_aux) { const char *p = strVdata(lj_lib_upvalue(L, 2)); GCstr *str = strV(lj_lib_upvalue(L, 1)); const char *s = strdata(str); TValue *tvpos = lj_lib_upvalue(L, 3); const char *src = s + tvpos->u32.lo; MatchState ms; ms.L = L; ms.src_init = s; ms.src_end = s + str->len; for (; src <= ms.src_end; src++) { const char *e; ms.level = ms.depth = 0; if ((e = match(&ms, src, p)) != NULL) { int32_t pos = (int32_t)(e - s); if (e == src) pos++; /* Ensure progress for empty match. */ tvpos->u32.lo = (uint32_t)pos; return push_captures(&ms, src, e); } } return 0; /* not found */ } LJLIB_CF(string_gmatch) { lj_lib_checkstr(L, 1); lj_lib_checkstr(L, 2); L->top = L->base+3; (L->top-1)->u64 = 0; lj_lib_pushcc(L, lj_cf_string_gmatch_aux, FF_string_gmatch_aux, 3); return 1; } static void add_s(MatchState *ms, luaL_Buffer *b, const char *s, const char *e) { size_t l, i; const char *news = lua_tolstring(ms->L, 3, &l); for (i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (news[i] != L_ESC) { luaL_addchar(b, news[i]); } else { i++; /* skip ESC */ if (!lj_char_isdigit(uchar(news[i]))) { luaL_addchar(b, news[i]); } else if (news[i] == '0') { luaL_addlstring(b, s, (size_t)(e - s)); } else { push_onecapture(ms, news[i] - '1', s, e); luaL_addvalue(b); /* add capture to accumulated result */ } } } } static void add_value(MatchState *ms, luaL_Buffer *b, const char *s, const char *e) { lua_State *L = ms->L; switch (lua_type(L, 3)) { case LUA_TNUMBER: case LUA_TSTRING: { add_s(ms, b, s, e); return; } case LUA_TFUNCTION: { int n; lua_pushvalue(L, 3); n = push_captures(ms, s, e); lua_call(L, n, 1); break; } case LUA_TTABLE: { push_onecapture(ms, 0, s, e); lua_gettable(L, 3); break; } } if (!lua_toboolean(L, -1)) { /* nil or false? */ lua_pop(L, 1); lua_pushlstring(L, s, (size_t)(e - s)); /* keep original text */ } else if (!lua_isstring(L, -1)) { lj_err_callerv(L, LJ_ERR_STRGSRV, luaL_typename(L, -1)); } luaL_addvalue(b); /* add result to accumulator */ } LJLIB_CF(string_gsub) { size_t srcl; const char *src = luaL_checklstring(L, 1, &srcl); const char *p = luaL_checkstring(L, 2); int tr = lua_type(L, 3); int max_s = luaL_optint(L, 4, (int)(srcl+1)); int anchor = (*p == '^') ? (p++, 1) : 0; int n = 0; MatchState ms; luaL_Buffer b; if (!(tr == LUA_TNUMBER || tr == LUA_TSTRING || tr == LUA_TFUNCTION || tr == LUA_TTABLE)) lj_err_arg(L, 3, LJ_ERR_NOSFT); luaL_buffinit(L, &b); ms.L = L; ms.src_init = src; ms.src_end = src+srcl; while (n < max_s) { const char *e; ms.level = ms.depth = 0; e = match(&ms, src, p); if (e) { n++; add_value(&ms, &b, src, e); } if (e && e>src) /* non empty match? */ src = e; /* skip it */ else if (src < ms.src_end) luaL_addchar(&b, *src++); else break; if (anchor) break; } luaL_addlstring(&b, src, (size_t)(ms.src_end-src)); luaL_pushresult(&b); lua_pushinteger(L, n); /* number of substitutions */ return 2; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ LJLIB_CF(string_format) LJLIB_REC(.) { int retry = 0; SBuf *sb; do { sb = lj_buf_tmp_(L); retry = lj_strfmt_putarg(L, sb, 1, -retry); } while (retry > 0); setstrV(L, L->top-1, lj_buf_str(L, sb)); lj_gc_check(L); return 1; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include "lj_libdef.h" LUALIB_API int luaopen_string(lua_State *L) { GCtab *mt; global_State *g; LJ_LIB_REG(L, LUA_STRLIBNAME, string); mt = lj_tab_new(L, 0, 1); /* NOBARRIER: basemt is a GC root. */ g = G(L); setgcref(basemt_it(g, LJ_TSTR), obj2gco(mt)); settabV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, mt, mmname_str(g, MM_index)), tabV(L->top-1)); mt->nomm = (uint8_t)(~(1u<top-1)); #endif return 1; }