/* ** Bytecode reader. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2025 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h */ #define lj_bcread_c #define LUA_CORE #include "lj_obj.h" #include "lj_gc.h" #include "lj_err.h" #include "lj_buf.h" #include "lj_str.h" #include "lj_tab.h" #include "lj_bc.h" #if LJ_HASFFI #include "lj_ctype.h" #include "lj_cdata.h" #include "lualib.h" #endif #include "lj_lex.h" #include "lj_bcdump.h" #include "lj_state.h" #include "lj_strfmt.h" /* Reuse some lexer fields for our own purposes. */ #define bcread_flags(ls) ls->level #define bcread_swap(ls) \ ((bcread_flags(ls) & BCDUMP_F_BE) != LJ_BE*BCDUMP_F_BE) #define bcread_oldtop(L, ls) restorestack(L, ls->lastline) #define bcread_savetop(L, ls, top) \ ls->lastline = (BCLine)savestack(L, (top)) /* -- Input buffer handling ----------------------------------------------- */ /* Throw reader error. */ static LJ_NOINLINE void bcread_error(LexState *ls, ErrMsg em) { lua_State *L = ls->L; const char *name = ls->chunkarg; if (*name == BCDUMP_HEAD1) name = "(binary)"; else if (*name == '@' || *name == '=') name++; lj_strfmt_pushf(L, "%s: %s", name, err2msg(em)); lj_err_throw(L, LUA_ERRSYNTAX); } /* Refill buffer. */ static LJ_NOINLINE void bcread_fill(LexState *ls, MSize len, int need) { lj_assertLS(len != 0, "empty refill"); if (len > LJ_MAX_BUF || ls->c < 0) bcread_error(ls, LJ_ERR_BCBAD); do { const char *buf; size_t sz; char *p = ls->sb.b; MSize n = (MSize)(ls->pe - ls->p); if (n) { /* Copy remainder to buffer. */ if (sbuflen(&ls->sb)) { /* Move down in buffer. */ lj_assertLS(ls->pe == ls->sb.w, "bad buffer pointer"); if (ls->p != p) memmove(p, ls->p, n); } else { /* Copy from buffer provided by reader. */ p = lj_buf_need(&ls->sb, len); memcpy(p, ls->p, n); } ls->p = p; ls->pe = p + n; } ls->sb.w = p + n; buf = ls->rfunc(ls->L, ls->rdata, &sz); /* Get more data from reader. */ if (buf == NULL || sz == 0) { /* EOF? */ if (need) bcread_error(ls, LJ_ERR_BCBAD); ls->c = -1; /* Only bad if we get called again. */ break; } if (sz >= LJ_MAX_BUF - n) lj_err_mem(ls->L); if (n) { /* Append to buffer. */ n += (MSize)sz; p = lj_buf_need(&ls->sb, n < len ? len : n); memcpy(ls->sb.w, buf, sz); ls->sb.w = p + n; ls->p = p; ls->pe = p + n; } else { /* Return buffer provided by reader. */ ls->p = buf; ls->pe = buf + sz; } } while ((MSize)(ls->pe - ls->p) < len); } /* Need a certain number of bytes. */ static LJ_AINLINE void bcread_need(LexState *ls, MSize len) { if (LJ_UNLIKELY((MSize)(ls->pe - ls->p) < len)) bcread_fill(ls, len, 1); } /* Want to read up to a certain number of bytes, but may need less. */ static LJ_AINLINE void bcread_want(LexState *ls, MSize len) { if (LJ_UNLIKELY((MSize)(ls->pe - ls->p) < len)) bcread_fill(ls, len, 0); } /* Return memory block from buffer. */ static LJ_AINLINE uint8_t *bcread_mem(LexState *ls, MSize len) { uint8_t *p = (uint8_t *)ls->p; ls->p += len; lj_assertLS(ls->p <= ls->pe, "buffer read overflow"); return p; } /* Copy memory block from buffer. */ static void bcread_block(LexState *ls, void *q, MSize len) { memcpy(q, bcread_mem(ls, len), len); } /* Read byte from buffer. */ static LJ_AINLINE uint32_t bcread_byte(LexState *ls) { lj_assertLS(ls->p < ls->pe, "buffer read overflow"); return (uint32_t)(uint8_t)*ls->p++; } /* Read ULEB128 value from buffer. */ static LJ_AINLINE uint32_t bcread_uleb128(LexState *ls) { uint32_t v = lj_buf_ruleb128(&ls->p); lj_assertLS(ls->p <= ls->pe, "buffer read overflow"); return v; } /* Read top 32 bits of 33 bit ULEB128 value from buffer. */ static uint32_t bcread_uleb128_33(LexState *ls) { const uint8_t *p = (const uint8_t *)ls->p; uint32_t v = (*p++ >> 1); if (LJ_UNLIKELY(v >= 0x40)) { int sh = -1; v &= 0x3f; do { v |= ((*p & 0x7f) << (sh += 7)); } while (*p++ >= 0x80); } ls->p = (char *)p; lj_assertLS(ls->p <= ls->pe, "buffer read overflow"); return v; } /* -- Bytecode reader ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Read debug info of a prototype. */ static void bcread_dbg(LexState *ls, GCproto *pt, MSize sizedbg) { void *lineinfo = (void *)proto_lineinfo(pt); bcread_block(ls, lineinfo, sizedbg); /* Swap lineinfo if the endianess differs. */ if (bcread_swap(ls) && pt->numline >= 256) { MSize i, n = pt->sizebc-1; if (pt->numline < 65536) { uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)lineinfo; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = (uint16_t)((p[i] >> 8)|(p[i] << 8)); } else { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)lineinfo; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) p[i] = lj_bswap(p[i]); } } } /* Find pointer to varinfo. */ static const void *bcread_varinfo(GCproto *pt) { const uint8_t *p = proto_uvinfo(pt); MSize n = pt->sizeuv; if (n) while (*p++ || --n) ; return p; } /* Read a single constant key/value of a template table. */ static void bcread_ktabk(LexState *ls, TValue *o, GCtab *t) { MSize tp = bcread_uleb128(ls); if (tp >= BCDUMP_KTAB_STR) { MSize len = tp - BCDUMP_KTAB_STR; const char *p = (const char *)bcread_mem(ls, len); setstrV(ls->L, o, lj_str_new(ls->L, p, len)); } else if (tp == BCDUMP_KTAB_INT) { setintV(o, (int32_t)bcread_uleb128(ls)); } else if (tp == BCDUMP_KTAB_NUM) { o->u32.lo = bcread_uleb128(ls); o->u32.hi = bcread_uleb128(ls); } else if (t && tp == BCDUMP_KTAB_NIL) { /* Restore nil value marker. */ settabV(ls->L, o, t); } else { lj_assertLS(tp <= BCDUMP_KTAB_TRUE, "bad constant type %d", tp); setpriV(o, ~tp); } } /* Read a template table. */ static GCtab *bcread_ktab(LexState *ls) { MSize narray = bcread_uleb128(ls); MSize nhash = bcread_uleb128(ls); GCtab *t = lj_tab_new(ls->L, narray, hsize2hbits(nhash)); if (narray) { /* Read array entries. */ MSize i; TValue *o = tvref(t->array); for (i = 0; i < narray; i++, o++) bcread_ktabk(ls, o, NULL); } if (nhash) { /* Read hash entries. */ MSize i; for (i = 0; i < nhash; i++) { TValue key; bcread_ktabk(ls, &key, NULL); lj_assertLS(!tvisnil(&key), "nil key"); bcread_ktabk(ls, lj_tab_set(ls->L, t, &key), t); } } return t; } /* Read GC constants of a prototype. */ static void bcread_kgc(LexState *ls, GCproto *pt, MSize sizekgc) { MSize i; GCRef *kr = mref(pt->k, GCRef) - (ptrdiff_t)sizekgc; for (i = 0; i < sizekgc; i++, kr++) { MSize tp = bcread_uleb128(ls); if (tp >= BCDUMP_KGC_STR) { MSize len = tp - BCDUMP_KGC_STR; const char *p = (const char *)bcread_mem(ls, len); setgcref(*kr, obj2gco(lj_str_new(ls->L, p, len))); } else if (tp == BCDUMP_KGC_TAB) { setgcref(*kr, obj2gco(bcread_ktab(ls))); #if LJ_HASFFI } else if (tp != BCDUMP_KGC_CHILD) { CTypeID id = tp == BCDUMP_KGC_COMPLEX ? CTID_COMPLEX_DOUBLE : tp == BCDUMP_KGC_I64 ? CTID_INT64 : CTID_UINT64; CTSize sz = tp == BCDUMP_KGC_COMPLEX ? 16 : 8; GCcdata *cd = lj_cdata_new_(ls->L, id, sz); TValue *p = (TValue *)cdataptr(cd); setgcref(*kr, obj2gco(cd)); p[0].u32.lo = bcread_uleb128(ls); p[0].u32.hi = bcread_uleb128(ls); if (tp == BCDUMP_KGC_COMPLEX) { p[1].u32.lo = bcread_uleb128(ls); p[1].u32.hi = bcread_uleb128(ls); } #endif } else { lua_State *L = ls->L; lj_assertLS(tp == BCDUMP_KGC_CHILD, "bad constant type %d", tp); if (L->top <= bcread_oldtop(L, ls)) /* Stack underflow? */ bcread_error(ls, LJ_ERR_BCBAD); L->top--; setgcref(*kr, obj2gco(protoV(L->top))); } } } /* Read number constants of a prototype. */ static void bcread_knum(LexState *ls, GCproto *pt, MSize sizekn) { MSize i; TValue *o = mref(pt->k, TValue); for (i = 0; i < sizekn; i++, o++) { int isnum = (ls->p[0] & 1); uint32_t lo = bcread_uleb128_33(ls); if (isnum) { o->u32.lo = lo; o->u32.hi = bcread_uleb128(ls); } else { setintV(o, lo); } } } /* Read bytecode instructions. */ static void bcread_bytecode(LexState *ls, GCproto *pt, MSize sizebc) { BCIns *bc = proto_bc(pt); BCIns op; if (ls->fr2 != LJ_FR2) op = BC_NOT; /* Mark non-native prototype. */ else if ((pt->flags & PROTO_VARARG)) op = BC_FUNCV; else op = BC_FUNCF; bc[0] = BCINS_AD(op, pt->framesize, 0); bcread_block(ls, bc+1, (sizebc-1)*(MSize)sizeof(BCIns)); /* Swap bytecode instructions if the endianess differs. */ if (bcread_swap(ls)) { MSize i; for (i = 1; i < sizebc; i++) bc[i] = lj_bswap(bc[i]); } } /* Read upvalue refs. */ static void bcread_uv(LexState *ls, GCproto *pt, MSize sizeuv) { if (sizeuv) { uint16_t *uv = proto_uv(pt); bcread_block(ls, uv, sizeuv*2); /* Swap upvalue refs if the endianess differs. */ if (bcread_swap(ls)) { MSize i; for (i = 0; i < sizeuv; i++) uv[i] = (uint16_t)((uv[i] >> 8)|(uv[i] << 8)); } } } /* Read a prototype. */ GCproto *lj_bcread_proto(LexState *ls) { GCproto *pt; MSize framesize, numparams, flags, sizeuv, sizekgc, sizekn, sizebc, sizept; MSize ofsk, ofsuv, ofsdbg; MSize sizedbg = 0; BCLine firstline = 0, numline = 0; /* Read prototype header. */ flags = bcread_byte(ls); numparams = bcread_byte(ls); framesize = bcread_byte(ls); sizeuv = bcread_byte(ls); sizekgc = bcread_uleb128(ls); sizekn = bcread_uleb128(ls); sizebc = bcread_uleb128(ls) + 1; if (!(bcread_flags(ls) & BCDUMP_F_STRIP)) { sizedbg = bcread_uleb128(ls); if (sizedbg) { firstline = bcread_uleb128(ls); numline = bcread_uleb128(ls); } } /* Calculate total size of prototype including all colocated arrays. */ sizept = (MSize)sizeof(GCproto) + sizebc*(MSize)sizeof(BCIns) + sizekgc*(MSize)sizeof(GCRef); sizept = (sizept + (MSize)sizeof(TValue)-1) & ~((MSize)sizeof(TValue)-1); ofsk = sizept; sizept += sizekn*(MSize)sizeof(TValue); ofsuv = sizept; sizept += ((sizeuv+1)&~1)*2; ofsdbg = sizept; sizept += sizedbg; /* Allocate prototype object and initialize its fields. */ pt = (GCproto *)lj_mem_newgco(ls->L, (MSize)sizept); pt->gct = ~LJ_TPROTO; pt->numparams = (uint8_t)numparams; pt->framesize = (uint8_t)framesize; pt->sizebc = sizebc; setmref(pt->k, (char *)pt + ofsk); setmref(pt->uv, (char *)pt + ofsuv); pt->sizekgc = 0; /* Set to zero until fully initialized. */ pt->sizekn = sizekn; pt->sizept = sizept; pt->sizeuv = (uint8_t)sizeuv; pt->flags = (uint8_t)flags; pt->trace = 0; setgcref(pt->chunkname, obj2gco(ls->chunkname)); /* Close potentially uninitialized gap between bc and kgc. */ *(uint32_t *)((char *)pt + ofsk - sizeof(GCRef)*(sizekgc+1)) = 0; /* Read bytecode instructions and upvalue refs. */ bcread_bytecode(ls, pt, sizebc); bcread_uv(ls, pt, sizeuv); /* Read constants. */ bcread_kgc(ls, pt, sizekgc); pt->sizekgc = sizekgc; bcread_knum(ls, pt, sizekn); /* Read and initialize debug info. */ pt->firstline = firstline; pt->numline = numline; if (sizedbg) { MSize sizeli = (sizebc-1) << (numline < 256 ? 0 : numline < 65536 ? 1 : 2); setmref(pt->lineinfo, (char *)pt + ofsdbg); setmref(pt->uvinfo, (char *)pt + ofsdbg + sizeli); bcread_dbg(ls, pt, sizedbg); setmref(pt->varinfo, bcread_varinfo(pt)); } else { setmref(pt->lineinfo, NULL); setmref(pt->uvinfo, NULL); setmref(pt->varinfo, NULL); } return pt; } /* Read and check header of bytecode dump. */ static int bcread_header(LexState *ls) { uint32_t flags; bcread_want(ls, 3+5+5); if (bcread_byte(ls) != BCDUMP_HEAD2 || bcread_byte(ls) != BCDUMP_HEAD3 || bcread_byte(ls) != BCDUMP_VERSION) return 0; bcread_flags(ls) = flags = bcread_uleb128(ls); if ((flags & ~(BCDUMP_F_KNOWN)) != 0) return 0; if ((flags & BCDUMP_F_FR2) != (uint32_t)ls->fr2*BCDUMP_F_FR2) return 0; if ((flags & BCDUMP_F_FFI)) { #if LJ_HASFFI lua_State *L = ls->L; ctype_loadffi(L); #else return 0; #endif } if ((flags & BCDUMP_F_STRIP)) { ls->chunkname = lj_str_newz(ls->L, *ls->chunkarg == BCDUMP_HEAD1 ? "=?" : ls->chunkarg); } else { MSize len = bcread_uleb128(ls); bcread_need(ls, len); ls->chunkname = lj_str_new(ls->L, (const char *)bcread_mem(ls, len), len); } return 1; /* Ok. */ } /* Read a bytecode dump. */ GCproto *lj_bcread(LexState *ls) { lua_State *L = ls->L; lj_assertLS(ls->c == BCDUMP_HEAD1, "bad bytecode header"); bcread_savetop(L, ls, L->top); lj_buf_reset(&ls->sb); /* Check for a valid bytecode dump header. */ if (!bcread_header(ls)) bcread_error(ls, LJ_ERR_BCFMT); for (;;) { /* Process all prototypes in the bytecode dump. */ GCproto *pt; MSize len; const char *startp; /* Read length. */ if (ls->p < ls->pe && ls->p[0] == 0) { /* Shortcut EOF. */ ls->p++; break; } bcread_want(ls, 5); len = bcread_uleb128(ls); if (!len) break; /* EOF */ bcread_need(ls, len); startp = ls->p; pt = lj_bcread_proto(ls); if (ls->p != startp + len) bcread_error(ls, LJ_ERR_BCBAD); setprotoV(L, L->top, pt); incr_top(L); } if ((ls->pe != ls->p && !ls->endmark) || L->top-1 != bcread_oldtop(L, ls)) bcread_error(ls, LJ_ERR_BCBAD); /* Pop off last prototype. */ L->top--; return protoV(L->top); }