/* ** Library function support. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2014 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h */ #define lj_lib_c #define LUA_CORE #include "lauxlib.h" #include "lj_obj.h" #include "lj_gc.h" #include "lj_err.h" #include "lj_str.h" #include "lj_tab.h" #include "lj_func.h" #include "lj_bc.h" #include "lj_dispatch.h" #include "lj_vm.h" #include "lj_strscan.h" #include "lj_strfmt.h" #include "lj_lex.h" #include "lj_bcdump.h" #include "lj_lib.h" /* -- Library initialization ---------------------------------------------- */ static GCtab *lib_create_table(lua_State *L, const char *libname, int hsize) { if (libname) { luaL_findtable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_LOADED", 16); lua_getfield(L, -1, libname); if (!tvistab(L->top-1)) { L->top--; if (luaL_findtable(L, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX, libname, hsize) != NULL) lj_err_callerv(L, LJ_ERR_BADMODN, libname); settabV(L, L->top, tabV(L->top-1)); L->top++; lua_setfield(L, -3, libname); /* _LOADED[libname] = new table */ } L->top--; settabV(L, L->top-1, tabV(L->top)); } else { lua_createtable(L, 0, hsize); } return tabV(L->top-1); } static const uint8_t *lib_read_lfunc(lua_State *L, const uint8_t *p, GCtab *tab) { int len = *p++; GCstr *name = lj_str_new(L, (const char *)p, len); LexState ls; GCproto *pt; GCfunc *fn; memset(&ls, 0, sizeof(ls)); ls.L = L; ls.p = (const char *)(p+len); ls.pe = (const char *)~(uintptr_t)0; ls.c = -1; ls.level = (BCDUMP_F_STRIP|(LJ_BE*BCDUMP_F_BE)); ls.chunkname = name; pt = lj_bcread_proto(&ls); pt->firstline = ~(BCLine)0; fn = lj_func_newL_empty(L, pt, tabref(L->env)); /* NOBARRIER: See below for common barrier. */ setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, tab, name), fn); return (const uint8_t *)ls.p; } void lj_lib_register(lua_State *L, const char *libname, const uint8_t *p, const lua_CFunction *cf) { GCtab *env = tabref(L->env); GCfunc *ofn = NULL; int ffid = *p++; BCIns *bcff = &L2GG(L)->bcff[*p++]; GCtab *tab = lib_create_table(L, libname, *p++); ptrdiff_t tpos = L->top - L->base; /* Avoid barriers further down. */ lj_gc_anybarriert(L, tab); tab->nomm = 0; for (;;) { uint32_t tag = *p++; MSize len = tag & LIBINIT_LENMASK; tag &= LIBINIT_TAGMASK; if (tag != LIBINIT_STRING) { const char *name; MSize nuv = (MSize)(L->top - L->base - tpos); GCfunc *fn = lj_func_newC(L, nuv, env); if (nuv) { L->top = L->base + tpos; memcpy(fn->c.upvalue, L->top, sizeof(TValue)*nuv); } fn->c.ffid = (uint8_t)(ffid++); name = (const char *)p; p += len; if (tag == LIBINIT_CF) setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_int); else setmref(fn->c.pc, bcff++); if (tag == LIBINIT_ASM_) fn->c.f = ofn->c.f; /* Copy handler from previous function. */ else fn->c.f = *cf++; /* Get cf or handler from C function table. */ if (len) { /* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */ setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, tab, lj_str_new(L, name, len)), fn); } ofn = fn; } else { switch (tag | len) { case LIBINIT_LUA: p = lib_read_lfunc(L, p, tab); break; case LIBINIT_SET: L->top -= 2; if (tvisstr(L->top+1) && strV(L->top+1)->len == 0) env = tabV(L->top); else /* NOBARRIER: See above for common barrier. */ copyTV(L, lj_tab_set(L, tab, L->top+1), L->top); break; case LIBINIT_NUMBER: memcpy(&L->top->n, p, sizeof(double)); L->top++; p += sizeof(double); break; case LIBINIT_COPY: copyTV(L, L->top, L->top - *p++); L->top++; break; case LIBINIT_LASTCL: setfuncV(L, L->top++, ofn); break; case LIBINIT_FFID: ffid++; break; case LIBINIT_END: return; default: setstrV(L, L->top++, lj_str_new(L, (const char *)p, len)); p += len; break; } } } } /* Push internal function on the stack. */ GCfunc *lj_lib_pushcc(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction f, int id, int n) { GCfunc *fn; lua_pushcclosure(L, f, n); fn = funcV(L->top-1); fn->c.ffid = (uint8_t)id; setmref(fn->c.pc, &G(L)->bc_cfunc_int); return fn; } void lj_lib_prereg(lua_State *L, const char *name, lua_CFunction f, GCtab *env) { luaL_findtable(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "_PRELOAD", 4); lua_pushcfunction(L, f); /* NOBARRIER: The function is new (marked white). */ setgcref(funcV(L->top-1)->c.env, obj2gco(env)); lua_setfield(L, -2, name); L->top--; } int lj_lib_postreg(lua_State *L, lua_CFunction cf, int id, const char *name) { GCfunc *fn = lj_lib_pushcf(L, cf, id); GCtab *t = tabref(curr_func(L)->c.env); /* Reference to parent table. */ setfuncV(L, lj_tab_setstr(L, t, lj_str_newz(L, name)), fn); lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t); setfuncV(L, L->top++, fn); return 1; } /* -- Type checks --------------------------------------------------------- */ TValue *lj_lib_checkany(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (o >= L->top) lj_err_arg(L, narg, LJ_ERR_NOVAL); return o; } GCstr *lj_lib_checkstr(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (o < L->top) { if (LJ_LIKELY(tvisstr(o))) { return strV(o); } else if (tvisnumber(o)) { GCstr *s = lj_strfmt_number(L, o); setstrV(L, o, s); return s; } } lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TSTRING); return NULL; /* unreachable */ } GCstr *lj_lib_optstr(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; return (o < L->top && !tvisnil(o)) ? lj_lib_checkstr(L, narg) : NULL; } #if LJ_DUALNUM void lj_lib_checknumber(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (!(o < L->top && lj_strscan_numberobj(o))) lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TNUMBER); } #endif lua_Number lj_lib_checknum(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (!(o < L->top && (tvisnumber(o) || (tvisstr(o) && lj_strscan_num(strV(o), o))))) lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TNUMBER); if (LJ_UNLIKELY(tvisint(o))) { lua_Number n = (lua_Number)intV(o); setnumV(o, n); return n; } else { return numV(o); } } int32_t lj_lib_checkint(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (!(o < L->top && lj_strscan_numberobj(o))) lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TNUMBER); if (LJ_LIKELY(tvisint(o))) { return intV(o); } else { int32_t i = lj_num2int(numV(o)); if (LJ_DUALNUM) setintV(o, i); return i; } } int32_t lj_lib_optint(lua_State *L, int narg, int32_t def) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; return (o < L->top && !tvisnil(o)) ? lj_lib_checkint(L, narg) : def; } GCfunc *lj_lib_checkfunc(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (!(o < L->top && tvisfunc(o))) lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TFUNCTION); return funcV(o); } GCtab *lj_lib_checktab(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (!(o < L->top && tvistab(o))) lj_err_argt(L, narg, LUA_TTABLE); return tabV(o); } GCtab *lj_lib_checktabornil(lua_State *L, int narg) { TValue *o = L->base + narg-1; if (o < L->top) { if (tvistab(o)) return tabV(o); else if (tvisnil(o)) return NULL; } lj_err_arg(L, narg, LJ_ERR_NOTABN); return NULL; /* unreachable */ } int lj_lib_checkopt(lua_State *L, int narg, int def, const char *lst) { GCstr *s = def >= 0 ? lj_lib_optstr(L, narg) : lj_lib_checkstr(L, narg); if (s) { const char *opt = strdata(s); MSize len = s->len; int i; for (i = 0; *(const uint8_t *)lst; i++) { if (*(const uint8_t *)lst == len && memcmp(opt, lst+1, len) == 0) return i; lst += 1+*(const uint8_t *)lst; } lj_err_argv(L, narg, LJ_ERR_INVOPTM, opt); } return def; }