/* ** Table handling. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2025 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h ** ** Major portions taken verbatim or adapted from the Lua interpreter. ** Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio. See Copyright Notice in lua.h */ #define lj_tab_c #define LUA_CORE #include "lj_obj.h" #include "lj_gc.h" #include "lj_err.h" #include "lj_tab.h" /* -- Object hashing ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Hash an arbitrary key and return its anchor position in the hash table. */ static Node *hashkey(const GCtab *t, cTValue *key) { lj_assertX(!tvisint(key), "attempt to hash integer"); if (tvisstr(key)) return hashstr(t, strV(key)); else if (tvisnum(key)) return hashnum(t, key); else if (tvisbool(key)) return hashmask(t, boolV(key)); else return hashgcref(t, key->gcr); /* Only hash 32 bits of lightuserdata on a 64 bit CPU. Good enough? */ } /* -- Table creation and destruction -------------------------------------- */ /* Create new hash part for table. */ static LJ_AINLINE void newhpart(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, uint32_t hbits) { uint32_t hsize; Node *node; lj_assertL(hbits != 0, "zero hash size"); if (hbits > LJ_MAX_HBITS) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_TABOV); hsize = 1u << hbits; node = lj_mem_newvec(L, hsize, Node); setmref(t->node, node); setfreetop(t, node, &node[hsize]); t->hmask = hsize-1; } /* ** Q: Why all of these copies of t->hmask, t->node etc. to local variables? ** A: Because alias analysis for C is _really_ tough. ** Even state-of-the-art C compilers won't produce good code without this. */ /* Clear hash part of table. */ static LJ_AINLINE void clearhpart(GCtab *t) { uint32_t i, hmask = t->hmask; Node *node = noderef(t->node); lj_assertX(t->hmask != 0, "empty hash part"); for (i = 0; i <= hmask; i++) { Node *n = &node[i]; setmref(n->next, NULL); setnilV(&n->key); setnilV(&n->val); } } /* Clear array part of table. */ static LJ_AINLINE void clearapart(GCtab *t) { uint32_t i, asize = t->asize; TValue *array = tvref(t->array); for (i = 0; i < asize; i++) setnilV(&array[i]); } /* Create a new table. Note: the slots are not initialized (yet). */ static GCtab *newtab(lua_State *L, uint32_t asize, uint32_t hbits) { GCtab *t; /* First try to colocate the array part. */ if (LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE != 0 && asize > 0 && asize <= LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE) { Node *nilnode; lj_assertL((sizeof(GCtab) & 7) == 0, "bad GCtab size"); t = (GCtab *)lj_mem_newgco(L, sizetabcolo(asize)); t->gct = ~LJ_TTAB; t->nomm = (uint8_t)~0; t->colo = (int8_t)asize; setmref(t->array, (TValue *)((char *)t + sizeof(GCtab))); setgcrefnull(t->metatable); t->asize = asize; t->hmask = 0; nilnode = &G(L)->nilnode; setmref(t->node, nilnode); #if LJ_GC64 setmref(t->freetop, nilnode); #endif } else { /* Otherwise separately allocate the array part. */ Node *nilnode; t = lj_mem_newobj(L, GCtab); t->gct = ~LJ_TTAB; t->nomm = (uint8_t)~0; t->colo = 0; setmref(t->array, NULL); setgcrefnull(t->metatable); t->asize = 0; /* In case the array allocation fails. */ t->hmask = 0; nilnode = &G(L)->nilnode; setmref(t->node, nilnode); #if LJ_GC64 setmref(t->freetop, nilnode); #endif if (asize > 0) { if (asize > LJ_MAX_ASIZE) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_TABOV); setmref(t->array, lj_mem_newvec(L, asize, TValue)); t->asize = asize; } } if (hbits) newhpart(L, t, hbits); return t; } /* Create a new table. ** ** IMPORTANT NOTE: The API differs from lua_createtable()! ** ** The array size is non-inclusive. E.g. asize=128 creates array slots ** for 0..127, but not for 128. If you need slots 1..128, pass asize=129 ** (slot 0 is wasted in this case). ** ** The hash size is given in hash bits. hbits=0 means no hash part. ** hbits=1 creates 2 hash slots, hbits=2 creates 4 hash slots and so on. */ GCtab *lj_tab_new(lua_State *L, uint32_t asize, uint32_t hbits) { GCtab *t = newtab(L, asize, hbits); clearapart(t); if (t->hmask > 0) clearhpart(t); return t; } /* The API of this function conforms to lua_createtable(). */ GCtab *lj_tab_new_ah(lua_State *L, int32_t a, int32_t h) { return lj_tab_new(L, (uint32_t)(a > 0 ? a+1 : 0), hsize2hbits(h)); } #if LJ_HASJIT GCtab * LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_new1(lua_State *L, uint32_t ahsize) { GCtab *t = newtab(L, ahsize & 0xffffff, ahsize >> 24); clearapart(t); if (t->hmask > 0) clearhpart(t); return t; } #endif /* Duplicate a table. */ GCtab * LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_dup(lua_State *L, const GCtab *kt) { GCtab *t; uint32_t asize, hmask; t = newtab(L, kt->asize, kt->hmask > 0 ? lj_fls(kt->hmask)+1 : 0); lj_assertL(kt->asize == t->asize && kt->hmask == t->hmask, "mismatched size of table and template"); t->nomm = 0; /* Keys with metamethod names may be present. */ asize = kt->asize; if (asize > 0) { TValue *array = tvref(t->array); TValue *karray = tvref(kt->array); if (asize < 64) { /* An inlined loop beats memcpy for < 512 bytes. */ uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < asize; i++) copyTV(L, &array[i], &karray[i]); } else { memcpy(array, karray, asize*sizeof(TValue)); } } hmask = kt->hmask; if (hmask > 0) { uint32_t i; Node *node = noderef(t->node); Node *knode = noderef(kt->node); ptrdiff_t d = (char *)node - (char *)knode; setfreetop(t, node, (Node *)((char *)getfreetop(kt, knode) + d)); for (i = 0; i <= hmask; i++) { Node *kn = &knode[i]; Node *n = &node[i]; Node *next = nextnode(kn); /* Don't use copyTV here, since it asserts on a copy of a dead key. */ n->val = kn->val; n->key = kn->key; if (tvistab(&n->val)) setnilV(&n->val); /* Replace nil value marker. */ setmref(n->next, next == NULL? next : (Node *)((char *)next + d)); } } return t; } /* Clear a table. */ void LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_clear(GCtab *t) { clearapart(t); if (t->hmask > 0) { Node *node = noderef(t->node); setfreetop(t, node, &node[t->hmask+1]); clearhpart(t); } } /* Free a table. */ void LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_free(global_State *g, GCtab *t) { if (t->hmask > 0) lj_mem_freevec(g, noderef(t->node), t->hmask+1, Node); if (t->asize > 0 && LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE != 0 && t->colo <= 0) lj_mem_freevec(g, tvref(t->array), t->asize, TValue); if (LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE != 0 && t->colo) lj_mem_free(g, t, sizetabcolo((uint32_t)t->colo & 0x7f)); else lj_mem_freet(g, t); } /* -- Table resizing ------------------------------------------------------ */ /* Resize a table to fit the new array/hash part sizes. */ void lj_tab_resize(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, uint32_t asize, uint32_t hbits) { Node *oldnode = noderef(t->node); uint32_t oldasize = t->asize; uint32_t oldhmask = t->hmask; if (asize > oldasize) { /* Array part grows? */ TValue *array; uint32_t i; if (asize > LJ_MAX_ASIZE) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_TABOV); if (LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE != 0 && t->colo > 0) { /* A colocated array must be separated and copied. */ TValue *oarray = tvref(t->array); array = lj_mem_newvec(L, asize, TValue); t->colo = (int8_t)(t->colo | 0x80); /* Mark as separated (colo < 0). */ for (i = 0; i < oldasize; i++) copyTV(L, &array[i], &oarray[i]); } else { array = (TValue *)lj_mem_realloc(L, tvref(t->array), oldasize*sizeof(TValue), asize*sizeof(TValue)); } setmref(t->array, array); t->asize = asize; for (i = oldasize; i < asize; i++) /* Clear newly allocated slots. */ setnilV(&array[i]); } /* Create new (empty) hash part. */ if (hbits) { newhpart(L, t, hbits); clearhpart(t); } else { global_State *g = G(L); setmref(t->node, &g->nilnode); #if LJ_GC64 setmref(t->freetop, &g->nilnode); #endif t->hmask = 0; } if (asize < oldasize) { /* Array part shrinks? */ TValue *array = tvref(t->array); uint32_t i; t->asize = asize; /* Note: This 'shrinks' even colocated arrays. */ for (i = asize; i < oldasize; i++) /* Reinsert old array values. */ if (!tvisnil(&array[i])) copyTV(L, lj_tab_setinth(L, t, (int32_t)i), &array[i]); /* Physically shrink only separated arrays. */ if (LJ_MAX_COLOSIZE != 0 && t->colo <= 0) setmref(t->array, lj_mem_realloc(L, array, oldasize*sizeof(TValue), asize*sizeof(TValue))); } if (oldhmask > 0) { /* Reinsert pairs from old hash part. */ global_State *g; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i <= oldhmask; i++) { Node *n = &oldnode[i]; if (!tvisnil(&n->val)) copyTV(L, lj_tab_set(L, t, &n->key), &n->val); } g = G(L); lj_mem_freevec(g, oldnode, oldhmask+1, Node); } } static uint32_t countint(cTValue *key, uint32_t *bins) { lj_assertX(!tvisint(key), "bad integer key"); if (tvisnum(key)) { lua_Number nk = numV(key); int32_t k = lj_num2int(nk); if ((uint32_t)k < LJ_MAX_ASIZE && nk == (lua_Number)k) { bins[(k > 2 ? lj_fls((uint32_t)(k-1)) : 0)]++; return 1; } } return 0; } static uint32_t countarray(const GCtab *t, uint32_t *bins) { uint32_t na, b, i; if (t->asize == 0) return 0; for (na = i = b = 0; b < LJ_MAX_ABITS; b++) { uint32_t n, top = 2u << b; TValue *array; if (top >= t->asize) { top = t->asize-1; if (i > top) break; } array = tvref(t->array); for (n = 0; i <= top; i++) if (!tvisnil(&array[i])) n++; bins[b] += n; na += n; } return na; } static uint32_t counthash(const GCtab *t, uint32_t *bins, uint32_t *narray) { uint32_t total, na, i, hmask = t->hmask; Node *node = noderef(t->node); for (total = na = 0, i = 0; i <= hmask; i++) { Node *n = &node[i]; if (!tvisnil(&n->val)) { na += countint(&n->key, bins); total++; } } *narray += na; return total; } static uint32_t bestasize(uint32_t bins[], uint32_t *narray) { uint32_t b, sum, na = 0, sz = 0, nn = *narray; for (b = 0, sum = 0; 2*nn > (1u< 0 && 2*(sum += bins[b]) > (1u<hmask > 0 ? lj_fls(t->hmask)+1 : 0); } /* -- Table getters ------------------------------------------------------- */ cTValue * LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_getinth(GCtab *t, int32_t key) { TValue k; Node *n; k.n = (lua_Number)key; n = hashnum(t, &k); do { if (tvisnum(&n->key) && n->key.n == k.n) return &n->val; } while ((n = nextnode(n))); return NULL; } cTValue *lj_tab_getstr(GCtab *t, const GCstr *key) { Node *n = hashstr(t, key); do { if (tvisstr(&n->key) && strV(&n->key) == key) return &n->val; } while ((n = nextnode(n))); return NULL; } cTValue *lj_tab_get(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, cTValue *key) { if (tvisstr(key)) { cTValue *tv = lj_tab_getstr(t, strV(key)); if (tv) return tv; } else if (tvisint(key)) { cTValue *tv = lj_tab_getint(t, intV(key)); if (tv) return tv; } else if (tvisnum(key)) { lua_Number nk = numV(key); int32_t k = lj_num2int(nk); if (nk == (lua_Number)k) { cTValue *tv = lj_tab_getint(t, k); if (tv) return tv; } else { goto genlookup; /* Else use the generic lookup. */ } } else if (!tvisnil(key)) { Node *n; genlookup: n = hashkey(t, key); do { if (lj_obj_equal(&n->key, key)) return &n->val; } while ((n = nextnode(n))); } return niltv(L); } /* -- Table setters ------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Insert new key. Use Brent's variation to optimize the chain length. */ TValue *lj_tab_newkey(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, cTValue *key) { Node *n = hashkey(t, key); if (!tvisnil(&n->val) || t->hmask == 0) { Node *nodebase = noderef(t->node); Node *collide, *freenode = getfreetop(t, nodebase); lj_assertL(freenode >= nodebase && freenode <= nodebase+t->hmask+1, "bad freenode"); do { if (freenode == nodebase) { /* No free node found? */ rehashtab(L, t, key); /* Rehash table. */ return lj_tab_set(L, t, key); /* Retry key insertion. */ } } while (!tvisnil(&(--freenode)->key)); setfreetop(t, nodebase, freenode); lj_assertL(freenode != &G(L)->nilnode, "store to fallback hash"); collide = hashkey(t, &n->key); if (collide != n) { /* Colliding node not the main node? */ while (noderef(collide->next) != n) /* Find predecessor. */ collide = nextnode(collide); setmref(collide->next, freenode); /* Relink chain. */ /* Copy colliding node into free node and free main node. */ freenode->val = n->val; freenode->key = n->key; freenode->next = n->next; setmref(n->next, NULL); setnilV(&n->val); /* Rechain pseudo-resurrected string keys with colliding hashes. */ while (nextnode(freenode)) { Node *nn = nextnode(freenode); if (!tvisnil(&nn->val) && hashkey(t, &nn->key) == n) { freenode->next = nn->next; nn->next = n->next; setmref(n->next, nn); /* ** Rechaining a resurrected string key creates a new dilemma: ** Another string key may have originally been resurrected via ** _any_ of the previous nodes as a chain anchor. Including ** a node that had to be moved, which makes them unreachable. ** It's not feasible to check for all previous nodes, so rechain ** any string key that's currently in a non-main positions. */ while ((nn = nextnode(freenode))) { if (!tvisnil(&nn->val)) { Node *mn = hashkey(t, &nn->key); if (mn != freenode && mn != nn) { freenode->next = nn->next; nn->next = mn->next; setmref(mn->next, nn); } else { freenode = nn; } } else { freenode = nn; } } break; } else { freenode = nn; } } } else { /* Otherwise use free node. */ setmrefr(freenode->next, n->next); /* Insert into chain. */ setmref(n->next, freenode); n = freenode; } } n->key.u64 = key->u64; if (LJ_UNLIKELY(tvismzero(&n->key))) n->key.u64 = 0; lj_gc_anybarriert(L, t); lj_assertL(tvisnil(&n->val), "new hash slot is not empty"); return &n->val; } TValue *lj_tab_setinth(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, int32_t key) { TValue k; Node *n; k.n = (lua_Number)key; n = hashnum(t, &k); do { if (tvisnum(&n->key) && n->key.n == k.n) return &n->val; } while ((n = nextnode(n))); return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, &k); } TValue *lj_tab_setstr(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, const GCstr *key) { TValue k; Node *n = hashstr(t, key); do { if (tvisstr(&n->key) && strV(&n->key) == key) return &n->val; } while ((n = nextnode(n))); setstrV(L, &k, key); return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, &k); } TValue *lj_tab_set(lua_State *L, GCtab *t, cTValue *key) { Node *n; t->nomm = 0; /* Invalidate negative metamethod cache. */ if (tvisstr(key)) { return lj_tab_setstr(L, t, strV(key)); } else if (tvisint(key)) { return lj_tab_setint(L, t, intV(key)); } else if (tvisnum(key)) { lua_Number nk = numV(key); int32_t k = lj_num2int(nk); if (nk == (lua_Number)k) return lj_tab_setint(L, t, k); if (tvisnan(key)) lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NANIDX); /* Else use the generic lookup. */ } else if (tvisnil(key)) { lj_err_msg(L, LJ_ERR_NILIDX); } n = hashkey(t, key); do { if (lj_obj_equal(&n->key, key)) return &n->val; } while ((n = nextnode(n))); return lj_tab_newkey(L, t, key); } /* -- Table traversal ----------------------------------------------------- */ /* Table traversal indexes: ** ** Array key index: [0 .. t->asize-1] ** Hash key index: [t->asize .. t->asize+t->hmask] ** Invalid key: ~0 */ /* Get the successor traversal index of a key. */ uint32_t LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_keyindex(GCtab *t, cTValue *key) { TValue tmp; if (tvisint(key)) { int32_t k = intV(key); if ((uint32_t)k < t->asize) return (uint32_t)k + 1; setnumV(&tmp, (lua_Number)k); key = &tmp; } else if (tvisnum(key)) { lua_Number nk = numV(key); int32_t k = lj_num2int(nk); if ((uint32_t)k < t->asize && nk == (lua_Number)k) return (uint32_t)k + 1; } if (!tvisnil(key)) { Node *n = hashkey(t, key); do { if (lj_obj_equal(&n->key, key)) return t->asize + (uint32_t)((n+1) - noderef(t->node)); } while ((n = nextnode(n))); if (key->u32.hi == LJ_KEYINDEX) /* Despecialized ITERN while running. */ return key->u32.lo; return ~0u; /* Invalid key to next. */ } return 0; /* A nil key starts the traversal. */ } /* Get the next key/value pair of a table traversal. */ int lj_tab_next(GCtab *t, cTValue *key, TValue *o) { uint32_t idx = lj_tab_keyindex(t, key); /* Find successor index of key. */ /* First traverse the array part. */ for (; idx < t->asize; idx++) { cTValue *a = arrayslot(t, idx); if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(a))) { setintV(o, idx); o[1] = *a; return 1; } } idx -= t->asize; /* Then traverse the hash part. */ for (; idx <= t->hmask; idx++) { Node *n = &noderef(t->node)[idx]; if (!tvisnil(&n->val)) { o[0] = n->key; o[1] = n->val; return 1; } } return (int32_t)idx < 0 ? -1 : 0; /* Invalid key or end of traversal. */ } /* -- Table length calculation -------------------------------------------- */ /* Compute table length. Slow path with mixed array/hash lookups. */ LJ_NOINLINE static MSize tab_len_slow(GCtab *t, size_t hi) { cTValue *tv; size_t lo = hi; hi++; /* Widening search for an upper bound. */ while ((tv = lj_tab_getint(t, (int32_t)hi)) && !tvisnil(tv)) { lo = hi; hi += hi; if (hi > (size_t)(0x7fffffff - 2)) { /* Punt and do a linear search. */ lo = 1; while ((tv = lj_tab_getint(t, (int32_t)lo)) && !tvisnil(tv)) lo++; return (MSize)(lo - 1); } } /* Binary search to find a non-nil to nil transition. */ while (hi - lo > 1) { size_t mid = (lo+hi) >> 1; cTValue *tvb = lj_tab_getint(t, (int32_t)mid); if (tvb && !tvisnil(tvb)) lo = mid; else hi = mid; } return (MSize)lo; } /* Compute table length. Fast path. */ MSize LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_len(GCtab *t) { size_t hi = (size_t)t->asize; if (hi) hi--; /* In a growing array the last array element is very likely nil. */ if (hi > 0 && LJ_LIKELY(tvisnil(arrayslot(t, hi)))) { /* Binary search to find a non-nil to nil transition in the array. */ size_t lo = 0; while (hi - lo > 1) { size_t mid = (lo+hi) >> 1; if (tvisnil(arrayslot(t, mid))) hi = mid; else lo = mid; } return (MSize)lo; } /* Without a hash part, there's an implicit nil after the last element. */ return t->hmask ? tab_len_slow(t, hi) : (MSize)hi; } #if LJ_HASJIT /* Verify hinted table length or compute it. */ MSize LJ_FASTCALL lj_tab_len_hint(GCtab *t, size_t hint) { size_t asize = (size_t)t->asize; cTValue *tv = arrayslot(t, hint); if (LJ_LIKELY(hint+1 < asize)) { if (LJ_LIKELY(!tvisnil(tv) && tvisnil(tv+1))) return (MSize)hint; } else if (hint+1 <= asize && LJ_LIKELY(t->hmask == 0) && !tvisnil(tv)) { return (MSize)hint; } return lj_tab_len(t); } #endif