/* ** Trace compiler error messages. ** Copyright (C) 2005-2025 Mike Pall. See Copyright Notice in luajit.h */ /* This file may be included multiple times with different TREDEF macros. */ /* Recording. */ TREDEF(RECERR, "error thrown or hook called during recording") TREDEF(TRACEUV, "trace too short") TREDEF(TRACEOV, "trace too long") TREDEF(STACKOV, "trace too deep") TREDEF(SNAPOV, "too many snapshots") TREDEF(BLACKL, "blacklisted") TREDEF(RETRY, "retry recording") TREDEF(NYIBC, "NYI: bytecode %s") /* Recording loop ops. */ TREDEF(LLEAVE, "leaving loop in root trace") TREDEF(LINNER, "inner loop in root trace") TREDEF(LUNROLL, "loop unroll limit reached") /* Recording calls/returns. */ TREDEF(BADTYPE, "bad argument type") TREDEF(CJITOFF, "JIT compilation disabled for function") TREDEF(CUNROLL, "call unroll limit reached") TREDEF(DOWNREC, "down-recursion, restarting") TREDEF(NYIFFU, "NYI: unsupported variant of FastFunc %s") TREDEF(NYIRETL, "NYI: return to lower frame") /* Recording indexed load/store. */ TREDEF(STORENN, "store with nil or NaN key") TREDEF(NOMM, "missing metamethod") TREDEF(IDXLOOP, "looping index lookup") TREDEF(NYITMIX, "NYI: mixed sparse/dense table") /* Recording C data operations. */ TREDEF(NOCACHE, "symbol not in cache") TREDEF(NYICONV, "NYI: unsupported C type conversion") TREDEF(NYICALL, "NYI: unsupported C function type") /* Optimizations. */ TREDEF(GFAIL, "guard would always fail") TREDEF(PHIOV, "too many PHIs") TREDEF(TYPEINS, "persistent type instability") /* Assembler. */ TREDEF(MCODEAL, "failed to allocate mcode memory") TREDEF(MCODEOV, "machine code too long") TREDEF(MCODELM, "hit mcode limit (retrying)") TREDEF(SPILLOV, "too many spill slots") TREDEF(BADRA, "inconsistent register allocation") TREDEF(NYIIR, "NYI: cannot assemble IR instruction %d") TREDEF(NYIPHI, "NYI: PHI shuffling too complex") TREDEF(NYICOAL, "NYI: register coalescing too complex") #undef TREDEF /* Detecting unused error messages: awk -F, '/^TREDEF/ { gsub(/TREDEF./, ""); printf "grep -q LJ_TRERR_%s *.[ch] || echo %s\n", $1, $1}' lj_traceerr.h | sh */