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* `--lua-dir` flag, specifying a prefix for the Lua installation to
be used. This reconfigures LuaRocks entirely, including allowing
a LuaRocks which is itself running using one Lua 5.x version to
manage packages for a different Lua 5.y version. The resulting
configuration can be checked with `luarocks config --lua-dir=<path>`.
* requiring `luarocks.core.cfg` no longer has side-effects
* configuration now needs to be initialized with `cfg.init([lua_data])`,
where `lua_data` is a table with the configuration of the VM:
* `lua_version` - e.g. `"5.3"`
* `luajit_version` - e.g. `"2.1.0-beta3"`
* `lua_interpreter` - e.g. `"lua5.3"`
* `lua_bindir` - e.g. `"/usr/local/bin"`
* `lua_libdir` - e.g. `"/usr/local/lib"`
* `lua_incdir` - e.g. `"/usr/local/include/lua-5.3"`
* `cfg.init` can be called multiple times, reconfiguring the global state.
This is important since `luarocks.loader` now calls it, and the `--lua-dir`
command line can override the configuration and reconfigure LuaRocks.
* `site_config_*` is no more: LuaRocks is no longer dependent on a properly-written
site_config file. Instead, it can *optionally* use `luarocks.core.hardcoded`
for hardcoded values, or detect its configuration at runtime, based on
OS detection, arg[-1] or command-line flags.
* reduction of moving parts in the configuration:
* `cfg.platforms` is no longer a globally-visible table; instead, `cfg`
provides an API of read-only functions: `is_platform`, `each_platform`,
* `cfg.*_proxy` options are no longer configured via the config files,
but rather via the standard `*_proxy` environment variables.
* `"windows"` is now the more general platform name of the Windows family.
This is technically a breaking change but I don't expect it to cause
problems with real-world rockspecs.
* internal code reorganization in `luarocks.cmd` module