From 28b0940125d24f448895c5a68d52eafc798cc547 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: George Roman <>
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2018 21:49:03 +0200
Subject: Add tests for some filesystem functions

 spec/fs_spec.lua | 662 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 658 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spec/fs_spec.lua b/spec/fs_spec.lua
index a6622f16..b36fded3 100644
--- a/spec/fs_spec.lua
+++ b/spec/fs_spec.lua
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ describe("Luarocks fs test #whitebox #w_fs", function()
    describe("fs.is_file", function()
       local tmpfile
       local tmpdir
          if tmpfile then
@@ -34,11 +34,11 @@ describe("Luarocks fs test #whitebox #w_fs", function()
             tmpdir = nil
       it("returns true when the argument is a file", function()
          tmpfile = os.tmpname()
          local fd = assert(, "w"))
-         fd:write("foo")
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
          assert.same(true, fs.is_file(tmpfile))
@@ -47,11 +47,665 @@ describe("Luarocks fs test #whitebox #w_fs", function()
          assert.same(false, fs.is_file("/nonexistent"))
-      it("returns false when arguments exists but is not a file", function()
+      it("returns false when the argument exists but is not a file", function()
          tmpdir = os.tmpname()
          assert.same(false, fs.is_file("/nonexistent"))
+   describe("fs.is_dir", function()
+      local tmpfile
+      local tmpdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile then
+            os.remove(tmpfile)
+            tmpfile = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true when the argument is a directory", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.is_dir(tmpdir))
+      end)
+      it("returns false when the argument is a file", function()
+         tmpfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         assert.falsy(fs.is_dir(tmpfile))
+      end)
+      it("returns false when the argument does not exist", function()
+         assert.falsy(fs.is_dir("/nonexistent"))
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.exists", function()
+      local tmpfile
+      local tmpdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile then
+            os.remove(tmpfile)
+            tmpfile = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true when the argument is a file", function()
+         tmpfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         assert.truthy(fs.exists(tmpfile))
+      end)
+      it("returns true when the argument is a directory", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.exists(tmpdir))
+      end)
+      it("returns false when the argument does not exist", function()
+         assert.falsy(fs.exists("/nonexistent"))
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.current_dir", function()
+      local tmpdir
+      local olddir
+      before_each(function()
+         olddir = lfs.currentdir()
+      end)
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+         if olddir then
+            lfs.chdir(olddir)
+            olddir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns the current working directory", function()
+         local currentdir = lfs.currentdir()
+         assert.same(currentdir, fs.current_dir())
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.change_dir(tmpdir))
+         if is_win then
+            assert.same(tmpdir, fs.current_dir())
+         else
+            assert.same(lfs.attributes(tmpdir).ino, lfs.attributes(fs.current_dir()).ino)
+         end
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.change_dir", function()
+      local tmpfile
+      local tmpdir
+      local olddir
+      before_each(function()
+         olddir = lfs.currentdir()
+      end)
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile then
+            os.remove(tmpfile)
+            tmpfile = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+         if olddir then
+            lfs.chdir(olddir)
+            olddir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and changes the current working directory if the argument is a directory", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.change_dir(tmpdir))
+         if is_win then
+            assert.same(tmpdir, fs.current_dir())
+         else
+            assert.same(lfs.attributes(tmpdir).ino, lfs.attributes(lfs.currentdir()).ino)
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing when the argument is a file", function()
+         tmpfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         assert.falsy(fs.change_dir(tmpfile))
+         assert.same(olddir, lfs.currentdir())
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing when the argument does not exist", function()
+         assert.falsy(fs.change_dir("/nonexistent"))
+         assert.same(olddir, lfs.currentdir())
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.change_dir_to_root", function()
+      local tmpdir
+      local olddir
+      before_each(function()
+         olddir = lfs.currentdir()
+      end)
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+         if olddir then
+            lfs.chdir(olddir)
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and changes the current directory to root if the current directory is valid", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.change_dir(tmpdir))
+         local success = fs.change_dir_to_root()
+         if not is_win then
+            assert.truthy(success)
+         end
+         assert.same("/", fs.current_dir())
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the current directory is not valid #unix", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         lfs.chdir(tmpdir)
+         lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.falsy(fs.change_dir_to_root())
+         assert.is_not.same("/", lfs.currentdir())
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.pop_dir", function()
+      local tmpdir
+      local olddir
+      before_each(function()
+         olddir = lfs.currentdir()
+      end)
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+         if olddir then
+            lfs.chdir(olddir)
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and changes the current directory to the previous one in the dir stack if the dir stack is not empty", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.change_dir(tmpdir))
+         assert.truthy(fs.pop_dir())
+         assert.same(olddir, lfs.currentdir())
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.make_dir", function()
+      local tmpfile
+      local tmpdir
+      local intdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile then
+            os.remove(tmpfile)
+            tmpfile = nil
+         end
+         if intdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(intdir)
+            intdir = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and creates the directory specified by the argument", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(fs.make_dir(tmpdir))
+         assert.same("directory", lfs.attributes(tmpdir, "mode"))
+      end)
+      it("returns true and creates the directory path specified by the argument", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         intdir = "/internaldir"
+         local dirpath = tmpdir .. intdir
+         assert.truthy(fs.make_dir(dirpath))
+         assert.same("directory", lfs.attributes(tmpdir, "mode"))
+         assert.same("directory", lfs.attributes(dirpath, "mode"))
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the argument is not valid (file in the path)", function()
+         tmpfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         intdir = "/internaldir"
+         local dirpath = tmpfile .. intdir
+         assert.falsy(fs.make_dir(dirpath))
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the argument already exists", function()
+         tmpfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         assert.falsy(fs.make_dir(tmpfile))
+      end)
+   end)
+   local exists_file = function(path)
+      local ok, err, code = os.rename(path, path)
+      if not ok and code == 13 then
+         return true
+      end
+      return ok
+   end
+   describe("fs.remove_dir_if_empty", function()
+      local tmpfile
+      local tmpdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile then
+            os.remove(tmpfile)
+            tmpfile = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("removes the directory specified by the argument if it is empty", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         fs.remove_dir_if_empty(tmpdir)
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpdir))
+      end)
+      it("does nothing if the directory specified by the argument is not empty", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         tmpfile = "/internalfile"
+         local filepath = tmpdir .. tmpfile
+         lfs.touch(filepath)
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         fs.remove_dir_if_empty(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(tmpdir))
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty", function()
+      local tmpfile
+      local tmpdir
+      local intdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile then
+            os.remove(tmpfile)
+            tmpfile = nil
+         end
+         if intdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(intdir)
+            intdir = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("removes the directory path specified by the argument if it is empty", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(tmpdir)
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpdir))
+      end)
+      it("does nothing if the directory path specified by the argument is not empty", function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         intdir = "/internaldir"
+         local dirpath = tmpdir .. intdir
+         lfs.mkdir(dirpath)
+         tmpfile = "/internalfile"
+         local filepath = dirpath .. tmpfile
+         lfs.touch(filepath)
+         fs.remove_dir_tree_if_empty(tmpdir)
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(dirpath))
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(tmpdir))
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.copy", function()
+      local srcfile
+      local dstfile
+      local tmpdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if srcfile then
+            os.remove(srcfile)
+            srcfile = nil
+         end
+         if dstfile then
+            os.remove(dstfile)
+            dstfile = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and copies the contents and the permissions of the source file to the destination file", function()
+         srcfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         local srccontent = "foo"
+         assert(fd:write(srccontent))
+         fd:close()
+         dstfile = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstfile)
+         assert.truthy(fs.copy(srcfile, dstfile, nil))
+         fd = assert(, "r"))
+         local dstcontent = fd:read("*a")
+         assert.same(srccontent, dstcontent)
+         if not is_win then
+            assert.same(lfs.attributes(srcfile, "permissions"), lfs.attributes(dstfile, "permissions"))
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and copies contents of the source file to the destination file with custom permissions", function()
+         srcfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         local srccontent = "foo"
+         assert(fd:write(srccontent))
+         fd:close()
+         dstfile = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstfile)
+         assert.truthy(fs.copy(srcfile, dstfile, "755"))
+         fd = assert(, "r"))
+         local dstcontent = fd:read("*a")
+         assert.same(srccontent, dstcontent)
+         if not is_win then
+            assert.same("rwxr-xr-x", lfs.attributes(dstfile, "permissions"))
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the source file does not exist", function()
+         srcfile = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(srcfile)
+         dstfile = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstfile)
+         assert.falsy(fs.copy(srcfile, dstfile, nil))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(dstfile))
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the source file doesn't have the proper permissions #unix", function()
+         srcfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         assert(fs.chmod(srcfile, "333"))
+         dstfile = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstfile)
+         assert.falsy(fs.copy(srcfile, dstfile, nil))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(dstfile))
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the destination file directory doesn't have the proper permissions #unix", function()
+         srcfile = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         assert(fs.chmod(tmpdir, "666"))
+         dstfile = tmpdir .. "/dstfile"
+         assert.falsy(fs.copy(srcfile, dstfile, nil))
+         assert(fs.chmod(tmpdir, "777"))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(dstfile))
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.copy_contents", function()
+      local srcfile
+      local dstfile
+      local srcintdir
+      local dstintdir
+      local srcdir
+      local dstdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if srcfile then
+            os.remove(srcfile)
+            srcfile = nil
+         end
+         if dstfile then
+            os.remove(dstfile)
+            dstfile = nil
+         end
+         if srcintdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(srcintdir)
+            srcintdir = nil
+         end
+         if dstintdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(dstintdir)
+            dstintdir = nil
+         end
+         if srcdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(srcdir)
+            srcdir = nil
+         end
+         if dstdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(dstdir)
+            dstdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      local create_dir_tree = function()
+         srcdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(srcdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(srcdir)
+         srcintdir = srcdir .. "/internaldir"
+         lfs.mkdir(srcintdir)
+         srcfile = srcintdir .. "/internalfile"
+         lfs.touch(srcfile)
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         dstdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstdir)
+         if is_win then
+            lfs.mkdir(dstdir)
+         end
+      end
+      it("returns true and copies the contents (with their permissions) of the source dir to the destination dir", function()
+         create_dir_tree()
+         assert.truthy(fs.copy_contents(srcdir, dstdir, nil))
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(dstdir))
+         dstintdir = dstdir .. "/internaldir"
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(dstintdir))
+         dstfile = dstdir .. "/internaldir/internalfile"
+         local fd = assert(, "r"))
+         local dstfilecontent = fd:read("*a")
+         assert.same("foo", dstfilecontent)
+         if not is_win then
+            assert.same(lfs.attributes(srcfile, "permissions"), lfs.attributes(dstfile, "permissions"))
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns true and copies the contents of the source dir to the destination dir with custom permissions", function()
+         create_dir_tree()
+         assert.truthy(fs.copy_contents(srcdir, dstdir, "755"))
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(dstdir))
+         dstintdir = dstdir .. "/internaldir"
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(dstintdir))
+         dstfile = dstdir .. "/internaldir/internalfile"
+         local fd = assert(, "r"))
+         local dstfilecontent = fd:read("*a")
+         assert.same("foo", dstfilecontent)
+         if not is_win then
+            assert.same("rwxr-xr-x", lfs.attributes(dstfile, "permissions"))
+         end
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the source dir doesn't exist", function()
+         srcdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(srcdir)
+         dstdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstdir)
+         if is_win then
+            fs.copy_contents(srcdir, dstdir, nil)
+         else
+            assert.falsy(pcall(fs.copy_contents, srcdir, dstdir, nil))
+         end
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(dstdir))
+      end)
+      it("returns false if the source argument is a file", function()
+         srcdir = os.tmpname()
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         dstdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(dstdir)
+         if is_win then
+            fs.copy_contents(srcdir, dstdir, nil)
+         else
+            assert.falsy(pcall(fs.copy_contents, srcdir, dstdir, nil))
+         end
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(dstdir))
+      end)
+      it("returns false and does nothing if the source dir doesn't have the proper permissions #unix", function()
+         create_dir_tree()
+         assert(fs.chmod(srcdir, "333"))
+         assert.falsy(pcall(fs.copy_contents, srcdir, dstdir, nil))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(dstdir))
+      end)
+   end)
+   describe("fs.delete", function()
+      local tmpfile1
+      local tmpfile2
+      local tmpintdir
+      local tmpdir
+      after_each(function()
+         if tmpfile1 then
+            os.remove(tmpfile1)
+            tmpfile1 = nil
+         end
+         if tmpfile2 then
+            os.remove(tmpfile2)
+            tmpfile2 = nil
+         end
+         if tmpintdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpintdir)
+            tmpintdir = nil
+         end
+         if tmpdir then
+            lfs.rmdir(tmpdir)
+            tmpdir = nil
+         end
+      end)
+      local create_dir_tree = function()
+         tmpdir = os.tmpname()
+         os.remove(tmpdir)
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpdir)
+         tmpintdir = tmpdir .. "/internaldir"
+         lfs.mkdir(tmpintdir)
+         tmpfile1 = tmpdir .. "/internalfile1"
+         lfs.touch(tmpfile1)
+         local fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+         tmpfile2 = tmpintdir .. "/internalfile2"
+         lfs.touch(tmpfile2)
+         fd = assert(, "w"))
+         assert(fd:write("foo"))
+         fd:close()
+      end
+      it("deletes the file specified by the argument", function()
+         tmpfile1 = os.tmpname()
+         tmpfile2 = os.tmpname()
+         fs.delete(tmpfile1)
+         fs.delete(tmpfile2)
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpfile1))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpfile2))
+      end)
+      it("deletes the contents of the directory specified by the argument", function()
+         create_dir_tree()
+         fs.delete(tmpdir)
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpfile2))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpintdir))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpfile1))
+         assert.falsy(exists_file(tmpdir))
+      end)
+      it("does nothing if the parent directory of the argument doesn't have the proper permissions #unix", function()
+         create_dir_tree()
+         assert(fs.chmod(tmpdir, "000"))
+         fs.delete(tmpfile1)
+         fs.delete(tmpfile2)
+         fs.delete(tmpintdir)
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(tmpfile2))
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(tmpintdir))
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(tmpfile1))
+         assert.truthy(exists_file(tmpdir))
+      end)
+   end)
cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb