From 27a71b74f5317185fb4ce82f48ce0f786bc3cd2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Hisham Muhammad <>
Date: Mon, 18 Jun 2018 23:59:27 -0300
Subject: Move to

 src/luarocks/fs/win32/pe-parser.lua | 553 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 553 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/luarocks/fs/win32/pe-parser.lua

(limited to 'src')

diff --git a/src/luarocks/fs/win32/pe-parser.lua b/src/luarocks/fs/win32/pe-parser.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9cd36ffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/luarocks/fs/win32/pe-parser.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+-- Lua module to parse a Portable Executable (.exe , .dll, etc.) file and extract metadata.
+-- NOTE: numerical information is extracted as strings (hex) to prevent numerical overflows in
+-- case of 64 bit fields (bit/flag fields). Pointer arithmetic is still done numerically, so for
+-- very large files this could lead to undefined results. Use with care!
+-- Version 0.4, [copyright (c) 2013-2015 Thijs Schreijer](
+-- @name pe-parser
+-- @class module
+local M = {}
+--- Table with named constants/flag-constants.
+-- Named elements can be looked up by their name in the `const` table. The sub tables are index by value.
+-- For flag fields the name is extended with `_flags`.
+-- @usage -- lookup descriptive name for the myobj.Magic value
+-- local desc = pe.const.Magic(myobj.Magic)
+-- -- get list of flag names, indexed by flag values, for the Characteristics field
+-- local flag_list = pe.const.Characteristics_flags
+M.const = {
+  Magic = {
+    ["10b"] = "PE32",
+    ["20b"] = "PE32+",
+  },
+  Machine = {
+    ["1d3"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AM33",
+    ["8664"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64",
+    ["1c0"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM",
+    ["1c4"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT",
+    ["aa64"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64",
+    ["ebc"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_EBC",
+    ["14c"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386",
+    ["200"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64",
+    ["9041"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_M32R",
+    ["266"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPS16",
+    ["466"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_MIPSFPU16",
+    ["166"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_R4000",
+    ["1a2"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3",
+    ["1a3"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH3DSP",
+    ["1a6"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH4",
+    ["1a8"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_SH5",
+    ["1c2"] = "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_THUMB",
+  },
+  Characteristics_flags = {
+    ["40"] = "Reserved for future use",
+    ["100"] = "IMAGE_FILE_32BIT_MACHINE",
+    ["800"] = "IMAGE_FILE_NET_RUN_FROM_SWAP",
+    ["1000"] = "IMAGE_FILE_SYSTEM",
+    ["2000"] = "IMAGE_FILE_DLL",
+    ["4000"] = "IMAGE_FILE_UP_SYSTEM_ONLY",
+  },
+  Subsystem = {
+    ["e"] = "IMAGE_SUBSYSTEM_XBOX",
+  },
+  DllCharacteristics_flags = {
+  },
+  Sections = {
+    Characteristics_flags = {
+      ["8"] = "IMAGE_SCN_TYPE_NO_PAD",
+      ["20"] = "IMAGE_SCN_CNT_CODE",
+      ["100"] = "IMAGE_SCN_LNK_OTHER",
+      ["200"] = "IMAGE_SCN_LNK_INFO",
+      ["800"] = "IMAGE_SCN_LNK_REMOVE",
+      ["1000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_LNK_COMDAT",
+      ["8000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_GPREL",
+      ["20000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PURGEABLE",
+      ["20000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_16BIT",
+      ["40000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_LOCKED",
+      ["80000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_PRELOAD",
+      ["100000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1BYTES",
+      ["200000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2BYTES",
+      ["300000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4BYTES",
+      ["400000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8BYTES",
+      ["500000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_16BYTES",
+      ["600000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_32BYTES",
+      ["700000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_64BYTES",
+      ["800000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_128BYTES",
+      ["900000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_256BYTES",
+      ["a00000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_512BYTES",
+      ["b00000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_1024BYTES",
+      ["c00000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_2048BYTES",
+      ["d00000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_4096BYTES",
+      ["e00000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_ALIGN_8192BYTES",
+      ["1000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_LNK_NRELOC_OVFL",
+      ["2000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE",
+      ["4000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_CACHED",
+      ["8000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_NOT_PAGED",
+      ["10000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_SHARED",
+      ["20000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE",
+      ["40000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ",
+      ["80000000"] = "IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE",
+    },
+  },
+--- convert integer to HEX representation
+-- @param IN the number to convert to hex
+-- @param len the size to return, any result smaller will be prefixed by "0"s
+-- @return string containing hex representation
+function M.toHex(IN, len)
+    local B,K,OUT,I,D=16,"0123456789abcdef","",0
+    while IN>0 do
+        I=I+1
+        IN,D=math.floor(IN/B),math.fmod(IN,B)+1
+        OUT=string.sub(K,D,D)..OUT
+    end
+    len = len or string.len(OUT)
+    if len<1 then len = 1 end
+    return (string.rep("0",len) .. OUT):sub(-len,-1)
+--- convert HEX to integer
+-- @param IN the string to convert to dec
+-- @return number in dec format
+function M.toDec(IN)
+  assert(type(IN)=="string")
+  local OUT = 0
+  IN = IN:lower()
+  while #IN > 0 do
+    local b = string.find("0123456789abcdef",IN:sub(1,1))
+    OUT = OUT * 16 + (b-1)
+    IN = IN:sub(2,-1)
+  end
+  return OUT
+local function get_int(str)
+  -- convert a byte-sequence to an integer
+  assert(str)
+  local r = 0
+  for i = #str, 1, -1 do
+    r = r*256 + string.byte(str,i,i)
+  end
+  return r
+local function get_hex(str)
+  -- convert a byte-sequence to a hex string
+  assert(str)
+  local r = ""
+  for i = #str, 1, -1 do
+    r = r .. M.toHex(string.byte(str,i,i),2)
+  end
+  while (#r > 1) and (r:sub(1,1) == "0") do
+    r = r:sub(2, -1)
+  end
+  return r
+local function get_list(list, f, add_to)
+  -- list: list of tables with 'size' and 'name' and is_str
+  -- f: file to read from
+  -- add_to: table to add results to (optional)
+  local r = add_to or {}
+  for i, t in ipairs(list) do
+    assert(r[] == nil, "Value for '""' already set")
+    local val,err = f:read(t.size)  -- read specified size in bytes
+    val = val or "\0"    
+    if t.is_str then   -- entry is marked as a string value, read as such
+      for i = 1, #val do
+        if val:sub(i,i) == "\0" then
+          r[] = val:sub(1,i-1)
+          break
+        end
+      end
+      r[] = r[] or val
+    else  -- entry not marked, so always read as hex value
+      r[] = get_hex(val)
+    end
+  end
+  return r
+--- Calculates the fileoffset of a given RVA.
+-- This function is also available as a method on the parsed output table
+-- @param obj a parsed object (return value from `parse`)
+-- @param RVA an RVA value to convert to a fileoffset (either number or hex-string)
+-- @return fileoffset of the given RVA (number)
+M.get_fileoffset = function(obj, RVA)
+  -- given an object with a section table, and an RVA, it returns
+  -- the fileoffset for the data
+  if type(RVA)=="string" then RVA = M.toDec(RVA) end
+  local section
+  for i, s in ipairs(obj.Sections) do
+    if M.toDec(s.VirtualAddress) <= RVA and M.toDec(s.VirtualAddress) + M.toDec(s.VirtualSize) >= RVA then
+      section = s
+      break
+    end
+  end
+  if not section then return nil, "No match RVA with Section list, RVA out of bounds" end
+  return RVA - M.toDec(section.VirtualAddress) + M.toDec(section.PointerToRawData)
+local function readstring(f)
+  -- reads a null-terminated string from the current file posistion
+  local name = ""
+  while true do
+    local c = f:read(1)
+    if c == "\0" then break end
+    name = name .. c
+  end
+  return name
+--- Parses a file and extracts the information.
+-- All numbers are delivered as "string" types containing hex values (to prevent numerical overflows in case of 64bit sizes or bit-fields), see `toHex` and `toDec` conversion functions.
+-- @return table with data, or nil + error
+-- @usage local pe = require("pe-parser")
+-- local obj = pe.parse("c:\lua\lua.exe")
+-- obj:dump()
+M.parse = function(target)
+  local list = {    -- list of known architectures
+    [332]   = "x86",       -- IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386
+    [512]   = "x86_64",    -- IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_IA64
+    [34404] = "x86_64",    -- IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64
+  }
+  local f, err =, "rb")
+  if not f then return nil, err end
+  local MZ = f:read(2)
+  if MZ ~= "MZ" then
+    f:close()
+    return nil, "Not a valid image"
+  end
+  f:seek("set", 60)                    -- position of PE header position
+  local peoffset = get_int(f:read(4))  -- read position of PE header
+  f:seek("set", peoffset)              -- move to position of PE header
+  local out = get_list({
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "PEheader",
+          is_str = true },
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "Machine" },
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "NumberOfSections"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "TimeDateStamp" },
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "PointerToSymbolTable"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "NumberOfSymbols"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "SizeOfOptionalHeader"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "Characteristics"},
+      }, f)
+  if out.PEheader ~= "PE" then
+    f:close()
+    return nil, "Invalid PE header"
+  end
+  out.PEheader = nil  -- remove it, has no value
+  out.dump = M.dump  -- export dump function as a method
+  if M.toDec(out.SizeOfOptionalHeader) > 0 then
+    -- parse optional header; standard
+    get_list({
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "Magic" },
+        { size = 1,
+          name = "MajorLinkerVersion"},
+        { size = 1,
+          name = "MinorLinkerVersion"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SizeOfCode"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SizeOfInitializedData"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SizeOfUninitializedData"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "AddressOfEntryPoint"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "BaseOfCode"},
+      }, f, out)
+    local plus = (out.Magic == "20b")
+    if not plus then -- plain PE32, not PE32+
+      get_list({
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "BaseOfData" },
+        }, f, out)
+    end
+    -- parse optional header; windows-fields
+    local plussize = 4
+    if plus then plussize = 8 end
+    get_list({
+        { size = plussize,
+          name = "ImageBase"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SectionAlignment"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "FileAlignment"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "MajorOperatingSystemVersion"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "MinorOperatingSystemVersion"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "MajorImageVersion"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "MinorImageVersion"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "MajorSubsystemVersion"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "MinorSubsystemVersion"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "Win32VersionValue"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SizeOfImage"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SizeOfHeaders"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "CheckSum"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "Subsystem"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "DllCharacteristics"},
+        { size = plussize,
+          name = "SizeOfStackReserve"},
+        { size = plussize,
+          name = "SizeOfStackCommit"},
+        { size = plussize,
+          name = "SizeOfHeapReserve"},
+        { size = plussize,
+          name = "SizeOfHeapCommit"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "LoaderFlags"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "NumberOfRvaAndSizes"},
+      }, f, out)
+    -- Read data directory entries
+    for i = 1, M.toDec(out.NumberOfRvaAndSizes) do
+      out.DataDirectory = out.DataDirectory or {}
+      out.DataDirectory[i] = get_list({
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "VirtualAddress"},
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "Size"},
+        }, f)
+    end
+    for i, name in ipairs{"ExportTable", "ImportTable", "ResourceTable",
+        "ExceptionTable", "CertificateTable", "BaseRelocationTable",
+        "Debug", "Architecture", "GlobalPtr", "TLSTable",
+        "LoadConfigTable", "BoundImport", "IAT",
+        "DelayImportDescriptor", "CLRRuntimeHeader", "Reserved"} do
+      out.DataDirectory[name] = out.DataDirectory[i]
+      if out.DataDirectory[name] then out.DataDirectory[name].name = name end
+    end
+  end
+  -- parse section table
+  for i = 1, M.toDec(out.NumberOfSections) do
+    out.Sections = out.Sections or {}
+    out.Sections[i] = get_list({
+        { size = 8,
+          name = "Name",
+          is_str = true},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "VirtualSize"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "VirtualAddress"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "SizeOfRawData"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "PointerToRawData"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "PointerToRelocations"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "PointerToLinenumbers"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "NumberOfRelocations"},
+        { size = 2,
+          name = "NumberOfLinenumbers"},
+        { size = 4,
+          name = "Characteristics"},
+      }, f)
+  end
+  -- we now have section data, so add RVA convertion method
+  out.get_fileoffset = M.get_fileoffset
+  -- get the import table
+  f:seek("set", out:get_fileoffset(out.DataDirectory.ImportTable.VirtualAddress))
+  local done = false
+  local cnt = 1
+  while not done do
+    local dll = get_list({
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "ImportLookupTableRVA"},
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "TimeDateStamp"},
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "ForwarderChain"},
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "NameRVA"},
+          { size = 4,
+            name = "ImportAddressTableRVA"},
+        }, f)
+    if M.toDec(dll.NameRVA) == 0 then
+      -- this is the final NULL entry, so we're done
+      done = true
+    else
+      -- store the import entry
+      out.DataDirectory.ImportTable[cnt] = dll
+      cnt = cnt + 1
+    end
+  end
+  -- resolve imported DLL names
+  for i, dll in ipairs(out.DataDirectory.ImportTable) do
+    f:seek("set", out:get_fileoffset(dll.NameRVA))
+    dll.Name = readstring(f)
+  end
+  f:close()
+  return out
+-- pad a string (prefix) to a specific length
+local function pad(str, l, chr)
+  chr = chr or " "
+  l = l or 0
+  return string.rep(chr,l-#str)..str
+--- Dumps the output parsed.
+-- This function is also available as a method on the parsed output table
+M.dump = function(obj)
+  local l = 0
+  for k,v in pairs(obj) do if #k > l then l = #k end end
+  for k,v in pairs(obj) do
+    if (M.const[k] and type(v)=="string") then
+      -- look up named value    
+      print(k..string.rep(" ", l - #k + 1)..": "..M.const[k][v])
+    elseif M.const[k.."_flags"] then
+      -- flags should be listed
+      print(k..string.rep(" ", l - #k + 1)..": "..v.." (flag field)")
+    else
+      -- regular values
+      if type(v) == "number" then
+        print(k..string.rep(" ", l - #k + 1)..": "..v.." (dec)")
+      else
+        if (type(v)=="string") and (k ~= "DataDirectory") and (k ~= "Sections") then
+          print(k..string.rep(" ", l - #k + 1)..": "..v)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if obj.DataDirectory then
+    print("DataDirectory (RVA, size):")
+    for i, v in ipairs(obj.DataDirectory) do
+      print("   Entry "..M.toHex(i-1).." "..pad(v.VirtualAddress,8,"0").." "..pad(v.Size,8,"0").." "
+    end
+  end
+  if obj.Sections then
+    print("Sections:")
+    print("idx name     RVA      VSize    Offset   RawSize")
+    for i, v in ipairs(obj.Sections) do
+      print("  "..i.." "..v.Name.. string.rep(" ",9-#v.Name)..pad(v.VirtualAddress,8,"0").." "..pad(v.VirtualSize,8,"0").." "..pad(v.PointerToRawData,8,"0").." "..pad(v.SizeOfRawData,8,"0"))
+    end
+  end
+  print("Imports:")
+  for i, dll in ipairs(obj.DataDirectory.ImportTable) do
+    print("   "..dll.Name)
+  end
+--- Checks the msvcrt dll the binary was linked against.
+-- Mixing and matching dlls only works when they all are using the same runtime, if
+-- not unexpected errors will probably occur.
+-- Checks the binary provided and then traverses all imported dlls to find the msvcrt
+-- used (it will only look for the dlls in the same directory).
+-- @param infile binary file to check
+-- @return msvcrt name (uppercase, without extension) + file where the reference was found, or nil + error
+function M.msvcrt(infile) 
+  local path, file = infile:match("(.+)\\(.+)$")
+  if not path then
+    path = ""
+    file = infile
+  else
+    path=path .. "\\"
+  end
+  local obj, err = M.parse(path..file)
+  if not obj then return obj, err end
+  for i, dll in ipairs(obj.DataDirectory.ImportTable) do
+    dll = dll.Name:upper()
+	  local result = dll:match('(MSVCR%d*D?)%.DLL')
+	  if not result then
+	    result = dll:match('(MSVCRTD?)%.DLL')
+	  end
+	  if not result then
+	    result = dll:match('(VCRUNTIME%d*D?)%.DLL')
+	  end
+    -- success, found it return name + binary where it was found
+    if result then return result, infile end
+  end
+  -- not found, so traverse all imported dll's
+  for i, dll in ipairs(obj.DataDirectory.ImportTable) do
+    local rt, ref = M.msvcrt(path..dll.Name)
+    if rt then 
+      return rt, ref  -- found it
+    end
+  end
+  return nil, "No msvcrt found"
+return M
cgit v1.2.3-55-g6feb