@echo off cd %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER% :: ========================================================= :: Set some defaults. Infer some variables. :: :: These are set globally if "%LUA_VER%" NEQ "" ( set LUA=lua set LUA_SHORTV=%LUA_VER:~0,3% ) else ( set LUA=luajit set LJ_SHORTV=%LJ_VER:~0,3% set LUA_SHORTV=5.1 ) :: unless we specify a platform on appveyor.yaml, we won't get this variable if not defined platform set platform=x86 :: defines LUA_DIR so Cmake can find this Lua install if "%LUA%"=="luajit" ( set LUA_DIR=c:\lua\%platform%\lj%LJ_SHORTV% ) else ( set LUA_DIR=c:\lua\%platform%\%LUA_VER% ) :: Now we declare a scope Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion EnableExtensions if not defined LUA_URL set LUA_URL=http://www.lua.org/ftp if not defined LUAJIT_GIT_REPO set LUAJIT_GIT_REPO=http://luajit.org/git/luajit-2.0.git if not defined LUAJIT_URL set LUAJIT_URL=http://luajit.org/download if not defined SEVENZIP set SEVENZIP=7z :: :: ========================================================= :: first create some necessary directories: mkdir downloads 2>NUL :: Download and compile Lua (or LuaJIT) if "%LUA%"=="luajit" ( if not exist %LUA_DIR% ( if "%LJ_SHORTV%"=="2.1" ( :: Clone repository and checkout 2.1 branch set lj_source_folder=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\downloads\luajit-%LJ_VER% if not exist !lj_source_folder! ( echo Cloning git repo %LUAJIT_GIT_REPO% !lj_source_folder! git clone %LUAJIT_GIT_REPO% !lj_source_folder! || call :die "Failed to clone repository" ) cd !lj_source_folder!\src git checkout v2.1 || call :die ) else ( set lj_source_folder=%APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\downloads\luajit-%LJ_VER% if not exist !lj_source_folder! ( echo Downloading... %LUAJIT_URL%/LuaJIT-%LJ_VER%.tar.gz curl --silent --fail --max-time 120 --connect-timeout 30 %LUAJIT_URL%/LuaJIT-%LJ_VER%.tar.gz | %SEVENZIP% x -si -so -tgzip | %SEVENZIP% x -si -ttar -aoa -odownloads ) cd !lj_source_folder!\src ) :: Compiles LuaJIT call msvcbuild.bat mkdir %LUA_DIR% 2> NUL for %%a in (bin include lib) do ( mkdir "%LUA_DIR%\%%a" ) for %%a in (luajit.exe lua51.dll) do ( move "!lj_source_folder!\src\%%a" "%LUA_DIR%\bin" ) move "!lj_source_folder!\src\lua51.lib" "%LUA_DIR%\lib" for %%a in (lauxlib.h lua.h lua.hpp luaconf.h lualib.h luajit.h) do ( copy "!lj_source_folder!\src\%%a" "%LUA_DIR%\include" ) ) else ( echo LuaJIT %LJ_VER% already installed at %LUA_DIR% ) ) else ( if not exist %LUA_DIR% ( :: Download and compile Lua if not exist downloads\lua-%LUA_VER% ( curl --silent --fail --max-time 120 --connect-timeout 30 %LUA_URL%/lua-%LUA_VER%.tar.gz | %SEVENZIP% x -si -so -tgzip | %SEVENZIP% x -si -ttar -aoa -odownloads ) mkdir downloads\lua-%LUA_VER%\etc 2> NUL if not exist downloads\lua-%LUA_VER%\etc\winmake.bat ( curl --silent --location --insecure --fail --max-time 120 --connect-timeout 30 https://github.com/Tieske/luawinmake/archive/master.tar.gz | %SEVENZIP% x -si -so -tgzip | %SEVENZIP% e -si -ttar -aoa -odownloads\lua-%LUA_VER%\etc luawinmake-master\etc\winmake.bat ) cd downloads\lua-%LUA_VER% call etc\winmake call etc\winmake install %LUA_DIR% ) else ( echo Lua %LUA_VER% already installed at %LUA_DIR% ) ) if not exist %LUA_DIR%\bin\%LUA%.exe call :die "Missing Lua interpreter at %LUA_DIR%\bin\%LUA%.exe" set PATH=%LUA_DIR%\bin;%PATH% call %LUA% -v :: Exports the following variables: endlocal & set PATH=%PATH% echo. echo ====================================================== if "%LUA%"=="luajit" ( echo Installation of LuaJIT %LJ_VER% done. ) else ( echo Installation of Lua %LUA_VER% done. ) echo Platform - %platform% echo LUA - %LUA% echo LUA_SHORTV - %LUA_SHORTV% echo LJ_SHORTV - %LJ_SHORTV% echo. echo ====================================================== echo. goto :eof :: This blank space is intentional. If you see errors like "The system cannot find the batch label specified 'foo'" :: then try adding or removing blank lines lines above. :: Yes, really. :: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/232651/why-the-system-cannot-find-the-batch-label-specified-is-thrown-even-if-label-e :: helper functions: :: for bailing out when an error occurred :die %1 echo %1 exit /B 1 goto :eof