package = "lua-zlib" version = "1.2-0" source = { url = "git://", tag = "v1.2", } description = { summary = "Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua.", detailed = [[ Simple streaming interface to zlib for Lua. Consists of two functions: inflate and deflate. Both functions return "stream functions" (takes a buffer of input and returns a buffer of output). This project is hosted on github. ]], homepage = "", license = "MIT" } dependencies = { "lua >= 5.1, <= 5.3" } external_dependencies = { ZLIB = { header = "zlib.h", library = "z", } } build = { type = "builtin", modules = { zlib = { sources = { "lua_zlib.c" }, libraries = { "z" }, defines = { "LZLIB_COMPAT" }, incdirs = { "$(ZLIB_INCDIR)" }, libdirs = { "$(ZLIB_LIBDIR)" }, } }, }