local _MODREV, _SPECREV = '35.1', '-1' package = 'luaposix' version = _MODREV .. _SPECREV description = { summary = 'Lua bindings for POSIX', detailed = [[ A library binding various POSIX APIs. POSIX is the IEEE Portable Operating System Interface standard. luaposix is based on lposix. ]], homepage = 'http://github.com/luaposix/luaposix/', license = 'MIT/X11', } dependencies = { 'lua >= 5.1, < 5.5', } do -- We only want to install a bit32 module for Lua 5.1. local _ENV={package=nil, dependencies=dependencies} if package then dependencies[#dependencies + 1] = 'bit32' end end source = { url = 'http://github.com/luaposix/luaposix/archive/v' .. _MODREV .. '.zip', dir = 'luaposix-' .. _MODREV, } build = { type = 'command', build_command = '$(LUA) build-aux/luke' .. ' package="' .. package .. '"' .. ' version="' .. _MODREV .. '"' .. ' PREFIX="$(PREFIX)"' .. ' LUA="$(LUA)"' .. ' LUA_INCDIR="$(LUA_INCDIR)"' .. ' CFLAGS="$(CFLAGS)"' .. ' LIBFLAG="$(LIBFLAG)"' .. ' LIB_EXTENSION="$(LIB_EXTENSION)"' .. ' OBJ_EXTENSION="$(OBJ_EXTENSION)"' .. ' INST_LIBDIR="$(LIBDIR)"' .. ' INST_LUADIR="$(LUADIR)"' , install_command = '$(LUA) build-aux/luke install --quiet' .. ' INST_LIBDIR="$(LIBDIR)"' .. ' LIB_EXTENSION="$(LIB_EXTENSION)"' .. ' INST_LUADIR="$(LUADIR)"' , } if _MODREV == 'git' then dependencies[#dependencies + 1] = 'ldoc' source = { url = 'git://github.com/luaposix/luaposix.git', } end