# Config file format The LuaRocks configuration file is a Lua file containing assignments. Default values are assumed for variables that are not assigned explicitly. The location of the configuration file can be configured through flags during installation. If no `--force-config` or `/FORCECONFIG` flags were used on installation, the `LUAROCKS_CONFIG` environment variable can be used as well (or for a particular Lua version, `LUAROCKS_CONFIG_5_2`, similar to the `LUA_PATH_5_2` feature introduced in Lua 5.2). The default value is platform-dependent; exact paths depend on flags given during installation, but on Unix systems it would be something like `/etc/luarocks/config.lua` or `/etc/luarocks/config-5.1.lua` for older versions of lua; on Windows systems, `c:\luarocks\config.lua`. Specifically on Unix systems, the following directories are searched (in this order) for a user config file: * `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/luarocks/`. * `$HOME/.config/luarocks/`. * `$HOME/.luarocks/`. # Locations * `rocks_trees` (array of strings or tables) - The path to the local rocks trees, where rocks are installed. When installing rocks, LuaRocks tries to pick a location to store the rock starting from the bottom of the list; when loading rocks in runtime, LuaRocks scans from the top of the list. This way, if one has the local dir first and the system-wide dir last (this is what the default installation does, for instance), rocks installed by the user take precedence over rocks installed system-wide, and rocks installed by the admin user go to the system-wide dir while user installations go to their home directory. An entry in this table can be: * a string, denoting the prefix of a tree. For example: `home.."/.luarocks"` * a table, where deployment subdirectories of a tree can be further customized. The 'root' field is mandatory; 'bin_dir', 'lib_dir' and 'lua_dir' are optional. Example: `{ root = home.."/local", bin_dir = home.."/local/arch/bin", lib_dir = home.."/local/arch/lib/lua/5.1", lua_dir = home.."/local/share/lua/5.1" }` * `rocks_servers` (array of strings) - Remote URLs or local pathnames of rocks servers: directories containing .rock or .rockspec files, and a "manifest" file, generated by the luarocks-admin make_manifest command. Default is { "http://luarocks.org/repositories/rocks" }. * `external_deps_dirs` (array of strings) - Where to look for external dependencies, when a prefix is not set for a specific dependency in the _variables_ table (see below) or through the command-line. Default is { "/usr/local", "/usr" } on Unix; { "c:\\external" } on Windows. * `external_deps_subdirs` (table with string keys and string values) - Subdirectories to be used in conjunction with external_deps_dirs. Specifies where to look for specific types external dependencies. This can be overriden, for example, on Linux distributions which feature multiarch libraries and libraries are no longer in the "lib" subdir. Default is { bin = "bin", lib = "lib", include = "include" }. * `runtime_external_deps_subdirs` (table with string keys and string values) - Same as the above, to be used with _luarocks install_. * `lib_modules_path` (string) - The path where modules with native C extensions will be installed. If you are using a x86_64 *nix OS, you will probably need this line in `config.lua`: `lib_modules_path="/lib64/lua/"..lua_version`. See [issue 416](https://github.com/keplerproject/luarocks/issues/416). # File upload * `upload_server` (string) - An FTP URL for a rock server (optionally including username and password), or an alias specified in the upload_servers table. Example: `"ftp://_user_:_password_@ftp.luarocks.org/repositories/rocks"` * `upload_user` (string) - Default login name rock servers. * `upload_password` (string) - Default password rock servers. * `upload_servers` (table with string keys and table values) - A list of aliases for URLs, to be used for accessing repositories through various protocols. Each entry has a string alias as a key and a table as a value. This table value contains protocol names as keys and pathnames as values. Protocols "http", "ftp" and "sftp" are supported. Example: `{ rocks = { http = "www.example.com/rocks", sftp = "example.com/var/rocks" } }` # Platform-specific settings * `lua_extension` (string) - Filename extension of Lua files (without the dot/separator). Default is "lua". * `lib_extension` (string) - Filename extension of dynamic library files (without the dot/separator). Default is "so" on Unix; "dll" on Windows. * `arch` (string) - A two-part string identifying operating system and hardware architecture, for filtering binary rocks. This value is autodetected by LuaRocks. Example values are "macosx-powerpc" and "win32-x86". * `platforms` (array of string) - A list of string identifiers indicating which platform constraints can be satisfied by the running system. This is used for filtering commands on the LuaRocks build rules. This allows a more general platform definition such as "unix" when the same build commands are valid for all Unix variants, instead of enumerating all known valid arch entries, and at the same time using a more specific definition such as "macosx" when a platform-specific flag is used. This value is automatically filled according to the value of _arch_. * `external_deps_patterns` (table) - Name patterns to be used when matching dependencies in a [portable way](platform_agnostic_external_dependencies.md). * `runtime_external_deps_patterns` (table) - Name patterns to be used by _luarocks install_ when matching dependencies in a [portable way](platform_agnostic_external_dependencies.md). * `link_lua_explicitly` (boolean) - Link the Lua library to the built modules when using the builtin mode (this is set to true for Cygwin). # Variables * `variables` (table) - A table containing string-to-string key-value pairs containing variables to be substituted by build rules in rockspecs. LuaRocks provides a general facility for build back-ends in which they can substitute the entries of this table in strings containing references written $(LIKE_THIS). Some standard variables are expected by the included back-ends. For example, the "make" back-end expects the LIBFLAG to contain the flag to be passed to the C compiler to instruct it to build a shared library. So, in Linux systems, `variables["LIBFLAG"] = "-shared"`. After reading the user entries, LuaRocks dynamically adds entries to this table that refer to the rock being compiled, to make values available to the build back-end. These are: * `PREFIX` - The installation prefix of the rock (absolute path inside the rocks tree). Example: `"/home/hisham/.luarocks/5.1/foo/1.0-1/"` * `LUADIR` - Directory for storing Lua modules written in Lua (absolute path inside the rock entry of the rocks tree). Example: `"/home/hisham/.luarocks/5.1/foo/1.0-1/lua/"` * `LIBDIR` - Directory for storing Lua modules written in C (absolute path inside the rock entry of the rocks tree). Example: `"/home/hisham/.luarocks/5.1/foo/1.0-1/lib/"` * `BINDIR` - Directory for storing command-line scripts (absolute path inside the rock entry of the rocks tree). Example: `"/home/hisham/.luarocks/5.1/foo/1.0-1/bin/"` * `CONFDIR` - Directory for storing configuration files for a module (absolute path inside the rock entry of the rocks tree). Example: `"/home/hisham/.luarocks/5.1/foo/1.0-1/conf/"` Such entries should not be added by the user in the configuration file, as they are dynamically constructed for each different rock. If you need to customize the various locations where files are deployed in a tree, use the table syntax for `rocks_trees` entries (see above). (since 2.0.5) You can also override external commands called by LuaRocks by using entries in the _variables_ table, in case you need to customize the way they are called. Note that by installing appropriate Lua modules, most of these external command invocations can be avoided. Currently recognized entries in the _variables_ table are: * `MAKE` for build.type="make"; * `CC, LD` (and `RC` on Windows) for build.type="builtin"; * `CVS, GIT, SSCM, SVN` for their respective download protocols; * `RSYNC, SCP` for luarocks-admin operations; * `WGET` or `CURL` when LuaSocket is not installed; * `PWD, MKDIR, RMDIR, CP, LS, RM, FIND, TEST, CHMOD, STAT` when LuaFileSystem is not installed; * `ZIP` when Lua-Zlib is not installed; * `UNZIP` when LuaZip is not installed; * `GUNZIP, BUNZIP2, TAR` on Unix or `SEVENZ` on Windows for source extraction during "luarocks build"; * `MD5SUM, OPENSSL` or `MD5` according to the operating system, when the Lua md5 module is not installed. # External input As the config file itself is a Lua code file, there is some possibility to execute Lua code. Because it is run in a sandbox this is very limited, but might still be useful. What LuaRocks makes available: * parameters/values: several values are made available to the config file (pre-loaded in the sandbox) and include things like processor and OS platform, rocks trees which are in use, etc. (see `dump_env()` below) * function: `os_getenv(varname)`; this is the regular Lua function `os.getenv()` and allows one to fetch environment variable values from the OS. * function: `dump_env()`; this will dump a list of all variables provided by LuaRocks as a debug aid. To test this, add a line `dump_env()` to your config file and execute `luarocks` on the commandline to see the results. # Other * `cmake_generator` (string) - If specified it overrides the default cmake generator. Currently only Makefile-based generators are supported. * `wrap_bin_scripts` (boolean) - The default value is true: scripts installed at bin/ are launched by a wrapper script that sets path environment variables to ensure Lua modules are found. If set to false, scripts installed at bin/ are copied directly, and no wrappers are generated. * `use_extensions` (boolean) - If specified, rockspec format verison 1.1 is enabled, adding the deploy.wrap_bin_scripts option to the rockspec format, which acts like the wrap_bin_scripts option above, in a rock by rock basis. * `local_by_default` (boolean) - If `true`, the tree in the user's home directory is used as if the command line option `--local` had been given