# Credits # Institutional Sponsors While developed by an open source community, LuaRocks has been supported in various forms by a number of organizations over the years and we thank every one of them: * [CNPq](http://www.cnpq.br) * [Fábrica Digital](http://www.fabricadigital.com.br/) * [FINEP](http://www.finep.gov.br/) * [IMPA](http://www.impa.br/) * [LabLua](http://www.lua.inf.puc-rio.br/) * [itch.io](http://itch.io/) * [Kong](http://getkong.org/) # Developers LuaRocks is a collective project, a product of [many hands](https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/graphs/contributors). The implementation is led by [Hisham Muhammad](http://hisham.hm), but see the [Git history](https://github.com/luarocks/luarocks/commits/master) for detailed credits.