# File formats These pages are the reference specification for file formats used by LuaRocks. All files are actual Lua files, but they are loaded in a restricted environment in which the standard Lua libraries are not available. * [Rockspec format](rockspec_format.md) - Rockspecs are the files which contain rules explaining how rocks are built and installed as well as their dependencies and other metadata. * [Config file format](config_file_format.md) - The specification of the LuaRocks configuration file format, as it takes shape. * [Manifest file format](manifest_file_format.md) - The index file that describes a LuaRocks [repository](rocks_repositories.md), used by both rocks servers and rocks trees. * [Rock file format](rock_file_format.md) - Reference to the .rock file format: the installable packages produced from [rockspecs](rockspec_format.md).