# Installation instructions for Unix The LuaRocks build system for Unix is based on a simple "configure" script and a Makefile. ## Quick start To get a default installation of Lua and LuaRocks under `/usr/local`: First, ensure that you have development tools installed on your system, otherwise run the command below to install them. For Ubuntu/Debian systems, this should do it: ``` -$ sudo apt install build-essential libreadline-dev unzip ``` For Yum-based distributions, try this: ``` -$ sudo yum install libtermcap-devel ncurses-devel libevent-devel readline-devel ``` Then, to get Lua, either install it using your package manager of choice, or follow the instructions below. * Download and unpack [latest Lua ".tar.gz" file](https://www.lua.org/ftp/). * Go to the unpacked Lua directory. * To build and install Lua, run the following commands. ``` -$ make all test -$ sudo make install ``` Once Lua and its dependencies are installed, it is time to install LuaRocks: * Download and unpack [latest LuaRocks ".tar.gz" file](https://luarocks.github.io/luarocks/releases/). * Go to the unpacked LuaRocks directory. * To configure, build and install LuaRocks, run the following commands. The `./configure` script will attempt to detect your installation of Lua. If you get any error messages, see the section "[Customizing your settings](#customizing-your-settings)", below. ``` -$ ./configure --with-lua-include=/usr/local/include -$ make -$ sudo make install ``` Installation should be done! Run `luarocks` with no arguments to see a summary of your settings. This should be sufficient. For more information and installation options, read on. ## The default settings The default settings are suitable for installing LuaRocks globally in your system while allowing both system-wide and per-user sets of rocks. User accounts will be able to install their own rocks in their $HOME directory, and the superuser can install rocks that will be available for everyone. By default LuaRocks will install itself in `/usr/local`, like Lua, and will use `/usr/local/etc/luarocks/config.lua` as a default path for the configuration file. The default system-wide rocks trees is configured as `/usr/local/lib/luarocks`, and per-user rocks install at `$HOME/.luarocks/rocks/`. Command-line scripts provided by rocks will be installed in `/usr/local/lib/luarocks/bin/` or `$HOME/.luarocks/bin/`, respectively. The user may then add these directories to their `$PATH` variable. ## Customizing your settings All paths described above can be overridden with flags in the `configure` script, or entries in the configuration file. These are the supported flags, as presented by the `--help` option: ``` Installation directories: --prefix=PREFIX Directory where LuaRocks should be installed, Default is '/usr/local' By default, `make install' will install all the files in `/usr/local', `/usr/local/lib' etc. You can specify an installation prefix other than `/usr/local/' using `--prefix', for instance `--prefix=$HOME'. For better control, use the options below. Fine tuning of the installation directories: --sysconfdir=SYSCONFDIR Directory for single-machine config. Default is PREFIX/etc Where to install files provided by rocks: --rocks-tree=DIR Root of the local tree of installed rocks. To make files installed in this location accessible to Lua and your $PATH, see "luarocks path --help" after installation. Avoid using paths controlled by your system's package manager, such as /usr. - Default is PREFIX Where is your Lua interpreter: --lua-version=VERSION Use specific Lua version: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, or 5.4 - Default is auto-detected. --with-lua-bin=LUA_BINDIR Location of your Lua binar(y/ies). - Default is the directory of the auto-detected Lua interpreter, (or DIR/bin if --with-lua is used) --with-lua=LUA_DIR Use Lua from given directory. Default is LUA_BINDIR/.. --with-lua-include=DIR Lua's includes dir. Default is LUA_DIR/include --with-lua-lib=DIR Lua's libraries dir. Default is LUA_DIR/lib --with-lua-interpreter=NAME Lua interpreter name. - Default is to auto-detected For specialized uses of LuaRocks: --force-config Force using a single config location. Do not honor the $LUAROCKS_CONFIG_5_x or $LUAROCKS_CONFIG environment variable or the user's local config. Useful to avoid conflicts when LuaRocks is embedded within an application. --disable-incdir-check If you do not wish to use "luarocks build", (e.g. when only deploying binary packages) you do not need lua.h installed. This flag skips the check for lua.h in "configure". ``` After installation, a default config file called config.lua will be installed at the directory defined by `--sysconfdir`. For further configuration of LuaRocks paths, see the [Config file format](config_file_format.md). ## Next steps Once LuaRocks is installed, learn more about [using LuaRocks](using_luarocks.md).