# luarocks-admin remove Remove a rock or rockspec from a rocks server. ## Usage `luarocks-admin remove [--server=] [--no-refresh] {|}...` Arguments are local files, which may be rockspecs or rocks. The flag `--server` indicates which server to use. If not given, the default server set in the `upload_server` variable from the [configuration files](config_file_format.md) is used instead. The flag `--no-refresh` indicates the local cache should not be refreshed prior to generation of the updated manifest. You need to have [rsync](https://rsync.samba.org/) installed in order to use this command. ## Examples ### Basic example Remove a rockspec from your default configured upload server: ``` luarocks-admin remove lpeg-0.9-1.rockspec ``` ### Handling multiple repositories Assuming your `~/.luarocks/config.lua` file looks like this: ```lua upload_server = "main" upload_servers = { main = { rsync = "www.example.com/repos/main", }, dev = { rsync = "www.example.com/repos/devel-rocks", }, } ``` you can specify which repository to use with the `--server` flag: ``` luarocks-admin remove --server=dev my_rock-scm-1.rockspec ```