# luarocks path Return the currently configured package path. ## Usage `luarocks path [--append] [--bin] [--lr-path | --lr-cpath | --lr-bin]` Prints package paths for this installation of Luarocks formatted as a shell script. The script prepends these values to default system ones (`package.path` and `package.cpath`) and updates `$LUA_PATH` and `$LUA_CPATH` environment variables. On Unix systems, you may run: ``` eval $(luarocks path) ``` If `--append` is passed, LuaRocks paths are appended to system values instead of being prepended. If `--bin` is passed it also prints path to the directories where command-line scripts provided by rocks are located, prepending it to `$PATH` (or appending if `--append` is used). `--lr-path`, `--lr-cpath`, and `--lr-bin` flags print just corresponding paths, without systems values and not formatted as a shell script. ## Example ``` luarocks path ```